• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 1,811 Views, 76 Comments

Tales in Stone - TDR

Collection of stories based on the Stories in stone universe.

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Of Anger and Agreements [By WhiteWolf ]

Of Anger and Agreements
By WhiteWolf

Jer'rahd Kaisur trots the hallways of the Palace of New Canterlot late in the afternoon. Construction crews ran about doing whatever it was they were directed to do. It had almost been a year since the conflict known as the War of the Gods, and things were slowly getting back to normal.

Well as normal as anything seemed to get around here. He was still recovering from injuries along with the exhaustion of calling out Troth twice in a single day. Twilight was still showing signs of fatigue if she cast too often, but other wise she and every one else were fine.

He was wandering aimlessly when the thoughts of the foal's adoptions crossed his mind. Luna had sprung the group on him rather unexpectedly, though he couldn't help but be rather giddy over the fact that she was referring to them as 'their ' adoptive foals rather than just hers. It was a small term she used one the Princess of the Night did not even seem to know she made, but it made him feel quite a great deal better about the future of things.

Orange Danish was going to be interesting, as she was not as of yet accepting of the adoption, and due to this he and she had gotten off to a rough start, though she seemed to be much more accepting of Luna. He wasn't sure why, but to be honest he never understood how mares thought any way.

Paintbrush and Iceberry Lily were a bit different. Brush was cordial and polite, if clearly sullen. He was a bright colt and fiercely protective of his sister. It was likely that he only accepted Luna and Jer'rahd as his sister had practically launched herself at the Princess and clung to her for hours when they first met. The young filly still had not said anything to any one, but they were staying with Luna so she could watch over their dreams and lessen the nightmares the pair had been wracked with since the attack.

Pipsqueak on the other hoof had taken a completely different route. He was accepting of Luna adopting him , but the colt had quickly become enamored with Jer'rahd almost immediately. He was with Luna today getting checked out and set up for school once it reopened, other wise the colt would have been following along with him asking a million questions. He had already been hurt once trying to mimic Jer'rahd's training as he recovered from his injuries, thankfully it wasn't anything serious though it had caused
Jer'rahd to come up with a slightly less strenuous training program the colt could follow when it became clear he wasn't about to give up.

Despite his cheerful demeanor Pip had been affected heavily by the conflict, he was dead set on becoming a Guard to ensure that what happened to him and the other foals that were adopted, never happened to any one else. If he could keep the drive he had going as he aged, Jer'rahd had no doubts that he would succeed in his mission.

He shook his head and gathered his thoughts, it wouldn't look too good on his credentials or as a instructor to start walking into walls.

"Sir?" a voice states nearby.

Jer'rahd turned his head to see a black earth pony in golden armor addressing him, well out of hoof's reach, it seemed his reputation was still as good as ever..

"What?" Kaisur asked impatiently knowing a Royal Guard wishing to speak with him wouldn't end well..

"Princess Celestia wants too see you, sir." the Guard reported.

"Why?" he demanded.

"She didn't say, sir. " the earth pony responds.

"Go back and tell her, I'm busy." Jer'rahd growls, despite the new bit of respect he had for the mare for actually doing something , he still did not like the sun princess, and he doubted that would ever change.

"I can't, sir. She said you have to come and she said to tell you 'don't make me come looking for you." the guard commented a bit nervously.

“You fought during the War of the Gods? One of the Canterlot defenders?” the gray unicorn asked.

“Yes, sir. I did. Battle of South Street and then the wall it self.” the black stallion said.

Jer'rahd nodded. He made a goal to keep track of all battles during that incident. South street in Canterlot had taken a great deal of damage, many of the larger changelings had been in that area during the first part of the invasion. Despite that, it was one of the few places that held until Celestia called a retreat to the the castle and as such was one of the primary evacuation routes.

“What's your name, Guard?”

“Gothikar, sir.”

“No sir. Just Jer'rahd. You lot turned out to be better than I gave you credit for.”

“Urrr thank you sir, I mean Jer'rahd.... I think.” The stallion looked a bit nervous.”I just wanted to say that I'm glad you help turned this army around, Jer'rahd.”

“Oh?” the gray unicorn asked. More curious for warrior's reasoning than anything else. Far as he knew he only trained one relatively small group.

"Even before you showed up, there were many of us who pushed for tougher training standards and exercises, but the Solar Princess always refused on the grounds of her peace and not wanting to antagonize other nations, even after the first changeling attack, nothing really changed in terms of defense and training for the normal guard. I even heard she got into heated arguments with her sister over how weak the Guards were. Even when you showed up she was still reluctant, even after a number of use were beaten rather badly by you and Major Rose, simply while defending the throne room. After you started training the 42nd a number of the higher officers started a stronger training program without the princesses permission. That seems to have paid off considering the war and now Celestia has green lit stronger training and efforts across the entire service. I'm just sorry it took The War Of The Gods to change her mind.”

“Don't thank me too much , I can assure you I didn't do it for the Guard. Still I'm glad to hear it, Gothikar.” Jer'rahd exhaled partially resigning himself, His tone at least a little more respectful now. “Celestia in the Throne room, then?”.

" Yes. Ummm, there is one more thing sir... um Jer'rahd...."

"What's that Gothikar ?"

"Would you mind not smacking the crap out of the Guards on duty every time you enter the Princesses throne room? "

"I haven't done that in a while now. But i make no promises if i see any of you slacking."

"Yes sir. I'll be sure to warn every pony of that.”

The pair approached the main door to the throne room, a pair of Guards there saluting , but keeping their eyes on Kaisur, something that amused him to no end. Gothikar lifted his hoof to knock and announce his arrival , but Celestia's voice booming from the room stopped him.

"Enter, Kaisur." she commanded..

“Like she needed to tell me that after she already demanded I show up?” he grumbled to himself, still getting a wary gaze from the Guards at the grumble.

Jer'rahd lets out a long breath remembering Luna's words and that he promised to at least try and be civil to the Solar Princess. He knew she was going through quite a bit, but at the same time she brought a great deal of that on herself. He flattens his ears nodding to the Guard who pushed open the door before he stepped inside, trying to think happy thoughts.

The throne room had seen better days, even after nearly a year the Princesses had refused to allow work on the castle until all of their subjects had their own homes and properties restored. A few construction workers still ran around the castle repairing and correcting things that were dangerous , or might impede the running of the country, but cosmetic detail were ignored.

The thrones, though damaged remained on their dais, missing a gemstone here or there, and Luna's throne's armrest had broken off, but they were still serviceable and it was the ponies in the chairs that commanded the respect, not the room.

Only the solar throne was occupied at this time. Princess Celestia was regarded by many one of the most beautiful and peaceful mares ever to walk Equestria, at least by Rhede and most fashion magazines and nobles anyway, but as he approached the Sun Throne, Celestia didn't look peaceful at all as she sat on her throne almost radiating fury.

"Let's get this over with." he grumbles under his breath trotting up to the throne without a hint of formality or reverence shown. “I'm here, Celestia. What do you want?".

She ignored the bluntness of the question and simply answered it.

“Something has been brought to my attention, Kaisur.”Celestia announced.

"Look if this about that Colt i thru the wall....” he said, ready to defend his actions and the bit of excessive force he used on a pickpocket..

"It isn't. I looked into that and you acted properly, if savagely. I will not accept anyone causing more suffering while there is already so much. Doubtless that reaction will curtail similar occurrences by showing the possible repercussions." she interrupted.

"Wait really? Then what the heck is this about?”” he asked a bit confused that her comment had some what sounded like a compliment as well.

"I've been told that you've threatened to wipe out a house's bloodlines. Right down to the foals.” The tone in her voice hardening.

"Blueblood came to you and cried like baby, i see.” His voice thick with contempt, he should have expected it.

"He did." she responded.”. Jer'rahd growls back coldly.

Celestia looked at him. He expected many things from her like: asking him in a peaceful way not to do that but what he didn't expect was how she reacted. Her voice was calm and devoid of emotion. But her gaze was savage. And she pinned with it.

"You. Will. Not. Do. That. I will not have another Cindervale incident, and decidedly not one in my Realm. As much as I dislike the Noble Houses at times, they are my subjects so therefore they are under my protection, as is every citizen. I do not want to have to protect them from some one whose job it is to protect them Kaisur. If you do follow thru with that claim I will not hesitate to slap you down so hard you'll be Canterlot General Hospital for a year or longer depending on how well that healing ability of yours still works..”

Her gaze narrowed as she rose from the throne moving towards him and glaring down at the gray unicorn.

“I will do much worse than that if I have need to, despite the strain it will put on Luna and my relation ship. I am still not entirely thrilled with how you, of all possible ponies managed to be the one to capture her heart, but I have not seen her in a mood like this since before Hooper was killed. I would prefer not to see her sink back into depression again for something I was forced to do to punish you. The last thing Equestria needs is for the Nightmare to return, but if it comes to it and I need to end you in order to protect my subjects Kaisur, do not think I will not do so in the moment I needed to.

A lesser pony would been been shitting on the floor under that gaze, granted a lesser pony would never have gotten to the point where he was forced to try and stare down the sun itself. But he was Jer'rahd Kaisur. Demon of Dullahan, Consort of the Princess of the Night and other many titles that seemed to be heaped upon him whether he wanted them or not. Celestia was putting all her anger into that gaze, but he had seen it before, and worse.

"Is the word "Stupid" written on my horn, Celestia?" Jer'rahd growls not even flinching under the gaze.” I take it he didn't bother to pass on the entire conversation, just the parts that made me look bad? I'm fully aware of my actions and their consequences. In case you forgot I was following orders when I destroyed Cindervale. I may have gone above and beyond what was asked, but unlike the dragons, I didn't eat any one when I sacked the place."

“No you simply buried the entire city with a volcano. That is not the point Kaisur. This is a threat you made against an Equestrian citizen, and if he was correct there was no provocation for it. I am more concerned about what happened last time you started threatening ponies." Celestia glowers.

"You expect me to suddenly turn on you again? After everything I've done, that We've been through to get to this point you still don't trust me." Kaisur growls his own ire growing at the implications, questioning his loyalty was a sure fire way to piss him off.

"You do not have the best track record Kaisur. You are foul tempered,violent, you rampage through my Royal Guard and you have a complete disrespect for my authority." Celestia states " So no, I do not trust you."

"That is because you are not my Prin,,, hurrrrk!”" Jer'rahd winces as he's suddenly yanked off the ground and slammed into a pillar, cracking the marble under him. He grunts in pain lifting his head to bare his fangs at the alicorn storming over to him, her face shoving into his as she yells, her voice booming enough to shake the throne room rattling plaster and stone and sending cascades of dust down the damaged walls. Jer'rahd flinches at taking the royal Canterlot voice directly to the face.

"We are NOT having this argument again Kaisur. While you are here you will follow the rules as they are laid down. If anything happens to Blueblood or his family line, you will be the first pony I investigate and if you have anything at all to do with it, I will bury you. Do you understand that Kaisur?" Celestia screams her mane flaring up into a fiery mass.
Jer'rahd's glare met hers with equal anger.

"And if you lose control and set fire to your own soldiers again I will be sure to end you. Do you understand THAT, Solar Flare?"
Celestia did not so much as twitch at the returned threat though she did drop him. Her mane begins to flicker and die down a bit as Jer'rahd rubs his throat.

"I have been told to try and get along with you by two ponies I care very much for Kaisur. You are not making that easy."

"I've been given the same speech. Nice to see you are showing a bit of spine now though. Is that all you wanted then?" Kaisur grumbles cricking his neck and rising back up to his hooves.

"That will be all Kaisur. Now get out of my sight."

Author's Note:

Editing and timeline stabilization by TDR.