• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,803 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

School Day

I want to thank Vates Despero for proofreading and editing this chapter.

School Day.


Sweetie Belle groaned as she began to wake up. Feeling cold and shivering in response, she thought she kicked off her blanket in her sleep. But, as she tried to grab hold of the warming layer of fabric, she came to several startling conclusions. First, there was no blanket. Second, her mattress was both very cold and very hard. Third, she was not lying in her bed. And fourth, which she figured out as she opened her eyes, she was lying on the kitchen floor, the room below her bedroom.

"Oh come on!" she quietly muttered in irritation, realizing that she, most likely, had sunk through her bed, her bedroom's floor and into the kitchen.

Sighing, she stood up. Her joints popping in response after they had become stiff from a night on the cold floor. Flinching from the sound, she slowly moved to the stairs, heading to her bedroom, hoping she could get a bit more sleep before she would have to go to school. It was a luxury she wasn't allowed.

With a dainty yawn Rarity stepped out of her bedroom, her mane, although still styled, was significantly more wild, a typical case of bed mane. Which meant a whole five hairs were out of place. Truly it was a fashion disaster, and she could not be seen like this outside. Fortunately she was inside, and, instead of panicking over her ruined hairdo, she looked down the stairs, seeing her little sister walking out of the kitchen.

"Why, Sweetie Belle, you're already awake," she said with a slightly tired voice, and she covered her mouth with a hoof as she yawned.

"Ehh. Yeah. Thought I would begin the day early, unfortunately," she said, quietly adding the last part as she now knew she wouldn't be able to go back to bed.

"Why, I've never seen you up this early on a school day. You really must be eager to go, did Cheerilee plan something for class today?"

"Not really. I just woke up early, couldn't sleep," Sweetie Belle said, telling a half truth, grumbling under her breath the entire time.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But don't worry. The early bird catches the worm, as they say."

"Eeewww," the filly said in disgust, sticking out her tongue.

"Sweetie, dear, it's just an expression. Now go wash yourself up while I make you some breakfast. Then it's off to school for you."

"Yes, sis," Sweetie Belle muttered as she walked up the stairs while her tail turned invisible.

She walked past Rarity, who was still partially asleep, which made her react slowly to the sight of her sister’s backside, sans tail. Blinking several times to clear her vision, and shaking her head as well, Rarity took another look, sure that what she saw couldn't be. And, sure enough, there it was. Sweetie Belle's tail was there, and Rarity was sure she was just imagining things.

'Oh dear, I really need my coffee. I'm still dreaming, it would seem. And what a horrid dream as well,' she thought with a shudder, the horrific idea of her sister walking around without a tail truly a disturbing thought for her.

And meanwhile, in the bathroom, Sweetie Belle was quietly muttering several questionable words she heard her sister say when she thought Sweete Belle wasn't around. The reason for this? As she looked in the mirror, she discovered her eyes had turned invisible, almost making her scream before she caught herself and ruining any plans to sneak in some extra sleep.

She just hoped her day at school would go better.

Somehow, she doubted it.


A bit more than an hour had passed, and Rarity was sitting in her work room, trying to find the inspiration she needed for her next order of the day.

Sweetie Belle had just gone to school, and now she had the whole boutique to herself once more. All quiet and calm, with no young filly making a mess of things. It was truly peaceful, and a complete bore.

Nothing happened, and she was unable to find that creative spark that would help her to make the extraordinary even more amazing. Normally this spark of brilliance would come to her in the blink of an eye. But now, as she was staring at the half finished dresses for her various customers, she only felt a drain on her soul, as if she was trying too hard to focus on the wrong thing.

Sighing, she rubbed her head as she looked away from her work for a moment, and her eye fell on the sketches she made when she made the clothes for Danny. His measurements, and preferences were all neatly organized along with the sketches, and she took a moment to look at them a bit better.

It had been a little while since she had last made anything for Danny, who, despite him wearing clothes all the time, didn't seem like he was one of much variety. She squinted her eyes a bit, and she could feel the tell tale signs of an incoming idea. She felt it deep down. Something about Danny, his clothes, they called to her. There was something there, she knew it. Something spoke to her, telling her what she needed to do.

"IDEA~" she said in a loud sing song voice, and she rushed to the rack where she kept all her fabrics.

"Oh, where is it? I'm sure I still have some of that black material here somewhere," she said as she continued her search. While, at the same time, she was already levitating a roll of white fabric to her work table, while a wax crayon was starting to draw the outlines of the different parts she needed for her latest creation.

Danny was going to love it, she just knew it.


The playground in front of the school was filled with disgruntled colts and fillies, all of them grouping together with their friends as they talked about various things that didn’t involve school. So too did Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. But their conversation didn't involve any of the usual topics, and they kept their voices low while standing away from the rest of the ponies.

"So, did you have any problems after coming home?" Scootaloo asked her two friends, keeping an eye out for any eavesdroppers.

"Nope," Apple Bloom replied with a guilty grin. "But Big Mac ain’t so lucky."

"I didn’t have much trouble getting home either. Waking up was less fun, though," Sweetie Belle said after her friend.

"How so?" Apple Bloom asked with a slightly worried tone.

"I found myself lying in the kitchen, completely stiff from the cold floor. I think I sunk through my bed and floor, and ended up there while I slept," she grumbled as she told her friends about her morning.

"Well, that might be a problem," Scootaloo mused, but a hint of humor could be heard in her voice.

"It isn't funny, Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle said a bit louder than she would have liked, and it drew the attention of the two fillies they really didn't want to deal with.

"Well, of course it isn't funny. Being a Blank Flank is only sad, and it shows that you really aren't good for anything," Diamond Tiara sneered, causing Silver Spoon to chuckle at their expense.

"Hey! Take that back," Apple Bloom shouted, stomping a hoof on the ground.

"And why should I, Blank Flank?" Diamond Tiara said challengingly.

"Yeah. Are you going to tell Miss Cheerilee if we don’t?" Silver Spoon continued, and she gave Diamond a hoof bump as the crusaders were stumbling over their words.

"Losers like you shouldn’t even go to school. You will only fail at this as well," Diamond said mockingly, turning on the spot with her head held high and angled slightly to the side, taking on the pose of an upper class pony who looked down on any other they felt to be inferior.

"Why you—" Scootaloo began, but she was interrupted by the ringing of the school bell, and their teacher calling for them to enter the classroom.

"Humph. Saved by tha bell," Apple Bloom muttered in annoyance as she looked at the two bullies walking away, laughing at them as they did so.

"Are we just going to stand here and do nothing?" Scootaloo grumbled under her breath as she and her friends made their way to their classroom.

"No, of course not. But how can we get back at them without gettin’ in even more trouble?" Apple Bloom asked, and a devious smirk grew on Sweetie Belle's face.

"Girls, don't worry about that. I've got this."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at their friend in puzzlement, but, seeing the green flash in her eyes, they, too, found themselves with a grin to match Sweetie Belle's.


Just outside of Ponyville there was a group of four ponies gathered, all of them wearing a saddlebag, each containing a spectral scanner.

"Okay," Rolling Stone said to the group, "You know the drill. Fan out and search the town for any unusual activity, but keep a low profile. Blend in with the crowd and, above all else, if you do find anything that suggests there's a ghost, do not approach it on your own. Inform the rest of us, and together we will contain the situation. We can't have a ghost possessing a citizen due to one of us carelessly acting on our own," he instructed, and all of those present gave a nod of understanding.

"Ice, do you have anything to add?" Rolling Stone asked the ice blue unicorn mare standing next to him.

"Certainly. As you know our scanners have been set to point out anything unusual, but other than controlled tests, we haven't used these devices out in the field. And while it seems unlikely, seeing that the humans made sure to make these things ignore our magic as best they could, the magical background field might still affect the results. It's why we don't use our magic on these things either. So treat any possible readout with suspicion, as it could be a false positive. And should there be anything that seems wrong let me know. That way I will be able to zero in on any potential problem with the scanners, and make sure they work to the best of their ability."

"Very well. You’ve heard the lady. Double check and triple check everything before you raise the alarm, and report any malfunctions."

"Yes sir," came the chorus of acknowledgement, and the group split off into three. Two of them, Sound Wave and Ornate Charm, going their separate ways into town, Blue Ice and Rolling Stone however, remained together.

"Blue Ice," Rolling Stone said to his partner as he began walking to their objective, "You’re with me. We will need to check out that lake Miss Twilight reported. If it is what we think, then there should be a large readout there. The human lives close by as well, if my intel is correct, so we will be able to rule out any connections between the two, if possible."

"Indeed. I just wish the lake wasn’t melted through use of magic. It could very well contaminate the results."

"Well, that’s what you’re here for. You’re the best when it comes to spectral ice. You are able to pick up on any trace energy that might be still there, or rule out it having been done by a ghost."

"Maybe. We've done all our training back on Earth, in controlled situations. Here, though, it might not be so easy. We have been training here as well, but the magic of this world might actually hasten the decay of spectral energy, somehow. I’m not saying it is impossible to find anything, but it is going to be damned difficult to pick up on something this old."

"I know, I know. But still. If anypony can do it, it's you."

"Thank you, I'll try not to fail," Blue Ice said with an appreciative nod.

"Just try your best. We are, despite our training, still new to this. This is the first time we’re actually out in the field, and training is always different compared to the real thing."

"That is most certainly true. Just like back in guard training. ‘Sticks and stones might break my bones’…" she said with a lopsided grin.

"But a sword will kill you faster," Rolling Stone finished with a grin of his own.


The class was in session, and Cheerilee was once again diligently busy teaching the foals under her care. And most of them were paying attention, to varying degrees. Diamond Tiara, however, not needing to pay any attention as she knew it all better anyhow, was instead spending the time her teacher had her back turned to them to make some quiet sneers to Sweetie Belle, who was sitting closest to her, accompanied by the quiet giggling of Silver Spoon.

Sweetie Belle however, didn't pay them any mind. She was both busy keeping herself from turning invisible, and brainstorming on how to best use her powers against her tormentors. And because of that, the only thing Diamond saw in response to her crude remarks was a devious grin on Sweetie Belle’s face. Somehow that unnerved her more than anything, but she didn’t show it. And instead, she only increased her nagging, which only made Sweetie Belle’s grin grow even bigger.

Recess was going to be a blast.


The sound of the scanner beeping reverberated through the calm, early morning air as Blue Ice searched around the lake for any signs of spectral activity. Rolling stood some distance away, keeping an eye out for any of the residents who might pass by.

They had been at it for the last ten minutes now, and Blue Ice's prediction about the ambient magic causing any possible spectral energy to decay much faster seemed to be accurate. Although, after a moment's thought by the ice blue mare, she reasoned it might also have something to do with the magic used by Twilight when she melted the lake. Still, if there was anything to find, she would find it. If it was still there, of course. Which, as she continued to adjust the settings on the scanner, seemed unlikely.

That didn't stop her though, and she went on with her search for twenty more minutes, but without much luck. Sighing in frustration, she moved towards Rolling Stone, intending to deliver the bad news. However, as she stepped closer to him, her scanner gave a faint beeping noise, indicating it picked up on something. What it was, though, she couldn't say for certain as the signal was far too weak.

"Hey Stone, take a look at this," she said as she held her scanner before him, showing the faint signal displayed on the screen.

"It's not much to go on," he muttered.

"I know. But I picked it up when I stepped away from the lake. I didn't find anything near there, so if there was any, it's long since degraded. But, farther away, there is something. Weak as it may be."

"Which means the signal might get stronger the further away we get." Rolling Stone reasoned.

"It’s possible, yes. Only one way to find out, though."

"Indeed. Lead the way. I’ll keep an eye out for any unwanted visitors."

Nodding in response, Blue Ice walked further away from the lake, holding the scanner firmly in one of her hooves. And with each step she took the signal grew a bit stronger, until it dropped away, and she knew she was aiming in the wrong direction. Standing still, and slowly sweeping the scanner in an arc, she found the signal again, seeing it coming from the direction of a nearby home standing at the edge of town.

"It seems to come from that direction," she said as she headed towards the house, "Isn't that the home of the human?"

"I believe it is. It would seem the Princesses' suspicions of a ghost haunting the human might be true."

"I guess," Blue Ice said, unsure. Stopping on the spot and giving the scanner a shake.

"What is it?"

"Seems like interference," she replied. "Nothing to worry about," she slightly tweaked the scanner's sensitivity. Then she made sure it didn’t cause any more problems.

"There we go," she said to herself as the scanner showed a solid but weak signal again.

As they continued their walk to the nearby home, Blue Ice noticed the signal was slowly growing stronger, but not to the point that would suggest there was a full spectral entity present in the last several days. But the signal she did pick up was warped, unusual, and she didn’t know for sure what to make of it. But they couldn’t get any closer to the home without alerting the owner, which would be something they needed to deal with. So, for now, they would stay back and investigate the surrounding area, staying out of sight of anyone that could blow their cover.


Applejack was walking down the road towards Rarity’s boutique, intending to find out if her little sister was telling the truth about last night or not. And even though she was the Element of Honesty, able to see through most lies, there was something that made it impossible for her to see if her sister was telling the truth. Mostly because they lived together, and Apple Bloom had learned through experience how to cover up the truth from her.

It was a fact she wasn’t happy about, because it meant others might be able to do it as well. Mainly her two friends, who were quite often responsible for most of the destruction done around town. And if they could lie to the Element of Honesty and get away with it… Well, it wasn’t a pleasant thought. Who knows what they could be hiding.

She sighed as she moved towards her destination, hoping for her sister’s sake Rarity would confirm her story. She also hoped she would be done quickly with this, as there were still a lot of chores to be done in the orchard, plus that other thing that she’d been planning to do, but that she was unable to get to thanks to the Pinkie invasion. Hopefully today would be less eventful than yesterday.

Walking up to the door of the boutique and stepping through, a bell above the door chimed in response.

"Coming~" Rarity called out in her trademark singsong voice as she descended the stairs.

"Why, Applejack. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?"

"Mornin’ Rarity. Ah came here ta ask ya somethin’, regardin’ yer sister."

"Oh, what did she do this time?" Rarity asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Look. Mah sister was nowhere ta be found last night, ‘til she suddenly showed up, supposedly from ‘er room. Now, Ah know she weren’t there when Ah first looked for ‘er. And, after askin’ Big Mac ‘bout it, he told me Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were havin’ a sleepover at their tree house. But, when Apple Bloom showed up she said she was in ‘er room all the time, and that they didn’t go through with their plans ‘cause you didn’t allow Sweetie Belle ta come with them. So, is this true, about yer sister Ah mean?"

"Actually, it is." Rarity answered.

"Come again?" Applejack replied in honest surprise.

"I can’t say what your sister or Scootaloo were up to, but I didn’t allow Sweetie Belle to go anywhere. She is grounded, just like her two friends were supposed to be."

"Yeah, don’t remind me. Big Mac is in a whole heap of trouble with Granny Smith ‘cause o' this."


"An’ when yer done buckin’ tha trees ‘n tha southern part a tha orchard you’ll come here ta start fixin’ up tha old barn. When yer done with that, you’ll start tha preparations fer this year’s winter. An’ when yer done…." Granny Smith ordered her grandchild with a voice full of authority, while Big Mac gulped audibly as his list of chores became longer and longer with each passing moment.


"I see. But I stand by what I said. Sweetie Belle didn’t leave the house. Unless, of course, she could somehow fly down from her bedroom window," Rarity said in good humor.

"Hah, not likely no. Okay Rarity, thanks. Ah don’t know what those fillies were up ta last night. But what ya said matched up with what mah sister told me. So Ah guess she’s tellin’ the truth, although Ah still don’t know how Ah missed ‘er like Ah did."

"Those things happen, Applejack dear. Now, if that’s all, I would like to get back to work. I just found some incredible inspiration, and I do not want to waste a moment of it."

"Hah, big order comin’ up?"

"Actually, no," Rarity said in modest confusion, "This is just something that came to me, just like that. And it isn’t even an order, but something I felt like I should do."

"Huh, fancy that. Ah been walkin’ ‘round with a similar feelin’ myself. Ah’m not really sure, but Ah have just had this urge ta make a large apple pie for Danny ever since Ah woke up yesterday. Not really sure why though."

"Well, that’s odd. I am making something for Danny as well," Rarity answered, and the two looked at each other in surprise.

"Well, whaddaya know. Ah guess tha guy made an even bigger impact on us than we thought."

"It would seem so, yes."

"So, what kind of fancy suit are ya makin’ for him?"

"It is... not really a suit. It is another set of those clothes he normally wears, but there was something that inspired me to go in an entirely different direction with it, and with colors I don’t usually work with." Rarity answered.

"Well, now Ah am curious. Mind if Ah take a peek?"

"Not at all, dear. Follow me," Rarity said, and she, followed by Applejack, moved upstairs to Rarity’s workroom.

There, lying on a table due to the lack of a proper ponyquin, or mannequin, lay a set of clothes specifically made for a human. Or Danny in this case. Applejack looked at the clothes, normally not one for any kind of fashion, save for the spare dress for any important event, she did have to say it looked kinda fitting. She didn’t know why, though. Just that it, somehow, seemed right as she observed the white shirt with the black area around the neck and near the end of the sleeves. There was a matching set of pants as well, along with a black belt to finish it all. It did seem right in a way, but it also seemed wrong, as if there was something deep down telling her so. But what?

"Well, what do you think? It is a work in progress, I know, and there are still a lot of rough edges, but give me your honest opinion," Rarity asked as she herself also gave her work a critical look.

"Well. Honestly, Ah don't know. It seems alright, Ah guess. And Ah am certainly no expert. But Ah just have tha feelin’ something is.. Ah don't know… Missin’, Ah guess. Maybe mixed up er somethin’."

"So I am not the only one thinking that," she said with a sigh as she levitated the shirt up, turning it around to look at it from different angles.

"Eh... Ah'm sorry?"

"Oh, don't be. You gave an honest answer where I asked for it. And it was just what I needed, too. I too felt like something was not right, and, seeing that you think so as well proves that this simply will not do," she reassured her friend, and she deposited the shirt back on the table.

"Oh, well then. Glad Ah could help," Applejack said, tipping her hat, "But Ah reckon Ah should go now. Still a lot of work ta be done, and Ah don’t want ta keep ya from yer special project either."

"Thank you Applejack. That’s very considerate of you."

"Don’t mention it. And thank you fer answerin’ mah question. Ah still don’t know what mah little sister was up ta, but at least she didn’t lie ta me about this much. Anyhow, see ya later, Rarity." Applejack replied, giving the other mare a friendly nod before walking out of the room, down the stairs and out of the boutique.

"And a good day to you as well," Rarity called out to her friend as she left, then returned to her work, giving another critical glare at the clothes she’d made for Danny. And, with a sigh, she undid all the work she’d done so far.

"This just will not do. Applejack is right, something is wrong with it, and I will have to start anew." And with that, all the separate, loose pieces fell down on the table while Rarity looked over her sketches once more.

"Now, what is it that I am missing?"


The school bell rang, telling all it was recess, and the fillies and colts stuck in the stuffy classroom ran out screaming with their newly gained freedom, even if it was only for a moment. Five fillies however, were not running around playing either a game of hoofball, hide and seek, nor any other of the games their classmates played. No, for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon such activities were far beneath them, and they were mocking any of those that would 'degrade' themselves with such activities. As for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle... They too were keeping their distance from the rest of the class, making sure they stayed out of sight as much as possible.

"Yer sure about this?" Apple Bloom asked with a hint of concern, keeping an eye on the rest of the class playing, and of course on Diamond Tiara and her ever present shadow, Silver Spoon. Standing in front of Sweetie Belle, keeping her out of the sight of the rest with her body.

"Of course she is," Scootaloo answered for Sweetie Belle, a wicked grin showing on her face, "They have been at us all this time. Now we have the chance to get back at ‘em."

"Yeah, what she said." Sweetie Belle confirmed with a nod, "If I'm going to use these powers, then why not use them to get even with those two?"

"Ah know, Ah know. But Ah don't want ta get in even more trouble than Ah’m already in," Apple Bloom voiced her concern, although she, too, wanted to get back at those two for a change.

"Why are you worrying? Sweetie Belle can turn invisible, right?" Scootaloo pointed out.

"Yeah," the ivory filly agreed while her right hind leg sunk through the ground.

"Yeeah. Ah'm not sure," Apple Bloom deadpanned while Sweetie Belle pulled her leg back out of the ground.

"Don’t worry," Sweetie Belle said with an innocent smile, then it turned devious, "I’ve got this."

"Fine. Just, fer Pete’s sake, be careful."


"Ehh, who’s Pete?" Scootaloo asked, confused.

"And what’s he got to do with this?" Sweetie Belle added.


"Ya know, Ah don’t really know mahself."

"Then why did you mention this Pete?" Scootaloo asked, even more confused.

"Ah don’t know. Just forget about it, okay."

"Why do you want us to forget about this Pete? Is there something you’re not telling us?" Sweetie Belle asked, a curious glint showing in her eyes.

"There ain’t a Pete, sheesh!" Apple Bloom half shouted in irritation.

"You're denying it a bit much, though. You're sure there isn't any Pete we need to know about?" Scootaloo said with a smirk.

"Yes, Ah'm sure," Apple Bloom groaned as she facehoofed.

"Is he your colt friend?" Sweetie Belle asked suddenly, and Apple Bloom’s leg fell down to the ground while her mouth hung open.

"WHAT!? NO! There ain’t no Pete. Nor is there anypony else," Apple Bloom shouted in self defense, glaring at her two grinning friends.

"Wel—" Sweetie Belle began, but Apple Bloom immediately interrupted her.

"Just go!" she groaned as she pointed a hoof away from them, indicating Sweetie Belle should move away.

"Okaaay~" she answered in a sickly sweet singsong voice as she turned invisible, making Apple Bloom shudder, while Scootaloo had trouble containing her laughter.

"Yer not going ta let this go, are ya?" Apple Bloom muttered as she shot an annoyed look at her remaining friend.

"Neevveeerrrr," Sweetie Belle breathed in her ears, making Apple Bloom yelp, much to the delight of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who were laughing at their friend’s expense.

"Ah hate you two so much right now," Apple Bloom groaned as she facehoofed once more.


"Hey, Sir, look at this," Blue Ice said suddenly as she looked at her scanner.

"What is it?" he asked in response.

"A new contact. Further away, but stronger than what I am picking up here. I believe we have an active one, Sir," she replied, looking off into the distance towards where the signal pointed to.

"You sure about this?"

"Only one way to find out."


"Hah, look at those losers. Making a mess of themselves while playing in the dirt like some wild beast," Diamond Tiara said with a condescending tone as she looked around the playground, the place of her rule. Or, at least for as long they were forced to be at school.

"Yeah, and they even think they can do whatever they want," Silver Spoon replied.

"Indeed. Let's remind them who's in charge around here."

Two matching grins of ill intend showed on their faces as they made their way to a lone colt sitting underneath a tree, playing on his hoof held gaming device, a Joyboy. Completely oblivious to the world around him, Button Mash was completing yet another quest to save the princess, only to find she was, once again, in another castle.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" Diamond Tiara asked with fake interest as she stood before the brown colt.

Button, however, didn’t reply as he was busy with the next level of epic proportions.

"I said: What have we here?" Diamond repeated, sounding annoyed.

*Bleep. Boop. Boing Boing. Ting.*

"Hey! She’s talking to you!" Silver Spoon said as she swatted the device out of his hooves.

"MY JOYBOY!" Button Mash shouted as he was forcefully brought back to the harsh reality around him.

"What, this thing?" Diamond Tiara asked, unimpressed as she picked up the device, looking at it as if it was nothing more than a piece of trash.

"Yeah. Give it back!" he said as he reached for his gaming device.

"And why should I?"

"Yeah. Why should she?"

"Because I need to go to the castle of Annon to collect the pieces of the Pie Force in order to bring back the blue Broshi which will enable me to activate the seven Hal-i-os which will open a magic portal to a team stuck in a fortress where I will be able to get the Hat of Eternity," he replied in one breath, sounding completely serious as well.

"What. A. Loser." Diamond Tiara stated as she looked at Button with a look of disgust, and she threw the Joyboy away over her shoulder.

"MY JOYBOY!" Button shouted.

"OUCH!" Sweetie Belle yelped as the Joyboy hit her in her invisible face.

"Wha… Who said that, show yourself!" Diamond Tiara commanded as she turned on the spot, looking in the direction she heard the sound come from, not realizing she was looking through Sweetie Belle, who was standing a mere half a meter away, staring into her eyes with an angry frown.

Looking down, Sweetie Belle saw the Joyboy laying at her hoof. Huffing in annoyance, which made the ears of Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Button Mash perk up, she lifted up a hoof, intending to firmly shove Tiara away and give her quite a scare with it. As, from her point of view, there was nopony there. However, fate, destiny, or just random chance intervened, and her hoof turned intangible just before she hit Diamond Tiara.

Sweetie Belle felt a sucking sensation on her leg, as she, with surprising force, was pulled inside Diamond Tiara's body, possessing her.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle said through Diamond Tiara's mouth, staring out of her eyes with shock and confusion.

"Tiara, is everything alright?" Silver Spoon asked her friend.

"Huh, wha?" Sweetie Belle replied as she turned to look at Silver Spoon, who recoiled a bit as she saw Diamond Tiara's eyes.

"What happened to your eyes?" she asked sounding alarmed.

"Can I have my Joyboy back, please?" Button Mash interjected, cutting any reply short. He too was curious as to what was going on, but not enough to stick around with these bullies. And instead, he just wanted to continue his game.

"Ehh, sure," Sweetie Belle answered as she picked up the device, and Silver Spoon's lower jaw fell down as she saw her friend give it back to the colt. Button Mash, too, was looking at the filly with confusion, but he didn't care as much as Silver did. And instead, he grabbed the device in his mouth and ran away, continuing his game someplace else.

'Okay Sweetie Belle, what happened? Why are you in Diamond Tiara's body?' she thought in a panic, and she quickly moved away and towards her friends, hoping they would be able to help her figure this out.

"HEY! Wait up!" Silver Spoon called out to Diamond Tiara as she suddenly ran away, not seeming to care about appearances as the wild movement made a mess of her mane and dirt began to stick to her hooves.

"What is going on with you? Why are your eyes green like that? And what is up with your voice?" she asked in a suspicious tone as she caught up with her friend, following her to the side of the school, mostly out of sight of the playground. And standing there, watching everything, were Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, who both had a look of confusion plastered on their faces as they saw both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon run towards them. The first with glowing green eyes.

"Hey girls, I need your help!" Sweetie Belle said as she moved out of sight of the rest of the playground, and Scootaloo and Apple Bloom shared a look of bewilderment over the fact that Diamond Tiara of all ponies would ask them for help.

"YOU!" Silver Spoon shouted in an undignified manner, "You’re hanging out with them!?"

"No I'm not!" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both said in stereo.

"Girls, it's me!" Diamond Tiara said with Sweetie Belle's voice, and the other three fillies blinked several times in confusion.

Then Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes, looking deeply into the glowing green of Diamond Tiara's eyes. Her eyes snapped open with almost impossible speed when realization kicked in, but she was unable to believe what her mind was telling her.

"Sweetie Belle?" she said with a low voice, and Scootaloo looked at the pink filly with shock.

"Are you dumb? That is Diamond Tiara, not your stupid friend," Silver Spoon said harshly, glaring at the dumb pony.

"Oh, shut up!" Sweetie Belle said as she glared at Silver Spoon, who looked as if she was hit in the gut.

"Wha…?" she managed as she gave a hurt look at her friend.

"Girls," Sweetie Belle said, turning back to her friends, "Help. I somehow got inside of Diamond Tiara, but I don't know how to ge—" she was cut off when a pale white glow surrounded Diamond Tiara's body, and Sweetie Belle seemed to almost pour out of her, manifesting before Silver Spoon while in her spirit form.


Deafening silence.

Silver Spoon's eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she saw the shining silver pony before her.

"Ehh… Don't panic," Silver Spirit said as she held up a hoof.


Screaming at the top of her lungs Silver Spoon ran away in a blind dash, crashing head first into the side of the school, knocking herself out.

"Wha…?" Diamond Tiara muttered as she shook her head, dazed from the possession, when she heard her friend scream. Turning around, she came eye to eye with Silver Spirit, and her eyes, too, shrunk to pinpricks.

"Ehhh… Boo?"

Another scream, and, somehow, a similar fate as Diamond Tiara ran away, and tripped over the legs of her downed friend. Causing her to tumble forwards, and coming to a stop at the hooves of her teacher, Miss Cheerilee, who gazed at the filly with an expression of concern.

"Diamond Tiara! What happened!?" she asked, almost in a rush, and the rest of the fillies and colts moved closer to see what was happening.

Not able to so much as mutter a word, Diamond Tiara only raised a shaking hoof, pointing towards the four fillies next to the school. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, her friend Silver Spoon, who was still unconscious, and Sweetie Belle. All the while those of them that were able to do so looked at Cheerilee with expressions of innocence and confusion.

"GIRLS! What happened?" Cheerilee shouted as she rushed to Silver Spoon, seeing what was wrong and if she was alright.

"Ah dunno," Apple Bloom replied with a shrug.

"Yeah. Sweetie Belle and I were just here talking to each other when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon showed up," Scootaloo continued.

"And suddenly Silver Spoon started ta scream fer no reason, running head first inta the school and knocking herself out." Apple Bloom picked up again, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Then Diamond Tiara screamed and ran away, tripping over her friend." Scootaloo finished.

"That’s not true." Diamond Tiara managed with a shaky voice, "I saw somepony else there with you. Somepony that did that to Silver Spoon."

"We're the only ones here," Sweetie Belle spoke up, pointing behind herself and her friends, "See."

"Yeah. And Silver Spi- ehh Spoon ran into the building by herself," Scootaloo added, almost slipping over the similarity in names.

"And why would she do that, or scream like that for that matter?" Cheerilee asked sternly, not sure whether they were lying or not.

"Ah dunno," Apple Bloom answered with a shrug, "We were just here, mindin’ our own business when they showed up, and did that."

"That's not true!" Diamond Tiara shouted again, "I didn't just show up. I... I…." she began, before falling silent.

"Diamond, what is it?" Cheerilee asked with worry.

"I don't remember how I got there," Diamond said with a shaky voice, "They must have done something to me," she continued with a shrill, angry voice while pointing a hoof at the three fillies.

"Girls?" Cheerilee said sternly as she looked at the three fillies.

"Ah didn't do anything," Apple Bloom said honestly.

"Neither did I," Scootaloo confirmed.

"I don't know what happened either," Sweetie Belle said as honest as she could, as she really didn't know how it had happened.

"LIES!" Tiara shouted, and Cheerilee looked back at the troubled filly, only for all of them to turn to Silver Spoon when she came to with a groan.

Immediately focusing her attention on the downed filly, Cheerilee slowly helped her back up in a sitting position, looking Silver Spoon over again now that she was conscious.

"Silver Spoon, are you alright? How many hooves am I holding up?"

Groaning a bit, and carefully rubbing her head, Silver Spoon turned to look at her teacher, winching when she turned her head too fast.

"Ehh, th- three?" she mumbled while her eyes blinked uncoordinatedly.

Cheerilee looked at the single hoof she was holding up with a worried frown, then back to Silver Spoon.

"You are definitely not alright," she said as she carefully helped the gray filly back to her hooves, "Come, into the school with you. The rest of you as well," she said as she turned to the rest of the foals, resulting in a loud groan from all of them.

"No buts. I don’t know what happened here, but I will find out. Until then, all of you, back inside."

"Aahhhh," all of them groaned again as they moved back inside, with Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon last to enter. Guided back inside by Cheerilee, who was giving a worried look at the gray filly under her care as she still seemed extremely disoriented, hoping Silver Spoon didn't have a concussion.


A few minutes earlier

Blue Ice and Rolling Stone were moving down one of the lesser used paths running around Ponyville, moving towards their target while staying out of sight as much as possible. Blue Ice, walking on three legs while holding the scanner in front of her, led the way, stopping every now and then to scan around and see where the signal she’d picked up on was the strongest. This went on for close to ten minutes, and with every step she took the signal increased a bit. Although there did seem to be some interference, despite her earlier attempts to counter this. This could either suggest a false positive, or perhaps a faulty device.

If it was the latter, it would be a serious problem. But having received training from some of the best, she was certain she could fix any issue with the device if needed. Even then, she both hoped that it was a false positive and hoped that it wasn't. If it wasn’t it meant her calibrations weren't flawed, but it was a cold comfort as it would also mean there was truly a ghost in their world. If it was, well, Vigilant Shield would make sure to remind her about it, constantly.

After only a little while longer, she and Rolling Stone came upon a singular building standing close to the edge of town, several foals were playing outside while an earth pony mare watched over them.

"Hmm, it seems the signal comes from over at the school," she said with a chill in her voice.

"I hope you’re wrong," Rolling Stone muttered as he scanned the crowd from a distance.

"Unfortunately, it would seem I’m not," she replied as she checked her scanner again.

A loud scream could be heard coming from the school followed moments later by another, and Blue Ice’s scanner beeped as it picked up on a much stronger signal.

Both of them snapped their heads towards where the scream came from, seeing the mare, as well as all the children move towards a more obscured part of the building.

Rolling Stone’s eyes met those of Blue Ice, and they gave an unspoken acknowledgement of the situation. Moving fast but unseen, they closed the distance between themselves and the school. Not yet charging in head first as they didn’t have a confirmed sighting, and it could just as easily be something else entirely. Foals had a tendency to do the strangest things after all.

Diving into the cover of a nearby bush, they watched as the mare ordered the foals back inside, before leading a small group of fillies back herself while holding on to a unsteady looking silvery gray filly.

"She’s not looking so well," Blue Ice commented as she observed the gray filly.

"No, but is it because what I hope isn't the case?" Rolling Stone replied.

Humming in shared agreement, Blue Ice held up her scanner, pointing it at the silvery gray filly as the rest of the foals moved back inside, leaving only her and her teacher outside as they were moving at a much slower pace.

An irritated humm came from Blue Ice as she gave a slap against the scanner, earning herself a glare from Rolling.

"Those things aren't cheap you know," he scolded.

"I know, Sir. But I am getting some mixed results. I can't say if it is from any spectral activity, or something else around us, but I am picking up on something. And it would seem it is coming from around that filly. But it is weak, and, just as back at the lake, the energy I picked up on is dissipating quickly."

"Hmmm. We better keep an eye on this one, make sure nothing strange is going on around her," Rolling Stone commented.

"Afraid she might be a target?"

"I don’t know."

"And we need to find out for sure," Blue Ice stated as she knew this was not a suggestion.

"Indeed. But first we focus most of our attention on the human. It is entirely possible this is completely unrelated, and she was just bullied by some foal, or another. But for now we continue our search elsewhere, unless you manage to pick up on the signal again, it is safe to assume that whatever was here it is most likely gone now. We will continue elsewhere, and regroup with the rest of the team at the appointed time."

"Yes Sir. I will need to make some more adjustments to the scanners it seems, because right now they are almost as useless as a paperweight," Blue Ice replied with a muttered curse under her breath towards the uncooperative scanner.

"Very well. But for now we continue as planned."

"Yes Sir," she replied, and then both of them continued with their investigation for any possible source of spectral energy.


"Silver Spoon, how are you doing now?" Cheerilee asked after she had helped the filly back into the class, looking her over once more while placing a bag of ice on her head.

"A little b-better," she answered with a pained voice, wincing as she carefully rubbed the lump on her head.

"Good, that's good. Now tell me, what happened?" Cheerilee said with a relieved sigh, but worry remained evident in her voice.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom however, looked at one another with worry, not knowing how they could possibly explain any of what happened just now.

"I… I... I don't know?" Silver Spoon answered after a moment, looking at her teacher in confusion as she tried to remember what had happened.

"Huh?!" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle uttered in disbelief, sharing a confused look with each other before turning their attention back to Silver Spoon.

"What do you mean, you don't remember?" Cheerilee asked.

Pushing the bag of ice back to the sore spot after it slipped away, Silver Spoon looked down at the ground, wracking her brain to remember any part of what happened.

"I... I just don't know. I can't remember."

"It's all their fault!" Diamond Tiara screeched, pointing a hoof at Sweetie Belle and her friends, "They did this!"

"That is quite enough out of you, young lady," Cheerilee said sternly, looking down on the shouting filly.

"Bu-... But."

"No buts. You can't just start accusing ponies of doing things when you can't prove they did it. Now, can you prove they are responsible for what happened to Silver Spoon?"

"I… She… Bu-... No," she grumpled in defeat.

"Then don't make any claims you can't prove, " Cheerilee finished with a disapproving glare, making Diamond Tiara look down at the ground, a venomous glare on her face which was meant for those three fillies she knew were responsible for all of this.

"Now Silver Spoon, is there anything you can remember, anything at all?"

"No, nothing," she answered.

"Oh dear," Cheerilee said as she returned to all fours, "Okay. Class, you can leave early today as I will take Silver Spoon to the doctor."

Cheers sounded all throughout the classroom at this news, and Cheerilee had to suppress a knowing smile. But her concern for Silver Spoon made her mood turn serious again in mere seconds.

Helping Silver Spoon back on her hooves, ice bag still on her head, she helped the filly move to the door.

"Okay everypony, class dismissed," she said, and with the speed of a hurricane the classroom was empty, only a few loose pieces of paper remained, drifting lazily through the air as they fell to the ground.

"They never put that much enthusiasm into their schoolwork," Cheerilee said with a sigh, before closing the door and taking Silver Spoon with her.


Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle didn't waste any time getting back to their clubhouse, all three of them glad they'd gotten away with what had happened, but also wondering what had actually happened, and how?

Running past the blackened trees and up the ramp, they slammed the door shut behind them, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looking at Sweetie Belle, waiting for an explanation.

"Well, how did you do that?" Scootaloo asked her unicorn friend.

"Do what?" Sweetie asked.

"How did you do that, with Diamond Tiara?" Scootaloo clarified.

"Yeah, Ah wanna know too," Apple Bloom piped up.

"I don't know. All I wanted to do was push her while she couldn't see me. Then my leg became all untouchable and such, and when I touched her I was just pulled in, or something."

"Then how did ya transform?" Apple Bloom asked, wondering why her friend came out of Tiara in her spirit form.

"I dunno," Sweetie Belle replied with a shrug.

"Weeeird," Scootaloo said.

"Ah’ll say," Apple Bloom agreed with a nod, making her ribbon bounce in response.

"Can… Can you do it again?" Scootaloo asked with a unusually eager tone.

"What? No! I don't even know how I did it the first time," Sweetie Belle replied.

"You said yer leg became untouchable when it happened, maybe that’s how it works?" Apple Bloom offered.

"Yeah, like that is going to help. I don't even know how to do that," Sweetie Belleresponded with a groan, dragging a hoof down her face.

"Well, try again," Apple Bloom suggested.

"Yeah. You want to learn how to control this, don’t ya?" Scootaloo added.

"Fine," Sweetie Belle replied with a groan and a roll of the eyes, "So, where do I start?"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at one another, blinking dumbly as they didn't know how to answer that.

"Ehhh, just try somethin’?" Apple Bloom offered weakly.

"Really?" Sweetie Belle deadpanned, giving the earth pony a flat look.

"What if..." Scootaloo began, only to drift off in thought.

"Yes?" Sweetie said, snapping her out of it.

"Right. What if it is reversed cloudshaping?"

"Huh?" came the confused reply from both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Just think about it. We pegasi walk on clouds, which you can’t normally touch. We use our magic to make the clouds solid underneath ourselves. But, what if with you it is the opposite? Instead of making things solid underneath your hooves, you make your hooves unsolid."

"Ah don't think that's a word," Apple Bloom told her, earning an annoyed glare in return. Sweetie Belle however, was deep in thought, thinking over what her friend had just told her.

"You know, it sounds just crazy enough for it to work," she answered, looking at Scootaloo with an eager glint in her eyes. "Okay, teach me about cloudshaping, maybe that is the answer."

Scootaloo's ears perked up, while an eager grin showed on her muzzle. A look that was copied by her friends. If this worked, then things might get very interesting, very soon.

Or not, whatever came first.


"Okay. For a pegasus to touch the clouds there are a few things they need to know. First off, learn to control your magic," Scootaloo explained to her two friends, and Sweetie Belle was almost leaning forward, eager to learn as much as she could and figure out how to use her power. "Otherwise it will be as impossible to walk on clouds as it is to walk on water. It is mostly a part of our instinct, but we do need to learn how to control it as we grow up. Secondly, once you can control your magic, you must get into the right mindset. The cloud responds to your magic, and your magic responds to your mind. If you think the cloud isn't solid, it will not hold you up as your magic will not make the cloud solid. And third, tread lightly. Don’t go stomping around like you’re in a stampede, or you will punch clean through the cloud."

"So, assuming that this is similar to what I want to do, I need to, what? Clear my mind and believe that I’m like a cloud or something?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I guess," Scootaloo replied with a shrug.

"It won’t hurt ta try," Apple Bloom suggested, "Just try it, an’ see what happens."

Nervously biting her lower lip, Sweetie Belle thought this over once more.

"...Okay," she said with a nervous, but determined sigh, "Stand back."

Doing just that, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo moved to the side of their clubhouse while Sweetie Belle remained in the center.

Legs spread a bit for stability, she closed her eyes while beginning to think about herself being a cloud.

'Okay, I'm a cloud. Drifting lazily through the sky. Nothing can touch me. I'm untouchable… I'm big and fluffy, a white cotton candy… Wait, what? Focus! Where was I? Oh yeah. I'm a cloud…'

"Ya think this is gonna work?" Apple Bloom asked Scootaloo in a whisper, never taking her eyes off of her friend.

"How should I know?" Scootaloo questioned.


"Ah dunno," Apple Bloom answered awkwardly.

"Just be quiet and loo-.. Wait, was her mane always like that?" Scootaloo argued back, but her attention was drawn away when she spotted Sweetie Belle's mane.

"Wow. It’s all wavy, just like tha princesses’," Apple Bloom said, amazed.

'…I’m a cloud… No, I’m not. I’m a spirit. A spirit that can disappear and fly. I’m a spirit. I’m a spirit…'

"Look!" Apple Bloom said in a whispered shout.

"I am!" Scootaloo said back, and the two of them watched as, ever so slowly, their friend began to sink through the floor, with all her hooves this time.

"Do ya think she's figured it out?" Apple Bloom asked.

'I'm a spirit. I'm a spirit… I am Silver Spirit!'

A flash of light came from Sweetie Belle, and a band of white energy appeared around her midsection. Splitting in half, one half moved forwards, while the other moved backwards. And the part of her body that went through the band of white energy transformed. Her white fur warped and waved as it became a bright gleaming silver. Her mane and tail, moving around as if struck by an unfelt breeze, became an intangible fog, billowing around. Her legs, bare when she stepped into the clubhouse, were now covered with long black boots which were several sizes too wide. A pale glow began to surround her body, and her descent through the floor was reversed as Sweetie began to levitate off of the ground.

"I think so," Scootaloo said in awe and amazement, trying not to blink lest she miss something.

"Did it work?" Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes still closed.


"Girls?" she said, and carefully opened her eyes. They shot open the rest of the way a moment later.

"Wha… What happened?" she said in a slightly panicked tone as she saw herself levitate off of the ground, and she began to tilt forwards, falling towards the floor.

Crossing her front legs before her face in reflex, Sweetie Belle found another surprise. Mainly, the boots covering them, and the silver fur she saw on her legs not covered by the boots. Time to ask, or worry, about this she didn't have as she noticed the floor coming closer and closer, and she braced herself for the impact… which didn’t come.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were both sitting frozen in place with their mouths hanging open when they saw Sweetie Belle, fully transformed, fall through the floor, moving cleanly through it. And only a surprised: "WHAT!?" from outside snapped them out of it.

Running outside, they saw their friend hovering just below the tree house, looking from it, to herself, nothing but confusion showing on her face.

Turning to look at her friends, Sweetie Belle was only able to utter a single, questioning word.



A light shone in her eyes, and Silver Spoon flinched from the brightness as she was sitting on an examination table. The doctor, an earth pony stallion with a light brown coat and a curly orange mane and tail was the one examining her.

"Hmmhmm," Hippocrates hummed as he looked over the filly, "And you are unable to remember anything that happened shortly before you hit your head you said?"

"Uhuh," Silver Spoon replied as she tried to look away from the offensive light.

Turning off the small light he was holding, the doctor turned to both the mare and the stallion standing in the room behind him.

"And, how is she?" Tarnished Silver, Silver Spoon's father, asked.

"Nothing too serious, fortunately," Hippocrates answered, "A lump and some headache seems to be the worst of it, and she doesn't seem to have a concussion. Although it would seem that the blow to her head caused localized amnesia concerning the last several minutes prior to her hitting her head. It is doubtful if those moments will come back, but only time can tell."

"But she is otherwise alright?" Cheerilee asked.

"She is, although I advise keeping her home, and avoiding any strenuous tasks for some time. She will also have a serious headache for some time to come, but the swelling will be gone in no time thanks to my assistant’s spell," Hippocrates told the two ponies, and both of them let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh thank goodness," Cheerilee said, relieved.

"So, can I go home now?" Silver Spoon asked, both annoyed that she was still here, and hurting from the painful throb in her head. That light from just now, and the adults talking so loud wasn’t helping either.

Looking at the doctor, Tarnished Silver got a nod of approval.

"Of course sweetie, we can go home right now," he told her.

"Don’t call me that," Silver Spoon quietly muttered through gritted teeth.

"Call you what?" her father asked.

"Sweetie. That is not my name," she grumbled bitterly.

Blinking dumbly, her father looked at his daughter in confusion, while Cheerilee sighed tiredly as she shook her head

"I do apologize for the trouble caused. I have no idea what happened, but I am glad she is alright."

"Of course you are," Tarnished snarled to her, making Cheerilee flinch back. "My daughter was hurt under your watch, so of course you are glad she is alright. If she wasn't then the blame would be on you."

Cheerilee looked at the stallion with shock and hurt, while Hippocrates was slowly backing out of the room.

"Mister Silver, I assure you that I did everything in my power to help your daughter, and to find out what happened."

"And look what good that did. She was knocked out, has a serious headache and some memory loss because of it, and you have no idea who is responsible for this."

"It were the Crusaders, I just know it," Silver Spoon muttered, crossing her front legs in anger.

"Who now?" Tarnished asked.

"Three students of mine. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle," Cheerilee answered, a cross look on her face over how this stallion had just spoken to her. "They were present when I found your daughter."

"Then you should focus your attention on them. If they were there when Silver was attacked, then clearly they are responsible!"

Irritation settled in, and Cheerilee looked at the stallion with an composed, yet angry look.

"Now mister Tarnished Silver. I do not take kindly to being talked to like that! Yes, those fillies were there when I found your daughter, but that doesn’t prove anything. In fact, they claim that your daughter was scared of something, what I do not know, and in her panic she ran away and hit her head."

"Huh, like—" Tarnished started, but he was cut off by Cheerilee.

"Silence! Now, whether this is true, or not, I do not know. But accusing me or those fillies of something without any proof to support those claims is not going to help, nor do I respect such actions. Also, I understand that you are concerned about your daughter’s well being, but taking this out on me is something I will not tolerate. And unless you have anything useful to say, or want to apologize to me, I do not want to hear another word out of your mouth. Furthermore, your behavior is a bad influence on your daughter, as I can see clear similarities between how you just talked to me and how your daughter behaves towards my other students. You want to take care of your daughter, that's fine. But for the love of Celestia, put some effort into it! Because what you are doing now clearly shows a severe lack of social skill, and it is a bad example for your daughter," -Cheerilee paused for a heartbeat- "I am going home now, as I have had enough of your bad attitude, and I will see Silver Spoon back in class when she had time to recover, unless there is a problem with her health. AM I clear? Yes, good," Cheerilee ranted, leaving no room for any argument. And with a pleased smile, she turned around and left the room, leaving behind the two Silvers, both of their mouths hanging open. Tarnished Silver because nopony had ever talked to him like that before, and Silver Spoon because she had never heard anypony, least of all her teacher, talk to her father like that.


Father and daughter shared a shocked look, not knowing what to say or do, and an uncomfortable silence settled in. Only for it to be broken by doctor Hippocrates, who, as he backed out of the room earlier, had accidentally walked into a storage closet.

"Is it safe to come out?" he asked, carefully peeking around the door.


"Girls?" Sweetie Belle said as she hovered in the air, her silver fur gleaming in the light that shone through the foliage above. "Did that just happen?" she asked, and her friends both nodded dumbly as they looked up at their friend.

"I just moved through the floor?" she asked, and she received another nod in confirmation.

"And I just transformed?"

Nod, nod.

"And I am flying here, in my spirit form?"

Nod, nod, nod.


"Awesome," Sweetie said dumbly, too overwhelmed with what had happened.

"Awesome? AWESOME!? IT IS SUPER MEGA EPIC COOL AWESOME!!" Scootaloo shouted excitedly, wings buzzing wildly as she jumped up and down. An action that was mirrored by Apple Bloom.

"You think so?"

"Are ya crazy!?" Apple Bloom shouted in response, "Of course it is."

"Yeah! Now, what can you do like this?" Scootaloo asked eagerly.

"Can ya try that body control thingy?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Oh yeah, that was awesome. The way you controlled Diamond Tiara, and how Silver Spoon crashed into the wall. Can you do that thingy again?" Scootaloo agreed with enthusiasm.

"Ehh, maybe? But who should I control?" Sweetie Belle asked, and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at one another, eyes narrowing as they did so.

"Not it!" they both shouted at the same time. "You do it!" they countered at once, blinking dumbly, "No, you! Nuh uh, you… "

Sweetie sighed as she let her front legs hang down limply, staring at her friends with a flat look as they continued their pointless argument. Deciding to choose for them, she shot forward, hoping this would actually work, and that she wouldn’t simply knock out one of her friends. Silver Spoon was one thing, her friends were another.

'I’m a cloud that is also a spirit…' she thought as she flew forwards, hoping that this was the key to doing what she was trying to do.

"No, you-OOMPH…" Scootaloo said when Sweetie Belle slammed into her, knocking the air out of her.

"Okay. That didn’t work," Sweetie Belle muttered as she rubbed her head, while Scootaloo lay in a heap with her hind legs sticking up in the air.

In a bright flash of light Sweetie Belle turned back to normal, leaving her staring at her normal white furred legs as she stood back up.

Scootaloo, grumbling under her breath, also pulled herself back up, while Apple Bloom walked over to the two, a slight grin showing on her face.

"Well, that’s a bust," Sweetie Belle sighed as she kicked the dirt, "Guess I haven’t figured it out after all."

"But we are gettin’ close, Ah guess," Apple Bloom replied encouragingly.

"I guess, yeah," Sweetie Belle muttered.

"So we just keep on tryin’. We will figure this out, just you wait an’ see."

"Yeah, what she said," Scootaloo groaned, shaking the dirt out of her mane.

"Heh, so we’re sticking with the spirit training, huh?" Sweetie Belle said with a small grin.

"Well, duh. We’re tha Cutie Mark Crusaders. And when we say we’re doing somethin’, we’re doing it."

"Exactly," Scootaloo agreed with more enthusiasm, giving her friends a winning smile. A smile that soon spread to both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "After all, we’re in this together," Scootaloo said as she held a hoof out in front of her.

"Uh huh. We’ve got yer back," Apple Bloom agreed, and she placed a hoof against Scootaloo’s.

"And I've got yours, always," Sweetie Belle finished, and she placed her hoof against those of her friends.



"Alright team, report," Rolling Stone ordered when he and his team regrouped on the outskirts of town, staying out of sight of the residents in town.

"Sir," Ornate Charm spoke up, and Rolling turned to the dark pink unicorn mare with dark purple mane and tail. "I have gone through the center area of the town and picked up trace amounts of spectral energy. However, the readings were marred with some form of interference and there is the possibility of a false positive. As such I was unable to find anything definitive that would suggest spectral activity in town."

"I see. And you Sound Wave?" Rolling asked the steel gray pegasus mare with black mane and tail.

"Sir. I am not that experienced with the scanner, as you know, but I too detected trace amounts of spectral energy around the marketplace. But, as Ornate Charm indicated, it could very well be a false positive. I believe that it would be wise to use the Fenton Ghost Gabber to pick up any possible ghost communication, should there be any. If the scans are accurate, and there is a ghost around here then there should also be the possibility of us picking up on its speech."

"Good point," Rolling muttered, "Do it, but keep your scanner close while you’re doing that. And speaking of those scanners. It would seem we are all dealing with the possibility of false positives. Blue Ice, when we get back to the guest house I want you to take another look at those scanners, and make the required adjustments to them to make sure we won't have any false positives in the future."

"Yes Sir," Blue Ice replied with nod.

"Good. Further more, taking into account the possibility of a false positive, we might have a new target to keep an eye on. A filly by the name of Silver Spoon, if the namelist we took from the school is correct. She was present where Blue Ice detected a large amount of spectral activity. Might be nothing, but we need to make sure. As for the human. Until we have a chance to enter his house without running the risk of him catching us, we will have to keep our distance. I will send a letter to the Princess about this matter. Maybe she knows something to lure him away for a while without arousing suspicion. But until then, keep your distance and keep your eyes open."

"Yes Sir," a trio of voices replied, and Rolling Stone gave a curt nod with a faint grin in response.

"Good, now disperse. We will regroup again back at the guest house. Keep a low profile and don’t return all at once. Meeting out in the open like this is one thing, but we need to keep up appearances."

"Yes Sir," they repeated once more, and all four of them moved in separate directions, blending in with the rest of the ponies in town.


Sweetie Belle returned home after the day’s unexpected training session. Dragging herself forth, tired but satisfied.

She might not have been able to ‘take over’ her friends like she did with Diamond Tiara, and how she did so in the first place was still a mystery to her, but she did manage to make some progress with her transformation. Not much, but she was able to change her form a couple of times, only for her to turn back a few moments later. The longest that she had managed since her first unexpected transformation was a full seven minutes. It wasn't much, but it was progress, and she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment from it. She was starting to accept and appreciate these powers, even if they were misbehaving more often than not.

Still, with each moment that she worked on figuring out how they worked, she found it became easier to keep them under control. Her body hadn't turned invisible on its own for the entire walk home, nor did she sink through the ground. But she thought that last one was more luck than anything else.

Opening the door of her sister's home, she sighed as she heard the ring of the small bell hanging above the door, and the sound of her sister's hooves clopping on the floor above greeted her as Rarity came down to see who it was that had entered her boutique.

"Why Sweetie Belle, where have you been?" Rarity asked concerned as she saw her younger sister stand in the doorway, looking absolutely exhausted. "And what did you do?"

"Oh… Eh. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and I were at our clubhouse… ehh… trying to earn our Cutie Marks," Sweetie Bellr answered, giving a slightly forced smile to her sister as she told her a partial lie.

"And why were you at your clubhouse? School has only just finished for the day, so you shouldn’t have been able to be there," Rarity said, giving her sister a questioning glare.

"Oh, Miss Cheerilee dismissed the class early, so that’s why my friends and I were there."

"Wait, what!? Why did Cheerilee do that?"

"Ehhh… You see, the thing is… Silver Spoon ran headfirst into the side of the school for some reason, and I don’t know why, and she knocked herself out. So Miss Cheerilee took her to the doctor," Sweetie Belle said in one breath, giving her sister the biggest smile she could after she finished.

Rarity, knowing that that smile usually meant something else was going on gave her sister a flat look, staring at her until the smile began to falter and fall.

"And what did really happen?"

"Well, that. Silver Spoon got scared of something, and I do not know what, and she ran into the school, just as I said. I'm telling the truth, honest," she said, 'But maybe not the entire truth,' she added in her thoughts.

Blinking several times in confusion, Rarity looked at her younger sister, seeing no evidence of her lying to her. Maybe she was really telling the truth, or maybe she was just getting better at lying… She didn't particularly like the second possibility. Still, she gave Sweetie Belle the benefit of the doubt, as she knew her younger sister would never do something that would bring harm to others… intentionally.

"My goodness, is Silver Spoon alright?" she asked, and Sweetie Belle gave a shrug in response.

"I don’t know. My friends and I were gone the moment Miss Cheerilee said we could go."

"Of course you were." Rarity sighed. "Okay, fine. Now, come inside and close the door. I will make something to eat, and you can tell me what happened to Silver Spoon while I do so," she told her sister as she turned and moved to the kitchen, followed a moment later by a less than eager Sweetie Belle.


It was late in the day, and Scootaloo finally returned home. After helping Sweetie Belle figure out more about how her powers worked, which still needed a lot of improvement, she had spent the remainder of the time just going back and forth on her scooter, practicing some more of her own stunts.

Now, though, she had to go home. Or the place that acted as it.

She sighed as she stepped inside, but she didn’t bother being quiet as she closed the door with a push of her hind leg. Walking up the stairs to her room, she noticed several of the rooms in her mother's guest house were occupied.

"Great, visitors," she muttered as she walked past one of the closed doors before walking into her own room, closing the door behind her. But as her door closed, the one she walked past opened. A dull orange earth pony poked his head outside, scanning the hallway as he held a scanning device of sorts in his hoof, wondering what could have set it off.

"Hmmm. Maybe some more calibrations are needed," he muttered, and moved back into his room, closing the door behind him.

Looking at the hoof held scanner as it gave a readout of minute amounts of spectral energy coming from a source not too far away. Almost as if it passed by the door mere seconds ago. But when he looked there was nothing. The amount of energy shown was also barely noticeable, and Rolling Stone figured it was merely a false reading from faulty calibration.

"Anything sir?" Blue Ice asked, sitting in the room she shared with her commanding officer, working on another scanning device used to find ghosts.

"No, nothing. Just a machine error. See if you can fix it, we don't need anything going wrong with our equipment while we continue our investigation."

"Yes sir," she answered, picking up the device with her magic, bringing it closer to her. "I'll see what I can do."

"Good. Meanwhile, I'll go and see how things are progressing with the others."

Blue Ice gave a nod in confirmation, and returned to the work at hoof, making some slight adjustments to the scanner’s sensitivity.

Rolling Stone moved through the door and closed it behind him, walking over to the room occupied by Sound Wave. Giving three knocks on the closed door he waited for the mare to open the door.

"Si-.. ehh. Rolling, come in," Sound Wave said as she opened the door and saw the First Lieutenant standing before her, looking behind him to see if anypony noticed her partial slip when she instinctively wanted to call him Sir.

Stepping inside, Rolling Stone looked at the small table in the room, covered with various gadgets made by the Fenton Corporation.

"What's the status on the Ghost Gabber?" he asked after Sound Wave had closed the door.

"Coming along, Sir. Still, some work is needed. The device is mostly in working order, but I never had the chance to properly fine tune it. I’m not really sure why, but it seems it is incorrectly picking up on any conversations between ponies. Perhaps it's a similar issue as with the scanners, but I don't really understand what could cause it. I'm adjusting the devices now, and limiting their sensitivity seems to solve the problem. It is just a matter of a little more calibrating, but I'm sure it'll be done before long. But its range will be limited as a result. Still, shouldn't be much of a problem," Sound Wave explained.

"Hmmm. Well, it’s better than nothing," Rolling Stone replied.

"Indeed. But I'm afraid it won't be done tomorrow. I need to find the right balance between limiting the sensitivity, and efficiency. It is a bit of a tenuous task, and despite my knowledge and experience with this device, I'm not much of an expert when it comes to the internal workings. Even then, considering the problems we have experienced already, It does seem to be a bit of a design flaw."

"It would seem so… I will make sure I mention this to the Princess when I send her our first report, she should be able to make this problem known to the Fenton Corporation. They need to send us replacement units, and find out what is causing these problems in the first place.

"That would be useful, yes. But for now I will have to make do with this thing," Sound Wave agreed with a nod.

"Then I will leave you to it," Rolling Stone said, and he turned to the door.

"Yes Sir," Sound Wave acknowledged, and she let him out.

Closing the door behind him, she returned to her work the moment he was gone while Rolling Stone went on his way to the other member of his team: Ornate Charm. But as he moved to her room, he also walked past a closed door belonging to the previously mentioned daughter of Miss Bellflower, and he stopped near the door to listen. The sound of a child sobbing could be heard, and he was conflicted on what to do next. He should just walk away and focus on the task at hoof, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. So, with a flash of green in his eyes, he knocked on the door, and he heard the pony in the room sigh, stepping down from something, maybe the bed, and walking over to the door.

"Yeah, what do yo-… Oh, you're not… her," Scootaloo said, looking up at the dull orange earth pony.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I heard some sounds, and I was wondering if everything is alright?" he asked, and he received an angry glare in response.

"I wasn’t crying!" Scootaloo half shouted in her own defense.

"I never said you were," Rolling countered calmly.


"Oh, right. Still, I didn’t do that. What is it to you anyhow?" Scootaloo muttered with a slight blush, glaring holes into the floor.

"I was just wondering if everything is alright, Miss. So, is everything alright?"

"Yes, fine. Now leave me alone," Scootaloo snarled, and she turned around to walk back into her room.

Sighing, Rolling Stone knew he should just turn away. Instead, his eyes flashed green again, and he blocked the door from closing, not knowing why he was doing what he did.

"You don’t seem fine to me, Miss," Rolling said, looking around the room.

It was not your standard filly’s room, with the walls covered with posters of the Wonderbolts, as well as what seemed to be hoof made posters of Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty. There was a single bed in the room, with a nightstand next to it. A framed photo stood on top of it, and Rolling Stone's eyes lingered on the image shown.

Two adult ponies, pegasi, with the mare holding a young filly. All three of them smiling as their moment was captured on film, frozen in time.

"Is there something I could help you with?" he continued after a moment.

"Yeah, get out of my room!" Scootaloo said coldly, glaring at the stallion, before turning sharply, not looking at the intruder.

"Very well," he sighed, and left the filly to herself, "I’m sorry for troubling you," he added, and another flash of green showed in his eyes, "Mayfly."

Scootaloo's ears perked up, and she turned around with blurring speed.

"What did you call me?" she demanded angrily, a shocked expression on her face. But Rolling Stone had already closed the door, moving to the other room down the hallway and never heard her, nor was he aware of the last word he said. Scootaloo however, could only stare at the door with wavering eyes, not sure if she'd imagined it or not.

'Tha-… That's what my father used to call me,' she thought, and tears started to form in her eyes as she turned to look at the photo standing on her nightstand.



It was late at night on Earth, and all was quiet. The cities were asleep, covered by the glowing domes of the ghost shields that protected them. It was a relatively calm night, with not much trouble having occurred during the day. This however, was about to change. Yet, no one would notice.

A ripple moved through the layers of reality, distorting everything in its path. Yet it somehow managed to miss the major cities as it continued on its way, moving towards a quiet part of the world that was mostly untouched by human hands.

The distortion converged here, warping and shifting as a hole in reality started to form. However fate, chance, destiny, or an unlucky roll in a cosmic game of Dungeons and Dragons caused a ghost portal to form on the exact same spot the tear was forming, and the two collided and merged together. The tear was pulled inside the portal and brought towards a frozen wasteland with no life there at all. A village bustling with activity was present in the distance, yet those existing there didn’t seem to notice the distortion in the distance from their village.

Two creatures however, did notice the opening hole. One an ice blue rabbit, which hopped towards the growing and shimmering hole no larger than a standard ghost portal. The other, a frost giant, looked at both the rabbit and the tear with suspicion and a rising sense of fear. The rabbit though, looked through the hole in the layers of reality, and it was greeted by a blast of warm air. Curious, it moved through the rift, trading the snow covered lands for a relatively warm stone floor, leaving behind the frost giant who was running as fast as he could towards the village.


Deep inside the Everfree forest stood the ancient and mostly forgotten castle of the royal sisters. It lay in ruin, with the windows shattered, floors broken, and walls collapsed. Yet it remained standing. A testimony to good construction, or to the spell still holding everything together.

Sparks burst into life in the darkness, illuminating the dark place with flashes. The sound of a vacuum being sucked in reverse echoed through the empty room, amplified by the connected hallways as a tear started to form in the air no larger than the size of one's fist, but it grew in size at an alarming pace, and soon a hole came into existence leading to a frozen wasteland.

Moments later, an ice blue rabbit hopped through.

Sniffing the air and scratching itself behind the ear with a hind leg, the animal took the time to look around. Not finding anything of interest it moved further into the castle, and, in time, it would find its way outside. Hopping over the old and rotten bridge and into the forest, unaware of the two eyes watching its every move as it stopped, sniffed around, and continued its curious trek through the forest.


"FROSTBITE!" the frost giant who had witnessed the tear forming shouted as he ran into the village, gaining the attention of the village's leader.

"Wind Chill, what is it? Did something happen?"

"Frostbite, we have a serious problem," Wind Chill said in alarm, and Frostbite's posture shifted from a relaxed stance to a more rigid one.

"What happened?"

"A portal unlike any I have ever seen before has opened in the Death Zone. I fear it leads not to the human world but to this other world the humans deal with."

"WHAT! How did this happen? No portal can open in our lands, it is impossible."

"I know, but it has happened nonetheless."

"Oh, this is bad. If the other ghosts hear of this there will be no containing them. We must place guards near it, make sure nothing gets through," Frostbite ordered.

"I’m afraid it is already too late," Wind Chill said with an icy tone.


"A beku terwelu went through."


A look of fear showed on Frostbite's face, and he turned to look towards the Death Zone, barely able to see the shimmering hole Wind Chill spoke of.

"Good grief. Whatever deity it is those creatures believe in, I hope it protects them from this evil," Frostbite spoke with a rumbling voice as he looked at the villagers around him. All of them listening in, and waiting for his orders.

"You, Avalanche, Snow Front! Wind Chill will lead you to this portal, and the two of you will guard it with everything you’ve got, while Wind Chill will go through and find this wretched beast. Nothing else may slip through, from either side. Keep their world safe, they're ill prepared for us ghosts, and they will be even easier prey than the humans were.

"Yes Frostbite!" the three frost giants chorused, and they quickly moved to the Death Zone.

"I just hope it is not already too late," Frostbite said to himself, looking once again at the distant portal.


The manticore moved quietly through the forest, stalking his prey. An ice blue rabbit.

Never before had he seen something like this, and he was eager to try out the flesh of this animal.

He was careful, more so than usual as he moved slowly, creeping closer to his prey. It certainly seemed like an easy kill, but that’s what he thought of those three ponies some nights before, and look how that turned out. No, he was more careful after that, nor was he going to play with his food as much as he did with those ponies.

Closer and closer he got, close enough to catch the scent of the animal. A chilly scent that sent a shiver down his spine and made him stop for a moment. But not wanting to let such easy prey get away, he continued, closing the distance.

His large form towered over the rabbit, and the light of the moon shining through the trees cast his shadow over the rabbit, making it turn as it noticed something was standing behind it.

The manticore roared to signal he was about to strike, but he was stopped mid pounce when he noticed something very strange happening with his prey.

A look of anger mixed with malicious intent appeared on the face of the rabbit, and a warping glow covered its body. It doubled, tripled, quadrupled in size, while its appearance became wilder and wilder.

Then it roared back, stretching its mouth open to an impossible width and showing many, oh so many, razor sharp teeth.

It attacked without mercy, and all the other animals around fled the scene as the dark forest filled with the pained screams of a manticore dying violently, and the crunching of bones as the rabbit ate.

Help for this creature had already come too late.

Author's Note:

Okay, here we are again. Now, as usual, let me know what you think of this chapter. What did you like? What you didn't like. Or just say hello. Also, Sweetie's yell. I have recieved several of them in the comments, and now I'm letting it up to you to fight out which you think is the best of them. I will place each yell into a separate comment, and you can use the up/down vote option on them to tell me which you liked best. The one with the highest rating will win.

So, let the comment war begin!
