• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 28,464 Views, 1,751 Comments

Pinkie Personalities - Drebom

Pinkie Pie isn't alone in her head- she has multiple personalities. The three of them have kept this fact secret for a very long time. Now, however, Twilight's overheard them arguing....

  • ...

The Problem with Reality Warpers

At the end of the day, there is an undeniable problem with attempting to trap a reality warper, especially one capable of twisting space-time like a pretzel. Simply put, this is that it is basically impossible to contain them in such a way as to render their powers useless. Certain high-grade containment spells can accomplish this, but they require an absurd amount of magical energy to cast, roughly equal to the cumulative magic possessed by the average small town. Another method would be to deprive the reality warper of their magic, thus preventing them from using their abilities. Of course, in either case one would need to be capable of channelling almost absurd quantities of magic, and as Neuron Probe is not a Changeling Queen, nor a semi-immortal Centaur with a thirst for power, it can be safely assumed he did not have this ability.

Of course, reality warpers do have their own limitations, which prevent them from doing things like accidentally obliterating the universe with an ill-timed sneeze. But when it comes to something like removing their limbs from hastily-made, utterly mundane bindings in a cave, there is nothing, technically, that can get in their way.

The problem Pinkamena faced was that, in a manner of speaking, she wasn't a reality warper. She was too orderly and sensible to have the casual disregard for things like the laws of physics and common sense that all good reality warpers do. However, she still technically had the body of a reality warper; Pinkamena Diane Pie, better known simply as Pinkie Pie, had been a reality warper since birth. Her mind was shaped in the way that allowed her to take full advantage of her abilities, as was that of Surprise, the other personality sharing their collective brain.

Pinkamena was the only one of the three who could not look at the twisting fabric of reality and simply giggle. The experience was more likely to give her a blinding headache at the very least. Other possible reactions included things like dizziness and nausea. The latter problem, at least, had thankfully been slowly worn down by years of exposure to her more cheery counterpart's antics. But the tendency for blinding headaches still remained, and that was when she was watching in the 'passenger seat', so to speak. As for an attempt to twist reality personally? Trying to tear apart the foundation of the world because of its inconvenience, and force the world to accommodate her will? It was all but unthinkable. The last time she had done so, five years ago now, she had had a truly horrific headache as her mind tried to come to terms with the fact that she had seen and felt her leg stretch like rubber despite flesh and bone being completely unable of such a feat. It was all but impossible to hurt herself physically, what little instincts she had would see to that, but mentally it was a totally different story.

With this in mind, the fact that she was trying to figure out how Pinkie's teleport trick worked as quickly as she could said a lot about the situation.

Probe was only a few steps away from her now. Her heart was racing as she strained and pulled at her bindings, her panic threatening to overwhelm her as she desperately tried to escape. She had to escape, she had to! She needed to make a hole, a tunnel, from here to...anywhere, honestly. Sugarcube Corner would be great, but she could land on the other side of the cave and she'd be happy, just so long as she got away from him. And it would hurt, but maybe if she closed her eyes and ran as soon as she could then it wouldn't be so bad. Right?

Probe chuckled at her futile efforts, and finally stepped to within touching distance. The sharpened piece of metal, came closer. She could see now that it was not a true scalpel, more likely a piece of a can or something, flattened and shaped roughly with rocks until it gained the approximate shape. But it was still metal, still sharp, and coming closer!

She screamed, and finally pulled at something in blind terror. Something, despite being intangible, went 'pop'. Pinkamena




l and hit the floor.
She saw it all, felt it all, with no disconnect between body and mind like when Pinkie and Surprise did it.

Probe looked into the hole in reality she had left behind.

This time, both Pinkamena and Neuron Probe screamed.

Halfway across the country in Manehatten, Discord jolted and gave a giant spit-take of lemonade, dropping the rest of his glass of cotton candy in the process. He whipped his head around and stared through the wall in the direction of Ponyville, thoroughly ignoring Luna's complaints of him getting lemonade all over her chess set. He had been confident that Laughter's bearer, given her abilities, would be able to protect herself from one deranged stallion, that he was free to tag along on the Princess's visit to the city and have some fun with her. That, obviously, was a mistake. He prepared to teleport-

Something was wrong. It hurt so much, things had twisted and shattered in front of her eyes that shouldn't have but they did and it hurt so much but somehow, Pinkamena still knew that something was wrong. She had made a mistake somewhere, hadn't done it right. And she had been wrong, it was so, so much worse than she had expected, she couldn't run like this, her head, her mind, it all hurt too much, she couldn't even see straight. She screamed and screamed and he screamed too, her pain and his terror mixing in the air as whatever was in the tear she had made fell away, fell away into the void between the atoms and the frames and the letters that had hurt so much to see-

And then she was out of the body and into the mind, shuddering and shaking, held in a comforting embrace even as she slipped into true unconsciousness.

The moment she emerged, her panic at Pinkamena's mistake overriding her fear of the doctor, Surprise wrenched reality back into place. Pinkamena's mistake had been simple in nature- it was too big a hole, and she'd forced it to stay open instead of closing naturally behind her. It was too unstable to last for long, but it had posed a risk to the immediate area. The rock they had been chained to was half gone as a result, torn away and flying through the gaps to who knew where. Hopefully it wouldn't hit someone.

Discord relaxed as the hole closed and snapped his claws, yanking the piece of rock back into reality proper. It flew into the room and, of course, landed right on top of Luna's just-magically-cleaned chess set, narrowly missing the mare's snout. Regrettable, but far better than it landing directly on some poor sap somewhere else.

He hastily began babbling an explanation before the irate mare got the idea to blast him with concussive magic.

The remaining Elements of Harmony and their accompanying guards barely felt a thing. The unicorns noticed the most, Twilight especially feeling the brief burst of wrongness coming from just up ahead. Something had happened.

'Hold on girls,' she thought desperately, blasting yet another golem into a tree, 'we're almost there!'

Probe had stopped screaming, probably from lack of breath, but he was still staring into the space Pinkamena had previously occupied. Surprise gulped, and began to slowly edge away.

Behind her, completely ignored until now, the small Timberwolf abruptly began to snarl and bark. Jumping, she whiled around, only to hastily dive to the side to avoid the young cub's pounce.

Unseen by Surprise, Probe twitched at the sudden noise and slowly turned around. In some ways he was actually lucky. Had he had a tighter grip on his sanity, his catatonia might have lasted months at the very least. But with his actual, far more tenuous grip on things, coupled with his growing single-minded obsession with a certain pink mare, he had actually managed to remain vaguely functional.

Of course, at this point he couldn't do things like reason, or think straight, or even remember what exactly he was trying to do in that cave. All he really new that he wanted the pink mare in front of him for...something, and that he was angry.

And so, instead of using his magic, which would have been a far more sensible decision, he simply let out a wordless scream of rage and charged.

Surprise, taken unawares, didn't have the time to turn around again before his shoulder slammed into her side, sending her sprawling. She gave a pained gasp at the impact, the pain settling into ribs. That was going to bruise for sure. Nothing was probably broken though- it took more than that to break the bones of an Earth Pony.

Probe dashed forward and reared up unsteadily, clearly aiming to slam his hooves into her as hard as he could. As he came down, she bucked out with a hind leg. He took the hit with an audible 'Oof' and fell to the side, missing her. His legs half-collapsed under him as they struck the unforgiving stone floor, and he let out another yell, half angry, half pained.

Now the Timberwolf howled, and ran in, patience expended. It pounced and she rolled awkwardly to one side. An outstretched paw clipped her side, scratching three long lines into her skin. The Timberwolf's momentum carried it across the floor, and it landed with a wooden clatter as she scrambled to her hooves.

Probe, thinking slightly clearer now, tried to conjure a rope to bind her. The magical lasso barely tightened around her chest before she turned her body fluid, allowing it to slip through the loop as she merely cantered forwards. She ducked under the Timberwolf's second pounce and dodged telekinetically-hurled rocks to the beat of a twitching tail.

Next, Probe grabbed her, lifting her into the air, but his magical grip was too weak to hold her for more that a few moments. Surprise dropped, and this time had to pull a hind-leg out of the Timberwolf's closing jaw, drawing fresh blood as it grated against the young monster's teeth. She gasped in pain and landed awkwardly, on her hooves but only just. Her leg gave a painful throb as she put weight on it. Probe darted in, and she dove to one side, but her injured leg protested and trailed behind. Probe tripped over it, and the impact sent both of them to the floor. Surprise bounced with the impact, and ended up against the cave wall.

Surprise breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath even as Probe struggled to his hooves, somehow still finding the strength to carry on. He limped towards her, horn lighting up. The uncomfortably familiar sight of the makeshift scalpel came floating back through the air towards him as he advanced. By now, his face was a mask of fury, all other thoughts and feelings having long since departed his mind. Considering that it was probably more than a little broken by Pinkamena's warp, some part of her quietly realised, feeling angry might be all Probe's mind was actually capable of at the moment. The Timberwolf, growling lowly, was slowly circling them both.

She recognised this scene. She had seen it, on rare occasions, when carnivorous animals chased their prey onto the family farm. It was the part just before the pack leader killed its prey. Icy fear flooded her at the thought.


And before Surprise could do anything more, Pinkie Pie finally retook control of her body.

Pinkamena had knocked herself unconscious trying to escape. Surprise's desperate fight had left her battered and injured. The monster walking towards them had hurt and terrorised them all in the present, in the past, and in uncountable nightmares in-between. Neuron Probe had, bluntly put, been a blight on her life for nearly as long as she could remember. She was scared, terrified even, but more than that now she was increasingly angry, and sick and tired of the whole bucking mess. Pinkie rolled onto her back, braced herself against the gave wall, and met Probe's eyes.

"I'm tired of being scared of you," she told the deranged stallion. She doubted he really understood her, but it felt good to say the words none the less. Probes only reaction to the sudden change in demeanour and defiant words was to snarl, come closer quicker-

Pinkie bucked him in the chest with every last scrap of natural strength she had. Probe went flying across the cave, the Timberwolf watching him arc over its head. He hit the opposite wall, and crumpled to the floor. In the moment of silence that followed, Pinkie heard the low echo of slightly ragged breathing separate to her own, and relaxed. He was unconscious.

Her attention returned to the TImberwolf as it howled, angrily. She watched it, tired and almost disinterested and it made to leap. As it's paws left the ground, she began to tug herself back to her bedroom in Sugarcube Corner.


Abruptly, a bolt of crackling purple energy crashed into the Timberwolf's chest, colliding with some sort of metal construction there that had a gem embedded in it. The gemstone reacted with its own pulse of bright energy, and the Timberwolf disintegrated in mid air- its various pieces flung in all directions by the force of the magical explosion.

Pinkie blinked, and looked towards the cave entrance, releasing her grip on space-time. Sure enough, Twilight Sparkle stood there, breathing heavily, obviously half-exhausted by the journey there.

Pinkie raised a hoof and gave Twilight a tired wave, matching it with an equally tired, but content smile. "Heya Twilight. You should see the other guy."

There was a pause as Twilight gave her a look, before running towards her into the cave, a relieved smile on her face. Behind her, their other friends appeared, along with a lot of guards. "No, seriously, you need to tie him up before he wakes up, I think he's even nuttier than he was to start with now, with the whole living in a cave thing and all the warping. Oh, and a lot more hurt."

She would have said more, but by that point she was too busy being hugged by her friends (and then forgiving them for squeezing one injury or another) to really consider doing anything else for a while. At least there were guards taking care of Probe.

Eventually, they broke away, and helped her to her hooves. "Let's get y'all home," said Applejack.

"I can't wait! It's like it's been years!" smiled Pinkie happily.

The moment was unfortunately then somewhat ruined by Twilight demanding a visit to the hospital instead, but Pinkie just gave a tired giggle and nodded her head in agreement. It didn't really matter, after all. She was safe.

Author's Note:

Well, it's been years in the making, but we finally made it. The climax. I hope it was enjoyable enough to make up for how long it took me to get here.

The tone in this chapter is fairly different, and that's only half intentional. On one hand, reality warping was always going to come into it, and it was always going to be Pinkamena who did it and suffered as a result. In the original plan, though, she didn't suffer this much, nor did she do anything wrong that needed Discord to step in and fix something. That just sort of happened whilst I was writing. Pinkie was always going to face her fears in the end, with Twilight coming onto the scene at the very end, but there was originally a lot less injuries going around in the initial plan for the climactic fight. I always knew that the climax was going to be serious and without humour, but I didn't know it was going to be as harsh on the characters as it was until I actually started writing it. Pretty much everyone involved in this fight was going to get off lighter, even Probe...but then, it seemed too neat, too perfect. So when I was writing, I found that this ended up happening instead.

Also, this is the first time I've really done an in-depth fight scene like this, unless the previous scenes with the rescue party count. How did I do?

Next time, we finally wrap things up. See you then.

Comments ( 69 )

Trying to tear apart the foundation of the world because of it's inconvenience
Sugarcube corner would be great, but she could land
The magical lasoo barely tightened around
catch her breath even as Probe struggled to his feat
The TImberwolf, Growling lowly, was slowly circling them both
It was the part just before the pack leader killed it's prey
the Timberwolf watching him arc over ti's head
She watched it, tired and almost disninetersted and it made to leap
As it's paws left the ground
The gemstone reacted with it;s own pulse of bright energy
it's various pieces fling in all directions from the force of the magical explosion

1. Its.
2. Forgot to capitalise.
3. Lasso.
4. Umm, Hooves? Technically speaking anyways.
5. Extra capitalisations.
6. Its.
7. Its.
8. Disinterested.
9. Its.
10. Its.
11. Its, Flung.

I say you did good there. Nice lampshade near the end.

Thanks! All fixed now.

I really liked how it turned out. The conclusion that Pinkie is the one who had conquered her fear is great. Thanks for writing this.

Very good !

For starters, this is probably the best explanation of Pinkie's reality warping I have seen from any fic.

And the fight scene seemed coherent - I didn't feel jarred at any point.

God Pinkie got uber meta right then.

One more chapter... Can't wait.

Very nice :)

flattened and shaped roughly with rocks until it gained the approximate shep.


good to know that you are getting this baby done.

also i have for about a year had a headcanon that Pinkie pie was secretly born a draconequus.

i'm going to read this because i too have multiple personalities and i'm curious of how this presets them

Maaaan, this is finally happening! The end of the saga of pinkie personalities. Sad, yet welcome.

I think your right scene came out alright.

Poor Luna though. I wonder how their chess game ended. :P

Yeah, it has been years, but it's nice to see this story coming to conclusion.

Having Pinkamena risking all by using her reality warping ability while she was too down to earth to properly use them sure paid off, even if it went wrong. Good thing Discord was there.

Now that Pinkie as conquer her fear, and Probe is caught and far more gone then ever, she, Surprise, Pinkamena and all their friends can enjoy life and adventures all together.

This was worth the wait.

Err... I have no idea what happened to Discord. Would you fill me in?

So glad to see this story being updated again. I'm glad you decided to finish this story once and for all. Can't wait to see how it will finally end! :pinkiehappy:


He played a chess game. He knew what was happening to Pinkie the whole time and was keeping an eye on her in case she couldn't save herself. Pinkamena fudged up. Discord prepared to leap into action and save her/all of reality. He got rid of the rock Pinkie was chained to as it slipped through the hole in the world. Luna got angry at him.

and as Neuron Probe is not a Changeling Queen, nor a semi-immortal Centaur with a thirst for power,

Or an insane unicorn with a massive hatred for cutie marks and the ability to recreate long-lost spells from materials she shouldn't have access to (seriously, how did Starlight get that time travel spell?).




l and hit the floor.


Thank you for expanding on what you originally planned.

so, that line about not being able to warp in danger isn't really a thing now?

Hmm. Pretty good. I wonder how all her personalities come out of this.

Mr. Probe needs a higher security prison this time. Or a gallows...
That's the best solution. :D

There was a pause as Twilight gave her a look, before running towards her into the cave, a relieved smile on her face. Behind her, their other friends appeared, along with a lot of guards. "No, seriously, you need to tie him up before he wakes up, I think he's even nuttier than he was to start with now, with the whole living in a cave thing and all the warping. Oh, and a lot more hurt."

Maybe we should send the good doctor back to his place of work?

Just look up tulpas and how their made im pretty sure.

Pinkie raised a hoof and gave Twilight a tired wave, matching it with an equally tired, but content smile. "Heya Twilight. You should see the other guy."
There was a pause as Twilight gave her a look, before running towards her into the cave, a relieved smile on her face. Behind her, their other friends appeared, along with a lot of guards. "No, seriously, you need to tie him up before he wakes up, I think he's even nuttier than he was to start with now, with the whole living in a cave thing and all the warping.

Very nice chapter, good work.

Of course, at this point he couldn't do things like reason, or think straight, or even remember what exactly he was trying to do in that cave. All he really new that he wanted the pink mare in front of him for...something, and that he was angry.


I look forward to the closing chapters. I feel bad about the missing shipping chance for Twi and Pinkamena, they are cute for each other. And would make the cutest couple. Still all in all good.

I think that was a mental block not a physical one.

Discord's little interludes sold this chapter.

pinkie is saves and neuron probe has been defeated, a happy ending coming up I love it.

p.s. i banned probe in a parallel dimension, I describe it with a word, CUPCAKE !! XD

I wonder what Fluttershy would say if she knew that Discord could have snapped his fingers and stopped this whole thing from occurring, but didn't. I mean, he did get rid of the rock, but that was about it.

But I'm pretty sure he also felt Pinkie needed to have this confrontation to finally get past the ghosts of her past. And how! Knocking Neuron Probe out will probably help her a long ways towards getting past residual trauma.

Forget that, a thousand years on the moon anyone?:trollestia:

Long story short, codename for secret government experiments that involved electroshocking the mind to death and then reprogramming the person via more torture. Fun.

Sounds it XD. What game / show is that from. Sounds like both something horrific to watch, but interesting to see the fallout of the test subjects.

It’s history, man. I read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. There’s some economics stuff in there too.

Ah! Thought it looked slightly familiar. But I'm more aware of the drug use of MK Ultra. Using electroshock was something I didn't know they used. Thanks for the info :twilightsmile:.

Ya I don’t blame Discord probably about to go postal when that happened. I’m surprised Probe didn’t get more damage....though the looming yet rings true as well.

So is the epilogue being written? Or are we headed to a second arc?

Keep going.

I hope we see a sequel to expand on the romance.:yay:

Three years late with this reply, and I can't technically speak for the person you asked, but in general, when someone says they have "headmates", they're teenagers from Tumblr who want to feel special and pretend to have or think they have DID, so they self-diagnose it. The concept of "headmates" isn't recognized by actual medical science.

Next time, we finally wrap things up. See you then.

Next Time, on Hiatus Ball Z

(please come back and finish this is a good story)

Wait a second :pinkiegasp:! Haven't I read this one in the last year's spring? I think I have!

will there be a new chapter soon?

please new chapter

New chapter, sequel, or let us know if it has been canceled. Please. :fluttercry:

*angriness noise*
I said like this story! I just don’t like gay! Excuse me for having an opinion!
*you have just made a nobody angry. Nobody cares about a homophobe’s opinion. Do you chose not to care either?*

Exactly. A no body, a nothing. And a homophobe.

Honestly it was the homophobe bit that makes it so fun to tear into you. Honestly I would do the same if you were antifa; heterophobe; racist; or Alt-Right. Cause those people have no reason to live, and are so much fun to burn.

Hell I can love and tollerate a person with the fury of napalm on fire. You're welcome.


You had a bitch fit because you don't like gay stories... In a community that overwhelmingly does gay ships.

Sounds like a personal problem, and that you need to find somewhere else to be hateful. You're allowed to an opinion, but people are equally allowed to mention that your opinion is annoying.

So sorry I’ll just take my useless opinion, bad art skills, and leave

Who said anything about your art? Might want to ease up on trying to guilt people, lol.

I'd like to end this conversation please

Gleefully, only responding because you did. :pinkiehappy:

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