• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 11,322 Views, 380 Comments

Starving - Foals Errand

Shortly after the wedding Twilight uses a scrying spell to spy on Queen Chrysalis. Now everything is going to hell!

  • ...

Chapter Seven

Celestia watched as Velvet headed back to Twilight’s recovery room, holding a leg out to block the others. “Just give Velvet a few moments alone.” She turned to doctor Steady Hoof with a small smile. “Thank you for saving my precious student. I do not think that I nor Twilight Sparkle’s family will be able to thank you.”

Night Light looked around the waiting room taking in the sight of his son and new daughter in law. He could see that Shining was trying to be strong but the haunted expression in his eyes was as plain as day, as was the small shiver that seemed to have a tight hold upon his daughter in law. “Doctor, will my daughter be hospitalized for very long?”

Doctor Steady Hoof hesitated before sighing. “That is difficult to tell... Mister?”

“Night Light. I’m Twilight Sparkle’s father.”

“Ah, yes. My apologies, sir. May we adjourn to my office to speak then?” Doctor Steady Hoof nodded towards a door across the room.

“Will we all fit in there?” Night Light questioned, taking in the size of three alicorns and three stallions.

The doctor chuckled a bit nervously before shaking his head. “No, I suppose you are correct. I’m far too used to a family only being a mother and father, maybe a sibling or two. It’s not often my princesses are so involved, so let’s sit down here then.”

After a few moments of getting comfortable, Doctor Steady Hoof sighed. “I’m not going to sugar coat this for you: Twilight is in bad shape. Even after surgery it’ll be touch and go for a bit. If I had more knowledge and understanding of a changeling’s system I’d feel more comfortable discussing an end result.” He shook his head. “But, that is information I just don’t have at this time. What I can tell you is that I did have to operate and repair a lacerated lung. While she was open I observed a few more small bits of internal bleeding, but none that needed repair. Her muzzle was broken in a few places but I’ve begun the spells to heal the bones, along with regenerating her fangs.” He took a moment to let all of the information sink in. “Her right foreleg was shattered in several places. I healed and set it the best I could, and for now it’ll remain in traction.

As you all know, all changelings—we believe anyway—have wings. Captain, I’m afraid because of your guards that is no longer true for Twilight Sparkle. One wing was removed in its entirety and I was forced to remove the other during surgery to prevent infection.”

Shining Armor gritted his teeth and pawed at the couch, trying to keep his rage under control. “But, Twily... she’ll be alright now, won’t she?”

Doctor Steady Hoof hesitated. “I... yes, she’ll be alright now… physically, at least. You must understand, Captain, even before your sister was brought to me a second time I had already contacted one of my psychiatrist colleagues. No pony could have gone through what she had and not been at least a little traumatised. Now, though? I cannot say for certain that she’ll ever recover.”

An uneasy silence filled the room at the doctor’s revelation before a soft voice spoke up.

“She will. I’ve known Twilight since she was just a young filly, and she’s been able to do so much!” Cadance shook her head with an uneasy smile. “Being kidnapped? Turned into another species? T-tortured? Just a Tuesday morning for Twilight!” Cadance looked at her family, who were sitting in silence around her. “...Right?”

Celestia licked her lips before glancing at Luna. Her sister had not spoken since she arrived. “Luna?”

After a moment, Luna shook her head and opened her eyes, blinking a few times and causing the glowing white light that had filled them to dissipate. “My apologies, I was with Twilight studying changelings.”

A small chuckle escaped the group as they realized Cadance had been right. Celestia smiled. “My niece is correct, Doctor. While it is obvious that Twilight will need therapy, I know she will recover in time and with our love. Why don’t the three of you head into her room? Luna and I will join you momentarily.”

After Twilight’s family had followed Doctor Steady Hoof down the hall, Celestia sat down next to Luna. “How is she really?”

Luna sighed before laying her head on Celestia’s shoulder. “It… it is bad, of course. Twilight Sparkle’s psyche remains whole, yet cracked. She will need all of her loved ones to remain with her to recover, and I have… fears.”

“Fears? What sort of fears do you have, Lulu?” Celestia laid her cheek on top of Luna’s head as she sighed.

“It is unlikely… no, I’d say impossible for Twilight Sparkle to regain her previous form. I would not even begin to understand how to start in fixing that without doing great harm to Twilight Sparkle. The things that mad queen did to her…” Luna shook her head “We should not even begin to try, sister.”

Celestia had already known deep within that the likelihood of her student returning back to her normal body was unlikely, but to hear it from another’s lips her heart sunk. “I had felt the same thing, unfortunately. Is there anything else?”

Luna nodded. “That queen tried to brainwash Twilight Sparkle to make her forget who she had once been. She failed so very spectacularly that I question it.”

Celestia frowned. “Luna, what is it exactly that you are questioning?”

Luna pulled back to look into Celestia’s eyes. “Tia, before… before I became the Nightmare, while we were separate many times, I discovered the race known as changelings. I believe I may have even befriended their queen. At the very least we enjoyed each other’s company and thought one another was interesting. She explained to me much of changeling culture. They are much like ants… termites even, in that they have a hive mind with one queen in charge. Drones have their own minds, yes… but the majority of the time they do only what the hive mind tells them to do; go there, guard this, capture that, sleep now. That sort of thing.”

“I think I understand a bit, but I’m afraid I’m not quite getting what you mean.” Celestia felt that she was missing something big, and this fear was realised as Luna sighed deeply.

“What is the point of brainwashing a drone that you just planned to control? She simply could have chosen to make Twilight Sparkle forget her old life once she had been transformed, so why try to do both at the same time?”

Realization slowly dawned on Celestia. A shiver traveled down her body as she licked her dry lips. “Because… she did not want Twilight as a drone. I saw at the invasion how large her hive was. She had no need for another mouth to feed.”

Luna nods. “She was not trying to turn Twilight Sparkle into a drone. She was turning her into a princess, a juvenile queen which she would then control.”

Celestia took a deep breath in at that statement. “They’ll come for her, then…” Her eyes narrowed. “Let them try! Do they think that because Twilight is a changeling now that we do not love her? That we will simply toss her out? No! Let them come, they will learn how beloved Twilight Sparkle is to us.”

“Well said, Tia, well said.” Luna smiled at her sister’s ferocity on the behalf of her student. “But come they will, and it will be good.”

Celestia blinked as her brow furrowed. “Good? Why would it be a good thing that changelings will be coming to take Twilight from us?”

Luna laughed and shook her head. “You misunderstand me, Sister. Right now Twilight is but a Princess, but she was badly hurt, and changelings have much in common with insects.”

“And that means what exactly, Luna?” Celestia shivered at the reminder Twilight was vaguely related to a bug.

“It means that once she regains enough strength she will molt, far faster than would have been necessary. That means when the Queen’s drones arrive to take Twilight Sparkle back, they will find another queen. A kind, gentle and loving queen. I have no doubt they will attach themselves to Twilight Sparkle instead of that witch who tried to take her from us, so as I said: let them come. It will only help protect Twilight.” Luna frowned. “However, for Twilight to begin her molt in time she will need to be stronger.”

Celestia stood up with a purpose and turned to head into Twilight’s room. “Well then, let’s go and help her to become stronger. The love I have for her—that her family has for her—will make her nice and healthy. I’m certain.”

Luna smiled, following after her sister. “Careful, Tia. We do not want to make her fat.”

Celestia paused and began to laugh, comforting tears running down her cheeks. She gathered control of her emotions just before she opened the door to Twilight’s bedroom to hear the small changeling in the bed give a muffled whimper.

“Just a moment, Twilight Sparkle. There is a tube down your throat…” Celestia slowly approached as she watched Doctor Steady Hoof remove the tube, causing Twilight to cough a few times and take a deep breath.


Celestia glanced to Twilight Velvet, who moved over a bit to make room for celestia next to her. “I’m here, Twilight. We are all your family, including Luna and myself. We’re here for you and you are safe. We love you so much, my faithful student.”

Twilight’s horn began to glow green as she murmured happily. None of the ponies in the room moved as Twilight fed on the room full of love. None of them felt drained at all as Twilight’s horn dimmed. “Love you…” A sigh escaped her bruised muzzle as she fell back into a now much more content sleep.

“Come on, Shiny, let’s let Twily sleep. You and I need to do some shopping.” Cadance smiled as she placed her lips on Twilight’s bruised cheek, leaving the gentlest of kisses.

“Shopping? What type of shopping?” Shining glanced up from his sister to see his wife smiling affectionately.

“We don’t know how long poor Twilight will be in this place. The least we can do is make sure her room is filled with reminders of how much we love her. Night Light, Velvet, would you like to come with us?” Cadance trotted to the door, opening it with a glow of her horn.

Velvet shook her head. “Night, you go with the kids. Use the rainy day fund if you need to. She’ll want books, all different kinds… parchment quills... things to keep her busy.”

Celestia shook her head. “Don’t worry about bits, you three. All of this will be paid for by the crown. If we are already paying for damages done by the invasion, I see no reason why this does not qualify.” She cocked her head. “Are you sure you don't want to go with them, Velvet?”

“Yes, I need to stay in case my baby wakes up again and is hungry.” Velvet shook her head with a sad laugh. “I never thought I’d say that again once Twilight was weaned.”

Celestia hesitated as the others left. After all, what right did she have?

“May… may I stay with you?”

Velvet smiled before moving to Twilight’s other side. “Of course. After all, Princess, you are as much her mother as I am… I’d never make you leave her side anymore than you would make me leave.”

Celestia glanced down and smiled at the little filly she had loved since the moment they had met. Velvet considered her as important to Twilight as herself… Another mother. “Thank you... “

Velvet just shook her head. Nothing more was said as the two mothers watched their daughter sleep, while Twilight’s horn still dimly glowed green and fed her while she rested..