• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,509 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Explosive Diarrhea - Minimin22

Spike was in the kitchen when he heard a loud banging noise on the front door. "It's open!" he hollered.

The door opened and the creature, presumably a pony, took a few brash steps in. "Hey? Hello?" came the voice. A female, slightly raspy voice that Spike immediately identified belonged to his good friend Rainbow Dash.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Spike said loudly enough for her to hear.

A few steps later said rainbow-maned pony stuck her face around the corner of the doorway. "Hey, what'cha making?"

Spike glanced slightly at Rainbow before returning to stirring his brew. "Just some cocoa."

Rainbow looked a long while at the dragon, trying to communicate through facial expressions and body language that she really, really, wanted some too. Spike ignored this. Finally Rainbow gave in to her cravings and simply asked, "Can I have some?"

Spike turned to her fully and gave her a toothy grin. "Sure! I make the best cocoa in the household you know."

"When is it done?"

Spike hummed. Rainbow could be very to the point at times, something that was ideal in some situations, others not. This just came across as rude, waltzing into his home, asking for something and not even give a simple 'thanks'? "It'll be done in a few, you can go wait in the main library room meanwhile."


Really, what was her deal?

A moment later Spike strolled out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of two cups of cocoa, one green and one purple. The purple one belonged to Twilight, but she wouldn't mind. At least that's what he thought.

"Nice! Cocoa time!" Rainbow beamed, taking the purple cup from the tray and swallowing the contents down with greedy gulps.

Spike took a sip of his own cocoa, carefully monitoring the pegasus' behavior. They sat like this for a while until Spike decided to break the silence.

"So, what are your plans today?" he asked.

"Oh, not much. I have some weather-cleaning duty later this afternoon, but after that it's lights out for this girl." Rainbow smiled, leaning back towards the couch she was sitting on.

Spike felt a grin tug at his face, and said, in the most neutral voice he was capable of at the moment, "You might have to postpone all that to tomorrow."

Rainbow's smile fell.

Spike snorted, "In fact, I strongly suggest that you seek out a bathroom right now."

As soon as Spike had finished his sentence, Dash felt her stomach give a protesting rumble. It felt like her belly was caving in. She glared at the dragon.

"What did you do?!"

Spike pulled forth a small bag of laxative and placed it on the living room table. Rainbow looked at it in disbelief, "You didn't...!"

Spike grinned widely as Dash dashed towards the bathroom upstairs, almost ripping the door open and slamming it shut after her.

"That one doesn't work by the way! It doesn't flush!" Spike shouted, barely containing his mirth.

The bathroom door broke open and Rainbow Dash zipped past the giggling dragon, and wheezed in a really strained voice,

"You're a bucking idiot!!"

before heading out the front door, no doubt to go about her 'business'. Spike burst out laughing at his genius.

However, as his tittering phased out, he got a bit guilt-tripped. He knew he was going to have to apologise. But not this day. This day was a day of triumph.

Besides, if he knew anything about this mare, it was that she was totally going to pay him back tenfold.

Author's Note:

Written by Mininim22.

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