• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 16,398 Views, 1,522 Comments

PonyFall: Australia - Thunderbug80

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are transported to Australia by Discord, where they try to find a way home

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Losses and Gains

Losses and Gains
April 22nd 2012 (Evening)

I stumbled out the front door to my apartment building and into the cool air of the evening. My legs were weak, as if they refused to take me from the place I knew I belonged, and I had to lean against the wall for a moment before sliding to the ground. My wife’s wedding band was retrieved from my pocket with a shaking hand and held close to my chest for several long moments before carefully being put away again.

A decade’s worth of memories swam through my mind. I thought of the first time our eyes had met back at O’Hare International Airport when she had visited the United States. I had spotted her on my flight earlier. A young beauty of only nineteen at the time, she was travelling alone and had piqued my curiosity. Who was she? But of course, a pretty girl like her would never give a young man like me the time of day.

Most of my flight had been spent pondering the young lady and, after our flight had landed, I had a spontaneous moment of false bravado when I casually sidled up next to her near the luggage claim and asked if she needed help. She had spun around and looked into my eyes, taking my breath away. I had never expected her to smile up at me and say yes.

We had been together ever since.

I blinked away the memories and took a moment to gather myself. Fluttershy was sitting a short distance away on one of the steps leading off the common grounds towards the road. Pinkie was by her side and was doing her best to console her, as she was now openly weeping. A cry of alarm sounded from near the street and I turned in time to see Angel drop the bag he was carrying and run to Fluttershy, throwing his arms around her when he arrived. I could hear a bit of the conversation from my spot by the door.

“I don’t even know what I did wrong!” Fluttershy wailed, pulling Pinkie and Angel into a tight embrace. Pinkie leaned close and said something that I couldn’t hear, apparently trying to resolve the situation, but Fluttershy shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. “No,” she moaned, sounding like a wounded animal. “No. I can’t take it anymore, Pinkie.” She raised her head and looked into Pinkie’s eyes. “I’ve tried so hard. I’ve done everything I can to be strong. And please don’t look at me like that. I know we’ve almost found everypony else, and I know the fillies are coming soon. But I don’t want to be here anymore, Pinkie. I just want to go home.” She buried her face in Pinkie’s shoulder once again. “I just want to go home,” she repeated quietly.

Pinkie looked up and caught my eye. Her face revealed an emotion I was unaccustomed to seeing on her - uncertainty. Had she been in Ponyville, there was sure to be any number of activities and friends she could resort to in order to help cheer Fluttershy up. Instead, she was looking to the only source of support she had in this world. It was then that I had a moment of clarity. I had lost the love of my life, but there was a chance that I could come back and make things right again someday.

The Equestrians had lost everything.

Even considering that I had lost my home, I still had ways of finding shelter. I could still buy food. I even still had the keys to my car. But Angel and the girls couldn’t get a hotel room. They couldn’t go to the store and purchase food and clothing. The couldn’t use public transport and they couldn’t use a car. They truly had nothing without me. As heartbreaking as it was to admit it, my problems paled in comparison to theirs.

I stood up, strode over to the Equestrians, and knelt beside them.

“I... I’m sorry this happened,” I said. Fluttershy looked up and I found myself looking away, ashamed. “This... complicates things,” I admitted, struggling to find the right words. “But I promised I would see you to your home and I meant it. I don’t care how hard things get, I’ll do whatever I can to see it through.” I stood up and held my hand out.

Fluttershy regarded my hand for a long moment, then reached out and took it.

“But... where do we go from here?” she asked as I helped her up. She hugged herself as the cool wind blew over us. Pinkie and Angel both stood and looked at me, waiting.

I pulled out my car keys. “We need somewhere to stay tonight. I can get some money out at an ATM and book a hotel. There are three little fillies and an injured bloke named John due to arrive here in a couple days, and I plan on being there to greet them when they do.” I started walking towards the garage and beckoned for the Equestrians to follow. “After that...” I trailed off, giving one last look up at my apartment window. I thought I saw the curtains move. The Equestrians waited silently until I finally tore my gaze away and continued walking. “After that, we’ll just take things one day at a time.”

"...and in world news, an international manhunt is on for a man accused of kidnapping a little girl from a hospital in Texas. Authorities are telling us that the suspect, Matthew Martinez, allegedly fled the country after kidnapping an unidentified child who had recently been struck by a car. It is unknown whether..."

I turned the stereo off, plunging the car into almost total silence. The night had been depressing enough without having to hear about how completely screwed up society was, and I really didn’t want to have to explain such things to the girls.

None of us spoke a word as I pulled into a petrol station and parked near the entrance; just inside the station was an ATM. I unbuckled my seatbelt, but it wasn’t until I felt Pinkie’s hand on my shoulder that I realized I had remained seated, staring absently ahead. I turned and gave her a small, sad smile, then opened the door and made my way inside the station.

Once inside, I ignored the clerk and went straight to the ATM. It took several tries to get my bank card into the slot, but I finally managed it and punched in my PIN, then selected ‘View Balance.’ It was quite likely that I would need to stay at a hotel for up to a couple of weeks before I could find a cheap apartment to rent. I would also need food, clothing, petrol, and enough to either set up internet access, or go to internet cafes regularly. It also wouldn’t hurt to have some extra money on-hand in case of an emergency. There had been quite a few expenses lately and, while I wasn’t worried about running out of money anytime soon, I would need to know how much was left so I could plan ahead. After a moment, the screen flashed and showed my account details.

I stared at the screen, shock slowly beginning to register on my face. This can’t be happening, I thought. I looked back over my shoulder towards the car. The Equestrians were watching me. Depending on me. I turned back to face the ATM screen, but the balance still read the same.

Two thousand dollars.

Two thousand. Far, far less than I had expected. My wife must have hopped online and transferred most of our savings into her personal account. I couldn’t blame her, as I would have done the same if I were in her shoes. She had left enough for me to get settled into a new place, for which I was thankful, but it wasn’t even close to being enough. Not with three Equestrians to care for and three more on the way. I had just gone from being financially secure to being dangerously close to bankruptcy.

A part of me wanted to hit something, anything, as hard as I could. Finding ponies was supposed to be any fan’s dream come true, but ever since finding the girls and Angel, things had deteriorated into a living nightmare. Eventually, I unclenched my fist and the more rational side of me prevailed. I withdrew five hundred dollars and returned to the car. After sitting in the dark silence for a few moments, I turned the ignition and sped off in search of a hotel.

“Will you be wanting a double room, sir?” the desk clerk, a young man of maybe nineteen with blonde hair and light freckles, asked.

“Y-,” I began, but had to stop myself. It would take a while to break old habits. I’d need to get used to being on a budget again. “Er... no, thank you. A single will do.”

The clerk looked up briefly from his computer screen and eyed to three Equestrians standing behind me, then turned his attention back to what he was doing.

“A single it is, then,” he said. His smile did not reach his eyes, but I didn’t give a single damn about his opinion. He looked back up at me again. “That will be two hundred seventy nine dollars, sir. You will be paying by credit?”

I withdrew my wallet from my back pocket, but hesitated. The Novotel at Darling Harbour had been a natural choice, as the Equestrians had really enjoyed our time walking along the boardwalk and the hotel was just across the road from it. But once again, I had been acting out of habit instead of planning ahead, as there were far cheaper hotels in Sydney. It would help if I chose one that wasn’t rated five stars.

A quick glance over my shoulder showed me that Fluttershy had moved back towards the bar and was quietly sobbing again. Pinkie was with her, whispering soothingly to her friend, while Angel hugged the former pegasus tightly around the waist. They wouldn’t last much longer like this emotionally.

“Cash,” I said, turning back to the clerk. I handed three hundred dollars to him, which he made a show of holding up to the light to check the watermarks. Once satisfied, he counted out my change.

“Room 102. We hope your stay at Novotel is a pleasurable one,” the clerk stated, offering up another fake smile. I ignored him and took my keycard, then walked over to the bar to join the others.

“You going to be alright?” I asked Fluttershy. She was no longer crying, but she still sniffled from time to time.

“I... I don’t know,” she responded. She looked like she was going to say more, but looked away and fell silent.

“Let’s just get some sleep,” I suggested. “It’s... been a long day. I’m sure we can all use it by now.”

The Equestrians nodded and fell in line behind me as I led the way upstairs and to our room. I passed the keycard through the security slot, opened the door, and turned on the lights. To our immediate right was the bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe. A large queen-sized bed dominated the center of the room, while a comfortable-looking chaise was along the far wall under a window that featured a breathtaking view of the harbour. A mid-sized HDTV was set up on the left wall, and a computer desk was in the far left corner of the room. It was a nice room, but I wasn’t much interested in decor. I indicated the bed to the girls.

“All yours,” I said. I then turned to Angel. “You get the chaise again.” He nodded and hopped up onto it.

“Um...” Fluttershy began.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Well, it’s just... you’re going to be in this room?”

“Uh huh. It’s the only room we’ve got. Why?”

“Oh,” she said. Her cheeks had turned crimson again and I had a feeling I knew what was coming. “Well... I’ve never slept in the same room with a stallion before.”

I sighed. “I’ve seen you naked, you know.” With her cheeks as red as they were, I couldn’t tell if that had any effect on her. Then I remembered something. “You slept in the tent with me!”

“But... the tent had separate rooms...” She had a point. But...

“What about when the spider bit you?” I asked.

“I... I was unconscious. That doesn’t count.” She swallowed nervously. “Does it?”

I closed my eyes and counted backwards for a few moments, then opened them again. “Yeah, alright. I can sleep in the wardrobe I guess. You all have a good night.” I turned off the light and went into the wardrobe. At least it was large; there would be more than enough space for me.

As I rummaged around the shelves in the dark searching for a spare pillow, I could hear Pinkie whispering to Fluttershy again in the other room. Though it was a side of her that hadn’t really been touched on in the show, I appreciated the fact that she seemed to understand that games and party gags weren’t going to help here. Not this time.

Happy birthday, old man.

I found a pillow in a cupboard, as well as a spare sheet. There was enough space for me to stretch my legs out completely when I laid down on the floor, where I reflected on everything that had happened. Was this fate? I thought about it as I stared at the shadows on the wardrobe ceiling. Was some unseen hand controlling my destiny? Or were fate and destiny two words that, when all is said and done and the last person on Earth has taken their final breath, would ultimately be found to have no meaning at all? I shifted under the sheet and turned to face the wall. Perhaps the Equestrians would be better off if someone else had found them.

The gentle sound of footsteps approaching roused me from my thoughts. They drew closer, then stopped just outside the doorway to the wardrobe. I turned to face the doorway and saw Fluttershy’s silhouette quickly disappear back behind the wall, then slowly reappear. As my eyes adjusted, I could just make out her face. She had closed her eyes tightly, as if willing herself to continue in the face of some difficult task. After letting out a small sigh, she opened her eyes and walked over to sit beside me. After a brief moment of silence, she turned to me and spoke.

“You’ve... gone through a lot lately, haven’t you?” she asked quietly. When I didn’t answer, she continued. “She’s very special to you, isn’t she?” I was thankful for the darkness as I felt wetness around my eyes.

“Yes,” I whispered. I couldn’t manage any more words than that.

We both silently stared at the shadows for a while. The only sound was that of Fluttershy’s quiet breathing beside me and the occasional rustle of the sheet. Before long, Pinkie and Angel poked their heads into the doorway and joined us. The wardrobe was getting a little cramped, but I didn’t mind.

“You know,” Pinkie began, “we may have all lost... well, pretty much everything. But I’m happy for what we’ve all gained, too. I think we can make everything right again if we just stick together.”

I looked at Pinkie, who gave a little smile and looked at Fluttershy, who nodded in agreement.

“You’re right,” Fluttershy said. “After all, all that we have left is each other.”

The room was quiet once again as we all processed that idea. It was true, and I understood more clearly what Pinkie had said. Take care of what you have and the rest will take care of itself. I closed my eyes, somewhat at peace with myself for the first time in hours. For as long as they were in my care, I would do everything I could for the Equestrians. I was about to fall asleep when I heard Fluttershy whisper once more.

“Um...” she began, but drifted off quietly.

“It’s okay,” I assured her. “What is it?”

“Well, if you all don’t mind...” She moved around a little and accidentally jabbed me with her elbow. “Can we move back into the other room? I feel a little... squashed... in here.”

“Yes,” I said, immediately standing up and stretching my legs.

“Hag!” Angel agreed.

After we had relocated once again and I lay on the floor at the foot of the bed, I thought about our next move. We couldn’t continue to stay in hotels anymore. It was too expensive, but I thought that perhaps I had a solution to that, though it was far from ideal. Pinkie had been wrong. I hadn’t quite lost everything. Not yet, anyway. I would just have to hope he was in a good mood when I called him the next day. With that last thought, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.