• Published 25th Jan 2014
  • 2,252 Views, 32 Comments

Blueblood's Angels - Doccular42

Once upon a time, there were three young mares who went to the Guard academy. And they were each assigned very… hazardous… duties. But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me. My name is Blueblood.

  • ...

Chapter Two

Ditzy opened the door to her home with a grin on her face. The door creaked open a bit, but that was to be expected. The house had been in her family for generations, and the hinges probably hadn’t been oiled in years.

“Sis, I’m home!” she cried out.

The pitter-patter of tiny hooves coming down the staircase in the other room greeted her. Ditzy set her saddlebags down beside the door and took off her sunglasses just in time to be glomped by a highly enthusiastic unicorn filly.

“Aunty Ditzy! You’re home!” Dinky Do jumped onto the pegasi’s back with a mighty giggle.

“Woah there! Hey, I’m not as young as you are!” Ditzy fell to the ground melodramatically and flipped herself so that she had the filly in a tight hold. She then proceeded to commence tickling protocol number one.

“Ahaha! Stop it, Aunty!” Dinky giggled as the pegasus blew on her little tummy.

Ditzy gave a little laugh as she let her niece up. The unicorn’s mane was frazzled as usual, since she seemed to always be running around like a little battery powered toy.

“Oooh, guess what!” Dinky’s wide eyes sparkled with barely contained excitement. “Just guess what I learned how to do today!”

The mare couldn’t help but laugh as the little one practically danced in place. "What did you learn to do today?"

Dinky stopped dancing suddenly and scrunched her eyes shut. A light yellow aura surrounded Ditzy’s saddlebags as the filly shakily lifted them into the air. They rose quite slowly, but soon enough they reached the same level as Ditzy’s head. Then they dropped back to the ground with a resounding thud! Dinky tripped backwards over her own hooves and fell rump first onto the ground.

“Wow! That was great!” Ditzy cheered as she walked over to Dinky to lift her up off the ground. “That’s much better than last time!”

“Thanks Aunty! Daddy said that if I keep practicing, I might get a cutie mark in magic! But I don’t know if I want a magic cutie mark. I think I want a compass cutie mark, just like mommy!” Dinky resumed her hopping as soon as she was back off the ground.

Ditzy chuckled. “Well, whatever your cutie mark is for, I’m sure that it’ll be something that you love. But speaking of your mom and dad, where are they? I need to talk to them.”

“Ooh, I know! They’re in the writing room! Follow me!” And with that, Dinky hurried back up the stairs, followed closely by Ditzy.

Ditzy’s home would never be called large. Not for the number of ponies living there, anyways. It had two stories, with a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen on the lower floor, and four more rooms upstairs. Three of them were in use as bedrooms, and the last functioned as the ‘writing room.’


“Shh, don’t wake up the whole neighborhood!” Ditzy chastised as the two came to the closed door on the left hand side of the top of the staircase.

“Oh! Are they all sleeping? Why would they be sleeping? It’s the afternoon! That means that it’s playtime!” Dinky squinted, obviously puzzled by this odd conundrum.

A voice rang out from inside the writing room. “It’s a saying, dear. It means that you don’t need to be so loud. And she’s quite right!”

Dinky and Ditzy walked into the cluttered room. The entire room was crammed full of filing cabinets, as well as two desks piled high with books and papers and the chairs needed for the ponies who sat at said desks. The far wall sported a window, and the other three walls were lined completely with bookshelves. The meager amount of floor room that remained was occupied by a large rug that looked soft enough to sleep upon.

The voice belonged to a mare who sat in one of the chairs. She blew her mane, with many shades of grey, from her eyes. She turned away from her typewriter and wiped a few smudges of ink off her yellow coat. “Heya Ditzy!”

Ditzy smiled at her sister. “Hey Daring!”

Ditzy tried to walk over to the other mare, but a waterfall of books and papers that fell from the other desk in the room blocked her way.

“Oh, bollocks.” A grey stallion with a brown mane fell out of his chair and sprawled into the floor.

“Daddy!” Dinky jumped onto her father, kicking aside a few heavy books and landing on him with a remarkably loud thud!

“Oof! Oh, so that’s how you want to play it, eh?” The stallion grabbed his daughter as she squealed in delight and repeated the treatment that Ditzy had given to the filly only moments ago.

Daring giggled at the sight. “Dinky, let go of your father!”

The little filly could barely speak as her laughter chopped her sentences into little pieces. “Mo-mmy! He’s- the- one- whose- got- me! Ahahaha!”

Daring put on a very ‘serious’ face and looked at her husband. “Doc, let go of your daughter!”

The bespectacled stallion looked up from the still laughing filly with a smile. “Aww, do I have to?”

“NO!” Dinky cried, her eyes wide as she pleaded to her mother.

“Yes, please?” Doc’s eyes attempted to mimic the filly’s innate charm, but failed dismally.

Daring let loose a giggle that sounded remarkably like her daughter’s. “Well, since you asked Dinky, then you can keep playing. Doc, that worked back when you were a colt. You’re too old for that now.”

The stallion seemed ready to make a witty retort, but he was cut short by another merciless tackle from his daughter.

Daring smiled as she watched the two roll around for a bit before turning to her sister, who was smiling just as much as she was. “Meeting go okay?”

Ditzy nodded. “Yeah. Got my next assignment from management.”

“Already? You haven’t even been home four days yet!” Daring gasped in astonishment. “I know that you work for the biggest agricultural monitoring organization in all of Equestria, but this is ridiculous! You haven’t been home for longer than three days in half a year!”

Ditzy sighed. “I know. But they need me out in Ponyville to oversee some of the census survey data that will be coming from the surrounding farms and from the Everfree forest.”

“Wait, census data?” Doc looked up from his daughter. “Is it that time already? I thought that the census wasn’t for another year?” The insistent filly who still clung to his back gave a mighty chomp to his ear, and the two went back to playing again.

“It’s not, but they have to begin gathering the data now.” Ditzy shook her head as the two crashed into yet another pile of books.

“So how long will you be gone then?” Daring asked, her voice a bit sad.

“Hopefully not too long. It’ll be at least three weeks, although it may be longer.”

“THREE WEEKS?” Daring’s jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious! Tell me that this is all a big joke.”

“I’m sorry. It’s not.”

Dinky giggled as she pile-drove her father to the ground. She bounced over to the rug and began rolling around, giggling like a maniac.

Doc lay down on the ground panting heavily. “Okay, okay, you win.”

Dinky jumped up happily and did a victory dance in place. She then hopped over and sat down on her dad’s seat. She leaned over his typewriter and mimed the clacking of keys.

Doc stood up and faced the two mares. “Well, you will be able to visit on weekends, won’t you? It’s only a train ride away. Or we could visit you!”

Daring nodded quickly. “Yes, that would work! We’re almost finished with the second draft, and then we have to send it off to our publisher anyways! We’d be able to spend a whole week with you!”

Ditzy blinked. “Oh, I’m sure that I’ll be able to come visit on weekends or something! There’s no need for you to come all the way down there just to see me! Spending all that money for a room, and tickets, and food… I could just come back and stay here!”

Daring shook her head. “’Just’ to see you? Dear, we hardly see each other at all anymore! And it would be a welcome vacation from all this writing!”

Doc smiled in agreement. “That would be perfect! It would take my mind off having to edit my own account of the second most harrowing experience of my life…”

“You’re the one who wanted to come along!” Daring nudged her husband’s side playfully.

“Hey! I thought that it was our anniversary trip! You didn’t tell me that you’d planned to meet with an old archeological pal and had completely forgotten that it was our five year anniversary that day!”

“Well, I—“

“Ahem!” Ditzy cleared her throat. “I really don’t want to interrupt this, but I should tell you both something.” She closed her eyes for a moment as she planned how to best phrase her next sentence. “The company usually doesn’t want family members to be around their survey teams when they are out on duty. Since I’m being assigned to oversee them, I have to follow the same guidelines. I’m working toward a big promotion, and if I’m caught breaking policy, it could place that in jeopardy.”

"Policy-schmolicy! I want to see my sister!" Daring harrumphed.

"Hey, Dare. If I get this promotion, it means more inner city coordination and management work. And that means that I won't have to go away as often." Ditzy looked her sister right in the eye as the yellow pegasus considered this.

Daring sighed. “Well, alright then. I guess that seeing you on the weekends will still be better than when you were in the guard out in Baltimare. But that doesn't mean that I have to be happy about it!” she finished strongly.

“But on the bright side, you should easily have enough time to finish reading the draft before we send it off! How far are you so far?” Doc looked at his wife the whole time that he spoke, and Ditzy knew that it wasn’t for his sister-in-law’s sake that he had changed the subject.

“I had just gotten to the point where those mummified Sasquatches had chased you right into the tribesponies. You nearly wet yourself, if I recall properly.” Ditzy smirked at the grey earth pony.

“Now wait a moment! I did NOT wet myself! And even if I had, you could hardly blame me! For six years I’d managed to stay out of her archaeological shenanigans! That was my first real encounter with danger!” Doc snorted indignantly.

Daring snorted. “He did wet himself. We just edited it out because our publisher wanted to keep it foal friendly.”

“Just like she decided to change us from being six years married with a foal to being two dating lovebirds off on their first vacation together just to keep the story 'edgier?' And besides, you said that we wouldn’t talk about that ever again!”

Ditzy giggled as the two went back and forth like that. Yet a small part of her winced inside. If they came to Ponyville while she was there, it would be blatantly obvious that she wasn’t working for any agricultural commission…