• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 16,399 Views, 1,522 Comments

PonyFall: Australia - Thunderbug80

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are transported to Australia by Discord, where they try to find a way home

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Bonus Mini Chapter: Isolation

Bonus Mini Chapter: Isolation
April 13, 2012
Day One of the PonyFall Incident

Angel stared at the leafy canopy high above where he lay. Sunlight trickled in where it could, but the majority of it was blocked by the many intertwined leaves and branches high overhead. From somewhere close by, a bird sang an elaborate song which was answered by another bird further off. Its song was like none he had ever heard before. He tried to swivel his ears so he could hear it better. For some reason, his hearing seemed... off.

His ears wouldn't move.

It wasn't like his muscles weren't responding to his commands. It was more like those muscles didn't exist. He lifted his front paws up to feel his ears, but stopped suddenly as they came into view. He stared at the grotesquely disfigured appendages that had once been his paws and, for a moment, allowed himself to panic. His paws, his legs; everything about his body was wrong. Even his sight was off, as he could only see straight ahead. He took a sniff of his surroundings, but it was no use. It was as if his sense of smell had been dulled a hundred times over.

Well, it wasn't the first time Discord had changed his body. The thought helped to calm himself down. He would just need to adapt and survive.

Angel rolled over onto his belly and pushed himself up into a kneeling position, but upon trying to stand up he ended up falling hard back to the ground. He spat out a mouthful of dry leaves and groaned.

His legs, once lean and powerful, were now long, awkward, and weak. He doubted he could even jump using them.

He would have to learn how to use them. Fluttershy was out there, somewhere. He could sense her presence, in a way, but it was very faint. She was a very, very long way away, and he was unable to walk, let alone hop.

Gritting his teeth, Angel dug his new fingers into the dirt and began to drag his body towards the direction he felt Fluttershy was located.


It had been a very long time since Angel Bunny had gone hungry.

It was one of the many advantages of having a pony like Fluttershy to look after your every need. Fluttershy’s cottage was warm and comfortable, he could lie around and relax whenever he felt like it, and he always had nice meals prepared for him.

Angel looked around at his surroundings and grimaced. To think, he had complained about his custom-made meals in the past.

Grass and trees were all around him, but these weren't the green, vibrant plants he was accustomed to in Ponyville. The grass varied in color from yellow to brown; from dying to dead. There would be no point in eating it – none of the nutritional value remained. Ordinarily, he would turn up his nose at the thought of eating plain old grass, but there were few plants that he recognized in the area, and none of those that he did recognize were edible.

He dug his cracked and bleeding fingers into the dirt and dragged himself along the ground. His claws, which would have proven quite useful in his current situation, had been replaced with flat, brittle things at the end of each appendage that seemed to be completely useless, save for scratching an itch. He supposed he should be thankful, as the biting insects of this land had been attacking him relentlessly, and he had to stop every few moments for a quick scratch.

As he slowly dragged himself along, Angel thought back to the last things he could remember before waking up.

He had figured he was in for a bad day when Fluttershy’s cottage turned into a dragon. Thankfully, they had been out for a picnic with the rest of her critters when the transformation had occurred, and it didn't take long for them to both come to the same conclusion: Discord had returned.

After Rainbow Dash arrived to collect Fluttershy, the two pegasi had flown off, leaving Angel to look after the other critters, to join their friends in defeating the annoying draconequus. Unfortunately, the fight didn't go as well as Angel had hoped it would. He could remember a voice calling out that Fluttershy was in trouble, and he had sprung into action, hopping as quickly as he could towards the battle.

He hadn't been too far from Fluttershy and the others when he had been caught in the path of some kind of weird, pink shock wave. It was the last thing he could remember before waking up in this strange new world.

Fluttershy had been caught in the shock wave too. He knew it. He could sense her presence somewhere far, far away. He had to get to her somehow, but first he needed food and water. He swiveled his head around to look for something edible…

And froze.

About a metre in front of him, partially hidden under leaves and a rocky outcrop, was a banded, reddish-brown and white snake. Its thin tail was wriggling gently back and forth, much like a worm.

Angel knew of these types of snakes, which is why he knew he was in a very, very bad situation. It was using its tail as a lure to attract prey, and he had stumbled almost directly on top of it…

A death adder.

Its bite would kill him if the snakes in this land were anything like the ones in and around the Everfree Forest. It had already locked its beady little eyes upon him and, despite his much larger size, was looking at him as if he were still a bunny.

Does it know? he thought idly.

He darted his eyes about, looking for a way out. Seeing nothing to his left, he looked to his right and saw a rather large stick just out of reach. The long appendages that had replaced his paws could grasp things. Perhaps if he moved slowly, he could reach that stick...

At that moment, the snake struck. Angel launched himself backwards, but his new body was slow to move and he barely avoided a lethal bite. He had no time to think about the stick as the snake struck a second time. His newly formed hands moved on instinct, and he somehow manged to smack the reptile to the side and hold its head to the ground.

He might ordinarily have let the snake go, but these weren't ordinary circumstances. Any other time, he'd have just sprinted away. But he was lost, weary, and hungry. He gripped the reptile tightly and bent down, biting hard into the animal. It thrashed about, but he bit harder and ended it as quickly as possible.

Angel gagged on the blood that had filled his mouth and looked down at the lifeless body gripped in his hands. He'd had to bite snakes in the past to warn them or to get away, but he had never killed one. He had never killed anything before, for that matter.

Why had he killed it? It had been an easy choice to make once a decision had to be made; far too easy. Fluttershy would disown him! She would never understand, would she? But perhaps... well, there were plenty of other animals who did such things.

If he had only done it to obtain food, then...

With a moan, Angel fell onto his back and curled his legs under him. He held the lifeless snake like some kind of macabre doll, gripping it tightly and holding it to his chest. There he remained, buried under the weight of his troubled mind, as night fell. And even as he brought a shaking hand up to his mouth and bit into the scaly flesh, one thought forced itself to the front of his mind.

He would find Fluttershy, no matter what he had to do.
