• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,803 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

Missing Pieces

Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Missing Pieces


Canterlot castle was in chaos.

Guards armed with both swords and ghost blasters searched the castle from top to bottom and, back again. The continuous and overlapping tone of active scanners mixing with the pounding of hooves the only sounds heard, while all non-essential staff was scanned, questioned, then sent home with strict orders to keep silent, lest they cause a panic.

The princesses, now together in a secure room underneath the castle, standing before a table containing a map of their land and all its cities, villages, and other population centers, began putting in place numerous pieces in accordance with the reports they received.

"It all began with Baltimare," Celestia said, her voice cold, with a sharp edge to it as she placed a large number of pawns on the map. "Too many of them to count, coming through a newly formed tear, overwhelming all."

"As indicated by Stable Pulse," Luna observed, moving away, a small number of the pawns. "It stands to reason one, or more ghosts left the city and lay in wait, while the remainder wrought death and destruction. None of us would know." The few pawns were scattered around the map.

"Then the tear opened again and human reinforcements arrived," Celestia continued, wiping the mass on Baltimare of the map. "Stomping this threat down."

"So it would seem," Luna levitated several pawns above the map. "Or, as they would have it seem, perhaps?" She placed a pawn on Canterlot. "Then there was a near breach at the tear facility here in Canterlot," a pawn moved to Ponyville. "Then your student reported a strange phenomenon; the village's lake being inexplicably frozen," several other pawns joined the first. "Add to that the following reports in that area."

A golden glow encompassed some of the pawns and one of them moved to where the Crystal Empire had recently returned.

"Then, Sombra," Celestia said, putting the piece down with force.

"Assuming Danny spoke true of Sombra's nature," Luna replied as she put a pawn on the city of Canterlot and two, on the castle.

"That is another thing that worries me," Celestia said as she put in place some more pawns. "His knowledge of ghosts is worrying, though understandable. Yet each sighting of a ghost coincides with where he has been present. Canterlot, Ponyville, the Crystal Empire, and now there are foals reported missing in Ponyville shortly after he returned."

"Though worrying, some of these events can't be tied to him directly," Luna shot back, changing some of the pawns' positions. "While his reasoning to join Twilight and her friends to the Empire sounds reasonable, and his knowledge proved invaluable, neither he, nor we could have foreseen Sombra's true nature. Nor had he been present during the foals' disappearance. So logically, while present, he can't be connected to these events as they happened before he became involved."

"True," Celestia hummed, studying the pieces on the map. "Yet there are too many coincidences for them to be anything but."

"As we agreed upon earlier, before this latest disaster. 'Twas why you sent this expert in all creatures unusual to keep track of him, did you not?"

"I did."

"And both of us agreed the Ghost-Keteers present in Ponyville made themselves known to aid in the search for the missing children. Thus, no longer working under the cover of secrecy, they would be able to directly approach Danny Manson and, mayhaps discover some new insights which could shed new light on this mystery and, unfolding disaster we're facing."

"I know," Celestia released a tense sigh, staring at Baltimare on the map. "But will it be in time, Luna?” She looked up at her younger sister. "You weren't there, back then. You didn't see what they did, who they harmed. In the many years I have lived, of the many things I have seen, there are but a scarce few instances that come close to the atrocities I witnessed that day. And while it took only a few years for the city to return to how it was, the scars it left behind will never heal. All those who lived through it and those who didn't survive. Those wounds will never go away and it won't be for many generations until the fear that was born that day will disappear; perhaps never."

"I wasn't there, true," Luna agreed, stone-faced. "But I have witnessed the nightmares of those who were. I know what hath transpired that day and I recognize the marks it has left on those afflicted. But what has happened, we can not change. What we may still be able to do, is stomp down this threat before it can achieve its final goal. But in doing so, we must have all the facts and understand what they mean."

"What they mean?" Celestia looked puzzled.

"Surely thou hasn't forgotten, sister dear. This dream that plagued my mind, which required thy aid for me to break free from it. A 'dream' which, despite my control over the dreamscape, has all but faded from my consciousness, leaving only what I told you to work with," she slowly put in place a new pawn next to the two already in place on their castle. "It occurred at the start of all of this. And yet, despite our best efforts, neither of us was able to find any answers to what it was I saw. A sight so repulsive that, not only can I not remember, but something which does not let itself be controlled by the master of dreams."

"You believe this to be the work of ghosts?" Celestia asked, shocked.

Looking at the map, Luna's eyes narrowed. "Considering all else that has happened so far, would this truly be such a strange suggestion? And if it is, what were they trying to do by showing me this vision, only for me to forget shortly after? No, until we have all the facts, and understand them, this is not going to be an easily won fight."

"A fight I hope will never happen," Celestia glared at the map.

A flash of light took them by surprise, and a hastily rolled-up scroll fell on the table; knocking over several pawns as it rolled towards Celestia.

With a flash of her horn, the scroll unfurled and lifted up; eyes quickly darting from left to right as Celestia read its contents; an expression of shock, worry, then anger taking hold before she gave the latest report of Ghost-Keteer Sound Wave to her sister.

"Danny's shadow reported being possessed and missing. A ghost sighted in the Everfree. Danny and the zebra, Zecora vanishing shortly thereafter. A ghost fought the hunters and, incapacitated, but not wounded them. The hunters splitting up to lead Twilight and her friends back to safety. Unknown activities at our former home. The Tree of Harmony! An enormous ghost revealing itself near it. A massive timberwolf attack, which forced the two remaining hunters to split up, leaving commanding officer Rolling Stone to fight them on his own while Sound Wave escaped in reason to report their findings!" Luna slowly lowered the report, eyes wide as she looked at her sister, who herself glared at the letter as if it was responsible for all that had happened.

"Events are set in motion, it would seem," she said, anger boiling behind each word. "We must prepare for anything."

"And it all seems to revolve around Danny in some manner. He is the key to understanding all of this, and they must know this, too. For him to vanish without a trace, as well as Zecora. But how can we prepare for something we don't know anything about?"

"By getting all the facts, and understanding them," Celestia mirrored her sister's earlier statement.

"Through the means of this expert, you send to investigate Danny? That may not be in time to make a difference. Especially now that he has gone missing as well."

"There may be another way," Celestia said, looking at Luna. "We can send her."

"You mean-"


"And what about these scars you said may never heal? Forcing her back in may only make things worse."

"I know… but it is the life she chose. And her skills can't be ignored. They certainly didn't."

"So, we send her in. Then what?"

"We prepare for war."


The group of mares quickly rushed to the hospital with Rolling Stone, the wounded stallion lying on Applejack's back, shifting around as a result of the ice cast covering his torso.

While the initial thought was to either magically carry, or better yet, teleport him, Twilight was quick to remember what had happened when she used her magic to free the hunters back in the forest.

And so, with that fresh experience working as a clear warning sign, she knew better than to magically remove such an apparent trap. A trap, she realized, meant that she, or anypony who tried to use magic to remove the ice would most likely deliver the finishing blow to the wounded hunter.

Knowing time was of the essence, Applejack had lifted the bulky stallion on her back with little more than a grunt. And now, despite the weight, she still ran ahead of the group as dirt exploded up with each thunderous strike of her hooves on the ground.

It was fortunate in a way that Ponyville was still a relatively small community, and as such, the hospital was mere minutes away from the edge of the Everfree Forest. And with a speed that even Rainbow Dash had to respect, the apple farming mare crossed the 'small' distance in record time; slamming through the door, knocking them partially off their hinges.

The receptionist, stuck in between dozing off, but forcefully keeping herself awake while hoping the recent ghost scare from the day before was just that, a scare, shrieked out when the doors all but exploded inwards; diving for cover behind the counter, fearfully peeking past the countertop for any sign of what hay burst through the door.

"AH NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE!" Applejack shouted while the rest of the group finally arrived.

"WHAT IS GOING ON, WHAT HAPPENED?!" a white mare with pink mane, tied in a mostly undone bun, rushed in; a nurse cap resting atop her head as deep blue eyes surveyed the carnage.

"Redheart," Applejack swiftly turned to her, and Redheart gasped upon seeing the wounded, ice-covered stallion. "He needs immediate help!"

Nurse Redheart rushed to the injured stallion, years of training taking over as she called for assistance while making a quick assessment of the injuries.

"Numerous lacerations on the chest," she said, doing her best to see past the reddened ice. "But why is he covered in ice?" She looked at the group in general as several nurses and a doctor ran to their patient. One of them, a unicorn, had his horn aglow to lift Rolling Stone up.

"DON'T DO THAT!" Twilight cried out in warning. "He was attacked by a ghost! That ice is most certainly boobytrapped in some way!"

The half-formed spell failed immediately while all medical personnel and receptionists first stared at Twilight, then slowly turned their attention to Rolling Stone.

"He, what!?" Nurse Redheart gasped, already wide eyes widening further.

"None of that matters right now!" Ornate Charm pushed through the group, eyes set. "Time is of the essence here. The how and what can wait," she then glanced at Blue Ice. "Blue, any idea on how to remove this ice without triggering the trap?"

"Direct magic won't work, experience has taught us as much," she quickly drew closer, taking a moment to study the ice. "And carving him out will take far too long."

"But how are we supposed to help him if we can't reach his injuries?" Nurse Redheart asked, worried.

"Blue Ice?" Ornate looked at her fellow hunter who, in response, frowned deeply.

"I don't know. Nothing we've gone through during training matches with what we've encountered, this included. And any gear we might be able to use, without setting off this bomb in disguise, is back at Canterlot. Assuming it even works."

"But you can still use magic," Twilight cut in, looking at the ice herself, noticing something. "You can heat it with a spell, as long as you don't apply it directly. Look," she pointed at a small wet spot on the ground, "It's melting. Heat up the room instead of the ice, and we can accelerate the thaw, while also chipping away as much as possible," she looked at the hunters and medical staff. "It won't be perfect, but it's the only thing that may work on short notice."

Still in need of answers but, Rolling Stone's health taking precedence over the situation, Nurse Redheart quickly led Applejack to an available room where the two lifted Rolling Stone onto a movable bed. Immediately after, two other nurses moved the bed with Rolling Stone on it further into the hospital.

"Is there anything else we should know?" Nurse Redheart asked as she returned to the group. "Any other 'surprises' lying in wait?"

Sound Wave pushed forwards, face grim.

"Countering what Miss Twilight just said, it was timberwolves who attacked him. I was there, before he ordered me to leave. It would seem that after, a ghost got to him. But there is a lot we don't know and drawing conclusions on what-ifs will only work counterproductive."

" I, eh… Timberwolves, right," Nurse Redheart paused to gather her thoughts. "I'll inform the doctor. Anything else?"

"Is he going to be okay?" Fluttershy asked, barely above a whisper.

"I don't know," Nurse Redheart answered. "Timberwolf inflicted wounds, while thankfully not common, are difficult to treat as a result of their unusual magic. But if a ghost is involved," she shuddered at the thought. "But maybe that is a good thing?"

"HOW IN THE HAY IS THAT A GOOD THING?!" Rainbow Dash stood muzzle to muzzle in the blink of an eye, glaring at the mare.

Undeterred, by now well acquainted with the prismatic mare's behavior after her late-night library visit, after visiting hours, Nurse Redheart merely took a step back.

"I'm not saying it is a good thing a ghost is around here. I know what happened at Baltimare; most of the senior staff here were involved with helping some of the injured. And I, personally, saw some of the wounded during my internship at one of the hospitals. But, strange as it is, that ice cast, cause it clearly is a cast, may just have saved his life by keeping the blood in."

"Interesting," a droll voice cut through, and everypony turned to the damaged doors; a stone gray mare with a short, straight cut purple mane stepped in. Her white, tailored suit immaculate clean and, a small rock partially visible from a chest pocket. "That would suggest this ghost went to the effort of preserving the life of Lieutenant Rolling Stone. Contradicting everything known about ghosts," she surmised as she surveyed the room and those in it with a level, apathetic gaze "Assuming, for a moment, it isn't actually a trap as was previously suggested."

Sound Wave, Ornate Charm and Blue Ice went rigid; presenting a salute as the mare approached.

"Specialist extraordinaire, Maudileena Daisy Pie," Blue Ice called out. "We were not informed of your arrival."


Maud blinked slowly, not answering the still saluting hunters as she turned to Pinkie.

"Hello, Pinkie," she greeted, stepping closer to the pink mare. "It is nice to see you again."

In a blur of pink and tears, Pinkie Pie latched on the stone-faced Maud who, seemingly contradicting the laws of motion, did not move at all as Pinkie slammed into her. Instead, she lifted her leg and calmly patted her on the back.

"Do not worry, Pinkie. Your big sister is here."

"WHAT!?" A collective gasp escaped Pinkie's friends while Maud still refused to show any hint of emotion.

"But why are you here?" Pinkie asked, sniffling, looking at her sister. "I thought you were in Saddle Arabia for a rock expedition?"

"There are some things about me you do not yet know, Pinkie," Maud said simply, then turned to the hunters. "At ease," she finally said and the trio let their legs fall. "To answer the questions you have, Pinkie. The rock expedition was a cover for an ongoing investigation I cannot speak about. While I study for my doctorate in rockology, I am, in fact, a ghost hunter. Recruited by the G.I.W shortly after Baltimare. As to why I am here. After the princesses received your latest report," she looked at Sound Wave, "the decision was made to include me in the investigation. At their command, I came here as soon as possible."

"But that message was sent not even half an hour ago," Rarity noted. "How did you get here so fast?"

"Did the princesses teleport you?" asked Twilight.

"No," Maud answered simply, blinking slowly. "I ran."

Not paying any attention to the half-formed replies to her statement, she once again focused on the trio of hunters. "While my orders are to assist you in this hunt, the potentially fatal injuries of your commanding officer have changed circumstances. Effective immediately, I hereby take over command of this unit. Once matters here are concluded, I need to be informed of all you have uncovered so far."

"Yes Ma'am," all three hunters saluted again.

"As for all of you," Maud looked at Pinkie and her friends. "Please return to your homes. You will be informed should any information about the whereabouts of your family and friends be uncovered."

"WHAT!? but, WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash balked, trying to make sense of it all.

"But what if a meany ghost comes for you?" Pinkie asked, looking questioningly at her sister.

"Don't worry, Pinkie. I made you a promise, remember?"

Instantly, Pinkie brightened and, after giving her stone-faced sister a crushing hug, she bounced back to her friends.

"Okay, everypony," Pinkie said. "My big sister, who I had no idea is actually a secret ghost hunter on a secret mission to secretly protect us from dangers kept secret from us, is here to help us in secret," she paused and looked back at Maud. "You are here in secret, right?"

"For now."

"Right, so don't tell anypony," Pinkie finished.

All her friends, their minds thoroughly blown, further addled by the trying events of late, failed to come up with any sort of coherent response; a couple of them mimicking a fish on dry land with how they opened and closed their mouths, yet no sound escaping them.

Eventually, it was Twilight who, in the most surprising way, put together the most logical response to all of the latest insanity.

"Nope, not going there," and she quickly walked out of the hospital, her mane already starting to poke out at places. "Not again."

Numerous seconds ticked by as half-formed protests died the moment the mares opened their mouths. Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, continued to bounce, waiting on her friends to make a decision while Maud simply watched them all with a neutral gaze.

Eventually, with some grumbling here and there, the group of ponies slowly followed after Twilight, leaving behind Maud, the hunters, and one thoroughly confused Nurse Redheart.

Maud waited long enough for herself to blink twice, watching her younger sibling and her friends leave, before turning around to face Nurse Redheart.

"Please inform your colleagues about the timberwolf inflicted injuries. Their skills will be served best when they have all the facts."

"I, eh… Yes, of course."

"And the crown will see to it the damages to the hospital will be compensated in a timely manner," Maud added, and one of the doors finally gave in, slamming on the tiled floor, cracking some of the ceramic. "That would be all."

It took Nurse Redheart an increasingly awkward moment to realize that this was indeed everything, as Maud continued to stare at her in silence.

"I, eh.. I'll be on my way then," she quickly moved away, Maud's expressionless gaze never leaving her, until she turned a corner.

"Private Sound Wave," Maud slowly turned to the hunter. "From my understanding you were with Lieutenant Rolling Stone when the timberwolves attacked."

"Yes, Ma'am," Sound Wave confirmed.

"Private Blue Ice, you will remain here in case the doctors require help with the removal of the ice and, as a safety precaution until we have a better understanding of the situation."

"Private Ornate Charm. Our presence will not be a secret for much longer, so there will be no need to hide under the guise of tourism. Gather what equipment you brought with you, then assist Blue Ice until I return."

Both ponies confirmed her orders with a salute.

"Private Sound Wave, lead the way."

As the group split up to carry out their orders, Blue Ice took the initiative to clean up some of the damage inflicted on the doors; at least so they could be closed, when a shaky voice drew her attention to the reception desk.

"Wh- what just happened?" the receptionist asked, peeking over the desk with fearful eyes.

"That," Blue Ice snorted, "is something we would all like to know."


"What… the… hay?"

Sound Wave trailed off as she and Maud arrived at the clearing, after first showing where Rolling Stone was found.

Because of the injuries he had, as well as the spectral contamination encasing him, she had some expectations, but the battlefield that awaited them was something she wasn't prepared for.

Large clusters of ice dotted the terrain, with spikes rising up in places, twice the length of an average pony. A multitude of gashes scarred the ground, clearly made by claws. Some of the trees bordering the clearing showed signs of damage as well, with chunks of bark and wood missing, while some were snapped in half completely.

"Curious," Maud said simply, slowly scanning the terrain, noticing a trail of blood several feet away. "

Moving closer, she followed the trail leading further into the combat zone, past a collection of half reassembled timberwolves encased in ice.

"Curious, indeed," she hummed as she stared past her reflection and at the wooden claw.

"It has to be that ghost from before," Sound Wave said in a mix of shock and anger.

"A ghost from before?"

Sound Wave blinked, then nearly cried out in surprise as Maud was standing before her, where a second ago she wasn't; looking at her with the same, emotionless gaze she'd had since she first showed herself.

"Y-yes. Several hours ago, when my team ventured out into the forest, two ghosts attacked us. Only one showed itself, a massive hound. The other, clearly in control of the hound, remained invisible. It told the hound to stay back, then fought the four of us at once."

"Then, by all accounts, you must have defeated and captured this ghost. Yet you just said to believe this scene here must be the work of this ghost," Maud blinked slowly, "which would contradict this notion."

Sound Wave suppressed a flinch, meeting her superior's eyes. "It managed to overwhelm and incapacitate us; trapping our hooves in a large sheet of ice."

"Curious," Maud droned. "Any injuries?"

"I-eh…" Sound Wave paused, thinking. "No, not counting our pride. But it did speak to us. Saying we didn't know what we were doing; that we needed to think four-dimensional."

Maud slightly tilted her head.

"Most unusual. Not only would this suggest a ghost went out of its way to save a life, but even went to the effort of making you better at hunting it."

"But that does not make any sense!?"

Maud didn't answer. Instead, she turned back to the same ice-encased claw she looked at before; this time looking at her reflection.

"No, it does not," she said with the slightest crack to her voice, hearing the distant shouts of the victims in Baltimare.

She moved away, back to Ponyville.

"We need to regroup. Reevaluate everything we know so far. Find a pattern. Create a plan of attack."

"Yes, ma'am," Sound Wave agreed as she followed after Maud.

"And," Maud stopped, looking at Sound Wave from the corner of her eye. "Reassess your team's combat effectiveness."

Without another word, Maud continued walking; leaving a stunned Sound Wave behind who, despite having known it from the start, hearing it from the best among their numbers, she knew: They bucked up.

They bucked up severely.


"Pinkie, what the hay was all of that?!" Rainbow Dash shouted shortly after they all returned to Twilight's library, none of them wanting to split up, despite being told to return home. And now, back in the relative safety of the town's library, all eyes were on the chipper pink mare.

"What was what about? What happened?" Bellflower asked. Her and Big Mac surprised by the group's quick return.

"Ya can ask tha again," Applejack snarked.

"Pinkie?" Twilight said, almost pleading. Despite having chosen sanity over madness by walking out earlier, her need to know could not be silenced.

"Oh, that was Maud. My big sister," Pinkie said innocently, lightly bouncing in the spot.

"Yes, darling. We understand that much. What we don't quite understand is everything else related to her being here," Rarity stepped up, brushing a messy lock of her mane out of her face.

Pinkie stopped bouncing, looked at her friend and released a loud gasp.

"You mean your parents never told you?!"

"I- eh… what?"

Pinkie stood beside her in the blink of an eye, a comforting leg wrapped around her withers.

"Don't worry, Rarity. Let your friend Pinkie explain it all to you," she noisily cleared her throat. "You see, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very, super-duper much they will do the mommy and daddy dance," she said chipper, then lowered her voice while stage whispering behind a hoof. "That means sex," she then resumed in a normal tone. "Which is where the daddy puts his pe-"

"PINKIE!!" All present shouted at her, eyes wide, most of them blushing.


"Pinkie, why is your sister here, now, and a ghost hunter?" Twilight quickly clarified.

Pinkie Pie blinked twice as she processed the question, then she shrugged.

"I dunno. You were there when she told us everything, right?"

"Well, yes," Twilight admitted, frowning. "But you didn't know she was a ghost hunter?"

"Nope," Pinkie shook her head. "Not a clue."

"Wait, your sister is a ghost hunter?" Bellflower interjected, trying to figure out what happened.

"It seems like it," Applejack answered. "What she'd say? Got recruited by some sort, or 'nother?"

"G.I.W," Twilight remembered, pacing on the spot. "I have done a lot of studying about Earth, ghosts and everything related to it, but I can't remember ever reading about anything with those initials."

"So, what. We just make her tell us what that is all about when she comes back," Rainbow Dash cut in, aggressively scraping a hoof on the floor. "I'd say we deserve some answers by now."

"Everypony, hold on," Bellflower called out. "What about the fillies? Did you learn anything?"

Silence was her only answer as everypony hung their heads.

"... Ah guess with everything jus happening at once, we've been worrying too much 'bout the wrong thaing," Applejack sighed.

Everypony agreed with her statement as they all had to face facts. No matter the sudden arrival of Pinkie's sister, or her profession, none of that gave answer to the question that mattered most.

"Then can somepony please explain what it is that happened all at once?" Bellflower pleaded.

"Nothin' good," Applejack gave a weary sigh, then she and the others revealed everything that had happened in the short time they were gone.


"And if we cross-reference his daily routine with his favorite choice of color clothes, we can clearly surmise Danny prefers to eat his spinach on Tuesdays, and not on Thursdays," Lyra smiled brightly, waiting for her marefriend's reaction.

Bon Bon, sitting next to her and, despite her best efforts, could not stop herself from zoning out and, instead stared blankly at the strange pony she loved for reasons she couldn't quite comprehend.

"Sooo…" Lyra said after far too many seconds had ticked by, "What do you think?"

Bon Bon blinked once, twice, three times, allowing her abused mind to reboot itself before answering. In that time, her focus slowly shifted from Lyra and her 'notebook', which in all honesty was a full novel in progress. One seemingly without end, if the numerous charts, notes, and other snippets of information that lay all around them, sorted neatly in stacks of 'crucial' and 'critical' importance were any indication.

Slowly Bon Bon shifted her focus back to the still smiling pony before her.

"Lyra… Remind me again. Why are we together?"

"Oh, this question again," Lyra said with a dismissive wave of her hoof, snorting while rolling her eyes. "You know why."

"Yes…" Bon Bon replied slowly. "Which is?"

"Because you love me," Lyra said matter of factly, leaning in closer. "And I love you," she placed a quick kiss on the muzzle. "But really, what do you think?" she asked again, leaning back.

At that moment, there were many things Bon Bon wanted to say in answer. Many things that needed to be said but, despite all the headaches Lyra had given her; was still giving her, she couldn't deny the truth when it was spoken. She did, for reasons she had been unable to properly answer thus far, love the silly, strange, perplexing and, yes, infuriating mare still waiting for an answer.

"You need a hobby."

Lyra was quick to hold up her 'notebook' in answer.

"A hobby, not an obsession."

"This is not an obsession!" Lyra defended. Bon Bon merely stared at her.

"I'm just thorough. You never know what might be important," Lyra deflected. Bon Bon continued staring.

"Can't it be both?" she asked instead, clutching her notes close to her chest. Bon Bon rose an eyebrow.

"Then why did you suddenly change your mind about not wanting to know about this?" she tried instead. To this Bon Bon sighed deeply.

"Because, as… strange as this all is," she looked at all the papers still surrounding them, "I know it is important to you. And you are important to me," she explained, looking back at Lyra when her eye caught sight of something.

"What's this?" she asked, carefully picking up a single, slightly wrinkled piece of paper from behind a tall stack of 'information' in which Lyra had mapped out numerous and, downright bizarre, ideas and notes which pony or ponies were most likely to get romantically involved with Danny.

She was both shocked and unsurprised to find both herself and Lyra were on the list, in various combinations she really did not wish to think about any more than she already had.

"What's what?" Lyra asked, waiting for Bon Bon to retrieve the paper.

Taking a moment to read what Lyra had written down, Bon Bon's eyes widened significantly.

"Lyra, what in goodness sake is this?" she asked, turning the paper so Lyra could see.

"Huh, oh that," Lyra waved it away. "Just something crazy, even for my standards. Don't even know why I wrote that down."

"Strange things with Danny," Bon Bon read aloud. "Saw him leave for work... After he already left for work."

"Meh, must have missed him going back to retrieve something he must've forgotten," Lyra shrugged.

"The Pinkie Invasion did not seem to faze Danny too much."

"I thought that was weird at first, but then I remembered he's used to ghosts… so, yeah."

"After the Pinkie invasion, he replaced his windows even though they were still intact."

"Okay, I admit. That one does confuse me. But, hay. His money."

"I heard from Junebug, who heard from Flitter, who overheard Rainbow Dash mentioning something about the lake close to Danny's home somehow freezing solid."

"Weird, I know… But hearing from a story by somepony who heard it from another, who heard it from another… who knows if it's real? Besides, I did not hear from anypony else the lake was frozen."

"Saw some weird ponies in town. Also noticed them near Danny's home," Bon Bon read, paused, then looked at Lyra. "Weird ponies?"

"Eh, four of em. Stallion and three mares. They're staying over at Bellflower's place. Don't know, they seem a bit weird to me. Added them to the list because I had it in hoof at the time."

"I see," Bon Bon muttered, returning to the next and last item on the list, which was mostly crossed out. "Saw a strange flash of green light coming from Sweet Apple Acres," she read past the lines.

"Don't even know why I added that one," Lyra threw up her hooves. "I only noticed it because I was observing Danny in his natural habitat during night hours." She was silent for two whole heartbeats, in which she could feel the piercing stare Bon Bon shot at her. "I'm not obsessed!"

"And I am the princesses' mother," Bon Bon snarked, crumpling up the paper and pretending to throw it behind her; instead she stealthily hid it under her tail for later analysis.

Lyra snorted, "Okay, okay. I get it. Sheesh. Can't a mare have a hobby?"

Once again, Bon Bon stared at the mint green unicorn sitting before her. Then, with a heavy sigh and a roll of the eyes, she stood up, jumped off the couch, and headed for the stairs.

"Lyra," Bon Bon paused, turning to look at her. "I know you're not going to stop with this, no matter what I say or do. So I won't. But I will ask you to take a break from it. Just look at all of this," she swept a hoof across the room and the various stacks of 'research' and 'field reports'. "Just take a break, please. Most of this is just random nonsense, and you have troubled Danny quite a bit to get it."

"But what if I make a discovery that would further our understanding of humanity. Think of all the great things that could accomplish."

"Lyra, you could literally go to their world and learn all you could ever want just by visiting a library there. No need to pester the one human we have in this town for it."

Lyra sat stunned, silenced.

"... This never occurred to you, did it?" Bon Bon sighed out, shaking her head, then turned back to the stairs. " Besides," she added. "What if, what you discover, would instead be something terrible? Think about that." And without another word she ascended the stairs, glancing back at her at the top, worried.

'Because should there be some dark secret, I fear it might break your heart.'


It had been less than a day since the set world order crumbled away from underneath her, yet it felt like an eternity to Diamond Tiara.

Ever since discovering the double CMC and subsequent betrayal of the one pony she thought she could trust to have her back, and agree with everything she says, she knew it was up to her to do something about this disorder. To reassert herself as the superior pony above those Blank Flanks.

But the knife Silver Spoon stuck in her back left her paranoid, unable to trust anypony else.

Knowing she was alone in all of this, she wasted little time to come up with a scheme to expose those wretched Blank Flanks.

The moment she had returned home, pretending everything was fine to her father, her mother caring little to begin with, she locked herself up in her room to begin work on her plan to fix everything.

And now, with the light of the sun doing its best to pierce through the thick curtains blocking the windows, Diamond Tiara looked with bloodshot eyes at the clutter of papers hanging on her wall; strings of various colors connecting them in a criss-crossing web, which only made sense to her, as a multitude of notes accompanied the poorly drawn pictures she'd made of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and, reduced to nothing more than a stick figure with a knife in hoof, Silver Spoon.

Rubbing an eye with her hoof, then pushing her dirty mane out of her face, her tiara discarded to a corner of the room, she inspected her work for any flaws.

"What am I missing?" she said, voice low and filled with suspicion.

She traced back the timeline she'd made, starting where she first met those Blank Flanks.

"Where did I lose my grip over them?"

the notes and pictures on the wall mocked her with no answer.

Groaning in frustration, she kicked her pillow to vent; something she had done numerous times during the night, at one point even hearing from her mother; yelling to her through the walls to be silent. This time, however, the seams tore, blinding her with a cloud of feathers.

For a while, she stood stock still, only her left eye twitching. Then, with a scream of frustration, she grabbed the mostly empty pillow and threw it at the wall; knocking down most of the strands connecting one paper to the next, dropping it all to the ground.

"DIAMOND TIARA!" her mother's shrill shriek rattled the door.

Flinching, Diamond Tiara turned to the door as she heard angry hoof-falls approaching; the door slamming open a moment later as her mother stepped in, eyes burning.

"Diamond Tiara," she seethed. "I have told you numerous times before, and I will not repeat myself any further after this. If you want to play, you do it outside; somewhere where I don't have to suffer through it. Am I clear!" she didn't ask, barely acknowledging the filly in the room with how far her nose was turned up; through her eyes did linger on the mess of papers, twine and feathers. "And clean up this mess. We're not some common dirt pony living in the filth," she harshly added, then turned around and left. "At least, I'm not," she added haughtily, not even giving her daughter a chance to reply as she closed the door on her.

Angry, tired and now also ashamed, Diamond Tiara blinked away the tears she refused to accept were there, dragging her hooves over to the mess she'd made; sifting through it with a desolate sigh.

"I'll get them for this. All of this," she hissed through teeth. "Everything was just fine before they did… whatever it is they did. I will find out! I will show them I am better than them."

A paper got stuck on her hoof; a clipping from an old newspaper reporting about the turbulent day leading up to the royal wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor. A wedding in which she had learned, much to her disgust and horror, those three Blank Flanks were flower fillies.

Yet that was not what caught her eyes. Instead it was the report of the shapeshifters known as changelings that dominated most of the article.

"Of course," she gasped, eyes widening. "Two of each. Silver Spoon betraying me. It all makes sense now. Those Blank Flanks are working together with those insects. Which must mean they also replaced Silver Spoon."

With renewed energy, she all but dove for her trash bin looking for the newspaper from which this news article came; making an even bigger mess in the process, but she didn't care.

Finding what she sought after only a minute, she quickly read the full report, and everything the reporter had presented as fact detailing about the hostile insectoids.

"Oh, I've got you now," she cackled, eyes twitching madly.

"DIAMOND TIARA!" her mother cried out.

"I am sorry mother," she called back, just loud enough to be heard, glaring at the poorly drawn images of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo which lay on top of the pile. "But not as sorry as you three will be."


With great strides, Wind Chill ran through the forest, Cujo close behind.

After saving the ghost hunting pony from the timberwolves, and applying a cast of ice, the giant and hound returned him to the forest's edge. Then, remaining in the shadows, waited to ensure he was found in time before returning to the children and the changelings.

And now, with nothing else to slow them down, the two exited the forest.

Taking them by surprise, Eclipse dropped down from the sky, slamming to the ground without a sound.

"So there you are," Eclipse said.

"Arf," Cujo barked in answer, tail wagging.

"Eclipse?" Wind Chill said questioningly as he took a moment to study the shade before him.

Nodding in confirmation, she half turned into the direction of the Hive. "You must hurry," she told them. "Much has happened while you were gone, and Danny needs your help." Anticipating the giant's next question, she shook her head. "And, no. It does not involve Fenris. Though I don't have time to explain either," she looked past them towards the forest. "Is Zecora still at your village?"

"I, ehh… I think so, yes. Though I have not seen her since we last parted ways," Wind Chill replied, clearly not expecting this question.

"Good enough," Eclipse spread her wings. "Hurry, time is of the essence," she said, then shot off into the air and towards the forest, leaving behind Wind Chill and Cujo with more questions than answers.

Once crossing the border between light and shadows, Eclipse felt a surge of energy wash over her now that the sun's light was blocked, and she blended in with the shadows around her.

Moving faster than she could have out in direct light, she covered the distance in blurring speed; fangs glistening as she grinned from the thrill of flight. Something she knew, deep down, she inherited from Danny through her father, Shadow.

This stopped, however, when she passed the massive pack of timberwolves. All of them moved deeper into the forest, much as she was, yet some of them seem injured, damaged, missing pieces of their wooden bodies. There were even some partially covered in ice as well.

'And what happened here?' she wondered, but didn't stick around to find out.

Leaving behind the wooden wolves, she flew for a while longer until she reached the old castle ruins.

Moving for the throne room and the portal hidden inside, she crossed the boundaries of the mortal plain and entered the Far Frozen; startling the two frost giants with her sudden appearance.

"Please don't attack," she said, looking at the pair, one with an ice club raised and ready to swing. "Danny Phantom, my master, has sent me. I'm looking for the zebra, Zecora. Her help is required, and I must bring her to Danny as soon as possible."

The giant with the raised club faltered, both looking at each other in confusion. But the name of the Great One was not to be ignored, and the second frost giant simply pointed a single finger towards their village.

"Thank you," Eclipse dipped her head, then resumed her flight, reaching the village in no time; landing in the village's center amidst a curious yet wary crowd.

"Could someone please tell me where to find Zecora?" she asked once again, ignoring the stares.

Instead of answering, the crowd moved to open a path for her.

"The Elder said she expected someone to arrive," a giant spoke, voice gruff. "But a shade?"

"Not just any shade," a familiar voice broke the tension, and Frostbite pushed through the masses, looking at Eclipse. "Last I saw you, you were merely a shapeless entity when the Elder aided in freeing the minds of Fenrir and the Great One. But those eyes I recognize everywhere. You are the Great One's shade, are you not? Eclipse, I believe."

Eclipse nodded.

A ripple moved through the crowd, all of them familiar with the shadow Danny possessed when he learned to control it years back. But to hear Frostbite identify the unrecognizable shade as one and the same, a rumble of overlapping voices rose up as all giants felt a rising sense of excitement.

"As unexpected my appearance here might be, I have little time to waste. I must find Zecora."

"And found her you have," the Elder approached through the path the giants had made earlier; following behind her, Zecora, coming to an abrupt stop as her eyes met those of Eclipse.

"The mare of the moon, an impossible sight. Did you return to once more bring eternal night?"

It took Eclipse a few seconds to realize what it was Zecora had asked. A chuckle escaped her when she did, which soon grew into full laughter.

"Ha, oh goodness me. No, I am not my mother. Nor do I plan to continue her plans for night eternal," Eclipse said after she managed to gain control over herself, though still chuckling all the while. "My name is Eclipse," she introduced herself. "Shadow of Danny Phantom, daughter of his shade, Shadow and Nightmare Moon."

"A child of a shadow and the mare of the night?! How could such a thing be, out in Celestia's light?"

Eclipse shrugged, "Eh, mostly by accident."

Zecora was about to reply, found words failed her, and slowly closed her mouth; sitting down and rubbing her temples with both hooves.

"By now, this shouldn't surprise me, yet here we are. So tell me why you need me, before things become even more bizarre."

"Danny needs your help," Eclipse informed her. "The changelings are in dire need for medicine and other potions to bolster their strength to overcome the after-effects of their illness, and your knowledge and skills in making these will be the difference between life and death for a significant portion of the changelings."

Zecora stood back up in a snap, eyes sharp.

"A call for aid is something I do not ignore. To help another, an oath I swore. Lead the way to where I am needed, I'll do all I can to help those affected."

"That will take too long, I'm afraid. It is quite the distance," Eclipse told her.

"Time is always short, yet you did come for me. For this you have an answer, to cross the distance quickly?"

"I do," Eclipse nodded. "Just a fair warning, I have never done this before."

That was all the warning Zecora got as, in a soundless explosion, Eclipse blew up into a cloud of darkness which quickly enveloped her, then flew away in a shapeless pillar; leaving behind numerous dumbfounded giants, while the Elder watched the two depart with slightly narrowed eyes.


"So," Maud began after the three ghost hunters standing before her finished their recounting of events. All four of them gathered in one of the rooms the Ghost-Keteers had first set up base. "You found Danny Manson's shadow missing, confirmed the presence of a ghost shortly after as it revealed itself to you, then left the civilians alone when all four of you proceeded to hunt this entity. Doing so without confirming the area was secure, and providing the opening for both the human and the zebra to go missing, and for a ghost to hunt the Element bearers, forcing them to split up in one of the more dangerous forests in this world. Not only that, but you all also fought one ghost, which managed to neutralize all four of you with little effort," she surmised, each word striking like a hammer blow; made worse by the level tone of voice, void of any emotion as she looked at the three hunters with the same expressionless gaze she had when she first made herself known. "This also resulted in the destruction and loss of several pieces of equipment. Equipment which, as far as the scanner is concerned, showed a strong inclination towards failure from the beginning. Potentially aiding in the problems of this latest hunt," she paused, taking a calm, measured breath.

"I am disappointed," she concluded as casually as one discussing a particularly boring book. "The only thing keeping this operation from being a complete failure is, you did manage to uncover some valuable leads which demand further investigation."

She turned around, moving for the ghost hunting equipment laid out on the table.

"A large amount of equipment has been lost as well," she pointed out. "Only some of which can be directly attributed to effective use."

She turned back to the three hunters, still standing at stiff attention.

"For a trained guard, this is sloppy to the point of compromise. For a ghost hunter, this is absolutely unacceptable. Who was your instructor?"

"Our training was conducted by Jack Fenton, Ma'am," Ornate Charm answered.

"Jack Fenton?" Maud repeated.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Interesting. I have read your files, and it is to my understanding your allotted instructor was Madeline Fenton, not Jack Fenton."

"Yes, Ma'am," Sound wave confirmed. "This was changed last minute by Jack Fenton himself. By his words: To make sure we got the best training there is."

Maud blinked, slowly. "I see," and returned back to the equipment. "Most informative," she picked up the one remaining Fenton Thermos, looking at the logo on its side.

With barely a sound, she uncapped the thermos, watching as the ghost capture device sprung to life; a beam of brilliant blue energy shooting out, splashing harmlessly against the wall.

She replaced the cap.

"Jack Fenton. Forty eight years old. Married to Madeline Fenton. Father of two. Severely overweight. Surprisingly adept at creating spectral orientated tools and equipment. Creator of most first-generation ghost hunting weapons, together with his wife. Sole inventor of the Fenton Thermos, made from the thermos he had used to keep his soup warm. Little to no combat training."

She put down the thermos.

"Madeline Fenton. Forty one years old. Married to Jack Fenton. Mother of two. Highly intelligent. Co-created numerous spectrally orientated tools and equipment with Jack Fenton. Highly trained in martial arts including, but not limited to: Hand to hand combat. Hand to claw combat. Hand to tentacle combat. Hand to undefinable limb combat. Weapons expert in all classes. Has one of the highest capture scores recorded."

She turned back to the three hunters.

"Recent events have demonstrated beyond a doubt your training is insufficient, and I will make a report about this to the princesses. You did not only needlessly endanger yourselves, but civilians as well. Including the Element Bearers. Effective immediately, you are removed from this operation. Return to Canterlot for new orders."

The three hunters looked shocked, ashamed, only their original training as guards keeping them from breaking decorum.

"Ma'am," Blue Ice spoke up. "Permission to speak freely?"


"With all due respect, you could not possibly take on this task on your own. Even in light of our recent failures, the discoveries we made do suggest to a spectral activity far greater than currently encountered. You would be at great risk on your own."

Maud was silent, standing completely unmoving for nearly a minute.

"True," she eventually answered. "But such is the nature of our profession. Even then, I can not allow you to continue any further on that basis alone. On my own, I am at risk, but free to move without restraint. Should you remain to help, ignoring all that has transpired so far, the risk would be the same, if not greater should my attention be diverted from any and all ghosts to protect you. No, my assessment of the situation won't change, nor do my orders. Am I understood!?"

All three hunters managed to stand even more rigid, eyes forwards." Ma'am, yes, ma'am."

Maud blinked once. "Dismissed," and she calmly walked out of the room.


Held in a column of darkness, Zecora moved with blurring speed; unable to keep herself from yelling in distress.

While blinded by smoke and shadows for the most part, the occasional flash of light and ground pierced through the haze, confirming what her senses already told her.

She was flying. Or, to be completely literal, was projected at great speed without any control through the air, too far away from the safe and comforting feel of solid ground under her hooves.

She was a zebra, one versed in the knowledge of nature, and with great respect for all creatures which walk, swim, and fly this world. However, with this, she also knew her place in this chain. And this high up, she did not belong.



Absolutely terrified.

If in this one moment she learned anything, it was that zebras were not meant to fly. A revelation so profound, it added to the fact she did not have wings to fly with in the first place.

Surely such a sign shouldn't be ignored.

For a moment her thoughts dwelled contemplating on her pony friends and, by extension, all of ponykind with their strange constructs to allow flight to the flightless, before her attention was pulled back by the here and now.

She was falling rapidly, the nauseating grip of gravity clearly fighting to reclaim her, and only the darkness surrounding her kept her from seeing just how close to the ground she really was.

Eclipse, the shapeless cloud she was, had already left the forest well behind her, and aimed straight for the tunnel entrance leading to the hidden city; twisting and weaving through the claustrophobic passages while hearing the numerous shouts of distress from Zecora.

Even then, she did not allow this to slow herself down and instead moved to the structure she sensed Danny's presence from.

Passing bridges and walkways, some of them containing gawking changeling foals, Eclipse reached her destination.

Touching down behind the large frame of Wind Chill, masking their arrival to those present, too busy to notice save one curious pup, Eclipse 'melted' away from Zecora; revealing the mare wobbling on her legs as she sought to regain her balance.

"Before our return here, Cujo and I intervened in an attack by these so-called timberwolves on one of the ghost hunters," they heard Wind Chill reply to a conversation they missed. "He was badly injured, but I froze his wounds and put in place a simple cast to keep him from making things worse while the others of his group would find him. The cold would also have helped. Maybe this can be used to weave a convincing story?"

"Maybe?" Danny turned around, hands on his back while overlooking the city. "But I'm still waiting for Eclipse to return with Zecora. We need their help regardless."

"Then it would seem I chose the right moment to return," Eclipse replied and all present turned to look at her and the windswept Zecora standing beside her.

"While I understand the haste to bring me to the changelings' den, I must ask you not to do that again," Zecora said as she wobbled on her hooves. She then turned to Danny, eyes large with worry. "Your shade, Eclipse, she has told what terrible things have unfolded. You have my help, this is a certainty. What must I do to relieve some of this misery?"

Cujo barked happily in recognition of Zecora, while the mare flinched upon hearing the familiar, and dreaded sound; nervously turning to the hound of nightmares as he lay innocently on the ground, tail wagging.

"And now we're all here," Danny muttered to himself. "Good. Zecora, Wind Chill, and you too Cujo," he looked at the still wagging pup near the balcony's railing. The hound's ears perked up, and the large canine leaped to his paws with an eager bark. "I need you all to stay here and ensure things don't go spiraling down into chaos again. Wind Chill," he looked at the giant. "I understand you have an honor bond with Apple Bloom, but as is, you can't return to the barn you've been staying in all this time. It has been discovered and will be kept under close examination. Besides, you are needed here to keep the windigos under control."

Danny then turned to Zecora before Wind Chill could even begin to object.

"Zecora, I won't repeat what Eclipse has already told you. I think it should be obvious where your help is required. Your skills with potions may make the difference between life and death for a great number of changelings while they are recovering, and the presence of an adult is something these foals need as well."

"Cujo," he turned to the now wagging dog, "Your skills to track just about anything are needed here as well. I don't know how long it may take for the changelings to find it in them to trust the ponies again, but until they do they need to find another source of food. Any forest creature would do, rabbits, birds, foxes, whatever. Something they can leech some energy from… and nothing too dangerous. And I'm sure Zecora will have needs of various supplies as well you should be able to find."

Cujo barked his confirmation.

"And most importantly, we're also here to make sure nothing goes wrong with Sweetie Belle. One rampant spirit attack is one too many already."

Zecora's eyes widened greatly, yet she remained quiet for now. Sure to find the answers to the questions which eluded her if she continued listening.

"We're?" Wind Chill mirrored. "Great One, do you not intend to return to your village with the children?"

Danny stood silent for several seconds. Then, a band of white light split him in two.

""No,"" two identical voices spoke at once. "I just have to be in two places at once."

And instead of answers, only more questions were found.


With dragging hooves, Sweetie Belle forced herself forwards; eyes never leaving the ground while she fought every fiber of her being to not turn around, run away and hide for the rest of her life. The only thing keeping her from doing just that, her friends were keeping pace on each side, giving her words of encouragement as they followed after the two Dannys.

One of her ears twitched, slightly, upon hearing the grateful groan escaping Wind Chill, and the shyest of glances revealed he took a moment to stretch his back after having walked hunched over through the far too low for him hallways.

"Okay," Danny said when everyone was present, the ghost standing next to his human counterpart. "I'm not going to say this is going to be easy. Nothing this night has been, and there is a real chance this plan is going to fail regardless of how well we plan out our story. Still, we have to try and return some semblance of normalcy to the world, so if there are any last things we need to sort out with our story, now's the time," she heard him say from a distance, not really paying attention to what was said as her mind just continued to replay everything that had happened; what she had done.

'I hurt them,' she thought, repeating herself once again. 'All of them. The changeling, my friends. Danny. I- I bit him. I… I tasted his blood.'

A sickening churn came from her stomach, her face tinting green.

Noticing her distress, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were quick to comfort her; the former patting her back reassuringly.

'Why are they even still here?' she wondered. 'After everything I did? Why would they?'

"Sweetie Belle," Danny calling her pulled her out of her depressing thoughts. She twitched her ears to signal she was listening, but never lifted her eyes to meet his.

"I know this will be difficult for you, but this is where you must say goodby to your friends. At least for a while. I understand that this is the last you want to do, but you won't be alone here," he said in a lowered, caring voice.

Sweetie Belle sniffed, rubbed her nose with a hoof and meekly nodded.

"Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, the same goes for you," she heard him explain to her friends.

"Ah-... okay, Danny," Apple Bloom replied with some hesitancy, sharing an uneasy glance with Scootaloo.

"Well, Ah guess this is goodbye for now," Apple Bloom said awkwardly, her heart clearly not in it.

"This blows," Scootaloo said simply, kicking the ground. "We can't just leave you here, but we can't not either. This is all kinds of messed up."

"Yer not helping, Scootaloo," Apple Bloom deadpanned, holding a shivering Sweetie Belle in a sideways hug.

"Oh, Sorry," Scootaloo mumbled, looking away.

"We'll try ta figure this out," Apple Bloom told her unicorn friend. "Together. An don't ya worry, Sweetie Belle. Danny an Wind Chill will look after ya while we're gone."

"Yeah, we never leave you hanging," Scootaloo agreed wholeheartedly. "We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We help each other. No matter what!"

Sweetie Belle gave a strangled sob in answer, tears flowing down her cheeks, unwilling to even meet her friends' eyes.

"Do any of you know someone called Mayfly? Strange, I know. But I doubt I will have another chance to ask this for some time," Danny's voice managed to cut through in the silence that fell between the two, and Scootaloo felt herself stiffen while her ears perked up.

"Mayfly?" Wind Chill repeated, puzzled.

"Mayfly?!" Scootaloo spoke up, surprised, memories of old resurfacing. "That… That's what my dad called me. Why… Wait, where did you hear that name?"

Both Danny’s stared at her, almost as if seeing her for the first time.

"Scootaloo," the human Danny said slowly. "...I think I just met your parents back in Canterlot."

A pin drop could be heard from a mile away in the silence that followed. A silence which was abruptly shattered half a second later when Scootaloo cried out a loudly echoing: "WHAT!?"

Both Dannys, taken aback by the volume of her outburst, took a step back as the young pegasus advanced on them.

"WHEN? HOW? WHY YOU, AND NOT ME?!" She wanted to know all at once, more questions demanding to be asked as her large eyes bored into the two humans before her, demanding answers.

"I don't know," human Danny answered. "They showed up when I was in trouble back at the castle, helped me escape and find a fix for my spectral exhaustion, then were just as quick to leave. The only reason I even know that name is, because your father, if it really was him, told me to go help his little Mayfly. I honestly don't know more than that."

"But… But…" words failed her as she tried to find an answer to her questions.

"Danny wouldn't lie to ya," Apple Bloom said, pulling her friend in a sideways hug. "Not about something like this. If 'twere ya parents, Ah'm sure they've got a reason for stayin' hidden."

"But why?"

"That is a good question," one of the Dannys said, frowning.

"But not a question we're going to answer standing here," the other remarked, and Scootaloo glared at him, which Danny didn't seem to notice. "And whether they were your parents, or not, we still need to leave if we want to have any chance to settle things down back home, giving us a chance to find some answers after that whole mess."

Scootaloo, clearly unsatisfied with this answer, scuffed the ground with a hoof. Then, begrudgingly said: "Fine."

Danny Phantom sighed. "Look, I don't like not knowing either, but this is how it is. Maybe, hopefully, we may find the truth once all this is over. But for now, try not to let this get to you too much. It won't do you any good."

'Try not to let this get to you?' Scootaloo repeated mentally, glaring at him. Before she could voice her protest, however, a small group of changeling foals hesitantly approached.

"Is there something wrong?" Danny Phantom asked, worry clear on his face.

The younglings spoke to one another with hushed voices and, after a moment, one of them eventually stepped forwards; awkwardly shuffling towards Apple Bloom, who stood closest to them.

Apple Bloom, a full head taller than the young shapeshifter, looked at the colt as he shifted on the spot, looking down at his hooves.

"... Uhm…. Thanks for helping," he squeaked, paused, then surprised all by hugging Apple Bloom.

Only allowing her surprise to keep her from reacting for a few short seconds, Apple Bloom wrapped a leg around the colt and reciprocated the gesture.

"O'course we help. No pony. No ling should have ta go through this alone."

With a grateful smile, the colt pulled away, only for his expression to morph into one of confusion, then shock. Something mirrored by the other changelings around, as well as both Dannys.

"What ta hay's that?" Apple Bloom shouted as she jerked back, a wavering stream of energy flowing from her to the colt.

"That," Danny Phantom said, a winning grin forming, "is trust renewed." He then looked at Erlea, "And hope for the future."

Erlea watched in stunned silence, eyes wide. Apple Bloom, at the same time, tried to flick the strange energy off of her, failing completely in doing so, until she stopped trying when she, and the rest, noticed the colt greedily sucking up the energy; a spark of life shining in his eyes which hadn't been there before.

A loud belch escaped him shortly after, echoing impressively long throughout the city, and earning a nod from both Dannys.

"Eehh…" Scootaloo began, unsure. "What just happened?"

"The first step to restoring a bond of trust between ponies and changelings," one of the Dannys answered, all still looking at the colt, who now lay on the ground, rubbing his slightly bloated belly.

"Okay. So… this stuff flowing out of my hoof is normal?"

"You, what?" All now looked at Scootaloo, realizing that she, too, gave off a steady stream of energy.

"It is more than that. So much more," Danny said, smiling broadly. "It is hope. Hope for the changeling to not just survive, but live."

Scootaloo blinked, looked at the energy, and took a moment to recall all the crazy things that had happened of late.

"... Meh," she shrugged. "Guess weirder stuff has happened. So, yeah," she looked at the groaning colt, putting the pieces together. "Anyling want to eat?"

The answer, as much expected as it was surprising and amusing, left Scootaloo and Apple Bloom covered under a mass of eager and oh so hungry changelings who wasted little time filling their bellies for the first time in their lives; leaving only a orange leg and red tail to poke out from underneath the pile; a faint cry for help coming from underneath.


She stood alone.

Her friends were gone.

Their absence casting an even greater shadow over her than the giant standing behind her did.

The voices of all present didn't register, but she felt their eyes.



She wasn't wanted here, and she didn't blame them.

"Chin up, child. Please do not cry. This is no farewell, just a short goodbye," Zecora gently lifted her head. "I know you are afraid, I see it in your eyes. You believe you are alone, but these are merely lies. I do not know what happened that caused you such distress, but I recognize the look of your regret nonetheless."

Sweetie Belle pulled away her head, looking back down at her hooves.

"I hurt so many," she mumbled, eyes clenched shut.

Zecora sat down beside her, pulling her to her side.

"To hurt another is never a good thing to do, but I know the filly beside me, and this does not sound like you."

"BUT I DID!" Sweetie Belle cried out, new tears running down her face. "I lost control over my powers. I hurt so many because of it!"

"Your powers are unknown, this I must admit. But some answers were given, and I know you are no evil spirit. You say you were lost, out of control. Whatever has happened, it clearly weighs on your soul. Yet this is a good thing, as terrible as you now feel. The pony now showing, this is who you are for real. You worry and fear, but not for your own. Yet you do not see this, for you believe yourself alone. Now look up young mare, and see what is here," Zecora calmy, but firmly lifted her head back up again. Waiting for Sweetie Belle to give in and open her wet eyes. "You have friends with you, who you must hold dear."

Sitting around her were Danny, Wind Chill and Cujo. Further back, conflicted but present all the same was Erlea and a few of the other foals.

"You are not in this alone, Sweetie Belle. You have my word," Danny said, showing a sad smile.

"As is my oath to young Apple Bloom, so it is to you. I shall remain by your side young spirit," Wind Chill said with a soft rumble.

"Arf," Cujo barked.

"Yeah… eh… What they say, I guess," Erlea mumbled, not quite looking at her.

A quiet sob escaped Sweetie Belle and another.

Then, a heart-wrenching cry rose up from her as she buried her face in Zecora's side, tears flowing freely while Zecora held her close.

Just as her friends remained close. Maybe not all in presence, but most certainly in heart. And she knew. Knew they didn't hate her. Knew they would stay with her. Knew they would help her. Knew she wasn't alone in this.

She cried. Cried until she had no tears left to spill, and sleep finally claimed her.

Author's Note:

And with this, we have concluded the changeling arc.

Leave your thoughts and opinions down in the comments, and I'll see you with the next update.
