• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 5,363 Views, 136 Comments

Trixie's Return - LightningBass94

Trixie returns to Ponyville again, but why is she here?

  • ...

All Apologies

Trixie had a restless night. She thrashed in her bed. Her mind was full of the events set out before her. She groaned in the dark, barely disturbing the other two beings, blissfully snuggling their blankets in their slumber. That just made Trixie groan more, louder this time. How could they allow the Great and Powerful Trixie to writhe in her restlessness as they dreamt peacefully? She looked over to the alarm clock on the night stand. It read 6:47. It was already morning and Celestia would be raising that horrible, dreadful sun soon. She sat up and rubbed her eyelids momentarily before groaning deliberately.

Mid-groan, a pillow silenced her, making contact with the side of her head. She shot daggers at the other end of the room. She looked at Spike first. Nothing would wake the dragon, and he slept upon his only pillow. She turned her gaze to Twilight's bed. The lavendar mare looked as peaceful and asleep as she had before. Her own pillow was underneath her head, however, "Ah ha! I caught you, offender!" The other pillow that belonged on her bed was missing, no, not missing. It was lying right beside Trixie's flank. She picked it up with a lavendar aura, a devilish grin upon her face as she shot it back toward the alicorn's face. It made contact. "Yes! Direct hit! Trixie has sunk your battleship!" No sooner had the thought wandered into her mind, when she was hit by the pillow once again, this time a bit more forcefully. She looked over to yet again see Twilight seemingly asleep. "Oh, it. Is. On, Sparkle!" She thought. She slunk off her bed, magically padding her steps as she tip-toed toward the other bed, holding the pillow in her magic. When she was close enough, she let out a fierce roar and pounced upon Twilight, hitting her with a barrage of pillow-based attacks with her magic.

Twilight's eyes shot open and she squealed happily, laughing as she was assaulted. Eventually, she was able to grab hold of the pillow and they pushed against each other's magic, both trying to hit the other in the face when SLIP! The pillow flew horizontally into the vanity, knocking something off it loudly. Spike mumbled and turned over in his sleep. The mares had both directed their attention to the vanity, but as they stared back at each other, they finally realized how close they were. With the pillow between them gone, their muzzles were just inches away. The duvet had been kicked toward the bottom of the bed sometime during Twilight's slumber, leaving just a thin, white bedsheet between their hot bodies. Both mares blushed furiously. Twilight's wing pomfed, and their blushes only darkened. Trixie climbed off of the bed and was sure not to make eye contact with Twilight again. "T-Trixie will go make coffee," She stammered. "Please join her when you've taken care of your, erm, problem." With that she quickly left the room, never turning back. She closed the door behind her with magic. "Dear Celestia, how embarrassing!"


"Do- do I really have to go out there?" Trixie whimpered, staring out the open door. Her stage presence faded in her anxiety. The pair had decided to go to Sweet Apple Acres to apologize first, but Trixie was having second thoughts. Twilight laid a wing over the unicorn's back to comfort her and gave her a warm smile. Trixie smiled back at her friend. She turned back to the door, took a deep breath in, closed her eyes, and took a single step outside. As light from Celestia's sun hit her eyelids, she cowered in fear, but soon realized nothing would happen. She struggled to open her eyes as she slowly began to relax. She let out a breath she had not realized she had been holding. It was a beautiful day. The sky was a deep blue with small clouds scattered across it's surface, providing adequate protection from the sun, but not enough to ruin the beauty of the day. The market in the distance was bustling with ponies, all out enjoying the day as they shopped and ate at the various restaurants. The trees and grass were a deep green, the birds abundant and of all different colors. They sang pleasant tunes as they soared and danced through the air, as well as when they were perched upon the trees. The air smelled of pastries and fresh-cut grass. Trixie breathed in the sweet air and smiled widely, momentarily forgetting the tasks at hand. She had to admit to herself, "Ponyville is beautiful."

Twilight smiled and pranced ahead, making her way toward their destination. "See? What did I tell you?" She asked, rhetorically, "C'mon! We've got a lot to do today!" She called back. Trixie followed after her at a brisk pace, slowing down as she caught up. "AppleJack is the most sincere and forgiving of the group, so as long as you're nice to her, she should accept your apology," Twilight explained, "Just be honest."

"AppleJack is the pony I-"

"Hog-tied?" Trixie nodded solemnly at the words, "Yes, but that's what we're here for, right?"

"R-right," The two walked in silence the rest of the way up the beaten dirt path to Sweet Apple Acres. The Apple Family barn had just come into view when the pair heard an angry yell in the distance.

AppleJack approached them from inside the barn, "You!" She spat, "You gotta' lot a' nerve comin' here on mah property after all that you done!" She got in Trixie's face and the unicorn had to resist the urge to place a hoof squarely on the side of AppleJacks head, not wanting to have a repeat of the earlier situation. "What're you doin' here?"

Trixie sighed. She needed to remain calm, for her own sake, "Listen, AppleJack, was it?" When she heard no response, she continued, "Trixie is sorry."

Applejack huffed, "Sorry? Sorry ain't gonna' cut it Missy!" AppleJack didn't seem to be getting any calmer.

"AppleJack, j-" Twilight tried to intervene, but she was quickly interrupted.

"No, you listen here!" She ordered the two of them, then directed her full attention back to the blue unicorn. "Yer little stunt at the magic show was mighty embarrassin', but yer dome? Oh, yer dome stopped my apple shipments cold! They coulda' gone bad! On top of that, you tried to turn my orchard into a rock farm!"

A pink pony seemed to materialize out of thin air next to AppleJack, startling all three of the mares. "Hey!" She sounded, actual offense taken to AppleJack's comment, "I thought that was a great idea!" She turned her gaze to Trixie and gasped. "She got up beside her and gave her a classic Pinkie greeting, "Oh my gosh, it's you! Hi. I'm Pinkie Pie, but you already knew that. I'm glad you're ok. I heard all about what happened and I was all like, 'Oh no! I hope she's ok,' but here you are, so you must be ok. You're breathing, at least. Look, I'm breathing too! I really liked your idea for a rock farm. They make good bits! I grew up on a rock farm, and-"

"PINKIE!" Everyone shouted. Pinkie stopped talking, giving them a sheepish grin.

Trixie took the silence as an oppurtunity to re-apologize, "AppleJack, Trixie is sorry she ruined your business schedule. She was in a -bad place- but that's no excuse. She would really like to make it up to you somehow in the near future, perhaps baking? Pinkie Pie, Trixie would like to apologize for deleting your mouth," She added in her head, "Though, silence is golden."

"Silence isn't golden, silly! It's quiet!" Pinkie giggled, "Oh, and I forgive you."

"Wha-huh?" Trixie was in utter confusion, "But, I didn't-"

"Wait, ye'r fergivin' her already?" AppleJack sputtered, "After all she done did ta us?"

"Well, yeah! Did you hear about what happened?" Pinkie smiled at Trixie, "She went through so~ much trouble just to apologize to us, and that shows me that she's totally sincere!"

"Well, I guess ye'r right, Sugar Cube," She looked at Trixie. She spat on a hoof and extended it. Trixie hesitantly extended her own hoof and shook. "Welcome ta Ponyville!"


"So. Many. Apple-based Products." Trixie groaned, stomach full to bursting. "Trixie never wants to see an apple again in this lifetime." After she had been forgiven, AppleJack had given Trixie the grand tour of Sweet Apple Acres. At the end, there was a smörgåsbord of assorted baked goods. AJ hadn't attacked Twilight with them this time, but Trixie was made to taste each and every one, a hellish fate that Pinkie Pie seemed extremely jealous of.

Twilight giggled, remembering her first encounter with the orange earth pony. "Yeah, AJ really does like to give her new friends quite a warm welcome." The two trotted down another dirt road, away from Ponyville in a different direction. Pinkie Pie had bounced off to do some "Shopping." They were making their way to Fluttershy's cottage. Twilight had suggested that Trixie apologize to Fluttershy next, as she would be less willing to start a fight. The dark EverFree Forest loomed over them, just on the other side of the trail.

"You call that a greeting?" Trixie asked, incredulously, "Trixie calls it a Great and Powerful stomach ache!" Twilight giggled at the half-hearted joke. As they approached the cottage, Trixie felt a calming sensation. All the birds, trees, small furry creatures, and even the flowers were behaving and growing in a manner that seemed to be both organized and disorganized. It left a serene feeling on the gentle breeze. It was the perfect blend of harmony and discord. Little did she know that this was, in fact, the home of an element of harmony and Discord, the lord of disharmony, himself. At that time, however, Discord was meeting in Canterlot with the royal sisters on official business.

Twilight gently rapped on the door. "Come in~," they heard Fluttershy call from within. Twilight gently pushed the door open and was relieved to see it relatively orderly without Discord present. Sure, the animals were all running and flying around the house, but they weren't on ice scates this time! Fluttershy didn't appreciate Discord messing with the animals much, anyway; especially so after he made their heads spin around on their shoulders and breath fire. Fluttershy was in the kitchen when they walked in. She was humming and cleaning. As she slowly cantered into the den, she made note of who had entered her home. Her eyes went wide in terror and she screamed, "Trixie!"

As she cowered in fear, a very defensive-looking bear shielded her, and more ferociously, Angel in front of that. Trixie didn't notice Angel though, because she was too busy mimicking Fluttershy's own actions at the appearance of a, "B-b-b- bear!" She had been afraid of bears ever since the Ursa Minor incident. A bemused Twilight flew into the air, eliminating Trixie's hiding place behind her flank. She shot the bear a look that said, "Move, or I'll make you." He shrugged and walked into the kitchen and out the open back door. This left Trixie and Fluttershy both cowering, eyes closed, behind nothing.

"Will both of you just get up?" Twilight spoke up, exasperated by the whole situation. It seemed even her less troublesome friends were going to give them trouble today. "Trixie, the bear is gone, and Fluttershy, Trixie just has something she wants to say to you." The mares slowly left their cowering positions and stared at each other a couple seconds.

"Y-you do?" Fluttershy asked, barely over a whisper. She was still extremely wary of the magician's presence of her home.\

"Yes, Fluttershy," Trixie responded. "Trixie would like to, first and foremost, apologize for enslaving you. Now, seeing how far your home is from the rest of Ponyville, she would also like to apologize for undoubtedly seperating you from it and your, erm, critters." She hung her head low. "Is there anything I can do to make up for it?"

"You could be my friend," The pegasus smiled, half of it hidden behind her hair.

"What, really?" The blue unicorn perked up a bit.

"Well, yes. If I can befriend Discord, then I can certainly-"

If she had been ready to look away from Fluttershy, Trixie most certainly would have done a double-take. "Wait, what?" She asked, incredulously. "You're friends with Discord?"

Still hovering in the air, Twilight spoke up, "Actually, she's, more or less, with Discord." She chuckled sheepishly. Fluttershy slunk to the ground and attempted to cover more of her bright red face behind her hair. It didn't seem to be very effective. Trixie looked back and forth between the two mares, a dumbfounded expression on her face.

"Trixie demands answers."


Twilight and Trixie cantered down the road, back toward Ponyville. Trixie was still try to wrap her head around just how important all these ponies she had put down -and even enslaved- were in Equestria. It was embarrassing, to say the least. She had been so foalish this entire time. They had stayed for tea with Fluttershy, and the talk they had was a humbling one. She never would have expected so much from somepony so quiet. She thought about this in contrast to her own boasting. If she really was Great and Powerful, she should be a better showpony and just show it. She made a mental note to apologize the the town's ponies for that just before realizing Twilight had been talking to her. She tuned in just in time to hear, "Seeing as her cloud house is on the way, we should probably go see Rainb-"

"Her?" Trixie interrupted. She would have explained herself had a voice from behind them not quickly responded to Twilight soon after.

"You don't have to," the voice responded. "I'm right here." The pair turned, startled, to see a gaunt looking Rainbow Dash. Her mane was disshevelled, her eyes tired, and her wings had seemingly not been preened for a week. She stood weakly, just a couple hooves behind the pair. A solemn expression upon her normally cheerful face, she opened her her mouth to speak. A scream sounded, but it was not her own. Trixie ran as fast as she could away from the prismatic mare.

Twilight looked apologetically at Rainbow. "I'm sorry Dash, but you know I can't leave her on her own." Rainbow nodded her head slowly. Ther was a flash of light as Twilight teleported away.

"I'm sorry too," she replied to no one, silent sobs escaping her.

It took no time at all for Twilight to catch up, and when she found Trixie, she was lying on the ground, sobbing into the grass. Twilight silently approached and laid down beside her. She wrapped a wing around the distraught mare, pulling her in. They laid there in silence for some time before Trixie sniffed and spoke between broken sobs. "Why does she torment me?" She had dropped all semblance of her stage persona, speaking in third pony along with it. Twilight hugged her tighter.

"Rainbow wasn't tormenting you, Trixie," Trixie looked up at her, hurt forming in her eyes before she saw Twilight's sad and understanding expression. She felt for both mares. Both of them were close friends to her, and she hated seeing either of them like that. "Did you see her? If anything, she's been tormenting herself over what she did to you. That was not the Dash I know." Trixie looked away from Twilight, tears flowing freely and silently from her eyes. Twilight used a wing to turn the unicorn's head back her way. They stared into each other's eyes. Trixie was mesmerized as she looked at her own reflection in Twilight's deep purple, calming eyes. "You have no reason to fear Rainbow Dash. She is a good, loyal friend. She didn't mean it. I promise." Twilight nuzzled against the blue mare's cheek, soft, silver hair tickling her muzzle.

She smiled. It soon faded when she realized the intamacy of her actions. She shot up and began pacing along the dirt path. Her cheeks were quickly gaining a pink hue. "Oh my. Oh my, oh my! That was- that was very awkward. Very very awkward! Where did all that come from? Why did I do all that? W-why do I want more?" She slowly turned her head to the unicorn in question. Trixie's tears had faded, but she now wore a concerned expression.

"Twilight, are you," She paused a second, "Alright?"

Twilight just nodded. "Mhm." She tried to calm down as she walked away. "Let's get to Rarity's!" She called back, sounding a bit frantic.

Trixie giggled at this a bit as she got up and stretched. "Adorable."


Rarity's botique was just on the edge of town. It didn't take them long to get there. Trixie was feeling more confident about all this. She was happy she had asked for Twilight's assistance. Apologizing to all her friends first made the upcoming big apology seem much less foreboding. She reached up a hoof and gently knocked three times. It took a minute, but finally Sweetie Belle opened the door. When she saw them standing there, she raised a brow. "What are you doing here?" She asked Trixie, more curiosity laced in her tone than malice.

"We've come to see Rarity," Twilight answered quickly.

Upon hearing a familiar voice, Rarity called from upstairs, "Sweetie Belle, don't just stand there. Let them in."

"Umm...ok?" Sweetie Belle walked back into the house, leaving the door open for the two mares. She sat in front of a large TV next to a brown colt. "Aww, Button! You saved a life for me. That's so sweet!" She pecked him on the cheek and continued playing as the mares made their way up the stairs, closing the door behind them.

Rarity was sitting behind her sewing machine, a pair of crescent-shaped glasses adorned upon her muzzle. She took a quick glance up to them. Seeing Trixie, she stopped sewing. "Ah, hello girls. Welcome, Trixie. It's good to see you're ok, Darling." She gave a small smile. "What brings you both here?"

"Trixie would like to formally apologize about enslaving you and what she did to your hair," Trixie stated.

Rarity beamed at her, "Oh, Darling you're forgiven!"

Trixie and Twilight looked at each other confused. "Really?" They said at once.

"Well yes. I forgave you about that hair thing long ago. Sweetie Belle has done worse to my mane just trying to pour a bowl of cereal." The white unicorn explained.

"I heard that!" Sweetie yelled. Button Mash could be heard snickering from below.



Rarity rolled her eyes, "Sweetie, don't hurt your little coltfriend!" She gave them both an apologetic smile. "Anyway, as I was saying, by the time I came to the conclusion that you were not here to cause any trouble again, I rather got used to the fact that you were in town. It's nice to see you coming around, Darling."

Trixie was speechless. To her, those words alone were proof enough that this mare was the element of generosity. They stayed and chatted for awhile before realizing that they were really running out of time. That morning, Twilight had sent a letter to the mayor asking that everypony be gathered at Town Hall just before sundown. The sun was beginning to dip, and they needed to make their way there. They said their goodbyes and exited the Carousel Boutique.


Everyone stood in wait around Town Hall. For what, most of them had no clue. There was one mare in the crowd that waited just a bit more patiently than the others. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon and the lights on the stage turned on. There was a murmur as the crowd began questioning what was going on. Twilight Sparkle walked up stage, alone. She walked to the podium and greated everypony. "Good evening, all! I bet you're all wondering what you're here for. Well, there is an important announcement that needs to be made. I cannot make it, and neither can Mayor Mare. I want you all to remain calm, please." The crowd began to murmur even louder as she walked off stage. From the bottom of the stairs, the ponies closest could here hoofsteps. The hoofsteps got louder as they climbed to center stage until they stopped. Seconds later, Trixie appeared, disspelling her illusion.

There was a shocked gasp. "Good evening, Ponyvillians! Trixie greets you!" Trixie projected. She had decided to drop her stage persona, but not her third pony speech pattern. There was a collective booing amongst the crowd. Not all had participated, but a very large portion. Trixie didn't let such a thing bother her. "Please, everypony, Trixie has come with good will in her heart!"

"Yeah right!"

"Go away! No one wants you here!"

"Trixie only wishes to ap-"

Somepony threw a tomato. It was a direct hit, scewering itself on her horn. Twilight was just about to intervene when she noticed a rainbow blur shoot up onto the stage. Trixie couldn't see. Rainbow Dash took a defensive stance in front of the unicorn, glaring down at the audience. "Hey!" She shouted at them, shutting them up immediately. "That's not right!" There was another collective gasp, followed by one from Trixie as she managed to get rid of the tomato and realize whom it had been that came to her aid. "A week ago, I was with you! Now, after a serious mistake, I realize too late that I was wrong!" She looked back at Trixie with an apologetic gaze. Trixie just stared back in shock and bewilderment. "I nearly killed Trixie a week ago, and for what?" She asked. "She called us some names, acted better than us, and forced us into slavery for, like, 3 days! Now she comes to apologize and we do this to her?" Rainbow was now hovering over the crowd, flapping her wings angrily. "None of those things are worth taking her life for!" Rainbow landed and walked up to Trixie, her expression softening. "After what I did to you, you don't owe any of these ponies an apology, especially me. You've paid your dues. These ponies," She shot the crowd an angry glare, "owe you an apology, especially me." She hung her head. "I can't even begin to make up for what I did to you. It's ok if you don't forgive me. I don't think I can forgive myself." She raised her head to say the next few words, "Trixie, I'm-"

The next word never came as Trixie hugged her around the neck. "Trixie forgives you, Rainbow Dash. That was it. As she returned the hug, Rainbow started to cry. "Celestia dammit, Trixie," She cried. "I just acted so tough, now you have me crying in front of the whole town!" Trixie giggled at that and let go. She turned to the crowd. Slowly, one by one, then two by two, and so on, everypony in the crowd began apologizing to her. A tear escaped her eye and Twilight was by her side, a wing around her.

All apologies accepted.

Author's Note:

Well, this is it. This is the big finish. Will there be an epilogue? Oh yeah. Will there be a sequel where the twixie matters more? Hell yes!

I hope this has made up for chapter one. There were more than a few complaints I got about what I had RD do. Please don't hate me. Lol. I realize now that this chapter is massive compared to the others, hence it took 3 days. It doubled the size of the story on it's own! My original plan for this chapter changed about 4 times as I wrote it, but I did draw motivation from All Apologies by Nirvana. I hope I didn't write anypony too OOC in this one. I thought I got them all pretty good, but then again, I'm biased. I really want to know what you all think of this now because I poured my heart and soul into writing it. I have been dreaming about this thing. I hope you all enjoy. ^_^