• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 1,500 Views, 17 Comments

Luna's Reprieve - Kwinohiro

Luna comes back after her banishment and meets a kind soul who will help her more than either of them realize.

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A Show of Disaster

A Show of Disaster

The warm sun warmed Kwin's back, but there was a chill in the air, but that was because it was early in the morning, and the sun's renewing rays hadn't had much time to spread their heat over the land yet. After a few short exchanges, they had picked up the bedroll, put out the fire, and made sure that the glowing coals would not cause harm to the forest. She had been a bit quiet, and kept her reasons unknown, but he didn't have to make any wild guesses.

"We'll have to get up early in the morning so we can get a head start on the day. Because of your leg, we'll be slowed, but we will get to our destination." She had said, later. She was right; his leg had a constant ache, and he had to favor it with a bit of a limp, so they couldn't run. But they made good time. They covered about a mile or so every fifteen to twenty minutes, which, he thought, was good, giving consideration.

"Where exactly is our destination?" He asked, curious.

"Oh. Well first, we'll go to Zecora's; she is a zebra who is rather talented at making special potions and tonic, such the kind that could help you with your injuries. Then we'll have to wait until nighttime, and we'll slip into Ponyville, the main town around here, and find a way to get back to Canterlot with as much haste as we can afford."

A zebra? He thought. Well, that'll be interesting. And I'd like to see what a few other ponies are like, considering the only one I know is Luna. "Alright, then." Was all he replied then let his thoughts drift around, to old thoughts, and then ones about recent events, and often landing them on Luna. I hope she's alright. I wonder what all that was about last night?


"...and find a way to get back to Canterlot with as much haste as we can afford." She finished.

He had simply replied with, "Alright, then." And had gone to his own thinking. She looked over at him, trying not to think about the obvious as she looked over him. He seemed to be deep in thought, sometimes with a pleasant face, or a questioning one, but most often, it was one of deep sympathy.

"Is something wrong?" She asked him, wanting to know what was troubling him.

"Oh, um... I'm just wondering if the... other ponies will freak out over me." He didn't seem certain of the answer, but she put it off.

"Oh, that's fine. You won't have to worry about Zecora. She is pretty strange herself, and as for the ponies of Ponyville... more than likely only a few people will know you were ever there."

"Oh, good then." He responded, looking a bit nervous, and she wondered at it. Was there something else on his mind, and did he make that up just to divert suspicion? She wished she had the answer, but felt pestering him for it would not be a good way to get it out of him.

They had continued walking, and, after some time, had made it to Zecora's hut. "Well, here we are. That didn't take as long as I thought it would."


Kwin looked up. It was a gnarled tree, but it had a few windows and a door at the base of its trunk. It had strange decorations, such as bottles, jars, and even a few tiki masks.

Luna stepped up and knocked at the door. After some moments, the door opened. He could see the top of her mane, which was in a type of mo-hawk.

"Hello, my Princess of the Night. Have you found what gave your sister such a fright?" Her accent was African-American, of that he was sure, but had she just rhymed?

"I have, but it seems as though her worry may have been unneeded." And with that, Luna stepped aside, giving them both a view of each other.

Zecora was obviously a zebra, but he already knew that. She had gold rings all around her neck and legs, and looked a little more masculine than Luna did. She was less curvy, but still had more than a male, he assumed. Her muzzle was squared off, unlike Luna's, and she didn't have the same kind of eyelashes.

She looked at him, in awe, he noted, instead of the fear he had expected. She looked him over, at his side, his hair, and all around him. Then to his bandages, and their size.

"I have never seen such a creature, with such strange and so outlandish features. But what sort of beast gave you such injuries? And how have you handled them, with any ease?"

He liked her way of speech. It gave her a sense of wisdom and mystery. "It is nice to meet you miss Zecora." Her ears perked up at the mention of her name. "My name is Kwin, and as for the strange thing that caused me harm, I do not know. It had the head and body of a lion, bat-like wings, and a scorpion tail."

At this, her eyes widened. "You fought with a manticore without protection? Surely you made sure that you had no infection!"

"Well, that's the reason we came to you. You know more about anything in this forest, and more about potions and brews to heal ailments. We were hoping you could help him with that." Luna said, looking hopeful.

"Oh, a remedy I can brew up, for sure." Zecora smiled at this. "But you will have to stay, and tell me more."


She had brewed a concoction that, when he consumed, had started to heal the cuts from the inside, while purging them of any infection they had. Now, as he looked, they were only shallow scratches.

Now they were closer too Ponyville. However, when they had finished walking out of the forest, they saw lights coming out of it in a back and forth motion.

Ponyville was beautiful, even from the outside of it, he could see the unique shape of the buildings. He even saw a hearty oak tree with windows and a balcony.

"Oh no, this isn't good." Luna had said, very worried about something.

"What is it?" Kwin asked, confused. He didn't understand. They had made it, so what was bothering her?

"Look for yourself. You see the source of those lights?"

He looked on, and did. It appeared to be a fashion show, but one that was bombing. He could see a few ponies up on the walkway, and the dresses they had, if they could be called such, were horrendous. The crowd was booing, in evident dislike of the clothing.

"What about them?" He asked, still puzzled.

"Well, you don't know of course, since you haven't met her yet, but twilight is up there. She will be up there for at least a while longer, and she will more than likely be up for a long time. Even if she's not, she'll probably be too tired to help us. We'll have to wait another day, unfortunately."


As they made their camp, they were unaware of the creature that was watching them, full of hate in his eyes. It despised both of them, neither one in-particular, but the feelings they shared as they fell into sleeps embrace. They were unsure, but he knew. He wouldn't strike now, for that would be too foolish. He could wait.

And that He would.

Comments ( 9 )

awesome chapter. :D

so a strange beeing that is evile is watching theme, well interesting chapter so far

I like the story and have faved and up voted it so as to keep track of it.
The only quibble I have is the mile in fifteen or twenty minutes. That is a rate of three to four miles an hour which is a fairly fast pace for a healthy human. I would think that his rate with an injured leg, still sore enough that he limps, would be perhaps half that. Just food for thought.

I WANT MOAR!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update? Update?

MAN you should continue this
Why did you quit?

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