• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 5,934 Views, 129 Comments

Love Knows No Bounds - Autum Breeze

Rose Aphid has received a second chance, but the snow storm is making it seemed worthless

  • ...


A Home for the Homeless



Celestia lay on her bed, her tears having soaked the mattress long ago, but she did not care.

She was dead to Twilight.

Celestia had thought, when the changeling poisoning Twilight's mind was gone, she would realize she had not loved the creature at all and would thank Celestia for what she did.

But it had not happened.

The look in Twilight's eyes, the words she spoke, they'd all been true. Twilight had truly loved the changeling Rose Aphid and Rose had loved her back.

She had broken down as the realization hit her like a manticore on a rampage, She had just killed Twilight's daughter for no reason and now Twilight hated her to her very core... and Celestia could not blame her. She and she alone was to blame.

She had ended an innocent life.

Several hours after their time in the Waste Lands, Celestia had tried to return to Ponyville, to try and apologize to Twilight, only to find there was a magical barrier around it she could not cross.

No matter what spell she used to try and dispelled it, the barrier around Ponyville and the lands around it were out of her reach.

Celestia tried to send letters to Twilight, but every time they came back unopened as she learned it was with any letter she sent to Ponyville.

For months Celestia stayed hold-up in her room, coming out only to raise and lower the sun, which looked just as sad as she felt.

She barely ate, she barely slept.

With Twilight out of her life, the world had become a lot darker for the Sun Goddess.

Then, one day, Luna had received a letter from Twilight.

It stated that Twilight was three months pregnant and she was wondering if Luna would like to be the Goddessmother.

While the news should have made Celestia happy, the fact that Twilight did not want her to be the Goddessmother and did not even mention her in the letter, broke Celestia’s already shattered heart.

As the months wore on, Celestia heard news of Twilight’s pregnancy second-hoof from Luna.

Twilight was doing fine and the baby seemed completely healthy. But not once did Twilight try to contact Celestia about it, only through Luna did she hear of it.

She tried many times to go to Ponyville and talk with Twilight herself, to try and apologize, but the barrier always prevent her passage and she would return to Canterlot, her heart heavy, her eyes filled with tears.

Finally, after almost nine months, Celestia tried once more to go to Ponyville.

When she had come out to eat lunch that day, as little as she would eat at all, one of the guards informed her that Luna had gone to Ponyville after receiving an urgent message.

Twilight was in the hospital.

Forgetting about lunch, Celestia had set off for Ponyville again, determined to find out what was happening.

As she neared the outer boarders of Ponyville, Celestia braced herself for when she hit the barrier... but did not feel it.

She looked down and saw she was flying over Sweet Apple Acres.

Her spirit’s rising for the first time in ages the Sun Goddess increased her speed, heading directly for the Ponyville Hospital.

She landed outside the hospital and entered. When she asked the pony at the front desk which room Twilight was in, she answered happily.

Celestia hurried down the corridors until she reached the door with the number pony had told her.

Taking in a deep breath, she lifted a hoof and knocked.

“Come in,” called a cheery voice Celestia thought she’d never hear again.

As soon as Celestia walked in however, all the cheeriness she’d sense vanished, replaced with a cold feeling that ran right down her spine.

Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting around the room. Luna was standing next to a bed in the centre of the room as were Derpy Hooves and her daughter, Dinky and the CMC were there. And in that bed, holding a small bundle of cloth in her right forelimb was Twilight.

All the ponies aside from Luna gave the princess a cold glare, even Pinkie Pie.

Celestia knew why Pinkie was glaring at her. Aside from making her best friend horribly sad, Celestia had broken a Pinkie Promise the mare had forced her to make that she would never do anything that upset Twilight.

There were several moments of eerie silence before Twilight broke it.

“If you all wouldn’t mind, I’d like to speak with my ex-mentor.”

A wound that had only slightly healed was torn open again.

All the other ponies, including Luna nodded and exited the room until Celestia, Twilight and the bundle in her forelimb were all that were left.

There was another silence for several seconds.

“I sorry—” Celestia tried.

“I’ll start off by saying, I can never forgive you for what you tried to do, Celestia,” Twilight cut her off coldly.

Celestia’s heart sank further.

“However,” Celestia looked up, slightly hopeful, “I must thank you for what you ended up doing.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

Twilight lowered her forelimb a little and Celestia saw what was inside.

A tiny Alicorn filly, with a white coat and a tiny crop of pink and white mane.

“Is That—?" Celestia gasped.

“My daughter,” Twilight nodded. “When you hit Rose with that spell, she was still filled with my love. When she hit me she became magical energy and was transferred into my womb. And just to let you know, she is a full pony now. She is no longer a changeling."

Celestia stood there, absorbing this.

“It can never be the same between us as it was, Celestia,” Twilight said, her voice no longer cold, but not friendly either. "Not after what you did to my family, or Luna.

Celestia lowered her head.

“However,” Celestia looked up again, “Since I don't want my daughter thinking I’m cruel towards the princess of Equestria or that you must be bad for me to treat you as such... do you want to be friends?”

Celestia’s eyes lit up.

“Not like it was,” Twilight said, holding up her free hoof. “We will be starting all over, understand?”

Celestia’s heart sank a little, but she nodded.

It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

Author's Note:

There! It's finally finished! Took me all day but this story is finally finito!

Hope you all liked the surprise.

Now, with this fic outta the way i can focus on my others, including The Princess and the Foal, though that one might have to wait a little longer for its next chapter as I've a few others i want to write.

as always, please leave feedback

and to those not sick of hearing me say these, or even if you are, please help support Pounce. donate, spread the word and buy the Pounce-Aid album.

til next time my fellow bronies and pegasisters

Comments ( 60 )

so rose is not dead but she is inside twilight now i love it and you forgot to change this story complete since it over now and in the future can you write a sequel for this story about twilight gives birth to her daughter rose and she growing up with her family and friends with the tag Slice of Life in it and if you do that will rose twilight daughter look like her mother or not

This story was good for the most pat but that ending really rubs me the wrong way. Twilight still has no solid reason to forgive Celestia let alone call her a friend, especially since Celestia while clearly sorry for hurting twilight has shown no clear remorse for murdering Rose in the first place. The irrational hate towards a well intentioned, friendly and so far unharmful creature has been left completely uncertified.

As for Rose, well what about her? Is she a pony now? Still somehow a changeling or half way in between perhaps? If she was still a changeling or a hybrid of some description and Celestia accepted her then that would go a long way to solving things but like it is it feels like a bit of a cop-out to me. I take it this is the case since you said she was a pegasus this is the case and the whole xenophobia thing has been glossed over, something that doesn't sit right with me at all.

I loved this story to begin with, I really did but now it just feels awkward to me. Sorry. :applejackunsure:

the baby should have been a changeling so twilight could rub it in celestia's dumb face.
with that said, this ending was weird, Celestia showed no remorse for murdering a child, didn't learn shit and got easily forgiven to boot.
I like this story but this ending was weird.


I didn't think it was that off. Celestia was barrier from ponyville whilst twi was pregnant and the luna asking luna to be the goddessmother didn't even mention celestia.

Twilight was punishing celestia by making her feel Horrible for what she did and isolating her.

Then,after rose is born and twilight realizes what happened, she doesn't fully forgive celestia, telling her they can't be the same as they were during all the years they'd known each other, but because of her daughter not cut lily having been killed, twi will sghtlyforgive her and be willing to start over with celestia

4012098 are you going to reply to my comment and i am sorry that i reply to this comment

4012098 Giving Celestia a chance to start anew after she apologises and expresses sincere remorse for murdering an Twilight's child is something I could believe, if a bit of a stretch but forgiving her at the drop of a hat like that and making that kind of an offer so quickly? I'm sorry but I just don't buy it.

The only thing Celestia seems to feel rotten over right now is that her actions have alienated Twilight, there has been no hint of remorse for her actual actions, only the consequences. I realise that might not be you're intentions but it is the way it comes across, to me at least. In my opinion this ending needs a bit of fixing up.

4012454 sorry I haven't replied til now. I've been busy reading another twi foal Fic so I hadn't noticed a message appear in my Dropbox.

And no need to apologise, I just need to pay a little more attention to my Dropbox from now on

4012640 i forgive you and ok, nvm about replying to my other comment on for this chapter (lol i put a lot of and's when i do stuff on this website maybe i should stop doing that)

4010659 just to set the record straight, rose has already been born. she was in twi the whole time celestia was unable to enter Ponyville because of the barrier.

the barrier being gone was because rose had been born and twi knew, since rose was now full pony, celestia had no reason to try and take her away again

4012595 i thought about what you said, so i added a little more to make Celestia feel remorse. i hope you like this better.

4015367 what do you think of my ponysona?

4015077 It certainly an improvement but I still fined the way you imply Rose no longer being a changeling is a good thing, or at least a positive result of her murder.

That's probably just because of my own views in life though. Just my opinion after all. :applejackunsure:

i love how you tied two stories together in one great story. namely love, in all its forms and if only in my dreams good job!

While I like the overall concept, this is not at all how I would except Celestia to act.

4175495 if you read love in all its forms, you'll see why i wrote celestia acting that way

4176253 thank you. it's nice not having somepony tell me the ending was a cop-out

@Autum Breeze No problem, you have to treat every story like it's own universe. Look at the ALIENS franchise, it's so full of holes, you'd think the xenomorphs would be more like the changelings.

I enjoyed it, although it tended to skip a few great scenes (such as Luna and Twilight's conversation) that could have contributed to the narrative more smoothly than a mere summarization. Aside from that and the occasional error the story was nice, although I didn't have the time to read the one it was based off of. Overall, it told a good story, but could be improved on.
And that ending...:derpyderp2:
could've swore that there was a romance tag on this... I need sleep:ajsleepy:

huh. magical insertion and rebirth. that's a new one. good story!:twilightsmile:

"When she hit me she became magical energy and was transferred into my womb. And just to let you know, she is a full pony now. She is no longer a changeling."

But ... how will they explain Rose Aphid she has no father, while every single foal has ? :derpyderp1:

Oh wait ... they will explain tht she was a Changeling first, but ended up being killed and reborn, transformed as a pegasus filly ?

Wow ... that's gonna be one hell of a family story. Aye.

But well, all is well that ends well. :-)

4300379 she's an alicorn filly

Alicorn filly. I stand corrected.

That ending was completely out of left field, you should have did a longer arc where Twilight turns Equestria against Celestia or something.

4353367 the sequel will explain why it was so short

this was an awesome story though there's still one plot hole that was left unresolved when one thinks about it deeply connected to Luna. Ultimately what was Antumbra's fate after being banished 1000 years ago before Luna went nightmare. One would feel she'd need closure about her daughter's fate then. Was she killed, did she die of old age or starvation or is she still alive due to possible immortality being created by an immortal alicorn and currently somewhere in Equestria's borders possibly changing her name and having becomed a certain changeling queen or related to her in some way besides the obvious both are changelings way....? Would be an interesting thing to tackle in the sequel in addition to Rose's new life as an alicorn. I mean Twilight's and Celestia's relationship has been mended somewhat now why not Celly and her sister over what happened back then and wanting to know what happened afterwards.

Would also be interesting if Antumbra is in fact still alive and eventually meets Rose. That would be a very interesting meeting and allowing for things to truly be resolved between them all.

sequel... please:fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad:

4441986 oh, it's in the works, don't worry.

Dang, I was writing a Rose Aphid story with Twilight in it, and I got beaten to the punch because I couldn't find cover art!

4470172 doesn't stop you from writing it still.

Ok review time:

This is a nice story that has a lot of strong moments, but is ultimately a little to sparse to carry the weight of the narrative it tries to bite off. To wit: Twilight meets a foal and instantly decides to adopt it, asking her to call her mommy after one or two days. She pretty much takes to motherhood instantly with no real problems, then Celestia banishes her filly to the wasteland in the middle of a party, then when Twilight goes after her Celestia decides to kill her in cold blood but its okay because somehow Twilight ends up pregnant with the same foal because....love? but in the interim Twilight refuses to talk to Celestia for nine months and the just decides to forgive her " That story should take at least 50,000 words to tell.

You missed some great storytelling moments. Do spike and rose get into trouble. When did Twilight go from oh I should get her somewhere warm on hearths warming eve to I will adopt her. Doesn't Twilight ever have those moments where she feels like a bad mother?

Also Celestia feels way ooc. I mean she goes ballistic when she learns that rose is a changeling despite twilights feelings.

Okay enough negative stuff. Again the story was kinda sweet, and other then Celestia the characters are all in character. Its not a bad story i just wish there was more of it.

Rating (out of five Scootaloos)


4539836 well, there is a sequel in the works. don't know when i'll get it out, but it will be out.

also, it will have flashbacks to show the times not seen in this story.

4549726 in all fairness, this thing as meant to just be a oneshot, but everypony kept asking for a multi so I gave it to them.

I am planning on writing this, however, so that it has more detail and depth.

@#$% no. Sunbutt shouldn't get a happy ending. I highly doubt Twilight can truly follow through on her promise to start completely over.

Thank you for continuing this, but it's sadly OOC.

I should just put a subtle tag under every angry post I write that, if you got me emotional enough to be angry, it must have been a pretty @#$% good fic.

Great continuation of the Rose story but I feel it would be stronger if Twilight didn't forgive Celestia, maybe even become openly hostile when ever Celestia tries to visit Twilight.

Also Twilight should have Celestia tried and convicted for Murder of an innocent.

working on the reading:twilightsmile:
still got alot of other stuff to edit but ill make shure to have this in
the works

No. I am not happy with this excuse for an ending.

5078898 who ever said she'd forgiven her?

A bit rough in spots but overall, this was heart wrenchingly good.

sequel please. this is one great story :twilightsmile:

I don't think Twilight is strong enough to create a barrier that can truly keep Celestia out. I think that if Celestia would try hard enough she can simply overpower it. However I don't think she would, after what she did she can't use violence against Twilight.

6394210 I don't think you comprehend incredible things that people can do when surviving or saving something they love also people who love someone have been well known to do incredible things to save them

that's in an instant moment. this is talking about a permanent shield that is maintained for a very long time.

7204010 we're talking about a show that has friendship is Magic maybe magic is powered not just by friendship but love this is a classic example of What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object

I think it is more likely that Celestia thinks it is not right to force it. She could force her way through but after what she did she just can't bring herself.

7205911 maybe where both right :pinkiesmile:

It's really kinda cool to see how improved you've become as an author.
Keep going! ;)

4539836 this review is fair. This was great, but it needed to be lots longer.

Moar aphid!

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