• Published 8th Feb 2014
  • 1,530 Views, 12 Comments

Tales of the Equestrian Outpost - ZeroChill

The Mane Six and Spike head out to the Equestrian Outpost to visit Rainbow Dash's Aunt. Several adventures happen.

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A brown and green-painted cargo train with golden framing and red rooftops soared along the tracks of a snowy landscape. The smoke that came from the locomotive billowed into the sky. A dark green earth pony stallion with a red cap, messy, blond mane and blue eyes pulled the rope on the ceiling with a navy blue-gloved hoof. The whistle of the train roared loudly as the sun began to rise from the horizon of the landscape. As the train continued along the set of tracks, a large, wooden wall rose from the land. The driving stallion pulled a silver microphone from the dashboard of the train with his hoof. He cleared his throat with a cough before he spoke.

“Ladies and gentledrake, we are en route to the Equestrian Outpost. Please prepare yourselves ready for departure.” The voice echoed through all the cars of the train. In a cart filled with piles of colorful gems and bits, as the six mares and purple drake slept, the voice from the intercom caused them to stir in their sleep. The first one to wake up, Applejack, stretched her legs and body. She looked out of the window towards the front and saw a town on the horizon.

“Yeehaw! Get your lazy flanks up everypony, because the Equestrian Outpost is just a skipping stone away.” She shouted. Twilight Sparkle was the next pony to awaken. She yawned as her lavender eyes were cracked red from exhaustion.

“Looks like you really do get up at the crack of morning Applejack. Still, I can’t wait to see what it’s like in the Equestrian Outpost.” She stated with a mix of exhaustion and excitement. Rarity, who had a magenta sleep mask over her eyes, removed the sleep mask. Her eyes appeared refreshed along with the rest of her body.

“I knew that it would have taken a bit of a while, but I really did not expect the ride across the lands of Equestria to be two complete days.” She said as she yawned.

“I know right?! I wanted to be in the pastry cart, but the mean conductors put us all in the mineral and bit cart.” Applejack, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity all jumped and shrieked as they heard a familiar voice behind them.

“Pinkie! You nearly scared us half to death! Since when did you wake up?” Twilight Sparkle irately shouted. Pinkie Pie shrugged her shoulders.

“I dunno. I was just sleeping on that pile of stones when I heard the train operator’s voice over the intercom.” She stated. As she said this, Fluttershy gently lifted her eyes open with an exhausted smile. She rubbed her eyes with her hooves and stretched. “Good morning sleepyhead! How did bunny watching go last night?”

“Oh Pinkie, it was so nice to see so many different species of rabbits frolicking in the night sky. I guess I kind of let the excitement of the night put me to sleep.” She said with a bit of exhaustion.

“You know, everypony but Rainbow Dash and Spike is awake.” Rarity noted. On the ceiling, Rainbow Dash lied on her back on a net hammock. She slept soundly on her crossed forehooves serving as a makeshift pillow. Pinkie Pie climbed up on a pole that the hammock was connected to. She pulled out a brass horn with one hoof and blew into it. A raspy trumpeting noise echoed through the cabin. Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened on pure instinct and surprise as she jumped up into the ceiling above. She dropped down onto the hammock and rubbed the sore spot. Pinkie Pie covered her hoof as she giggled at Rainbow Dash’s injury.

“Pinkie! Why did you do that?!” Rainbow Dash irately screamed.

“Because silly, the train is heading into the Equestrian Outpost soon! You didn’t want to be asleep when we got there, do you Dashie?” Pinkie Pie reasoned.

“Well, I guess not. After all, I need to be in tip-top shape for when I meet my aunt!” Rainbow Dash happily stated. Meanwhile, Spike snored peacefully as he lied back on a pile of gems. As his mouth opened, a loose emerald fell into it. Spike’s eyes opened widely in shock as the gem was lodged in his throat. He gagged and grasped his throat with his claws as he struggled for air. Twilight’s horn was wrapped in a pink aura. The aura coated the inside of Spike’s throat as the emerald was magically forced out of it.

“Thanks for dislodging the emerald from my throat Twilight.” Spike gratefully stated.

“It’s no problem at all Spike. I wouldn’t let you suffocate on a gem now would I?” Twilight stated. As she said this, the window’s scenery changed from a snowy wasteland into a city of wood and stone. Along the streets of dirt and cobblestone, there were various ponies, deer, griffons, bovines, goats and even teen-sized dragons. Almost everybody outside wore a brown parka and cowl combo. The train slowed down as it reached a station made of wood and iron. As it stopped along there there, a cerulean-coated earth pony mare with purple eyes and a lacy rainbow mane and tail and a dark purple-coated unicorn stallion with red eyes and a thick, dark purple mane and tail that ended with splashes of white stood along the station platform. The two ponies grinned widely as the train came to a stop. The doors of all the train carts opened up as various griffons and bovines entered in them. They took out various products from the freight train. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike walked out of the mineral car of the train. The mare and stallion that waited outside ran up to the group. The mare hugged Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash! You made it to the Equestrian Outpost!” She said. Rainbow Dash giggled as she returned the hug.

“How have you been doing auntie Rainbow Dash?” She replied. The two Rainbow Dashes released their hugs. Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled towards the group.

“I’ve been doing fine darling. I see that you brought all of your darling friends, including darling Rarity!” She said as she walked over towards Rarity. She lifted her hooves and embraced Rarity. Rarity did the same as the two fashionistas embraced each other. The two ponies walked away from each other. The stallion by Aunt Rainbow Dash’s side smiled as he walked up to Rainbow Dash and embraced her with his thick hooves.

“You have grown so much since I last saw you as a foal!” He stated. Rainbow Dash nervously looked over his shoulder.

“Remind me again who you are?” She said. The stallion grinned nervously as he walked back.

“Sorry. I just got a bit excited with seeing you for the first time in such a long time.” He said as he cleared his throat. “I’m Vitriolic Shot, your uncle. Rainbow Dash here told me a lot about you from her visit to Ponyville a few months back.” Rainbow Dash looked towards Aunt Rainbow Dash with a smile.

“You never told me you were married auntie.” She said.

“I did send you a letter after our visit detailing how my life here is. Didn’t you get it?” Aunt Rainbow Dash asked. Rainbow Dash placed her hoof on her chin and pondered back towards that time-frame.

“I think that the mailmare lost that letter. When I met her a few days after, she looked scared and said sorry so many times. She kept mumbling something about the boss room? Anyways, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is how is my uncle Vitriolic Shot doing this fine morning?” She happily asked.

“I’m doing positively fine today Dashie!” When Vitriolic Shot said this, Rainbow Dash blushed a red color and shifted her eyes towards her left and right.

“Errr, why did you call me ‘Dashie?’ Only Pinkie Pie calls me that.” She said bashfully and defensively as she pointed to Pinkie Pie, who waved happily.

“Well, I’m sorry that I offended you with the nickname. It’s just that I now have two Rainbow Dashes in my life. I got to give you some kind of nickname to designate you apart from my wife.” Vitriolic Shot reasoned.

“Well, you can just call me ‘Dash.’ It’s cooler that way.” Rainbow Dash requested. Vitriolic Shot rubbed Rainbow Dash’s mane affectionately.

“Well Dash, if that nickname works for you, then it works for me. I hope that the ride here wasn’t too bumpy for you. Ol’ Spirit Locomotive can be very fast with that cargo train, but he’s real good with handling it.” As he said this, the driver, Spirit Locomotive, walked a few steps away from the locomotive. His Cutie mark was a U-shaped stand with a single triangle in the middle. He nodded towards Vitriolic Shot’s direction before he went back into the locomotive. Aunt Rainbow Dash walked over to Vitriolic Shot and planted her lips on his cheek. She faced Rainbow Dash and her friends.

“Would you mind introducing me to your darling friends?” She asked. Twilight Sparkle walked up towards Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot with a warm smile.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. I recently became a princess and wish to expand my knowledge on this remote area of Equestria.” She introduced.

“Well Miss Sparkle, I’ll be my honor to introduce to you to life in the outpost.” Vitriolic Shot stated.

“You may have heard your wife say my name, but allow me to formally introduce myself to you darling. My name is Rarity and I hope to see what this town offers in the area of fashion.” Rarity stated with a bow.

“Rainbow Dash was right! You do sound a lot like her!” Vitriolic Shot exclaimed. “If you are as great as a fashion designer as she claims, then I really can’t wait to see how far you’ll go when you reach her age.”

“Hi Mr. Vitriolic Stroke and Mrs. Rainbow Dash!!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “My name is Pinkie Pie and I am Ponyville’s premier party pony! I can’t wait to make everyone here smile!” Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled serenely.

“Aren’t you adorable for a grown mare darling? You are so energetic. Well, I do want to see more inhabitants of the Equestrian Outpost smile. After all the work everyone here does, a party would be an excellent morale boost.” She said in agreement. In that moment, Pinkie Pie zipped away from the entire group and into the town. Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot were left staring at the spot where Pinkie Pie previously was. The two of them looked towards Rainbow Dash.

“She’s just Pinkie Pie. Don’t worry too much about her because she always springs back towards us.” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack faced the ponies in front of her with a smile.

“Y’all said that everypony-“As she began to speak, Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere by her side.

“Everyone Applejack. There are more than just ponies in this city.” She corrected. She immediately dashed back into the town. Applejack facehoofed.

“My mistake. So, y’all are saying that everyone here is a hard worker?” She asked.

“That’s right. Everypony, even the children, have a role to play in this town’s economy. We have miners, builders, harvesters, hunters and more. Some ponies from out of the outpost say that sentient beings that grow up here grow up to be respectable workers in the working world.” Vitriolic Stroke added. Applejack grinned widely.

“Ah like this place already! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Applejack, proud member of the Apple Family and one of the proprietors of Sweet Apple Acres.” She finished.

“So you are the one who’s responsible those delicious apple products that gets shipped here from Ponyville? I have to say darling, I’m impressed that a mare so young bucks a cargo-load of apples every day! You’ll be a fine worker in this town.” Aunt Rainbow Dash complimented. Applejack blushed from the positive words.

“Aw shucks, Ah have my older brother to help me with bucking apples. It ain’t my credit alone.” Aunt Rainbow Dash faced Fluttershy, who looked around in curiosity. Fluttershy’s attention focused back on the couple instantaneously after looking around.

“Oh my, I’m sorry. I was just so caught up with how different this place is from Ponyville that I got a bit lost.” She apologized.

“It is not a problem darling. When I first came to the Equestrian Outpost, I was surprised with how different it was from the Earth Pony section in Cloudsdale.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated.

“I never knew there was a settlement in Cloudsdale for Earth Ponies. My name is Fluttershy. I want to say that all the wildlife out here is amazing so far.” Fluttershy replied. Aunt Rainbow Dash looked keenly into Fluttershy’s eyes. Fluttershy trembled a bit from the piercing stare, but she was relieved to know that Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled acceptingly.

“I can tell you are very fond of animals. You see, the Equestrian Outpost is in need of a temporary tundra ranger to make sure that the natural life around here is preserved. If you are interested, then there is a request center in the work district of town where you can apply.” When Aunt Rainbow Dash said this, Fluttershy grinned happily.

“My, this place amazes me even more and more. A job where I can preserve the natural life of animals is a dream come true! So where is the work district again?” She asked.

“After you leave the station, take a left towards Griffon Avenue, take a north through Deer’s Road and head left towards Pony’s Street and you should find a large, green building with a 72-step set of stairs.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated. Fluttershy turned to her friends with a large smile on her face.

“This is a dream come true! You wouldn’t mind if I went ahead to see that request, do you?” She asked.

“Well, I really don’t want us to separate from each other. However, since you want to do it badly and Mrs. Rainbow Dash was kind enough to give you directions, then I suppose that it is okay.” Twilight Sparkle said. Fluttershy cheered in a low-pitched voice as she ran down from the station onto the streets. “I think I might regret my decision of having Fluttershy go off by her lonesome.” Twilight Sparkle said with a bit of discomfort.

“Do not worry. Most of the townsfolk here are friendly, and the ones that are unsavory usually get dealt with by enforcers before they become a problem. My son happens to be an enforcer around that area.” Aunt Rainbow Dash said. When she looked around, she noticed Spike, who was sleeping on the floor near Twilight Sparkle. “And who is this darling drake?” Twilight Sparkle looked back and the strands of her hair rose in fear.

“Spike! Get up! We’re supposed to be making an impression for her!” She shouted. Spike’s eyes slowly opened before he irately got up. He yawned.

“Twilight, can’t you see that nearly choking to death got me exhausted?” He looked forwards before he noticed Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot. He screamed in panic and turned around towards Twilight Sparkle’s direction. “You didn’t tell me they were here already!”

“You were awake just a few moments ago Spike. This shouldn’t exactly be a surprise to you.” Twilight Sparkle sarcastically said.

“Heh, sorry.” Spike quietly apologized. He faced Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot once more. “My name is Spike, personal assistant to her highness.” He stated with a bow. Aunt Rainbow Dash pinched his cheeks with her hooves. Spike reeled back in surprise and rubbed his cheeks.

“He’s so adorable! I didn’t know that dragons come in such cute-sized packages. Normally, the dragons here either help the town out or are hunted down for either their materials or for preserving the outpost.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated. Spike’s eyes shot open as he heard the terms ‘dragons’ and ‘hunted down’ in the same sentence.

“Wait, you mean you actually kill dragons here?!” He shouted fearfully.

“Yes we do. In particular, I slay dragons so that I can rip out their skins, scales, claws and even internal organs for my glorious fashion lines!” Aunt Rainbow Dash cheerfully exclaimed. Spike looked back towards the train. All the doors were opened. He opened his eyes in panic as he dashed over towards the train. Just as he was about to enter, all the doors on the train were slammed closed. The train slowly moved before it accelerated into full motion. Spike fruitlessly chased after the train.

“Wait!!! Don’t leave me here with these psychotic ponies!!!” He shouted to the top of his lungs. Unfortunately, the train left the station platform before Spike could have gone on. He slowly turned around and looked towards Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot. The both of them waved innocently and cheerfully into his direction. Spike collapsed in place and fainted.

“Well, what got into that young drake?” Vitriolic Shot naively asked. Rarity walked over towards Spike before she picked him up by his arm and threw him on her back.

“While I, for one, detest dragons in general, I can’t really say that I am a fan of those rather grimdark terms you used in front of Spike.” She dissented.

“Well, maybe ‘ripped’ was too strong of a word. I probably should have said something along the lines of ‘removed’ to lessen the impact. Now, who wants to go to my house now?” Aunt Rainbow Dash said. Rarity thought a bit before she smiled.

“Well, I do want to check out your storage area for materials. Just imagine what kind of fashion I can make from dragon leather!” Spike slowly stood up only to faint on Rarity’s back during the midst of her expression.

“Let me just tell you Rarity, once you work with dragon products, your life will never be the same again. You’ll be mesmerized with just how versatile they are.” Aunt Rainbow Dash said. The group of ponies walked away from the station and headed towards the town.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy gawked at the various sights of the diverse streets. She noticed a buck talking business with a pony over the price of the pie between them. She noticed how two griffons were carrying a hunk of red meat into the back of a butcher shop. She even noticed a group of foals, fawns, griffon chicks and calves running around the street she was on laughing loudly. A smile formed on her face from the sight of the children.

“All of these children looked so adorable playing with each other in harmony like this…” She softly said to herself. Unbeknownst to her, a group of griffons looked down towards her from the rooftops and stalked her. As she walked down the street, she noticed a street and two green, rectangular signs that said ‘Deer’s Road’ and ‘Pony’s Street.’ She squealed in delight. “I’m almost there!” Just as Fluttershy was about to take the left turn, she heard a very unsavory voice in her midst.

“Hey there good-looking. Are you just going to go down this street without batting those beautiful eyes towards us?” She turned back and saw a group of seven brown and black-feathered griffons each with eyes that are different colors of the rainbow spectrum. Each griffon came equipped with a brown knapsack hung around their heads. The griffon that made the comment stood on his two legs with his back resting against a pole. This griffon, who had red eyes, slowly walked over to Fluttershy.

“Oh my, am I really that pretty?” Fluttershy responded naively.

“Oh man girl, are you that pretty?! Those eyes and that mane and body! They drive me wild! You really shouldn’t tease me like that.” The griffon said. His comments brought sudden, uncomfortable shivers down Fluttershy’s spine.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t even know you.” She responded shyly. The griffon rushed towards her side with sultry eyes. He placed his talons on her shoulder and quickly shuffled them along her back.

“Then allow me to tell you my name. My name is Merah, leader of this band.” Merah said as he pointed towards himself. He then pointed towards the rest of the griffons in corresponding order, each of which responded with a wave of their claw. “Green-eyes over there is Verde, blue-eyes is Melyna, orange-eyes is Oring, purple-eyes is Lilla, yellow-eyes is Meava and indigo-eyes in the end is just named Indigo. You know, we’ve been watching you ever since you left that train station. Don’t you know what they say about the lone, pretty female that walks alone in these streets?” Fluttershy walked a backwards, away from the griffons.

“Ummm… no I don’t. Should I know?” She said nervously. Her path was intercepted when the long forelimb of Meava walled her.

“Well then, this makes things a lot more fun then.” Merah jeered on. Most the griffons in the band laughed with Merah. “Then I’ll make it simple for you; you give into what we say without any resistance and we’ll let you go on with your life. If you have to put up a fight, well then let’s just say that I really hope you didn’t have any plans for your future.” Merah said as he pulled out a red-hilted steel switch knife from a brown knapsack on him. He flipped the blade into position. The other griffons have also switched their blades into position. Merah grabbed Fluttershy by the top of her head and put the knife near her neck. “Either you make this easy for us or we’ll do it the hard way and make sure you never reach anywhere alive.” He threatened. Fluttershy froze in place as she felt the chill of the steel brush against her neck.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” A masculine voice echoed. Fluttershy and all the griffons looked up into the sky and saw an indigo-coated pegasus stallion with purple eyes and a thick rainbow mane and tail that ended with splashes of white jump down doing a 180-degree flip vertically and landed with a 360-degree spin. Small blades attached to aluminum braces on his hind hooves cut the knees of Melyna and Oring, which caused them to become incapacitated. The stallion then dropped onto the ground on all four hooves. His stare pierced directly into Merah’s eyes. “Let the mare go this instant or else things will get messy between us.” He said. Merah returned the stallion’s stare with an angry stare of his own.

“You may have dispatched Melyna and Oring, but it’s still five against one. On top of that, I have a hostage. You are between a rock and a hard place there my enforcer friend. What are you going to do-“As Merah spoke, he was interrupted by the sounds of slices that struck through the air. The blows knocked back Maeva, Lilla and Verde. The stallion then stared towards Indigo’s direction. Indigo trembled before he screamed and flew away from the area in fear. Merah angrily stared towards the stallion’s direction and threw Fluttershy to the ground. “You could have made this easy on me by just letting the cons of the situation beat you. I’m afraid you’re going to have to pay me back by going into the afterlife.” He said with violence dripping in his voice. The stallion smiled cockily as he went down on all fours again.

“Then you better hope that your skills can keep up with those words of yours.” The stallion said as he revealed two curved blades attached to metal braces from his hooves and stood up. “Because if they don’t, then you’ll see just how wrong you are.”

Author's Note:

I'm so glad that I was able to make this prologue. I am going to need cover art. If anyone is willing, then I would be very happy to accept the offer.