• Published 25th Jan 2014
  • 2,251 Views, 32 Comments

Blueblood's Angels - Doccular42

Once upon a time, there were three young mares who went to the Guard academy. And they were each assigned very… hazardous… duties. But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me. My name is Blueblood.

  • ...

Chapter One

Octavia sat in her Canterlot apartment. The new dawn’s rays shone through the billowy curtains as she slid her bow slowly across her cello’s strings. Mooseart’s Second Symphony in D♭ minor had always been her favorite classical piece. The eerie sevenths, the dynamic rises and falls, the—

"Woah!" Octavia jumped as the telephone on the table beside her cut her reverie short.

“Hello?” Octavia answered.

“Hello, Angel. Time to get to work!”

Octavia smiled as she gently put her cello away. Oh, yes. Today shall certainly be a good day.


Lyra gazed the pool table in front of her with the eyes of a master. She lifted her stick up, aiming it at what looked like the perfect spot on the cue ball. Not too hard… Not too soft…

She could visualize her end result perfectly. The cue ball would bounce off the far wall, come back around, hit the seven into the center hole, and then the cue ball would ricochet and knock the nine ball in. Then, it would be a clear shot to get the three ball in, and then she could easily knock the eight ball into the far left pocket. Utter perfection.

She let loose a lopsided grin as she deftly moved the stick into position. Yes. It will be… PERFECT!

She thrust the stick forward. But at the last second, the telephone on the table across the room rang out, and her stick moved just a fraction to the left. She groaned as the cue ball slid perfectly into the pocket.

“Not a single word,” she told her competition. She marched over to the telephone and quickly picked it up.

“Go for Lyra.”

“Hello, Angel! It’s that time again!”

Lyra smiled as she hung up. She turned to her competition, which sat in the chair across the room. “Guess we’ll have to finish this later!”

Of course, since her competition was her own lyre, it didn’t respond with words. But Lyra could feel the love and fear of being defeated once again emanating from it. The mare chuckled. “I should probably start playing against real ponies soon…”


The bespectacled stallion glanced cautiously around the hallway’s corner. There was still no sign of Daring Do. He let out a faint whimper as he slowly crept forward some more.

“Don’t have a panic attack, don’t have a panic attack, don’t have a panic attack…”

As he peered around the next corner, he let out a shriek of terror. Directly before him waited not one, not two, but THREE angry mummies! And they were all looking right at him!

“UUUUUHHHHHNNNNG…” The bandaged covered corpses cried as they shuffled toward the terrified librarian.

Doc Rims did what any self respecting pony would do in his situation. He began screaming for his mommy and turned around to run away from what was scaring him.

But as the poor earth pony stumbled back into the previous hallway, he realized his fatal mistake. The tribal hunters who had been tracking him were still following him! And they’d caught up!

Doc wailed once more as he dashed into a side room, barely dodging a thrown spear. He turned back to look out the doorway, just in time to see the mummies and tribal ponies meet face to face. The tribesponies raised their spears, but one of the mummies stepped toward them. It raised its hand, and a red light connected the tribesponies’ heads and the mummy’s hand.

Both groups put down their hands and weapons. As one, they turned to look into the room. To look directly at Doc. Their eyes glowed a sinister red as they moved forward as one.

“I never should have listened to that rabbit!”

Ditzy Do jumped as the phone on her bedside table rang out. She took off her reading glasses, set her book aside, and picked up her phone.

“Do residence, Ditzy speaking!”

“Hello Angel! Time to stop reading about adventures and go on one!”

Ditzy smiled as she hung up and climbed out of bed. Daring Do and the Librarian’s Secret would have to wait. The world needed saving again.


Lyra flopped onto the couch in the Angel’s headquarters. Octavia stood off by the table making a grass shake, and Ditzy had her nose buried in a science book of some kind, as usual. Lyra sighed as she tilted her head backwards.

She gazed around the familiar room. The window before her had quite the view of Canterlot, since the cottage that was their headquarters was situated just outside the capitol city. The room itself was comfortably, if not lavishly, furnished. Lyra lay sprawled on one of two couches, while Ditzy occupied the other.

Octavia strode over to the unicorn and hoofed her a cup of the green concoction. “Here, drink this.”

Lyra eyed the drink suspiciously. “Look, Octy. You’d say that we’re friends, right?”

“Yes, I suppose so. Why?” Octavia frowned at her fellow Angel.

“Well, here’s the thing. You’re the expert on social situations. As your friend, I am socially bound to eat or drink food that you cook and tell you that I love it. On the other hoof, I’m also a fairly intelligent pony. The last time you gave me something, I ended up covering Ditzy in spaghetti sauce that I spat from my mouth. From my MOUTH.”

Ditzy nodded. “It’s true. I can never read Sir Figgy Newton’s treatise on the laws of magical physics the same way again. Mostly because my copy is stained red, but also because I can’t help but recall the texture of tomato sauce covering my face.” Ditzy hadn’t even lifted her nose from out of her book as she spoke.

“Exactly! So tell me. Should I try your latest concoction and say that it’s great, or should I spare Ditzy the pain and anguished of having her face and her copy of… Uh…” Lyra glanced at the title of Ditzy’s book. “’Developmental Psychology and Chickens: The Missing Link’ from being covered in gloppy green goop? Because I’m more than willing to try it!”

Lyra reached for the glass, but Octavia yanked it away. “No, I understand what you are saying. There is no need to let my feelings get in the way of what you want to do.” The earth pony pointedly stuck her nose into the air. “A lady knows who her friends really are!”

Octavia walked over to Ditzy, hoofing the glass to the pegasus. She downed it in two gulps without even looking up from her book. “Mmm! This is really good Octy! Is that a few sprigs of mint that I taste?”

“Why, yes it is! You really are quite the REFINED lady, aren’t you?” Octavia shot Lyra a glare and stuck out her tongue.

Lyra chuckled. “Yeah, real refined Ms. Tongue-Sticker-Outer.”

“Real-LY,” Ditzy corrected.

“Whatever. But seriously, can I try it? If Ditzy likes it, it MUST be good!” Lyra reached over to one of the other glasses, but before she could reach them, Octavia scooped them both up and drank them both.

“HEY! No fair!”

Octavia swallowed and smiled at her friend. “Aww, how sad.”

Lyra opened her mouth to speak, but the door on the other side of the room opening up, interrupted her.

“Morning ladies! And Lyra!” Caramel beamed as he strode into the room.

“Morning, Mel!” the three mares chimed out in unison.

“So, Blue has quite assignment planned. Probably our biggest one yet!” Caramel walked over to the projector screen and hooked up his equiptment.

“Aww, so he isn’t going to be here himself to tell us? What, do we have to beg? Scratch that, I’ve already tried… It doesn’t work,” Lyra moaned.

“Come on Lyra, you know that he never shows his face to us!” Octavia replied as she walked over to the sink to rinse out their glasses. “Besides, it adds to his air of mystery!”

“Indeed. When all we hear is that beautiful voice, it allows the imagination to run wild as to what his body looks like! I wonder if he’s a pegasus?” Ditzy finally closed her book and took off her glasses. “Also, that book is pure hokum. He completely ignores any and all scientific research regarding the development of the Starswirl Gland in order to make his ‘Chicken Synapse’ idea make more sense!”

Caramel chuckled. “Well girls, I think he’s about to call. Gather around!”

The three Angels sat down upon the couch facing the projector screen as Caramel turned on the projector. A moment later, the phone rang. Caramel pressed the answer button, and a voice sounded from the speaker at the front of the room.

“Good morning Angels!”

“Good morning Blue!” the three mares chorused.

“Today’s mission is quite different from what we have attempted in the past. Truthfully, it is the largest mission we have ever undertaken. I almost hesitated to bring this to you when our client approached me with his information, but I am confident that you three are more than up to the task!”

“Pfft. If we could handle the Shah of Saddle Arabia’s ‘doomsday’ army and the Maneiac’s Hairbrush of DOOM 3.0™ at the SAME TIME and not even break a sweat, we could handle anything!” Lyra leaned back in her seat. “Lay it on us bro!”

Ditzy looked disapprovingly at her compatriot. “You do realize that we used the Hairbrush 3.0™ to destroy the doomsday army and that the simple act of turning it on managed to destroy the hairbrush for us, right?”

Lyra rolled her eyes. “Well, yeah. But when you put it that way, it doesn’t sound nearly as impressive!”

“Girls! Please, wait until after! Please Blue, do continue.” Octavia smiled sweetly at the speaker.

“You do realize that he can only hear you and not see you, right?” Lyra asked smugly.

“Hmmph!” Octavia turned away.

“Alright Angels, settle down. Caramel, would you please go to the first slide?”

Caramel pressed a button, and the map of a small town flared to life upon the screen.

“Ladies, what you are looking at is a map of the town of Ponyville. It is a small rural village on the boarder of the Everfree forest. The population is sparse, the economy is thriving, and crime is virtually nonexistent.”

“Hmm. Sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?” Ditzy inquired.

“Good question! My source has informed me that more is going on in this town than meets the eye. Or, rather, more will soon be going on than meets the eye. Caramel, if you would advance the slide please.”

The slide flipped to an ancient image of a purple mare who was surrounded by black and blue energy. She had both a horn and wings, and was cackling madly.

“Is that… Nightmare Moon?” Ditzy squinted at the screen.

“Indeed it is. You certainly know your history, my dear. This is one of the last remaining images of Nightmare Moon. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this mare, Nightmare Moon was one of the greatest enemies that Princess Celestia had ever faced. The battle between the two was epic. It is unknown where she came from, but it is common knowledge that she appeared right after the disappearance of Celestia’s long lost sister, Luna. It has been hypothesized that Nightmare Moon killed Princess Luna, and was barely defeated by Princess Celestia.”

“Well, that’s nice. What does she have to do with the mission?” Lyra leaned forward now, intrigued.

“Our source has informed us that Nightmare Moon shall be returning to Equestria in three weeks time. She will reappear at the Summer Sun Celebration and attempt to plunge the world into endless night. Our employer wishes for us to stop her.”

“Sounds easy enough. A well placed magical detonation or shot from a crossbow should end her quite efficiently.” Octavia tossed her mane back. “I could go get Arev all polished up and ready now, if you’d like.”

“As much as that does sound like a good idea, that particular strategy will not work here. You see, my source has informed me that this particular enemy cannot be harmed by physical means.”

“Sooo… Shoot her with magic?” Lyra asked.

“Unfortunately, that does not work either. Nightmare Moon can only be defeated in one way. There exist in this world a weapon. The only weapon that can harm her. It is called the ‘Elements of Harmony.’”

“What exactly is this ‘Element of Harmony?’ I’ve never heard about it before.” Ditzy put her glasses back on.

“Caramel, if you would.”

The projector moved to the still image of five gems orbiting a sixth.

“This is all the information that I have on the Elements. They are a single weapon in six parts. They can only be wielded by six ponies who represent them in some way. And all six bearers must be united in order for them to work properly.”

“So, I guess this means that we’ll need three more ponies. Unless you and Caramel want to join us, in which case we’ll only need one more.” Octavia strode over to the screen to look at the gems.

“No, Octavia. Your assignment is not to obtain the Elements. Rather, you are to help six other ponies obtain and use them.”

“What? How would we do that?” Lyra asked, moving up to look at the pictures with Octavia.

“According to our informant, we will not be the only group mobilized. There are two other forces in play. Our informant tells us that the Princess will be sending her own student to Ponyville, and that this pony is to be the bearer of the most powerful Element. How he knows this, he did not say. However, there is yet another force in play. Another group that wants nothing more than the return of Nightmare Moon and the downfall of all Equestria.”

Ditzy stood up and walked over to the screen as well.

“Angels, this is your assignment. You are to move to Ponyville, integrate yourself into the townsfolk, watch as events unfold, and stop the Cult of Nightmare Moon from allowing their leader to gain control of the entire nation.”

Caramel turned off the projector and the three mares returned to their seats.

“Now, Caramel has additional information for you, as well as three false identities that you are to assume when you move to Ponyville. This will be your longest running mission yet, Angels. Count on at least a month away from your families and friends. I recommend that you say your goodbyes sooner rather than later. The sooner that you can arrive at Ponyville and begin, the better.”

Octavia spoke for the group. “Very well Blue. We shall go before the day is done.”

“Good! Godesspeed Angels! You shall certainly need it!”

And with that the phone line went dead. The three mares turned to Caramel, who pulled out several notebooks.

“You may as well stay seated. This is going to take a while.”


Lord Blueblood put down his phone and sighed. Turning to the exit to his room, he strode purposefully out and headed to the garden. Upon reaching his destination, the white stallion walked up to a single tall statue.

He spoke softly to it. “Are you certain that this information is correct?”

"Have I ever been wrong before?"

Blueblood sighed. “No, old friend. You haven’t. I just wish we knew more…”

"As do I. But the fate of Equestria rests in your hooves, and my claws. We have no choice."

“Indeed. Very well. I shall tell you when they arrive at Ponyville.” And with that, the unicorn walked back to his room, leaving the ancient statue of Discord alone in the garden.

"If only you knew what you were getting into…" The statue of the draconequus laughed, and then all was silent.