• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 6,897 Views, 161 Comments

Sonic Boom To Sonic Rainboom - Mat the Brawler

A crossover with sonic the hedgehog told from Rainbow Dash's perspective.

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Escape From the City

Escape from the City:

“Man, this place reminds me of Empire City!” Sonic reminisced.
The emerald had led us to Manehattan. The city lights shone brightly, and everypony on the street had somewhere to be. Something was very off though. Buildings that didn’t look equestrian were littered throughout the city.
“Maybe the two cities are combining.” Applejack commented. “Ah don’t remember some of these buildings from when I was a filly.”
“Huh,” Sonic closed his eyes in thought. “I wonder when people will start crossing over.”
“Does Celestia know about what’s happening?” Fluttershy asked.
“Yeah,” Twilight responded. “I had Spike send a letter explaining the whole situation to her before we set out to find the emerald yesterday. That reminds me she said found an emerald and is holding it for us.”
“How do you forget something like that?” I poked.
“Since it’s in safe hands and all, I guess it slipped my mind.” She responded embarrassedly.
“Well that means we only need to find two of the lovely gems.” Rarity looked up, her horn still surrounded by a light blue aura.
“How close are we?” Sonic sounded antsier than usual.
“Sonic, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.
Sonic was cut off by a rumbling sound that came from his stomach. “Guess I’m hungry. Man, what I wouldn’t do for a…” Sonic shielded his eyes from a flash of light ahead of him.
After the flash a creature that looked similar to Eggman stood. The creature was behind a metal cart with a parasol. The parasol was yellow and red with the words, “Hotdogs” written on it. Sonic ran to the man who smiled at him.
“Boy is it good to see you.” The man said. “What’s going on here? Why is everyone a pony?”
“It’s a long story.” Sonic responded. “But accept whatever form of money they offer and only try to sell vegidogs. As for me though, I’ll have two of the usual.”
“Coming right up.” The man announced as he reached into the cart and pulled out 2 red tubes. He put the tubes on buns and covered them in a brownish-red lumpy liquid. “That’ll be ten rings.”
Sonic handed over a stack of rings, and took the treat.
“Whatcha got there?” Applejack studied what was in his hand.
“It’s called a chilidog.” He turned to us. Then he took a bite out of it.
“That doesn’t look very appetizing.” Rarity commented.
“Is it made of dogs?” Applejack asked nervously.
“No, it’s mostly pork and beef.” He said as he moved on to his second chilidog.
“There’s still meat in those.” Twilight said.
“Excuse me if I eat meat.” Sonic said with a snarky tone of voice.
After Sonic was done eating we kept going.
“I wonder why nopony is freaking out over the changes.” Pinkie blurted out.
Twilight explained, “Princess Celestia said that she’d spread the word.”
“That’s good, we don’t need any commotion.” Sonic said. “Are we close to the emerald Rarity?”
“We should be almost there!” Rarity responded.
We moved through the crowd. After about 5 minutes of walking, Rarity stopped in front of a huge building. I assumed it came from Sonic’s world, because I was built unlike any tower I had seen before. The walls seemed to be made of a black glass.
“It’s there.” She said.
“Where?” Applejack asked.
“Up there.” Rarity pointed her head toward.
“How do we get up there?” Pinkie turned her head about 45◦.
“Same as the last time you asked that.” I flapped my wings.
“Oh, yeah.” She said.
I flew up to the top of the building. I looked down at my friend and saw everypony was slack jawed. ‘It’s not like I’m doing anything special. Wait where’s Sonic.’ I though. Then I shifted my view, and to my surprise he was dashing up the side of the building.
“You never cease to amaze me.” I told Sonic as I moved next to him.
In a few seconds we were up the building.
Sonic announced as he picked the red gem up, “One more left!”
As he said this, the ground rumbled. Then a green fire ball rush towards us from the ground.
In front of us a tall, green, vaguely alicorn shaped creature, full of holes appeared in front of us.
“Chrysalis?!” I was shocked.
“Ah you remember me.” She spoke in a calm yet incredibly cold tone of voice.
“Who’s this?” Sonic asked.
“I am Chrysalis, queen of the changelings!” She boasted.
“Changelings?” Sonic was ready for a fight.
“They take the form of a loved one and suck the energy out of you.” I explained.
“That’s horrible!” He exclaimed.
“What you call horrible is what I call life.” Chrysalis said.
Without a moment’s notice, she charged at Sonic. When she came to a stop Sonic was nowhere to be seen. A second later he landed on her back.
“Do you have a hole where your brain should be, or something?” Sonic taunted, before dropping his heel on the changeling’s head.
After picking herself up the twisted alicorn acknowledged, “Looks like the good doctor was right, you are fast.”
“So you know Eggman, I take it.” I said.
“Know him; he’s the one that brought me back from my banishment!” Chrysalis declared. “And with his help, and those gems of yours I will be able to take over the world!
“Oh, so you’re the monster of the week.” Sonic taunted. (He’s really good at that)
“You will pay for your insolence!” Her army of changelings appeared behind her and began to rush us.
Sonic jumped off the building and I followed. Somehow he managed to get his feet on the building and start running down.
“Run everypony!” I yelled when I saw my friends.
They gasped and darted back towards the direction we came. Then the weirdest thing happened, music started playing! [Escape From the City (Modern) starts to play] Looked around so was everypony else as well as they ran/flew. Sonic whistled the tune.
“Okay, I’m not going crazy.” I said.
“I was wondering if this would happen.” Sonic said.
“This is normal I assume.” I said.
“Yeah, I have no idea how it happens.” He responded.
We caught up to the others.
“Is this normal?” Fluttershy asked.
“Yeah.” Sonic assured.
“I don’t get why you’re complaining its really high energy!” Pinkie bounced.
“Not really my type of music, but okay non-the-less.” Rarity agreed.
We ran as fast as we could (as a group) but the changelings were catching up to us. The hotdog stand was in the way but the vendor had left.
“I have an idea!” Sonic Said.
He ran in front and curled into a ball. The spikey ball rammed into the cart turning it into metal strips. Luckily, the road was at an incline so Sonic was able to jump on the sheet of metal and slide down. Behind him were four other strips. Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity (who did so reluctantly) followed Sonic’s example. Fluttershy and I flew after them.
I have to say they could move pretty fast on those things, especially Sonic. He actually managed to go up hill, so he could help the others, and when he did so the blue aura appeared again. He gave our friends tips on controlling their “boards” as he calls them. Pinkie got the hang of it almost immediately, and AJ didn’t take too long either. Twilight managed it after a few minutes and Rarity took the longest to get used to it. Sonic pulled ahead of the crowd, the blue aura flashed. Luckily, no pony was on the streets, most likely because of the raging cloud of flaming changelings behind us.
“How do you do that?” I asked Sonic when I caught up.
“Do what?” He asked for clarification.
“The thing with that shell.” I explained.
“Oh, the boost. Why do you want me to explain, I saw you do it?”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, when we were racing Metal Sonic.”
“I swear. It happens whenever we break the sound barrier.”
“The what?”
“It happens when you out run sound.”
The distance between us and the changeling army was about the same for a while, and then it happened. In front of us was an entire other army. We were surrounded and had no way to escape.