• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 6,897 Views, 161 Comments

Sonic Boom To Sonic Rainboom - Mat the Brawler

A crossover with sonic the hedgehog told from Rainbow Dash's perspective.

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For True Story

Chapter 2: For True Story

I sped to the reception desk to catch up with him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I look outside and see a blue figure standing on a hill in the distance. The thought ‘How did he get there so fast?’ raced through my mind. In a moment I was next to him.
“What do you mean your friends are in trouble, where are you even from?” I inquired when I reached the hill a moment later.
“You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you.” He answered, with a downhearted tone to his voice, most likely from realizing that going to his home would be tougher than expected.
“Try me.”
“Well I think that I’m from another world.”
I was shocked at that. ‘What, an alien? Makes sense, but he could be dangerous.’ My thoughts still frantic, I lifted from the ground to get to eye level with him, and blurted what was on my mind out.
“Are you some kind of spy or scout for a people trying to take us over?”
“What?” Sonic’s expression made me feel very foolish. “Of course not, why would I do tha…”
“Never mind, I was just thinking out loud.” I interrupted, obviously embarrassed.
“Anyways,” He continued. “I come from a place named Mobius. It was a nice place with lush forests, towering mountains, open oceans, and many different kinds of people.”
“That’s kinda similar to here,” I cut in. “We have all those things. Well most, I don’t know what a ‘people’ is but maybe somepony does.”
“In my world you would be called a person, the singular of people.” He explained “What, do you just call each other ponies?”
“But what about the ones that aren’t ponies?”
“Most folks around here are ponies.”
“Odd. Well back to what I was saying, life was (and still is) good, but one day a mad man named Dr. Robotnik, my friend just call him Eggman to tease him, came along and started to turn everyone into robots.” The anger in his eyes was building.
“Let me guess he wanted to take over the world.” I assumed.
“You got it.” He confirmed “To this day I’m not sure why, but I took it upon myself to stop him, and every time he’s up to something my friends and I always put a stop to it.”
“Everypony must love you.” I smiled.
“Yeah they’ve called me a lot of great things, a hero, savior, and my personal favorite the ‘fastest thing alive.’” A confident smirk came to his face at that last part.
“Oh no, I’m the fastest around here.” I corrected.
“Yeah I saw your speed considering how fast you got up here, but I hope that wasn’t top speed.” Sonic said matter-of-factly.
“Trust me it’s not.” I assured my patience starting to wear thin. “And if you’re as fast as you say, prove it by running to the Sugar Cube Corner, that’s the house with the cupcake roof, and back.”
Sonic ran off and a half second later he was back. I was totally slack jawed. How could he be that fast without wings?
“Oh man, you should see the look on your face.” He laughed.
I shook my head to regain my composure.
“That’s it I challenge you to a race.” I challenged.
“Normally, I’d be happy to oblige, but I’ve gotta save my friends.” He reminded me.
My rage dissipated as I agitatedly asked, “What happened, is that Eggman guy involved?”
“Him and the chaos emeralds, as usual. The master emerald was involved too this time.” Sonic responded.
“The what?”
“The seven chaos emeralds. They’re mystical gems that contain almost unlimited power, and the master emerald is even more powerful so naturally; ol’ baldy and I try to collect them all before the other does. Well that’s true of the chaos emeralds, Knuckles looks after the master emerald”
“W-Wow.” Was all I could muster. He’d clearly had been through a lot of stuff.
“Before I woke up here, he had trapped me along with the emeralds, which I assume teleported me here when he blasted me with chaos energy and are around here somewhere. Eggman was about to attack my friends when it happened and, next thing I knew I was in Ponyville”
I couldn’t believe it. It was all so unreal, yet I could just tell he was honest. A rush of thoughts came over me. Then I got determined.
“Sonic I’m going to help you.” I assured him. “I think I know someponies that can help too.”
“Thanks.” He told me with a smile.