• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 7,444 Views, 93 Comments

Riddle Me This - Zaphod

Twilight Sparkle received a strange note in the mail. There was no doubt that it was Rarity who had penned the curvy script gracing the letter, but the riddle that lay tauntingly alongside her greeting was quite the mystery. Twilight loved mysteries.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Twilight let a small grin break through her frown as she saw the clear sky above and felt the sun warm her fur pleasantly. The rainy season might have been good for the farmers whose crops circled the town, but there was just something in the way a cloudless day seemed to brighten Ponyville’s mood. She waved to another townspony that passed by, happy for the fact that even the ponies rushing around on last minute shopping trips were in such good spirits. Applejack, too, wore a mighty smile as she stood in the middle of the market, operating her stall.

“Hey, Twilight!” Applejack beckoned her over to the apple stand. An idea struck Twilight as she trotted toward her friend. Applejack would be willing to help her out with her problem! She was nothing if not dependably, and it was worth a shot at the very least. Twilight gave a halfhearted wave as she reached the stand. “Is something wrong, hon? What’s eating at ya?”

“Oh, it’s just this darned riddle business!” Twilight huffed as she stamped a hoof. “Just when I think I might finally get some answers about them from Pinkie Pie, she runs off like a bat out of Tartarus! I’m practically back to square one.”

Applejack nodded. “Rarity mentioned it to me when I saw her earlier. She’s probably been getting just as worked up about it as you have. Truth be told, Twi, I think you’re both a pair of silly ponies, fussing over something like this.”

Twilight bit her lip, glancing away. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she knew her friend was right. If somepony had asked her last year why she was so invested in playing along with Rarity’s game, she might have replied with something about natural curiosity or learning about cryptic puzzles. But there was more to it now, and she knew that sooner or later that truth would come to light. “If I’m completely honest with myself, Applejack, I’ve been playing along for somewhat selfish reasons.”

“Selfish? You, sugarcube? Come now, you’re being too hard on yourself.”

“It’s true!” Twilight knew it would be okay to confide her secret in a friend, but the thought of it still made her hesitate. “I… I’ve been playing along because I want something from this whole game and I don’t even know if I can have it!”

“I don’t think I follow, Twi,” the farmer replied as she lifted a bag of red delicious to a waiting customer. She turned back to her friend, raising an eyebrow. “What is it you’re looking for outta this whole deal?”

The moment had arrived. She could either come clean to Applejack and let her secret be known, or she could walk away now and try to work through it herself. A younger Twilight may have been tempted by the second option, but that wasn’t the case anymore. Her life in Ponyville over the past few years had taught her well.

“I’m,” she faltered for a moment before setting her face. “I’ve been researching and learning how to write poetry, you know, and I was going to read her a poem at the party tomorrow. I just want to impress her so badly because I’ve had growing feelings for her and...and I don’t even know whether she feels the same! I thought this whole riddle thing would have helped but all it’s done is make me more confused about everything!”

Applejack sat on her haunches, stunned. The silence was only broken by a few panting breaths. She smirked as she watched Twilight try to regain her composure. “It’s kind of a funny thing watching an alicorn be embarrassed over something so natural. Makes me think that everything’s gonna turn out fine for y’all.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Applejack winked, laying a hoof on Twilight’s withers. “Just call it a hunch, sugarcube. If you want some good, honest advice, I think you should pay Rarity a visit. Let her know how you’ve been feeling.”

“Heh.” Twilight let out a dry laugh. She leaned into the hoof for comfort. “I was actually on my way over there to ask about the riddles. But Applejack… I don’t know if I’m ready to bring it up with her. If she doesn’t feel the same, I don’t want us to fall out because silly, stupid Twilight Sparkle couldn’t help loving her best friend.”

“Now that’s a load of horseapples if I’ve ever heard one. Do you really think Rarity of all ponies would up and abandon somepony like that? Especially if they’re her best friend?” Applejack gave her a tight squeeze and stepped back behind her stall. “Nobody ever found love without taking some chances, Twilight. You’ll never know for sure if you don’t step up and ask.”

“I’m—” Twilight paused. Now was not the time for doubt and indecision. She straightened up, steeling her resolve. “You’re right! I’ve gotta try not just for my own sake, but for hers as well!”

It was a warm, honest smile that graced Applejack’s muzzle. “That’s what I like to hear. Go on, sugarcube. She’s waiting for ya.”

Twilight nodded, turning to leave. She paused for a moment before looking back. “Thank you, Applejack. For everything.” A quick wave was all she spared before tearing down the road, making a beeline for her destination. It was time to clear the air once and for all.

Applejack watched as the departing princess moved out of sight. “Shoot, those two couldn’t be more lovestruck if they’d been fed a love poison. Speaking of which—”

“Before you say anything, I had nothing to do with it!”

Applejack snorted. It was just like her pegasus friend to eavesdrop on a conversation like that. “Didn’t say you did, featherbrain. Mind telling me why you were being all sneaky-like up in a cloud?”

Rainbow Dash swooped down, landing with a thud beside the stand. She ran a hoof through her mane. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Applebutt. And I better not hear about you lying and telling ponies I’m spying on them. Wouldn’t look good for me, you know?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Applejack muttered as she rolled her eyes. “Ain’t my fault you’re acting all suspicious, hiding in clouds, and listening to conversations. Remind me, what do you call spying again?”

“Har, har, har,” Rainbow deadpanned. She swiped an apple from the nearby basket, flipping a bit onto the counter. “Maybe I’ll start coming to you with my relationship problems too, AJ.” She bit into the succulent fruit. “You can get all cozy with me and tell me everything’s gonna be okay!”

“It weren’t like that!” Applejack huffed, red tinging her cheeks as she jokingly shoved the pegasus. “And what relationship problems are you talking about? Last I heard, you don’t even have a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day this year!”

Rainbow Dash laughed merrily, revelling in the blush spreading across her friend’s cheeks. “The day’s not over, Applejack!” She bumped her flank against the farmer’s, winking as she did so. “Who knows what could happen! Hay, maybe I was on my way right this moment to ask my favourite apple farmer if she wanted to go to the party with me.”

Applejack held back a chuckle. Two could play the embarrassment game. “Who? Granny Smith? She’ll be mighty pleased if some cute young thing like you asked her out.”

“Ew, Applejack! Come on!” Rainbow stuck her tongue out, miming a retch. “Your granny’s cool but I don’t shoot for ponies that old. I was thinking someone a little closer to my age.”

“...Apple Bloom?”

Rainbow smacked the stetson off her friend’s head with a wing. “You’re a pain in the flank, you know that?”

Guffawing, Applejack picked her hat off the ground. “All right featherbrain, I’ll give ya a shot. Let’s get some grub tomorrow night at the farmhouse and then head to the party. Sound good?”

“Awesome!” Rainbow hoof pumped before taking to the air again. “It’s a date!”

Applejack watched the rainbow trail zip across the sky with an amused smile, playing absentmindedly with the brim of her hat. “Yeah. It’s a date.”

Normally, Rarity didn’t put much faith in things like superstition. The idea that the universe would pay kindness for kindness or punish evildoers accordingly was foolish and irrational. But at that moment, she was thanking whatever guardian angel that was watching over her for this single stroke of good luck.

“Hi, Rarity.”

“Fluttershy!” Rarity wasn’t sure whether what she felt was relief that her confrontation with Twilight was delayed a while longer or if it was slight disappointment that rang in her chest. In either case, her unexpected visitor required her attention. “I must say I wasn’t expecting you over today. Do come in.”

She stepped aside, allowing the demure pegasus entrance. She closed the door behind them, showing her friend to the couch. “Would you like some tea? I can whip some up for the two of us.”

“Oh, um,” Fluttershy spoke softly, shaking her head. “No, thank you. I don’t plan on staying very long.”

Rarity glanced at the calendar, fidgeting with her mane. “It’s not our spa day, is it? I’m sorry if I’ve missed it, dear, but with the big rush before Hearts and Hooves Day and this business with the riddles I’ve just been so busy fretting about.” Again, Fluttershy shook her head. “Well, if it’s not that, is it something about the riddle I gave you?”

“Please, please don’t be mad, Rarity,” Fluttershy whispered as she nearly retreated into her mane. “I didn’t mean to upset you with it, but I don’t know if I can go through with this.”

Rarity recoiled. “Go through with it? Whatever do you mean, Fluttershy?”

Her guest glanced down at the floor. “When Twilight figures out the second riddle, she’s going to come looking for me, like you said. I can handle letting her solve it herself, but I’m worried she might press for more than that.”

Rarity remained silent. It was true that Twilight had questioned Pinkie Pie about the meaning behind the riddles, so it was reasonable to say she would try the same with Fluttershy. Now she could see where the problem lay. “You’re worried about giving the secret away if she decides to push you too hard.”

Finally, a nod from her friend. “It just means so much to you! I couldn’t forgive myself if I gave it away at the wrong time and ruined the whole plan! I really do want to help you, and I want everything to work out, but I’m just as likely to tell her what’s going on.”

“I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, Fluttershy,” Rarity reassured her with a kind smile. “And besides, Twilight is your friend too. If she knew you were uncomfortable with her questions, then she would back off right away. I’m sure she wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

“You’re probably right,” Fluttershy admitted. “It still makes me nervous, though.”

“I wouldn’t worry yourself about it, dear. Why, if Twilight were to show up at my door right this moment, I’m confident that you would be perfectly fine.”

Rarity learned another thing about guardian angels that day. She learned that they absolutely cannot stand it when those they watch over tempt fate. So when she heard the knocking at her door for the third time that day and the telltale voice of Twilight Sparkle calling from outside, it was all she could do to not scream at the top of her lungs about how life was out to get her. No, this was a situation that called for poise, confidence, and most important of all, ladylike grace.

She promptly crouched behind her couch, eyeing the door warily.

“Um, Rarity?” Fluttershy peeked over the back of the sofa. “I think Twilight’s at the door. Aren’t you going to let her in?”

Well, that was the question, wasn’t it? Was Rarity going to let her in? Was she ready to take that step and open herself to Twilight at great risk to their friendship? These questions swirled relentlessly in her noggin, only clouding any chance of her sighting the answer. She stood without a word, plodding to the doorway with measured steps and a cursory glance to make sure the living room was respectably neat.

Somehow, Twilight looked even more radiant than she remembered. The alicorn shone in the midafternoon light and there was this indescribable aura of confidence that left Rarity floored. Did Twilight do something new with her mane today? Oh dear, she herself hadn’t spent much time pampering her coiffure this morning. Would Twilight notice? Please don’t let her notice…

“Rarity? Hello?” Twilight waved a hoof in front of her friend’s face. “Are you alright?”

She blinked. Oh, right. Twilight was still standing on her doorstep. “Yes, yes, of course. Come in, dear.” Lovely. Now she probably thinks I’m a spacey ditz. Any other way you’d like to embarrass yourself, miss Rarity? Maybe spill some tea onto her coat? Belch in her face, perhaps?

Twilight stepped over the threshold, noticing the additional pony on the sofa. “Hello, Fluttershy! I didn’t know you were coming to visit Rarity today, too.”

“Oh, yes. I just had a—” Fluttershy halted before she could reveal anything further. “—a problem that I needed Rarity’s help with. She knew just the way to help me out! So I’ll just be going now; no doubt that you two want to be left alone...” Her voice lost its conviction the more she spoke, and she attempted to sidle her way out the front door.

“Wait! It’s lucky that I found you here, actually,” Twilight said as she stopped the pegasus with a hoof. “After all, I have a hunch that you’re involved with all of this riddle business as well.”

With no interruption from her audience, Twilight motioned them all to sit. “The last two lines, just like the first time, are a word puzzle. That part was much easier to solve! Something that’s lighter than a feather, but can’t be held for very long could only be talking about breath!” She lifted the paper from a saddlebag pocket, unfurling it with a flick of magic. “The destination itself was the difficult part, and I was pretty stumped at the start of this one. ‘Fame and friendship’? That didn’t exactly hint at a location to me…” Twilight trailed off, a twinkle in her eye. “...That is, until I thought about it from a different angle. You see, Pinkie Pie gave off a little more information than she had intended before dashing off to work.”

Twilight tried without success to suppress a grand smile. Deductive reasoning was her forté and she was decidedly in the zone. “The hint she gave me about looking at the situation from another direction was vital, but perhaps not in the manner she intended. When I arrived to meet her at the clock tower, it turned out that she had the second riddle in her possession.” Twilight passed the paper to Fluttershy on her right. “So the logical next step was to suppose the next pony would be holding onto the riddle. Leaving a scroll at any location, even if it were hidden, runs the risk of somepony else finding it, or it being damaged by the environment.”

“Well done, Twilight,” Rarity applauded, clacking her hooves together merrily. “But I have to ask why you believe our dear friend Fluttershy is involved.” She grinned, leaning forward expectantly. Fluttershy shifted her wings uncomfortably. “I could have given the riddle to anypony I desired that was willing to help me. Why do you suspect her in particular?”

“And that’s where the beauty of the riddle comes into play,” Twilight answered excitedly. “You don’t strike me as somepony who would select assistants at random. So, there had to be a correlation between the riddles and the destination. And it got me thinking.” She put a hoof to her chin, resting it passively. “Since Pinkie was the destination for the first riddle, what did she have in common with the theme of time? And the answer was so obvious that it practically jumped out at me. Pinkie was with me during that whole debacle in the Canterlot Library when I was worried about the warning from future Twilight!”

To say Rarity and Fluttershy were impressed was an understatement. They were both well aware that their alicorn friend was incredibly intelligent, but Twilight had put all of this together in the span of a few hours with hardly any help!

“And it makes perfect sense; I’ve told all of our friends about that trip. In fact, pretty much all of us know the entirety of my friendship letters,” she continued, ready to drive the point home. “Therefore, I had but one conclusion! The riddle is referring to the lesson you two learned when Photo Finish was in town!” She closed her eyes, grinning ear to ear in success. “Quod Erat Demonstrandum. It explains itself!”

Twilight felt like she just given a mathematical proof as a Canterlot professor. She was proud of her deductions. Her presentation was so professional; so elegant. “Thank goodness,” Fluttershy sighed, reaching into her saddlebag. She pulled out a sealed scroll, identical to the first two Twilight had in her possession. “I was so worried about ruining the game. Please take it!”

“Ruining the game?” Twilight raised an eyebrow as she levitated the scroll over. “Did I miss something here?”

Rarity patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. “We were just having a mild discussion before you showed up, dear. Nothing to worry about. Congratulations on solving the riddle!”

Twilight nodded. “Speaking of which… Rarity, I’d like to talk with you, if that’s okay. I don’t mean to sound rude Fluttershy, but it’s really something I want to do one-on-one.”

“Oh, I don’t mind at all. I need to get back to the cottage to set up for dinner anyway.” Fluttershy stood, quickly hugging both of her friends goodbye. “Thank you for having me over, Rarity. I hope everything works out.”

The door snapped shut with a click, leaving the two remaining in silence.