• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 1,811 Views, 76 Comments

Tales in Stone - TDR

Collection of stories based on the Stories in stone universe.

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Pursuit [By TDR]

Stories in Stone
Tales in Stone


It was said that on the day of the Second Changeling attack on Canterlot that in the midst of the conflict fires long dormant in the hearts of ponies rekindled and a warrior spirit unseen and unused for a thousand years erupted once again, inflamed by a desire to protect their home and loved ones.

Even in those that lost everything already that fire was not dimmed, often it raged brighter than others, all consuming, with no balm to sooth the flames. These lost souls had nothing to lose and had no reason to stop fighting until they fell. It was from these ponies that the changeling swarm tasted a new emotion, one that came from their own race rather than their victims.



“TIN HE'S GONE, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!” the bloodied earth pony shouted.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!” the red mare screamed clawing at the ground with her hooves as the larger white stallion grabs her dragging her away from the remains of a steel gray pegasus on the ground before her. Despite the unicorn mare's struggling the earth pony managed to yank her away and back outside of the burning building moments before the structure collapsed burying the pegasus' remains under tons of rubble.

The Guard who had pulled her out rose to his hooves looking down at the last member of his squad, the red mare he had just rescued was curled into a ball on the street sobbing uncontrollably. When she finally rose her eyes fixated on the spot he had been though her crying didn't cease.

Sergeant May groans glancing back at the building then over to a group of ponies rushing towards them. He tensed up ready to deal with more changelings but saw the caravan of refugees being pulled along by other guards behind them. A number of civilians on hoof and and a few in carts all trying to find safety.

“Corporal? Corporal!! snap out of it! Damn it. Sergeant May, what the buck happened here !?” shouts another unicorn dressed in Guard armor with the symbol of a medic on his saddle bags. A brief glance showed he was a Colonel, though May only saw the rank briefly before he pulled the mares helmet off after checking for head trauma. He pauses briefly in his examination before looking up at the white earth pony Sergeant expectantly.

“Changelings hit us as we were moving a couple of civies, sir. We managed to beat them back long enough to get the civies out and away with the rest of the squad, but the three of us got separated and tried to take cover in the building there. Ran right into even more of them, they killed PFC Thunder Roll, ripped him apart in front of us. If the building hadn't started to collapse around us they would have done the same to us.”

“What happened to her?” the medic asked.

“Roll was her fiance.... “ the earth pony winced as the other unicorn looked up at him again.” Wedding was next weekend. Corporal Tin Snip watched them kill him right in front of her.”

“Shit.... Corporal.... Corporal.....!!!” he slaps her face with a hoof getting no response.” I don't have time for this, she's in shock.... get her onto the cart with the other injured. She's a casualty at this point it's barely been four hours since the attack started and I’ve already seen more ponies in this state than I thought possible. Where were you relocating the civilians to?”

“Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia gave the withdrawal order earlier. We've been trying to fall back ever since.” The white stallion sighed hefting the limp unicorn mare up over his back.

“Right secure her and take perimeter with the others.” the Colonel orders.

“Yes sir.” May sighs trotting her back to the carts and putting her in an open spot near an older couple.

“Sorry Tin, just sit tight, we'll get you some where safe.” May muttered looking around before gathering his spear back up from where it fell before moving to join the ring of guards around the small caravan.


She could still see him. The way his steel gray feathers caught the light and made them appear silver. The crystal clear blue of his eyes that always had a hint of mischief behind them. His dark gray mane and tail that almost looked blue at times. That knowing smirk that flashed across his lips right before took off somewhere daring her to follow.

She had been infatuated the moment she first met him. She knew she didn't want any other stallion but him. It was one of the greatest days of her life when she found out he felt the same way about her as she did about him

There were issues of course, their parents were not thrilled with a pegasi and a unicorn becoming a couple. It didn't help they were both Guards either and there was a rule about that sort of thing.

Thankfully neither of them were very close to their parents any more having joined the Guard to simply be away from them, and the Guard rules could easily be worked around. Some how they even managed to be assigned to the same squad. They both planned to retire after they wed, he already had a job lined up in Chicacolt as part of the weather team and she doubted it would take long for her to find a job in the city, she always had a knack with mechanical things, a rare skill for a unicorn. The twin gears of her cutiemark had come about after she fixed a watch she had broken, something that set her further apart from her family of textile makers.

They had already made plans to start a family and the rest of the squad had even started taking bets on how long it would take before she was with foal.


Now that was never going to happen. Thunder Roll was dead, and all she could do was sit there and wish she was. She felt numb, nothing mattered to her anymore, not the conflict in Canterlot, not her squad mates, nothing. It was such that she never even heard the cries or the fighting around her, never even knew the caravan was being attacked until a brutish changeling Diamond Dog slammed into the cart she was in flinging her out of it as it was over turned and sending her bouncing across the cobble stones her armor sparking against the stones.

It was only then she finally looked up.

Changelings flew about launching themselves at ponies, blasts of sickly green energy erupted from casters, brutish beasts covered in black chitin surged among the guards and civilians killing indiscriminately.

She lay on her side on the ground staring off into space, hoping the end would come so she wouldn't be with out him for much longer.

Her ears perk up as she catches a glint of light off something across the street from her, a flash of silver and blue. Her eyes strangely drawn to it. She lifted her head up, squinting to see past the fighting at the figure standing in the mouth of an ally across from them.

The pegasus met her gaze, blue eyes sparkled as they met, a small smirk crossed his muzzle.

“Rolly..........” Tin Snip mutters ,slowly rising to her hooves, her amber eyes wide as she stares at the pony across the street from her, not even noticing the fighting going on around her.

The pegasus stallions grin widens a bit and he flicks his tail turning and darting back down the ally away from her.

“ROLLY WAIT!” she shouts, surging forward only to have her way blocked by a number of changelings who had finally noticed her and moved to attack.

Her eyes flared white, horn lighting up with a burst of energy as a crackle of magical lightning formed around her horn, bursting free in an arcane blast that tore the cobble stones up out of the street around her. Her ears flattened to her head as she screamed at the changelings as they were turned into little more than meat and gore



May cursed under his breath, beating back a changeling with the broken butt of his spear. The caravan was getting swarmed. He had no idea where they were all coming from, but changelings and constructs were rolling over the defenders like a tidal wave of black. He was bleeding from over a dozen wounds and was completely exhausted already having been doing nothing but fight and run all day. But he couldn't stop, behind him, huddled under the cart, was an old mare and her two grand foals. He had to stand fast or they were as good as dead.

“ROLLY WAIT!” screams a voice.

“What the buck? TIN!, GET DOWN TIN.... DON”T......” May shouts.

His words were cut off as she screamed again, blue lightning blasting from her horn and frying the changelings around her sending up a shower of gore and ripping a hole in the middle of the street.

He stared in shock at the display, likely only still alive in the moment of distraction as every other changeling on the street was staring at the explosion of power as well. He had seen Tin use her magic before, she had a basic under standing of combat magic, she was more skilled at manipulation than anything else, he had never seen her cut loose like this before.

And she wasn't stopping.

She surged forward plowing right through the thick of the changelings, a number of them trying to rush her and being struck down by her magic as she galloped across the street. The swarm seemed to focus on her , seeing her as more of a threat than some wounded Guards and civilians.

None of them even got close to her.

By the time she made it to the mouth of the ally over half of the attacking force had been driven off or fried to a crisp.

The remaining Guard took the opportunity to press the attack, quickly gaining the advantage and killing or driving off the remains of the ambush. When they had a moment the carts that could be salvaged were quickly re harnessed and righted so they could get moving again towards the castle.

May winced in pain as he helped the foals and their grandmother into another cart. He wanted to go after his squad mate, try and figure out what was going on, but the lives of the ponies still alive in this caravan were more important than one Guard who ran off on her own. Still, he made sure that he would do his best to find her when he had the chance.


He was teasing her, just like he always did, staying annoyingly out of reach and sometimes just within sight, leading her on a wild pegasus chase or what ever it was supposed to be. He never flew higher than she could reach and she never used her magic to catch him, that would ruin the game.

Of course she always threatened to pluck him, but they both knew there was no way she would hurt him.
Besides, he always let her catch him in the end. This was some sort of pegasus thing, some ritual or instinct or something. It was the chase, the pursuit, she thought it annoying at first , though after time she began to enjoy the strange game of keep away as in then, she always wound up entangled with him.
That end was what she was after now, to be with him again.

And nothing was going to get in her way.


The young mare whimpered, feeling the green icor dribble down over her legs trapping her in place as the small changelings flitted around her. The screams of some of the others who had been caught echoed in her ears and she wished she could cover them to try and keep out the chilling sounds.
She looked down as the cocoon that was being woven around her started to fill covering her bound hooves. She had a fairly good idea what was going to happen, this is how they made more of their kind.

She shudders as the goo tickles along her peach colored belly, wishing she could see her mother one last time, apologize for being so angry when she left this morning.

Her thoughts were abruptly derailed as a wall explodes right next to her , the shell being built around her shattering from the force of the blast that vaporized the door and part of the wall. The force of the blast knocking a number of flying changelings aside and rupturing some of the other completed cocoons causing the ponies trapped with in to spill out onto the floor coughing violently and convulsing, though they were still alive an unchanged.


A voice screamed from the dust cloud, blue energy crackling around the figures form as it rushed into the room. The energy burst brighter as some of the undazed swarm rushed the figure, the bugs getting close simply popped in the air like blood filled popcorn kernels. The figure only barely seemed to notice as she swatted them into non existence . This close she could see the figure was a mare, her eyes the same glowing blue as the energy leaping from her horn and cascading around her body.

The figure turned and ran right by the newly freed mare, she could see the remnants of Guard armor on the figure, feel the heat of the energy erupting from her horn, see the look the mare had, the vacant stare that seemed to be focused on something before her

As the figure ran through the room and lept out a open window on the other side of the shop a cry from the hole she made in the wall drew the mares attention back to it. A trio of half dragon Guards stepped in through the hole felling the few changelings still moving, before setting to work freeing the bound ponies.

The peach colored mare trembles looking at the window their rescuer had vanished through not seeing her any where.


That smirk of his, it was infuriating as it was endearing. He was playing even harder to get than usual, making her jump through hoops to follow him. She caught sight of the end of his tail slipping into a window and she followed running into more obstructions and changelings. They had tried to separate them before and she was not going to let the black plated monsters do so again.

Tin was vaguely aware that there were others here, ponies trapped in goo, but that was a fleeting thought as Thunder Roll had slipped out a window when the changelings had rushed her, and she wasn't going to let him get away.

She rushed through the store and out the window back onto the street, her hooves clacking onto the stone as she gallops after him, hearing the beat of his wings and catching a glimpse of him as he slipped around a corner.

She renewed her charge after him, her horn glowing brightly as she followed, her hooves searing the stone under her as she galloped.


The armored pegasus winces as the changeling bears jaws snap shut over his spear biting the steel weapon nearly in half and ripping it from his grip. The bear rears up shoving the Guard back, he falls over on his back screaming out as he lands on his injured wing.

He looks up at the creature shutting his eyes tight awaiting the death blow from the massive black carapaced bear.

The attack never came, instead there was a wash of heat and a sound like a roaring fire and then there was nothing.

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing the bear still towering before him, though it wasn't moving. Looking closer he could see it's eyes had ruptured and smoke was pouring from the holes of it's sockets as well as it's open maw. The smell hit him soon after and he couldn't help leaving his breakfast on the pavement nearby.

It was then he noticed the chard road, seared black from one side of the road to another with a trail of molten hoof prints melted into the cobble stone of the road.

What ever had come through here in the scant moments his eyes had been closed had saved him, though he had the impression that was not it's real intent.


She ran faster, her eyes focused on the teasing form before her. He was flying backwards now grinning like a fool at her as he led her through an obstacle course across the city, some times there were changelings, some times there were not. She tore through any obstructions dodging around others as she pursued him.

He was so close, close enough to smell him, to hear his breathing, she could almost touch him.


A ragged mop of a green mane pokes lightly out of bottom of a stable door , her brown eyes scanning back and forth down the street before spotting a mass of changelings at one end of the road and quickly ducks her head back inside closing the lower part of the door before any of them notice.

The teal mare sighs blowing a bit of her ruined mane style out of her eyes and glancing back at the seven foals huddled in the room behind her.

The foals were terrified, they had every right to be, she was freaking out herself, though the only thing that kept her from cowering some where was that she knew the students with her were depending on her to keep them safe. She had no idea how it came to this, she was a teacher not a emergency planner.

Her class had just started when the attack happened. She taught first years and most of them couldn't even comprehend what was happening, by the time she got them rounded up the rest of the school had fled for the shelters or been chased out by the changelings attacking.

Some how over the last few hours she had managed to bring her entire class halfway across Canterlot towards the castle without being seen or caught. She had no idea how she had done it and there had been a number of close calls. She also had no idea how the foals had managed to be this quiet and behaved for as long as they had, there were a few sniffles, but none of them were crying and screaming like they usually did when they were scared.

Now however Miss Chalk had a problem.

The problem was the swarm that was on the street ahead of them. There was no real way the group at this point without back tracking, and the castle was within sight, just past the grouped changelings and over a small bridge. There was a great shield around the Castle now though they were close enough to see ponies moving in and out of it. This was only a side gate as the main gate was under heavy siege, though even this one was being guarded.

They couldn't stay in the house they were in forever either, while it was not burning as fast as some of the others, the faint coughs from the foals told her that the smoke was still going to be an issue even if they avoided being burned. It was starting to look like she would need to double back with the foals and find another way. With as many times as they had almost gotten caught she really didn't want to push her luck any further, plus the castle was, RIGHT.THERE.

A loud cry from outside cut off her introspection. She pulled the door open a little peering back outside, her wings fanning nervously fearing they had been found.

The changelings were still at the end of the street, though they were screaming about something, a few of them started to run away. She blinked in confusion at that, until a light forced her to shielded her eyes with a hoof as what they were running from came into view.

It looked like a unicorn, a mare maybe, but it was glowing so brightly Miss Chalk couldn't be sure. It didn't attack the changelings directly unless they got in front of it. But it seemed to be chasing something, something that dodged and ducked and weaved around in odd patterns, and every changeling it touched popped like an over cooked chestnut. The way it moved reminded her of a cat chasing a moth that had gotten into the house. Motes of light flew from the figures horn and it's body seemed to be made of light though parts of it seemed to be dissolving as it ran and moved.

The figure was only among them for a few heart beats and what ever changelings that had not run were little more than piles of ash.

She stared a moment longer, looking at the clear road before pulling back inside to the foals.

“Alright class are you ready to go?”

“Haf to potty....”states one.

“Of course you do. “Miss Chalk mutters under her breath. “We're almost there just hold it a bit longer....”

She sighs heading out the door, foals in tow hoping that what ever that thing was, it had left the area.


The park.

He was headed for South Square Park.

She couldn't help to smile as she trampled something under hoof. She ignored the screams , everything was muted around her, everything but him. She could see every little detail of him now. Every tail hair and shift of his muscle under his skin.

They had their first date at the park, in the middle of the pouring rain, though he made sure there was one clear spot in the clouds, one open spot that no rain fell just for her so they could have their picnic. He made a joke about her name saying he didn't want her to rust. It hadn't been funny, but she laughed any way.

She knew where they were now and knew where he was going. She was so close to catching him now.


Suri Polomare yelled out again at a small group of workers in her shop, completely ignoring her assistant Coco's worried urgings to leave the building and seek shelter.

“For the last time, no. One, no one is going any where until we secure the fall line from these ruffians. Two, I will not allow all my work to go to waste like this, m'kay?” Suri fusses, turning to tell one of the workers to hurry up before glaring back at Coco.” And three you are the assistant you do what I say you do not make suggestions m'kay?”


“What was number three?”

“Right....”Coco wasn't sure what kept the dozen ponies here still following Suri. Maybe it was because despite her yelling she had convinced them that everything was under control. Sort of a steadfast pony that others gravitated too, despite this she knew they were in a lot of trouble if they didn't find shelter soon. She could look out side and see a massive battle and what she was certain were a pair of massive dragons fighting by the castle.

Suri was more worried about trying to get every pony to pack up an entire seasons worth of dress designs and supplies, rather than try and get them to safety. Coco fully expected that Suri would try to get the workers to try haul these dress crates to the shelter or even out of Canterlot itself to make sure they remained intact. She wanted to believe Suri was doing the right thing, but saving some dresses was not a good reason to get any pony killed.

It was at this point the doors to the shop were blown open and a thing of light and heat charged through the opening. Coco thought it looked like a pony, but it seemed to be little more than a gathered collection of light that flowed into the shape of a pony rather than a real one. It rushed through the building, the heat from it igniting several crates of dresses and melting others still on the racks. It smashed through the boxes that had been gathered to moves Suri's dresses and sent the ponies running for cover before it lept into the air and crashed through one of the rear windows leaving a trail of destruction and burning hoof prints seared in the wood behind it.

Coco thought that it looked rather pretty , even if it was terrifying, though she kept the image of it in her mind thinking up a few designs from how it looked and moved. Her thoughts were derailed as Suri screamed and fainted after the thing had gone through. Coco glanced over seeing the ruins of the entire fall line scattered around in tatters, most of it either on fire or melted depending on the material. None of it was left.

Coco blinks looking to the other workers as they came out of hiding and sighs before glancing down to Suri.

“I guess we can go now.” Coco comments.


Tin Snip slowed her gallop to a trot. Moving slowly towards the pegasus sitting on top of the small hill in the park. Her hooves thudded lightly on the grass, searing it with arcane energies, leaving burned circles. Motes of light flickered along her form some of them sparking and dying out, leaving portions of her body dark and fading away as the motes died.

“Hey. Was wondering if you would ever catch up with me slowpoke.” Thunder Roll chuckled not looking back at her.

“Rolly......” Tin Snip moves closer only for the pegasus to lift his hoof to her lips, silencing her.

“I guess I wore you out. Sorry about that, it was all for a good reason though. Hehe, seems you finally caught me though” the pegasus chuckles.

“I'm not letting you get away every again.” Tin takes a hold of his hoof pressing it to her cheek with a small shiver as she nuzzles it lightly.

“No, you don't have to chase me any more Tin. I'm all yours forever.” he smiles leaning in and kissing her softly.

She presses back into the kiss. She hated the pursuit, but loved the end of it.

To any one watching there was nothing on the hill but a creature of light. Though in the span of a heart beat or two, the light faded, drifting away like wind blown leaves to fade into nothing leaving the hill bare of anything except two sets of hoof prints burned into the ground.


[Five months later.]

“Is that everything Sergeant?” Princess Luna asks glancing over to Jer'rahd on one side of her and then to Twilight on the other.

Jer'rahd was still trussed up like a mummy, he didn't need to be , but he made the mistake of trying to leave his room before Velkorn cleared him and the zebra had caught him. Twilight was bound up much the same way, though she had snuck out into the hospitals library and Fluttershy had found her.

To prevent them both from going mad Luna had agreed to keep watch on them both while she dealt with some of her Royal duties , converting an empty room of the hospital into a temporary office. Neither was happy , but at least they were kept busy. One could only think of the horrors they could unleash if they worked together.

“Yes, Princess. That is all the information I was able to gather on what happened after she ran off.” Sergeant May states. “The last evidence of her was found in South Square Park.”

Luna herself had heard the stories of a creature of light saving a number of ponies , including a group of school foals and their teacher. She had thought it rumor until she found out on Guard was seriously investigating it. She gave orders to let him do so, so long as his usual duties were met. Now five months later he had requested an audience to give his report, and Luna didn't know what to make of it.

She hoped either Jer'rahd or Twilight could shed some light on what happened. Jer'rahd might not have much magic, but she knew he studied it, excessively, and Twilight.... well if she didn't know something there would be no one that would.

“Neither of their bodies are accounted for. The building where you said PFC Thunder Roll fell didn't contain a body matching his description at all.” Jer'rahd states looking over some papers.

“I know Sir. I searched the building myself when they started the clean up. Both of them were squad mates of mine...friends of mine. I wanted to try and make sure they were buried near each other at least, but....” May begins. “But as you say, there is nothing left.”

“I think I know what happened. “ Twilight states rubbing her head, her own magic was still burned out still, though that didn't stop her from trying to use it and getting a headache nearly daily.

“Please explain then Twilight.” Luna sighs, Velkorn and Celestia were going to have a field day yelling at her for letting either of them do more than sit and talk, but neither could sit still. “ And please, keep it simple.”

“Okay every one knows about magical burn out. It's a unicorns body protecting itself from channeling too much arcane magic. It's like a safety switch in our minds to prevent us from hurting ourselves with too much casting. Most of us can recover from burn out with little more than some rest and time.” Twilight goes on.“I have read stories about unicorns who have gone past that though. Not many, only two in all the history books I’ve read. Both of those were mentioned in old texts that date back to near the founding of Equestria. Which is really rather fascinating that the tomes would have records that old and in such detail when they skip over......”

“Sparkle, focus.” Jer'rahd growls.

“\What? Oh right. Any way when a unicorn by passes the natural safety limit, the magic starts eating away at their body until there's nothing left of them but magic. That sort of power cannot be sustained forever of course and when it fades, I assume there would be nothing left. What you described sergeant sounds exactly like one of the old tales about it. I can't imagine the amount of will power and focus needed to do that though. I wouldn't know even where to begin explaining how she did it.”

“Miss Sparkle if what you say is true, I might have a theory.” May comments. The white earth pony looking around nervously.

“And what is that Sergeant?” Luna asks.

“It is a little unbelievable and it seems insane and crazy, Princess. It's just a theory after all I can't prove it....”

“Sergeant the three ponies you are talking to have seen and done things that you wouldn't believe. I'm pretty sure your idea of crazy is what we call a Tuesday.” Jer'rahd snarks getting a glare from Luna and Twilight.

“It's just. Every where I managed to track her some pony was saved, or helped out. From the ambushed evacuees where she started all the way to the dress makers shop. Everything she did almost helped some pony.”

“What about Miss Polomane? Having her work destroyed didn't seem like a good thing.” Twilight asks.

“Miss Polomane had a number of workers who she was trying to get to save her clothing rather than themselves. Because that clothing was destroyed the workers could get to safety quicker than if they had to carry it.” May reports.

“Even in the middle of a war some ponies are only concerned with the bits.” Jer'rahd grumbles.”So what's the crazy part?”

“I think she might have been guided to all those places.”

“By Whom Sergeant.” Luna asks.

“By PFC Thunder Roll Princess. “Sergeant May swallows. “ She said as much herself when she first ran off, she called his name and told him to get back here.”

The three of them stare at the sergeant, though Jer'rahd pulls out a bit of parchment and a quill writing out a note with his hoof. Luna glances over at it as he writes and smiles softly to herself.

“So you came to that conclusion as well then Jer'rahd?” Luna asks.

“I've experienced it, I know it can happen.” Jer'rahd mutters around the quill. Twilight leans over looking at what the unicorn was writing with a confused expression.

Luna takes it as he finishes signing her own name and rolling the scroll up before closing it with the Royal seal.

“Sergeant, please take this note to the stone smith working on the archway.” Luna says offering the scroll to the earth pony before her.

“Yes Princess.” May salutes tucking the note in his saddle bag and rushing out.

“So what's next on the list?” Jer'rahd asks glancing over to Twilight.

“There's a shortage of material for bandages and blankets for the relief effort. Rarity offered all the fabric she has but even that won't last long......”

“I think we have another offer as well Twilight. Jer'rahd make a note out thanking Miss Polomane for her donation to the relief effort and send some ponies over to collect all the fabric from her shop and warehouse that is still useable....” Luna grins.


Rock Dust looks at the note, then the Guard before him then back at the note adjusting his bifocals on his spotted gray and brown nose as he does so.

He turned looking at the massive marble arch the Princesses had pulled from the very ground it self. He and his brother were retired stone carvers, far past their prime. There wasn't much the elderly pair could do to help with the rebuilding , though they offered their help any way and they had been given the task of turning the stone arch into a proper monument to the fallen.

“She sure about this? We were going to list all the names alphabetically.” Rock Dust asks before passing the note to his brother Quartz Dust.

“I don't know, she didn't tell me what was in it.” May admits.

The old white unicorn looks at the note then nods to his brother hobbling back towards the arch.“Just put that first one up there, yah got good timing sonny.” Quartz admits.

Rock hands the note to the earth pony Guard before hobbling over to look at the part of the arch his brother was working on.

May looks at the note, his eyes widening before he trots over to the arch himself watching the unicorns horn glow as he etched another name in the marble, placing a small ivy square around the pair of names,a decoration used to signify families that had fallen

May blinks smiling softly as he read the two names freshly carved into the rock, now together forever.

Thunder Roll
Tin Snip

Author's Note:

Had this idea bouncing around in my head for a bit. There are a great many stories that could be told of what happened during the invasion. Plenty of heros and villians to write about still. A great deal can happen in a battle that lasted close to fifteen hours from sunrise to sun set.