• Published 18th Feb 2014
  • 2,914 Views, 15 Comments

Phineas and Ferb / My Little Pony Crossover - ChristophR

Simply a Crossover between Phineas and Ferb and My Little Pony.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Phineas and Spike arrived at the castle of Princess Celestia, where they found Fluttershy!
"Fluttershy!" Spike shouted happily "Where are the others?"
"I don't know" Fluttershy answered "I just got teleported here all alone!"
"What!?" Spike asked in shock "We have to tell Princess Celestia!"
And so they ran inside the castle and found Princess Celestia, a big white alicorn, with a horn and wings, whose multiple-colored hair was flowing in the not existing wind. Her cutie mark showed a sun since she was the pony of the sun.
"Hello, Fluttershy. Spike…" Celestia greeted "Are you alone? And who is that other pony? And did I invite you?"
"Uh, yes, you did" Fluttershy said shy "Our friends are lost, I don't know where they are…"
"And this pony is Phineas" Spike said "He actually is from another universe."
"Another universe?" Fluttershy and Celestia asked.
Fluttershy continued: "I am afraid of other universes!"
"Ah, I understand what's going on" Celestia said "If this Phineas is here in our universe, your friends must be in the other universe."
"Oh, and one more thing" Phineas replied "I seem to forget a lot of things lately…"
"Oh no!" Celestia said "I have to know it: How did it happen that the universes switched!?"
"Well" Phineas said "I used a teleporter and suddenly I was here."
"Exactly that moment when Twilight used her group teleportation spell!" Spike continued.
"Oh no, I knew it!" Celestia said shocked "The group teleportation spell isn't perfectly working! It appears that in some cases like this one universes are switched when another teleportation device is in use at the same time! And in every case it appears that the creatures who switched universes will stop to exist!"
"That means…?" Spike asked with widened eyes.
"Yes" Celestia answered "Phineas and our pony-friends in the other universe are in danger! Well, unless…"
"Unless what?" Phineas asked.
"Unless we can manage to switch universes back before you disappear!" Celestia said "But there is still one thing I don't get: I can't remember that I invited you here…"
"Because it was me!" a voice suddenly shouted. It was Discord, one of the most evil guys in Equestria! "I am back!" the big dragon said "And I invited you here to destroy you! Hahaha! And as I hear, you are alone, Fluttershy…"
"Hey, what about me?" Spike asked, but Discord just pushed him away.
"Um, what do you want?" Fluttershy asked very silently.
Discord answered: "I will take you with me! You know, I have a cool new hideout and want to use my new cage!"

Agent P in the meanwhile followed the group into the castle and watched the happenings from a hiding place. All was okay for him now. The ponys weren't his problem.
But now Discord said: "Hey, and who is this? One of your new friends? I guess I will take you with me, too!"
Okay, NOW it was Perry's Problem!
Discord took Fluttershy and Phineas and flew away!
"Oh no!" Spike shouted "What are we gonna do!? To bring Twilight and the others back, we need Phineas! And Fluttershy is my friend, reason enough to save them!"
"Krkrkrkrkr!" suddenly a noise appeared.
Spike said: "Hey, that's the platypus of the boy…" just then he turned around and was confused: "Wait, why are you… wearing a hat?"
Perry activated his arm-communicator and Major Monogram appeared: "Fine, we tried to keep it a secret, but this is a serious problem!" Major Monogram said "Perry is a secret agent, Agent P! Oh, and Agent P, since these ponys are not from our universe, you can stay at Phineas for now, as long as he doesn't uncover you secret… So here is the mission…"
"Hey, who gave you the commando?" Celestia asked.
Monogram answered: "Well, the big dragon taking away Agent P's owner!"
"So listen: I know you don't like it, Agent P, but you have to work together with that little dragon to save Phineas Flynn and that other girl, while you let the communicator here at Celestia, who will try to connect with the ponys in our universe!"
"Wow, this plan is pretty good." Celestia answered
Monogram said: "Good Luck, Agent P and S!"
"Cool, I'm Agent S!" Spike said, but Perry just took his arm and started to follow the dragon…

In Danville, Twilight and Ferb made progress on the teleporters.
"They already look like new!" Twilight said "Now just the system has to work, so… we are working on it."
Suddenly the sky turned green!
"Whow!" Rainbow Dash said: "That's so cool! What is happening?"
Ferb shrugged his shoulders.
"Wait" Rainbow Dash said "You don't know what's going on? That is not normal in your universe!?"
Ferb shook his head.
In that moment Isabella, the girl from across the street, came into the backyard. She was wearing pink and white clothes, had long, black hair with a pink ribbon on top of it and had a big crush on Phineas by the way. She ran into the backyard and shouted: "Do you know what's going on? My fireside girls are acting weird! They are out of control!"
In that moment the fireside girls also came in. They walked like zombies and had red eyes: "We do what Doofenshmirtz says. We do what Doofenshmirtz says."
"Okay, that's enough" Applejack shouted "Lets get outta here! And so the five pony-humans, Ferb and Isabella ran away!
"Where is Phineas!?" Isabella shouted.
"It seems like he suddenly disappeared through the teleporters and didn't come back!" Twilight answered "I guess he is in our universe now."
"Universes?" Isabella asked.
"We will explain it to you later, when we found a place to hide" Rainbow Dash answered. But the group discovered that everyone was a controlled zombie now!

In the meanwhile at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. Doofenshmirtz couldn't believe it! "It… it worked! The 'You-Do-What-I-Say'-Inator really worked! I am the ruler of the Tri-State Area! Hahaha! Even though I still wonder where Perry the platypus is…"

To be continued…