• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 28,464 Views, 1,751 Comments

Pinkie Personalities - Drebom

Pinkie Pie isn't alone in her head- she has multiple personalities. The three of them have kept this fact secret for a very long time. Now, however, Twilight's overheard them arguing....

  • ...

Bad news

"Rainbow! Quit nappin' and get back to work!"

"Oh, come on, AJ! I just cleared that entire row!"

Glaring at the pegasus, Applejack barked out a quick retort. "And while you were doing that, me an' P-Surprise cleared an entire grove!"

Gulping, Rainbow looked behind the irate farmer. Sure enough, the other of the two groves scheduled for harvesting that day was already clear.

"Uh...I'm only one pony?" The excuse was a flimsy one at best, and her hesitant tone made it clear that Rainbow didn't believe it would work herself.

"Ah seem to recall somethin' bout you sayin' you'd be faster than ten?"

Rainbow winced.

"...Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration. Besides, I'm not on my A-game today...everything's been pretty weird today, ya know?"

Applejack sighed. "Ah know." Wordlessly, the pair turned to look at an oblivious pink pony, who was happily zipping around trees and bucking all the apples they contained into pre-placed baskets. Every now and again, Big Mac would come along with his wagon, load up the filled baskets, and haul them back to the barn for storage. Applejack sighed again. It had been a weird day alright. First, Pinkie had announced she literally had voices in her head, and if that wasn't enough a pinkie-sense doozy had struck soon after.

Personally, AJ reckoned the doozy was Pinkie's little revelation, but the pony in question was adamant it was something else. In any case, nothing else of note had happened that morning, eventually resulting in the group splitting up. When Applejack had started heading back to Sweet Apple Acres, She had invited Pinkie...and Pinkamena...and Surprise...boy that was going to be confusing...She had invited the...trio to come along, in an attempt to get to know the two personalities. The sooner she got used to this, the better, she reckoned. Rainbow had invited herself along, and so they had left the library together, leaving behind the others.

When they had reached the farm, they had gone inside and had a round of cider to relax. There had been a bit of conversation, which only really went over the facts AJ already knew:
1. Pinkie had 'multiple personalities', which essentially meant there were three minds living in the same body.
2. This wasn't harmful to anypony involved. In fact, from what little she had seen of 'Pinkamena', it seemed they were actually helping her keep her head on straight(ish).
3. This had been kept a secret due to some sort of bad experience in the past, and Twilight had only recently found out by accident.

Soon after that, AJ had needed to get started on her work for the day. Her friends had volunteered to help, and so here they were. As they watched, Pinkie- or was it Surprise?- finished the last row of her assigned patch, did a little celebratory jig, and trotted towards the pair.
"All done!" she beamed.

"Thanks, uh...Pinkie?"

"Yeah? What is it?" asked Pinkie cocking her head to one side.

"Uh, nothin', ah was just checkin' to, er, see who ah was...talkin' to..." she said, rather awkwardly.

Pinkie giggled at Applejack's explanation. "It's ok!" she beamed.

"Actually, that's a good point. I know Pinkamena's got that weird hair-floppy thing, but how do you tell the difference between you and Surprise, Pinkie?" asked Rainbow. Applejack's ears perked up. This was something she wanted to know as well.

"Well, I'm me and she's Surprise, silly! I know who I am, and I'm not Surprise, because I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"...Riiight...." Rainbow facehoofed. "Pinkie, I meant how can WE tell the difference?"

"Oh! Well, you should have said, because you said you and not I, but not me I you I because I was saying what you said from you point of view. Ok, SO I'm Pinkie-" without warning, the pink pony slumped. But, before Applejack had a chance to react, she had bounced back up. "And I'm Surprise. Can you tell the difference now?"

"Uh...no." said Rainbow, rather bluntly.

"Oh...How 'bout now?"


"What about now? Can you tell the difference now?"

Rainbow groaned. "No!"

This went on for quite a while.

"...And this one's a intermediate-level book, slightly complicated but there's a decent synopsis in chapter eighteen...Oh, and you'll probably need these two as well, to understand the background details of the area..."

Rarity eyed the growing stack of books in front of her. She had wanted to know more about Pinkie's condition, but this...this was an entire course in psychology! It would take her months to get though them all, and Twilight wasn't even finished yet!

"Um...Twilight, darling?"

"Yes Rarity?" replied Twilight absent-mindedly, searching the shelves for 'Mechanics of the Mind: Volume 6'.

"I think I've got enough books here for a..." Rarity trailed off, seeing Twilight turn around with the largest book yet in her telekinesis. The look on her friend's face was enough to finally snap Twilight out of her daydream-like state. She took in the stack of books beside Rarity, and realised for the first time that she was going a little overboard. Well, more than a bit- the stack in question was higher than the pony it was intended for.

"Whoa...Oh, er, sorry Rarity...I guess I got a little carried away there, huh?"

"Er...yes, quite." said Rarity. "I don't suppose there's a few here I could cope without?"

A few minutes later, and the pile of books had been practically cut in half. There was still a large amount of reading to be done, but at least this was more manageable. From somewhere close by, Spike's voice came calling: "Twiiiliight! Letter from the Princess!"

"In here, Spike!" Twilight called back. Soon after, the baby dragon entered the room and handed her the scroll. "Wonder what it's about? I can't think of anything..." wondered Twilight as her magic unfurled the scroll, Rarity and Spike looking on in mild interest. As she scanned the page though, this curiosity soon gave way to horror. Eyes wide, she looked around in horror.

"It's...It's...I'vegottafindPinkiequick!" And with that, she teleported away, leaving behind a very concerned, and rather confused, pair of friends.

On the whole, Sweet Apple Acres was a calm and peaceful place. Very little that happened was in any way strange, just the way Applejack liked it. She, Rainbow and Pinkie were relaxing, taking a break after a fair few hours of solid hard work. The farmyard was very peaceful...for about five minutes. Then a panicking princess teleported in with some rather terrible news. Things like that tend to ruin the mood. The trio shot to their hooves at the sight of Twilight in such a state, and trotted over in alarm.

"What is it, Twilight? What's wrong?" asked Pinkie, fearful of the reply.

With a grim face, Twilight wordlessly levitated her letter into Pinkie's hooves. Pinkie began to read:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of concerning events which transpired earlier today. This morning, a unicorn by the name of Neuron Probe escaped from the prison HMP Everfree, and was last seen heading into the Everfree forest. This does not concern you directly, but this is a very personal matter for your friend Pinkie Pie. I am unsure how much she has told you of her past, and I will not disclose details for fear that I would inadvertently reveal secrets she does not wish told, but know that her last encounter with this stallion ended in his arrest. I fear that he may seek vengeance against her. As such, I ask you to notify Pinkie Pie IMMEDIATELY, and to support her through this troubled time.

Also, I am sending a contingent of the royal guard to Ponyville. As the bearer of the element of laughter, a threat against Pinkie is also a matter of national security. They will be as unobtrusive as possible, but will keep a close eye on things. Their primary duties are to provide an escort for Pinkie, and also to search the surrounding area for the fugitive. I hope this will not prove too disruptive. I know that you and your friends are entirely capable of defending yourselves, but deploying guard is protocol for situations like this- I must ensure the safety of the bearers. Please, try and get Pinkie to open up about her past, if she hasn't done so already, to both you and the other bearers. It will make things a lot clearer for you.

Your friend and mentor always,


P.S. As soon as I am able, I will try to visit Ponyville myself. Also, I will see if my sister can visit Pinkie in her dreams tonight.

Within the first line, Pinkie was shaking badly. Each word only served to push her deeper into hysterics. At some point, the letter fell from her hooves as she stared into space. All around her, spectres of the past began creeping in. The memories of long, sleepless nights came rushing back. The sounds of machines whirring, hooves on tiles, and that voice. That terrible, cold, uncaring voice. The medication, the tests, the therapy, all of it came rushing back. Now darkness was swallowing her up, pulling her back into the nightmares of years past. The nightmares that had returned. There was a brief sense of something hitting her on the back, something solid and large, but the feeling was numb and hazy. Somepony close by was screaming.

Just before she sank completely into oblivion, Pinkie realised it was her.

Darkness. It surrounded her completely. She tried to move, but found herself immobile. A light snapped on. It lit up her surroundings in a dim light, allowing for a view of the machinery surrounding her. She knew this place. She screamed.


"Hold still now, Ms Pie" The words themselves were polite, but the voice spat them like acid. She struggled. The thick leather straps around her limbs tightened, pinning her to the metal table.


The scream echoed, but received no response. The impassive face of her tormentor loomed unexpectedly into her vision, a hoof reaching for the lever...

And then the good doctor found himself punted into the air by a strong pair of hooves. He shot upwards at impossible speeds. A scream of rage was snatched from his lips as he was then ploughed back into the ground, rammed by a charging pegasus. As his body dissolved into nothing, Pinkamena sighed in relief, and started undoing Pinkie's bonds.

"Come on. He can't hurt you. This is just a bad dream." She said, in an attempt to comfort her scared friend. She worked briskly, and the straps soon fell away, disappearing soon after. However, Pinkie refused to let herself be consoled in the face of this new horror.

"But he's out there again!" Pinkie screamed back. "He's going to take me away again!" Pinkamena stood there calmly, barely batting an eyelid and the gale-like blast of Pinkie's terrified voice. She countered it with her own, calm tone.

"Not gonna happen, Pinkie. We've got help this time. He'll be found before he gets anywhere near here."

"He's in a forest that's really dangerous and full of monsters, and if you think about it he's pretty likely to be eaten up by a big old manticore!" added Surprise, coming in to land. She acted as happy as ever, but the cheerfulness in her voice was muted, betraying her own worry. Her yellow mane was semi-deflated, much like Pinkie's. Pinkamena flashed a grateful look at Surprise. Pinkie took another shuddering breath, fighting down the by now familiar sense of panic that was becoming so common recently. Sensing the slight shift in Pinkie's mood, Pinkamena pressed further.

"We've got friends, the Princesses and a ton of royal guards on our side. Heck, Surprise is right as well- The Everfree's gonna chew him up if he stays in there for too long. And if he leaves the forest, he'll just be spotted and rounded up faster than a rainboom. We're going to be fine, Pinkie. I know this is a shock, I'm a little scared too, but we're safe. You can relax."

The look in Pinkie's eyes told her she was close. Just a little more. But what could...an idea popped into Pinkamena's head, and she grinned.

"I pinkie promise that that creep isn't getting anywhere near us." A couple of gestures sealed the promise, and a group hug followed shortly after. Around them, the last remnants of the nightmare collapsed into a calm white mist. Then the trio started floating up and up, rising up into consciousness... Pinkie opened her eyes, and found herself in her bed at Sugarcube Corner, looking up at the ceiling. Turning her head, her blue eyes were greeted with the sight of Twilight sitting in a wooden chair, reading something. Beside her, in another chair, Rarity was also reading, a hefty-looking book hovering in front of her. Applejack was pacing nervously near the foot of the bed. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were...not here. Huh. Wonder where they were...oh! Maybe they went to Zecora's to get some medicine for her? That would make sense. She did kinda pass out. Come to think of it, why did they always go to Zecora for treating illnesses? There was a perfectly good medical centre in town, after all. Plus, doctors gave out lollipops. The last time Zecora had been in contact with delicious sugary snacks, she had been taking Nightmare Moon's tribute on Nightmare Night, which was the exact opposite. Thief! What did they do with all those sweets anyway? Princess Luna hadn't been around to eat it, being on the moon and all. Or maybe Princess Celestia had sent it all to her in a care package! Oh wow, that must have been awesome. But it was wasted on such a meanie-pants like Nightmare Moon. Couldn't they have sent her apples instead, and let the foals keep all their goodies? How much did a package to the moon cost, anyway? It must be a lot of bits.

Further musings were interrupted by a certain librarian noticing Pinkie's open eyes. "She's awake!" gasped Twilight. Almost immediately, the bed was crowded by Pinkie's understandably concerned friends, voicing various questions about her well-being.


"Yes Applejack?" replied Pinkie cheerfully, getting out of bed.

"Are you all right, sugarcube? Ah mean, that was an awful big shock for yeh...and an awful lotta screamin'..."

"Yikes...we should probably reconsider that no psychiatrists rule..."winced Pinkamena

"I'm ok now! Pinkamena and Surprise beat up dream-doctor, and real doctor's not getting anywhere near me!" Pinkie shrugged off that little issue, shoving it away for the time being. There would be plenty of time to sort that out later.

Everypony present gave a sigh of relief at Pinkie's declaration, even if they were a little confused by the 'dream-doctor' part. "I'm glad you're alright, Pinkie. You gave us quite a shock there." smiled Twilight.

"Yes, we were. Quite understandable though, knowing a monster like that is on the loose." added Rarity.

"Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went to see Zecora, to try and get some medicine to wake you up. You've been out for hours." said Twilight.

"I knew it!" cheered Pinkie loudly, startling her friends. Sherlock Pie strikes again!

"Oh oh oh! Ask about the care package!"

"Oh yeah! Twilight?"

"Yes Pinkie?"

"How much does a care package to the moon cost?"


Author's Note:

Finally, it's done! The long overdue chapter 9! I'll admit, it was a struggle to get this one done. Blog followers will know that I've been trapped under a merciless avalanche of homework.

On a side-note, could those in the know inform me if multiple personalities sharing dreams is possible in real life? I'm afraid I couldn't find anything on the internet. (If it isn't, well, it's Pinkie Pie- reality may not apply.)

Hopefully, the next chapter won't take as long, but in the (probable) event of another long wait, fear not! I have something that may interest those with an interest in sci-fi: the works of one TessiFlameheart! Give her stories some love, they deserve it. In particular, an X-Com crossover fic by the name of Symbiosis had a little reference to Pinkie Personalities in the latest chapter- go ahead and check it out if you're interested!

As always, constructive criticism is encouraged. Until next time!