• Published 18th Feb 2014
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Phineas and Ferb / My Little Pony Crossover - ChristophR

Simply a Crossover between Phineas and Ferb and My Little Pony.

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Chapter 1

Phineas and Ferb / My Little Pony Crossover

(Hey, who cares about the title! :P)

Chapter 1

It was a normal day in Danville. Yeah, in Danville, an invention standing in a backyard is normal! Well, at least for the two brothers Phineas and Ferb.
The red-haired Phineas with a triangle-shaped head looked proud at it: "Our new, improved Teleporters are finished! Did you add some cool features to it?"
This question was going to Ferb, his green-haired younger brother with a head shaped like an F. He doesn't talk a lot, so he just gave a thumbs-up.
In that moment the boys heard a noise: "Krkrkrkrkr" It was Perry, their pet platypus.
"Perry seems to like it, too!" Phineas said.
Just in that moment Candace, their older teenage sister with orange hair, came out for the same reason like every day: "Phineas! Ferb! You are so busted! What is that anyway?"
"These are Teleporters" Phineas answered "They are supposed to teleport us anywhere in the Tri-State Area! Hey, wait a minute… Where is Perry?"

At the same time in the morning in the beautiful town of Ponyville, inside of a weird library tree to be exact, a purple pony ran through the whole place like she was insane. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, and she wasn't exactly a pony, more an unicorn. She was a student of Princess Celestia, so Twilight was some kind of part of royalty. She also got a cutie mark showing stars as a sign for magic. In the land of Equestria, a cutie mark is some kind of picture that a pony has on its flank. You get one when you find the thing you are good in, your talent, your destiny, and then the cutie mark shows a sign standing for that talent. And Twilight's talent was magic.
So she ran around like crazy: "Where is it? WHERE IS IT?"
"What are you searching for?" Spike asked. Spike was a little purple-green Dragon and Twilight's assistant. He hasn't got a cutie mark… only ponies get it.
Twilight answered: "The book for teleportation spells! Where is it?"
"Oh, um, I have it here. I wanted something to read, but I didn't know that you need that book now…"
Twilight used her magic to move the book to her.
Spike asked: "But you already can teleport! Why do you need that book?"
"Because we are late for the audience at Princess Celestia, and I need a teleportation spell for multiple ponies to get there in time! The others should be here any minute…"
Just that moment the 'others' came in.
There was this other unicorn named Rarity. She was white with a purple mane, and she was like the fashion pony. Her cutie mark showed three diamonds.
Then there was the Pegasus Rainbow Dash. She was a blue pony with rainbow mane, and she was the fastest Pegasus in all of Equestria… And she also cleans the clouds in Ponyville. Her cutie mark showed a cloud with a rainbow lightning.
The other pegasus, Fluttershy, was the exact opposite of Rainbow Dash: This light yellow pony with pink mane was nervous and shy, but she did care for nature and the animals. Her cutie mark showed three butterflies.
The last two were normal earth ponies. At one side, there was Pinkie Pie. Being funny was the nature of this pink pony. She was always happy and found something funny. Her cutie mark showed three balloons.
At the other side, there was Applejack, a typical farm pony. The orange Pony with yellow mane and a cowboy hat also lives on a farm, collecting apples all the day. That was also her cutie mark: Three apples.
"Are we ready? Are we? Are we?" Pinkie Pie asked.
"Wait a minute…" Twilight answered "…here it is! Alright, lets teleport to Canterlot!" Twilight used the magic of her horn, and they disappeared.

Meanwhile in Danville, Perry was lying around near a wall, when he stood up on two feet and put on his fedora. He was going to accept another Mission as Agent P! He wanted to open a little door in the wall, but it was stuck! So Perry had to search for another entrance. But it seemed like Agent P had very bad luck today: Every secret passage was blocked!
Phineas in the meanwhile said: "Okay, Ferb, lets test these teleporters!" And with that, Ferb turned the teleporters on.
Perry meanwhile was around the corner, but he tripped and got the boys' attention, so he switched to pet mode immediately! Perry wasn't allowed to blow his cover as a secret agent, otherwise he would be sent away forever, so his boss Major Monogram said.
"Hey, there you are, Perry!" Phineas said and took Perry with him "Lets test this teleporter together!" 'Alright' Perry thought 'just this fast test and then I am away to Doofenshmirtz. I don't need to go to my lair…'
Doofenshmirtz was the arch nemesis of Agent P. Every day he fights that evil guy with a Dr-title from the internet, and every day he defeats Doof.
So Phineas now entered the teleporter together with Perry, but he didn't come back through the other teleporter. Ferb wanted to see what's wrong, but in that moment the teleporters exploded!

To be continued…