• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 21,035 Views, 714 Comments

Spike Comes Out - Rated Ponystar

Twilight finds out that Spike is gay and they have a serious talk

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Dramatic Reading


Thanks to Goombasa for the reading.

NOTE: No more arguments about homosexuality being a sin or not. I let it happen for a while because people had the right to defend themselves but I will have no more drama. I am Catholic, I believe in Gay Rights, you don't like it tough. If you want to insult me, PM me, I'm fine with that. But I will have no more flame wars on here.

Comments ( 60 )

Dramatic reading? Nice. :pinkiesmile:

Also, I agree with the no more arguments. :ajbemused: Then again, this is the internet. :ajsleepy:

Yay, a dramatic reading

And yes, the damned wars need to stop. It's annoying....

Amen Gunslinger.

Congrats on the reading bro:yay:

I don't have any problems with homosexuality so, :moustache:

I got really excited there for a minute.

Then I saw that it wasn't another chapter.

Is it weird that I'd totally support Spike becoming gay, dood? I know it's for a selfish and obvious reason but... I'd totally accept it as headcanon, dood.

4020701 Nah, it's honestly one of the few fictions I somehow feel all fuzzy from, it's a nice story.

I'm completely hetero, and I support gays fully. If I can do it, why can't everybody else? Love is love.

Homosexuality isn't never not a sin.

still wanting the epilogue

Ignore him. There are religious people like me who know it's not wrong to be gay. That's why I made this fic

still waiting for more i really dont want this to be a one shot

We still need more of this. I really want to see Twilight's relationship with Rumble develop.

I am male, and have a boyfriend and I feel this is a sin on my part. For those of you who want to throw Leviticus at me, I have to warn you you're throwing a boomerang for one thing, and for another I already confess my sins. As a confessional Lutheran, it is not my place to judge the sins of another or even myself. That authority lies with God and he has forgiven me.

NOTE: No more arguments about homosexuality being a sin or not. I let it happen for a while because people had the right to defend themselves but I will have no more drama. I am Catholic, I believe in Gay Rights, you don't like it tough. If you want to insult me, PM me, I'm fine with that. But I will have no more flame wars on here.

I feel bad that you even have to say this.

I know the story is finished but I would like to see the events after this and see spike come out to the rest of the mane 6

I have no plans to make a sequel, but if I did it would have been the mane six accept Spike's relationship with Rumble while Fluttershy reveals she was raised by two fathers, maybe afterwards Spike and Rumble finally decided to become lovers afterwards I guess.

4091343 Okay, thats cool just know I would like to see a sequel if you ever think about doing one.

Very good. You are a fantastic writer.
I know most one shots stay one shots but just so you know I am yet another fan who thinks that this one shot would be great to expand upon.
Then again I think that about alot of one shots. :twilightblush:

(bold text will be what I think of this story)

Hey..... all you "religious" nuts. Religion is about love. Period. I'm so fucking sick of you shitheads that think being an asshole to other people will make you better than others to the point of being accepted into heaven. If you don't like homosexuality: fine, then don't go out of your way to read a story called "SPIKE COMES OUT"...... what the fuck else were you expecting? You make us normal people, that like to be nice to others, LOOK REALLY FUCKING BAD.

Why don't we do something normal? Like actually talk about the fucking story? Give complements, constructive criticism, tell why you hate it without quoting the entirety of a book that has contradicted itself on several occasions, etc? Like this:

-I love this story! :raritycry::raritydespair: I'm crying tears of joy!
-but I've always imagined it ending with Twilight being a homophobic bigot because of her childhood in Canterlot. The other elements slap some sense into her (broken bones are optional), princess yells the fuck out of her, the end.
-I'm sorry, but I've seen the whole "don't worry, I'll support you no questions asked because I'm your mom/sister/I wanted your dick at first" story too many times. Not saying its bad, I still cried like a little bitch and I still favorited this.

Holy sh....What a flamewar, but I'm not here to comment on the flame war, or to put on my opinion over the issue in here (which should be pretty obvious on it's own, seeing as I write what I write).

I really enjoyed the story, you really portrayed the process of a young teen discovering his sexuality in a realistic manner, even in a land of magical talking ponies. And I almost cried as twilight accepted him and Spike revealed what Rumble had to suffer trough, too many people in real life have to pass trough that. Even in a land of tolerance like Equestria there's bound to be a few bad apples that disagree with tolerance and respect for everypony.

Overal, I really liked the story, and I'm being redundant here, so let's just say, thank you!

I would like to ask, if you have a Netflix membership, go on there right now and watch the movie "But I'm a Cheerleader!". It's a movie about a mistaken-for-gay high-school girl who's sent to a Cure-Your-Gays camp.

Not all religions are like that and not all religious people are like that either

4155518 I disagree with the idea of Twilight being homophobic, she always seemed too accepting and forgiving in the show for that. Even if she was raised in a city of bigots, she's smart enough to realize on her own there's nothing wrong with it. I did. Heck, being raised in a city of bigots would give her MORE motivation to be accepting, because she'd see firsthand how harmful prejudice can be.

yeah, i know.... thats kinda how i grew up.... what i took away from my life living with a bunch of assholes is "i will never be like them. fuck em."

i just like to see twilight as a homophobe because it would be pretty funny to me to see the princesses and the rest of the mane 6 slapping some sense into her (with as much emphasis on the word "slapping" as possible).:pinkiecrazy::scootangel:

4199657 I wouldn't find Twilight being abused funny at all :twilightblush:

to quote my original comment:

I'm sorry, but I've seen the whole "don't worry, I'll support you no questions asked because I'm your mom/sister/I wanted your dick at first" story too many times.

i just like the idea of twilight being an asshole, to the utter horror of her friends and the princesses. i've seen the "i'll instantly support you" thing way too many times to count..... to a point where i want to whack my head on a metal pole because a facepalm isn't enough. but thats just me.:derpytongue2:

4238523 Maybe so, but it's more believable given Twilight's personality.

ehh, to each their own, i guess.... (/:derpytongue2:

I'm ok with gays I'm a little uncomfortable at first thinking is he looking at my ass?:derpyderp2: then I'm like no I just met him so just yea:moustache:

4199657 lol slapping as in... :twilightoops::scootangel::pinkiehappy::moustache: so yea:moustache:

Pretty much, I just wanna see pony brutality in this context. Maybe Celestia sends Twilight into the Fly of Dispair (spongebob reference).:duck:

I know you've probably heard this a kajillion times ,but you should totally make a sequel / continuation of this story! (If that's okay with you)


I'm Jewish, and I support this guys story and gay rights 100%.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all worship the same god. That makes us cousins of faith

4984951 holy shit dude, that's brutal.:twilightoops:

When I click on this story I get adverts full of strapping, scantily clad men.

I approve.


I'm kane, and the people in the camp who abuse gays, are the clown.

This is an example of "I don't like m/m, but if Rated Ponystar wrote it, it should be good." And I was right. Ironically, I read this before. I didn't comment on it before because of the heat coming from the comment section. Now that it's cooled down (I hope), I can safely say:

Thanks Rated Ponystar for that story.

This fic really helped me... I am bisexual and this fic has shown me that there will always be people there for you... I haven't come out yet but this gave me more courage than ever before. So thank you!

If this is a one-shot fic, that's fine. But I would love to see you carry on the series... I really like the Spike X Rumble ship and I wanna see more of it, This is the only piece of fanwork I can find about it... I will try to write some fics (Maybe) about them and maybe how they got together in the first place... But only time will tell...

You inspired me to write Mr/Mrs/Ms/Master Ponystar... Thank you

Why did I scroll to the comments......

Just.... why. I should've learned this by now. Never read the comments of anything that has to do with homosexuality. Ever.

Most of them are outside the U.S. In lands where they can get away with it

6490861 No, it's not child abuse, it's just curing the gay! They're helping their child, you silly!

As for the legality, I'm not sure if they're still legal. They might have fixed that by now.

Well... this is actually a... different fiction. I can see you wanted to give a good story of gay people, and give a lesson of tolerance. That is pretty cool.
But i don't think that using a kid and a baby dragon was the best idea. It is a bit... strange, specialy because it incluse sex references.
So... good moral, good story, very well written, but i don't think this was the best way.
I defend gay rights too.

3911201 Anal sex is very...oriental. The proper, Aryan form of homosexuality is oral or the Greek form of intercrural sex. It was good enough for Achilles and Patroclus, anyway. This form is less degrading to the receiving partner.
Then there's the noble, Sapphic art of Tribadism.
I could go on like this all day. Christians simply lack imagination when it comes to sexual acts.

I'm pretty sure they are both teenagers or adults at the time this story takes place, which seems to be quite a few years after the show.

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