• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 11,322 Views, 380 Comments

Starving - Foals Errand

Shortly after the wedding Twilight uses a scrying spell to spy on Queen Chrysalis. Now everything is going to hell!

  • ...

Chapter Two

Applejack checked under the upside down apple basket with a grumble, she was running out of places to look. It had just been a simple chore for Apple Bloom: just take Twilight those supplies, then she could go crusading. But that was hours ago, and nopony had seen the three of them since seven that morning. It was now getting close to three. She grumbled and bucked the basket away from her. She wasn’t worried; not yet, anyways. Her eyes strayed over to the fence. One of the rails had been bucked off. Celestia help me...

Applejack quickly trotted through the orchards to where she knew Macintosh would be washing off. Her nerves getting to her, her trot quickly turned into a gallop, the trees flying past her. When the barn came into view she slowed to a stop, a bit out of breath.

Big Macintosh looked up at his panting sister. She was prancing in place, a tic she had when she was nervous about something. He frowned. It wasn’t often that his little sister got that nervous, but when she did, Big Mac knew it was never a good thing. “AJ?”

Applejack pawed the dirt. “You need to come with me, Big Mac, I can’t find hide nor hair of Apple Bloom!”

Big Mac frowned. “You sure ya checked everywhere?” There was something Applejack wasn’t telling him.

“Yes, I’m sure! It’s just…” She shook her head, getting the thought out of her mind. So the last time any pony saw them, they were chasing after Twilight! That doesn’t mean she did anything to them. Hay, they’re probably trying to get their cutie marks in being her assistants while she’s on that study trip of hers… But still.

“Look, you remember when Apple Bloom started wandering around and I taught her how to buck to show the direction she was going?”

Macintosh sighed. “Eeyup.” He watched his sister as she kept looking towards the far end of the orchards. “Alright, AJ, let’s take a look at what you think AB left us to follow.”

Applejack nodded, and with her brother right behind her she took off at a full gallop, back towards where she had first noticed the broken fence. The middle rung of the fence had been broken in half; it was now making an arrow pointing towards the road which led out of town.

“Look at this, Big Mac. Fences don’t just break like this. Apple Bloom bucked this fence in this direction.”

Big Mac examined the fence with a frown. Applejack was right; he could see the imprint from his baby sister’s hoof. He stared towards the direction it was pointed while chewing a stalk of hay.

“You told her to do this if she was in trouble, didn't cha? After that whole thing with Nightmare Moon?”

Applejack nodded. “Yep. She was so nervous about being away from me after that, that I was having trouble getting any work done. So I taught her how to buck something in a way to indicate direction. That way, if she was ever in danger…”

“You’d be able to follow her? Isn’t that what you told her?”

“Yeah, that’s what I told her. If she broke this in this way then I gotta believe she’s in trouble!”

Macintosh nodded. It didn’t do for him to show how worried he was; Applejack was doing that enough for the both of them. “So, what do you plan on doing now, AJ?”

Applejack closed her eyes in thought. Normally, I’d go to Twilight, but they were last seen with Twilight…

“Twilight has Rainbow watching the library while she’s on that study trip of hers, so I’ll go get her and we’ll see if we can find Apple Bloom. We’ll either be able to locate her by her bucking trail, or Dash will be able to spot her from the air. You go and find Pinkie, let her know what’s going on, and tell her we need the girls. I told Pinkie about the bucking trick I taught Apple Bloom, so she’ll be able to follow the trail.” She frowned. “Spike should be getting back from Canterlot on the next train, tell him to go with Pinkie and the others. We may need to get in touch with the Princess, and, well, he’s the quickest method for that. So tell him to bring a scroll and quill. Got all that, Big Mac?”

Big Macintosh nodded, though he chewed his straw a bit quicker. “I got cha, AJ. You can count on me.”

Applejack closed her eyes. Ma, Pa, please be watching over Apple Bloom and those friends of hers, and if you wouldn’t mind, could ya’ watch over Twilight, too? She fixed her hat, and after giving a small snort, took off towards the library at full gallop.

Rainbow Dash munched on a cracker as she laid on the cloud she had dragged into Twilight’s loft. She had tried laying on the unicorn’s bed to read, but it was just way too hard. She could never understand how ponies could sleep on those so-called ‘beds’. Rainbow shrugged. She turned back to the newest Daring Do book and eagerly flipped to the next page. Daring had just been trapped in some type of cocoon trap by Ahuizotl and she had only seconds left to live. She bit into the cracker, frantically reading. Come on, Daring! Air was running out, Daring struggled and...

“Rainbow Dash! Get down here!”

Rainbow Dash let out a surprised screech and fell off the cloud, momentarily forgetting that she had wings. She quickly shook her head to clear it and headed downstairs. "Applejack?"

“Rainbow, did Twilight seem strange to you at all when she left this morning?”

Rainbow Dash considered the question, scratching her head in thought. Hmm... come to think of it... "Actually, Applejack, Twilight seemed to want to get out of here rather quickly. Once I had the rules under my wings, she let me go straight to my Daring Do book. In fact, I didn't even see her leave. She didn't say goodbye..."

"She didn't even say goodbye?" Applejack frowned.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Nope, so what’s up, AJ? You look a bit concerned, and by a bit, I mean majorly!"

“I sent Apple Bloom to bring Twilight some supplies for her trip this morning, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle went with her.” Applejack frowned as she looked out the window. “Nopony has seen them since. I wouldn’t be so worried, but Apple Bloom left me a sign she was in trouble.”

Rainbow chewed her lip as she listened to what Applejack was telling her. “That’s weird…”

“The idea that Apple Bloom left me a sign is weird to you? Really, Rainbow, I shoulda expect-”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, cutting Applejack off. “No, that’s not it, they took off after Twilight this morning. She must have forgotten the supplies you had them bring her.”

Applejack stared open mouthed as if her rainbow-maned friend had just told her the ocean had turned into orange juice. “Twilight forgot something? That mare doesn’t even board a train without pulling out her checklist and double checking, and once she has double checked it she’ll usually triple check it!” Applejack felt a shiver run down her spine. “Something is really wrong here.”

Rainbow tapped her hoof while thinking, her ears falling back. "Actually, now that you mention it, she only took, like, I think... maybe two scrolls with her."

Applejack kicked her hoof out. “Ah, applesauce! Now I know that something's wrong!” She quickly headed outside with Rainbow Dash quickly following behind after putting up the closed sign and locking the door.

Rainbow Dash took to the air a moment later and hovered just above Applejack’s head. “Alright AJ, you’re always telling me that you can keep up with me even when I’m flying, right? Now’s the time to prove it. Which way do we head?”

Applejack snorted and pawed the ground, stretching her legs out. “We’re heading straight out of town, RD. But if you want a direction, we’re heading north west from here!” With that, she took off and quickly built to a full gallop.

"You said something about Apple Bloom leaving you a sign? What do they look like? " She looked down at the fast moving earth pony. Come on, Rainbow, keep up. This isn’t just another race. Remember: Scootaloo is with Apple Bloom!

“Should be broken branches pointing in the direction they’re heading, and if I know those three, look for wagon wheel marks as well!”

Rainbow Dash nodded, her eyes scanning for broken branches or wheel tracks. "Smart little filly you have for a sister, AJ." She considered with a smirk. “I guess you’re pretty bright, too.”

Applejack shook her head with a worried chuckle as they found the first broken branch. “Well, at least we know we’re on the right track. Let’s go Rainbow!”

Twilight had finally run out of tears yet was still curled up in a fetal ball, staring at nothing, when her eyes saw a dark shadow right outside. Let me out, please! I can help you! I swear! I can help you, Chrysalis!

“Oh Twilight, you never tire of that phrase, do you? Don’t worry, Twilight Sparkle. You will help us, but not with those silly negotiations you ponies are so fond of! You, Twilight Sparkle, will help me destroy Equestria, and you will enjoy every moment of it!” Chrysalis smiled while placing a hoof on the cocoon almost tenderly.

Destroy Equestria? Never, that’s just not possible! I-isn’t it? Twilight closed her eyes and shivered. How long had she been in this pod… It seemed like forever and no pony had ever come for her. She shook her head, forcefully ridding herself of the very idea.

Chrysalis chuckled. “Oh, my dear innocent Twilight Sparkle, do you truly believe I will tell you my entire plan? This isn’t some novel where you are the hero, you foolish pony!”

Please, you have to release me! It’s not too late; if you let me go, I’ll vouch for you to the Princess! You won’t be in any trouble, I swear! I promise! Twilight put a hoof to the pod, hoping to appeal to any conscience Chrysalis might’ve possessed.

“Oh Twilight Sparkle, you say it’s not too late. But, it is far too soon...” Chrysalis lowered her hoof from where it had briefly pressed against Twilight’s.

What are you doing to me? Tell me! Twilight thrashed wildly before quickly losing strength once more. The ‘fight or flight’ instinct only lasted so long.

“No. I don’t think I will until I’m ready, and by then it will be too late! Too late for you and for Equestria!” Chrysalis chuckled and licked her fangs as she envisioned what was to come.

... The cocoon wiggled and jerked for a few moments then stopped. A-alright, but at least tell me about this place? I am a scientist, after all, so, um... p-professional curiosity?

“Clever child,” Chrysalis amusedly murmured.

Well? Twilight asked, hopeful that if she had to be stuck in this pod, then maybe she could become the leading pony expert on changelings.

“What do you know about our race, Twilight Sparkle?” Chrysalis asked a moment later as she got comfortable.

I… well, nothing to speak of actually, except that Cadance said you eat love? Twilight felt rather silly admitting that was all she knew.

“That is correct. But our tribes once ruled much of this world. Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies all bowed to us.” Chrysalis grinned in remembrance.

I'm sorry… what? I-I know I haven’t read all of known pony history, but I-I’m certain that would have bee—

“I’m sorry. Did I stutter? I said that in the past every pony in the world bowed before my ancestors. Mightier than the pegasi legions! Our magic more powerful than the unicorns... and then, of course, the mud ponies... Terrified little ponies begging for our blessings so they could live their pathetic little lives!” Chrysalis sneered, relishing in the hate she was feeling. Such a pungent taste.

They are not called mud ponies! Twilight bared her teeth. They are earth ponies and you know it!

“Earth ponies? Mud ponies! No real difference... And you know very well in your precious Canterlot, oh so many of your fellow unicorns use exactly the same term for those wretches of the dirt.” Chrysalis licked her lips, her horn glowing and drawing in the strong emotions emanating from the pod.

I don't! I love all ponies… I do... Twilight trailed off in thought.

Chrysalis snorted as she felt Twilight’s hesitance. “Clean up your own kind before you prattle your nonsense to me, child! At least we are not guilty of base hypocrisy!”

I am unable to deny that you are correct… Twilight curled up a bit, remembering her thoughts directed against that earth pony doctor. Sh-she didn’t think she was a tribalist, did she?

“One tribe, one mind, one goal, one path! That is the essence of our kind from prehistory, even before your mighty Celestia. We have lived that creed and broken the lesser ponies to our will. Playing one greedy tribe against another or a young lord against his master.“ Chrysalis chuckled.

I… I see. I think. Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought, wishing she had a roll of parchment at the ready. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her emotions. Isn't that… ruthless?

Chrysalis bared her fangs. “Finally, you have begun to understand! Their is hope for you yet, child!”

Twilight frowned, her scholarly thoughts forgotten as she felt a cold chill run down her spine at being referred to as child. But I'm not a ruthless pony!

“Not yet,” Chrysalis stated in a singsong manner.

Twilight kicked her back legs out hard, trying desperately to get loose from her bindings. Let me go! Let me GO!

“Temper, temper! Such anger towards the best friend you have in the world!” Chrysalis tsked as she shook her head. She’d sip the hate, but she and the hive were stuffed from all the emotions Twilight had been radiating.

The cocoon turned a brilliant white for a split second, surprising Chrysalis. It made her grin. Such power you will have, child


“I will be.” Chrysalis locked her fangs, rubbing her bloated belly. She was going to need to leave or all this hate would make her ill.

I'm ignoring you now… I won’t let you get to me like that again!

“As you wish, my dear.” Chrysalis walked out with a smirk as Twilight curled into a ball, crying once more.