• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 7,444 Views, 93 Comments

Riddle Me This - Zaphod

Twilight Sparkle received a strange note in the mail. There was no doubt that it was Rarity who had penned the curvy script gracing the letter, but the riddle that lay tauntingly alongside her greeting was quite the mystery. Twilight loved mysteries.

  • ...


Twilight could hear the sound of music emanating from Sugarcube Corner as she and Rarity turned onto the road. Pinkie Pie had clearly gone all out for the Hearts and Hooves Day party, since the outside was decorated and a nearby sign gleefully invited any passing ponies inside. She turned to the mare walking in step beside her. They’d agreed to not go too overboard, but Rarity had certainly come through: the matching azure dresses were both form-fitting and flashy, with the collar and cuffs speckled with the occasional gem. Twilight was thankful that the dress cradled her wings comfortably.

Rarity paused with a hoof on the door. “Are you ready, Twilight? We don’t have to let everypony else know yet, though I’m sure a few of them already suspect it.”

Twilight smiled at the concern, wrapping a wing around her partner. “They’ll find out sooner or later. Tonight, let’s just have fun. You and me.”

“Well, well,” Rarity said, leaning into the embrace. “This is a big change from the Twilight Sparkle that flew into Ponyville so long ago.”

“What can I say?” Twilight replied with a wink. “Life is short and you are hot.”

“You totally got that from a book, didn’t you?”

A bubbly laugh was the only answer Rarity got as the duo entered the bakery. If the outside looked enticing, then the inside was downright splendid. Pinkie had apparently decided that red and white streamers were the way to go and the refreshments table looked like a veritable buffet. The pink mare herself was hopping from pony to pony, doing her best as the host to make sure everyone was enjoying themselves.

Spotting Rainbow Dash and Applejack sitting together at a table near the corner of the room, Twilight motioned to Rarity and the two weaved their way through the crowd. They were careful not to bump any of the ponies dancing, though she did wave to a few ponies she recognized, like Ditzy Doo and Time Turner, who were amiably chatting over by the punch bowl. As they neared the table, she realised the main reason they had chosen a corner table.

“Come on Applejack. Jusssst a shot or two.” Twilight could easy guess just how much the pegasus had knocked back based on the slurred words and the fact that Rainbow was practically hanging off of Applejack’s left foreleg.

“You know, hon, you’re not doing a great job of convincing me that coming to this party with ya was a good idea.” Applejack’s other hoof seemed to be permanently glued to her face in embarrassment.

“Oh, don’t be like that!” Rainbow gave a silly giggle that she would no doubt later swear never happened. “You were the one who got me buzzing on some Sweet Apple cider before the party!”

Applejack shook her head. “And I can’t tell ya how much I’m already regrettin’ it.” She tipped her hat to Rarity and Twilight as they approached. “I hope you gals are doin’ better than this drunken mess. You’d think for how big she talks that Rainbow could handle a bit of the hard stuff.”

“Hey!” Rainbow gave an indignant scoff. The already rosy shade on her cheeks flushed deeper. “I resemble that comment!”

“Oh, Applejack, do lighten up,” Rarity said as they both sat down at the table. “It’s Hearts and Hooves Day after all. Let Rainbow have her fun.”

“And you two!” Rainbow turned her attention to them, pointing a hoof slightly to Twilight’s left. “Did you two make with the smoochy smoochy yet?”

“Rainbow!” Applejack cried.

Twilight gave a sly grin, shuffling to Rarity’s side. “I guess you’ll never know, Rainbow. They say that a lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”

“I’m seeing a whole new side of Twilight now that y’all are together. I gotta say that I like it,” Applejack commented with a genuine smile.

“Speaking of together.” Rarity raised an eyebrow at the pair of ponies opposite them. “I notice that you two are particularly close today.”

Applejack laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, Featherbrain here asked me to the party with her just after I met with Twilight yesterday.” She wrapped a hoof around the intoxicated pegasus. “Had I known I would be playing babysitter to a tipsy trickster, I might have rethought my answer a little more.”

“Again, totally your fault!” Rainbow leaned into the hug regardless. “Besides, I can tell you totally want my bod.”

Twilight turned her attention away from the bickering duo to check out the rest of the party. Many ponies were dancing to the music on the main floor, and she spotted Spike dancing merrily with Apple Bloom through the crowd. The two looked as if they were on top of the world, and she couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across her muzzle when the filly leaned close and pecked Spike on the cheek. Twilight had to stifle a laugh as Spike was struck immobile, a furious blush colouring his face. Ooh, she would have some juicy tidbits to tease him about tomorrow!

Twilight ignored the conversation still going at the table, instead letting her wings flare slightly as she tapped a hoof to the music. Rarity had obviously noticed as she felt a hoof tap her shoulder before a soft voice whispered in her ear, “Would you care to dance, dear?”

Twilight glanced at her marefriend, nodding eagerly. “I’d love to. I should warn you, though, I’m still not the best dancer. Spike laughed at me the other day for having four left hooves.”

Rarity giggled, gently pulling on a purple hoof. “I’ll take my chances. As Pinkie Pie would say, this song is my jam!” The two navigated the throng of ponies until they found an open bit of floor. Twilight bowed low, offering a hoof to her mare. Rarity smiled thankfully, laying her own hoof in Twilight’s. The two began moving in tandem, bopping to the rhythm of the dance track. “You know, there’s something a little odd about having a princess bow to me.”

“Sorry,” Twilight grinned sheepishly. “Still not totally used to this whole dating thing. I’ll get better, I promise!”

Rarity twirled the mare on the spot, loving the way Twilight’s eyes seemed to shine. “I find it quite adorable, dear. And don’t worry about experience,” she said, leaning close to nuzzle Twilight. “I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

Twilight blushed at the tender words. “I’ll be counting on it,” she replied earnestly, returning the gesture. Seems that I have more than one thing to get used to. But I know as long as we’re together, it’ll all be worth it.

Author's Note:

~~~The End~~~

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading all the way through! All of the likes, favourites and comments are greatly appreciated!

If you liked the story, remember to check out some of the other stories in the RariLight group if you haven't already! The contest is coming to a close soon and we've got a handful of great participants who I'm sure would appreciate feedback on their stories as well.

And as always, have a great day. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 35 )

WHY DOES IT HAVE TO END?!?!?!? :raritycry:
Anyway good story I enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

This is one of the best stores that have read so far. Any sequels or follow-up stories will be read eagerly.

“And you two!” Rainbow turned her attention to them, pointing a hoof slightly to Twilight’s left. “Did you two make with the smoochy smoochy yet?”

Oh, Rainbow :facehoof:

Inconceivable! He's cracked the case!


Ah man too bad it ended here, that Doctor Who reference was an opportunity for some great foreshadowing.

Well done. Good story. Bye.

~ Decaf

Loved it all the way :D But that means pinkie is going to go with flutteshy, right?

Don't usually ship Rarilight, but I loved this!

A very cute story. The riddle thing was interesting, but I think it fell flat at the end. The first riddle hinted at an exciting adventure, but the second one just led Twilight to Rarity's house while the third one was a marefriend proposal. Twilight and Rarity was a lovable ship, but Applejack and Dash's crush could've been omitted: not a big fan of the mane 6 being friends for years, then within the span of a week, half of them are banging each other. The logic doesn't hold up, but oh well, this was still an excellent read. Thank you.

Thank you for the comment. I do think you're being slightly hyperbolic, though. Rainbow and Applejack are hardly intimate at this point; it's only been one date at a party! Who knows what could go right or wrong for them after that point? I left it open-ended in that regard so the reader could imagine it how they pleased. The second riddle also doesn't directly point Twilight to Rarity's house, it was just happenstance that she met Fluttershy there while going to meet with Rarity.

Admittedly, I could have extended the game for another few riddles and clues, but in the end I decided to go for a shorter, more compact fic. That might be why you feel the last "riddle" falls a little flat, since it was more about bringing the story to a resolution than it was prolonging it.

Regardless, thank you very much for reading and enjoying. Feedback is always important to me, even when I may not agree with it. Have a great day!

Very cute. Love me a bit of romantic fluff, even more so when it's well written romantic fluff. :twilightsmile:

that was a adorable epilogue for a sweet fic :yay: n' even tho i'm sad to see it go :pinkiesad2:; it was fun seein :twilightblush::heart::raritywink: finally confess earlier n' then go to t party as a new couple :ajsmug:. Plus got a bit of a chuckle on how Aj's date with dashie was goin n' :moustache:'s reaction to his supposely marefriend Ab's cheek kiss :rainbowlaugh:

I'm mad at you. This is in the Rarilight contest and it's awesome and it's going to win and I'm going to lose. Curse you for being a good author!

Thank you for the compliment, but I think you sell yourself short! Your entry was really good, too. Definitely played to the subtle nuances of attraction, and it was very sweet for how long it was. Personally, I'd like to see something like that fleshed out into a longer story!

4114343 See, that's always been my weak point. I always have a hard time prolonging things and having proper buildup. I'll go back to my story and try to edit it. I'm not sure which entry you're talking about, but I'll go back and look at both.

P.S. Thanks for the compliment! I still think your story is the best, though!

This was a very sweet story :heart:
I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading!:twilightsmile:

Ah, thanks! It's not the first time I've left the wrong character tag by mistake. I'll update it now, though I think I'll leave both tags there. Helps people searching by tag, y'know? After all, they're both still Twilight Sparkle.

This was sweet, and cute, and fluffy, and all the other words that basically say "D'aww." I enjoyed it a great deal. The riddle game was a fun and interesting plot device, there wasn't a single character who ever felt off, and the whole story was just so darn well-written. This was a darn good story and I liked it a lot.

If I had to complain about something (which I always do), it would be that the riddles feel kinda like they got abandoned before they were really done with. It makes the pacing in the middle feel just a tad bit too rushed, like there should have been one more stop on the riddle game but there wasn't. But then, the story recovers from that pacing misstep by making sure to have a denouement chapter at the end, which a surprising number of writers seem to forget about. After sitting through two and a half acts of varying levels of drama and uncertainty, it is important to have that breather at the end where the ponies get to actually be happy together. It's good to see that you get that.

Good story. I'm glad I read it. :twilightsmile:

Let me tell you, there is nothing that makes me sadder than a story I'm really enjoying that builds up to the climax, and then suddenly that's it. I'm left with a feeling of "Well, what happened?!" In my opinion, even a small resolution is better than dropping things immediately after the confession/kiss/confrontation scene.

Thank you very much for the feedback and for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed!


Truffles an I looked over this again and came to conclusion that my original rejection was more of a personal issue with the story. As I whole I should have approved this in the first. I still feel like it drags on but that's just me I guess. Apologies mate we're all human, though I'm pretty sure Truffles might be a robot. Just for future reference if you don't agree with a rejection, I did see that post to arcum, just let us know right away rather then wait. We don't have any problems with looking over stories again to see if we made an error in judgment.


Well, I felt it was prudent to at least wait for the next time the incoming folder was open. Didn't want to come across as too pushy. I'll keep it in mind if it happens again, though.

Thanks for reconsidering. :twilightsmile:

So yeah, I read this, and I fav'd it. Because this was amazing. In fact, you alone may have made me more interested in RariLight. I feel a little inclined to check out RariLight stories. I've read a few, this probably being the 3rd, but still!

I don't know how exactly to open up how good this is. The characterisation of the characters? Yeah, let's go with that. They're perfect. It's the sort of things you wrote for Rarity that makes me hope I can write her better. I'm getting better, but sometimes I lack a little in her range of vocabulary. It's not bad, but it could be better. But it wasn't just Rarity that was portrayed great here. Twilight acted how I believe she would; as did Pinkie; as did Applejack; and of course, even Rainbow Dash (and Fluttershy, for the five minutes she appeared). I might be a little sneaky here in saying I might have to steal a little characterisation you've set here, because again, you got them all down.

The premise was rather grabbing too. I actually had this on my Read Later for a week or so before I jumped into it. Riddles with Twilight? Where would this go? Although the riddle thing wasn't exactly the biggest thing happening in this story, I like how it was used as a form of catalyst for the pair. Rarity expressing herself through the letters, and Twilight figuring out the clues. Sounds like how they'd do that. Another point for characterisation, for how 'smart' you made Twilight too, and how she figured out the riddles. I also liked how she sucked at writing poems. It was a minor thing when compared to the overall story, but at the beginning and with Rarity at the end, it was just great to see. I can see this being an actual episode, if they ever made the characters lesbians, or an animated fan video.

As for the Romance, I think the pacing went well here. You set it up already that Twilight has had feelings for Rarity, and vice versa. It's more obvious from Twilight's point at the start, and then it kind of focuses on Rarity more in the middle. You put them in the mind-set of them already feeling something for one another. It works. It you had one of them not feeling the same, it may have gone a bit iffy. Like if Twilight figured it out at the end but didn't return the feelings. It may have come off a bit more... strange. Can't think of a good word.

I can see why this was the winner. Haven't read other entries of course, but I might now. Can also see the Twilight's Library seal too. This was an enjoyable read from start to finish, and it had the right pacing and length, not to mention the choice of dialogue. Your writing style is definitely top-notch in my book too, only provoking my envy, so you know what?

Take this follow. I'm going to enjoy reading your other stories (including the newest one) and future ones. :moustache:

Wow! First off, thank you for the in-depth comment. It always makes me happy to see someone put so much thought and time into their comments, because either a) They liked the story immensely and take the time to say so, or b) They have a lot of (usually) constructive criticism to give. Either way, it helps me gauge how they saw the story and what they liked about it in particular.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the way I characterized everybody. Truth be told, characterization is probably the most important part of fiction to me, whether I'm the one writing or if I'm just reading. If the characters don't feel and sound right and believable, then it's going to bug me the entire time that I'm reading whether or not the story itself is original or extremely detailed. Certainly, there are others out there that do a better job at characterizing than I do, but to hear that you enjoyed the way I did it makes me very happy.

If I could go back and change one thing, I would probably expand the riddle storyline a bit more. Maybe add a few extra riddles in the middle, and highlight Twilight's interactions with other characters. I'm still happy with how it turned out overall, but hindsight is 20/20, y'know?

Like if Twilight figured it out at the end but didn't return the feelings.

Ooh, that would have been the worst! To just yank you guys along like that and then twist it at the end? Rest assured, I'm not quite that cruel. :rainbowwild:

Again, thanks so much for the comment, fave, and follow. Have a great day!

Well, i know i use t emoticons alot but, that's how i am sometimes :twilightsheepish:. Sorry if it bugs anypony i guess :applejackunsure:

Oh celestia, my heart exploded!

Such a cute story~ I loved reading it :heart:

Also Rainbow couldn't have been more hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

Adorable story and drunk Rainbow Dash was so hilarious and cute!

Didn't used to be a RariLight shipper, I was more of a TwiDash guy, but you know what? This fic made me one. This was really good and really cute.

I find it quite adorable, dear.


That was a good story. Short and sweet, and an enjoyable read.

I'm am not a RariLight shipper but this was really good. In fact, there are many shipping stories in which I am not a supporter of that ship and yet I really enjoy the story.
Signing out, VShuffler42

That was a good story.

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