• Published 10th Jun 2014
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SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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BONUS CHAPTER: Fanfics - R-J-michaelis

Spike walked into the cloud house he shared with his marefriend, Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, I'm back," he shouted, but he didn't get a reply, so he tried again. "Rainbow Dash, are you here?."

Still nothing.

Spike decided to go look for her, thinking she just couldn't hear him. He walked through the cloud house. He didn't see his marefriend, but he did manage to hear her. The closer he got to the bedroom, the better he could hear her, and she did not sound happy.

"Are you kidding me? Why would I even do something like that? That doesn't even make any sense… You idiots know nothing about me."

Spike opened the bedroom door and walked in. He saw that his marefriend was on the computer with her back turned to him.

"Hey Dash, I'm back," Spike said, and this time he did get a response out of her.

Rainbow Dash spun her chair around with a huge smile across her face. She flew over to her drakefriend and gave him a passionate kiss.

"Hey big guy, great to see you're back. Sorry I didn't greet you at the door. I was, er… preoccupied," Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Yeah, I heard. You sounded more ticked off than Luna when she's losing at a game. What got you so worked up to make you that upset anyway?" Spike asked with a concerned look.

"Oh I was, um, reading fanfics," Rainbow Dash said, still rubbing the back of her head.

"Fanfics?" Spike said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know the ones ponies write about you, me and the girls."

"Okay, but why are you so upset? Are they really that bad?"

"It's not that they're bad, it's what they write about me."

"What they… write about you?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Yeah, check it out," Rainbow said as she flew back to the computer and sat back down on the chair. "Listen to this… they write that I'm an egocentric jerk, who makes others upset. They make it sound like I'm a bully who doesn't care about other ponies' feelings… Oh! And this! This really takes the cake. They write things like 'Then Rainbow Dash came in and started making out with all the mares. because you know, she's an athletic tomboy with a rainbow mane, so that must make her a total bucking lesbo.'

"I swear to Celestia, if I read one more story that says I'm gay, I'm putting my hoof through the screen. Just because I'm not girly and like to act a little tomboyish doesn't mean I'm a BUCKING LESBIAN. And I can't help what my mane looks like. It's what I was born with."

After rainbow finished, she turned her chair back around to look at Spike. "Can you believe ponies write about me like that?" Rainbow Dash said with a pout. Spike thought she looked cute when she did that, although he would never say it to her out loud. Instead he just gave a confused look and raised his eyebrows.

"Someone actually wrote 'total bucking lesbo'?"

Rainbow just rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed groan. "Whatever," she said as she turned the chair back to face the computer. "It doesn't even matter. Let them write what they want, I don't even care."

Even though she said she didn't care, Spike could tell she was upset. Under that tough act Rainbow Dash put on, she was still a mare with feelings, and he could always tell what she was feeling, even when she tried to hide it behind her tough act.

Spike walked behind Rainbow Dash and wrapped his arms around her, giving her small kisses on her neck and cheek. He then rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at the computer screen.

"Dash, let me ask you something. Have you read any stories involving me?"

"Apart from the rare ones where you and me get together, I can't say I have. I mostly read the stories involving me. Sorry."

Spike shook his head, his chin rubbing against her shoulder. "You don't have to be sorry, Rainbow. You can read whatever you want. The reason I asked is because I have, and do you know what ponies write about me?"


"They write that Twilight, a pony who isn't even that much older then me, who hardly knows anything about my species, is my mother. They write that Rarity is my one true love, my soul mate, and that the two of us are destined to be together forever, just because I had a crush on her when I was a kid, not caring whether or not me and Rarity have anything in common, and all the other things that make a good relationship work. They write that the ponies I'm close to, the ones I consider my friends. treat me horribly, act like I don't even exist, and see me as nothing more then a broom in the corner… but no matter what others may write about me, I would never let stories bother me. and do you know why?"

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked as she rubbed her cheek against his in an affectionate manner.

"Because that's all they are, Rainbow. Stories. They're not real. Ponies can write whatever they want because it will never change our real lives. I love Twilight, and she will always be my childhood friend, and the one who hatched me. But Princess Celestia will always be the one I see as my mother, just as she sees me as her son, because she raised me in my early years. And Rarity will always be nothing more then a childhood crush. And I'm glad that's all she is because I don't think I could be more happy with anypony than I am with you, Rainbow."

After Spike said that, he gave Rainbow a quick kiss on the cheek. She sighed happily in response.

"And what they wrote about everypony treating me horribly is bull. The girls and especially you, Rainbow Dash, treat me with kindness, love and respect, and you all make me feel like I'm really needed."

"So you're saying I should just ignore what others write about me?" Rainbow Dash said, wrapping her forelegs around Spike's arms.

"I'm saying that what they write, doesn't matter. What they write doesn't change the fact that you're loyal and will always put your friends ahead of anything else. And it doesn't change the fact that you have a kind heart, no matter how tough you may act. But the most important thing is that no matter what they write, you will always be my mare, my Dash, and no amount of fanfics will ever change that."

"You know what, Spike? You're right. They're just stories. They're not real. Because the real me is awesome no matter what others may write about me."

Rainbow Dash then shut down the computer, got off the chair and gave her drakefriend another passionate kiss. When she pulled away she gave him a smile that warmed his heart.

"Thanks for always being there for me, big guy. It may take a bunch of bad fanfics to make me feel bad, but it only takes one of you to make me feel happy."

Spike couldn't help but chuckle a little at that. "Wow Dash, when did you get so sappy?."

Rainbow just gave him an angry glare for that remark. "Okay, first off, I'm only going to be like that under this roof, so don't expect me to act like that outside because I don't want others thinking I'm 'sappy', as you put it. I have an image to maintain, after all. And finally—" Rainbow stopped looking angry and instead gave a small smile. "—you're worth being sappy for," she said as she gave spike a small kiss on the lips.

After they parted from the kiss, Rainbow wrapped her forelegs around Spike's neck. "So, big guy, what do you want to do now?"

Rainbow looked at Spike, who was deep in thought. She parted from him to give him some thinking space. After a few seconds Spike looked like he had remembered something.

"Oh that's right. I came back for a reason. I wanted to ask you something."


"I promised one of our friends that I would help her out with something. I wanted to know if you wanted to come as well. You know, to make the work go faster?"

Rainbow Dash just gave him a smug smile as she said, "Of course. I am the Element of Loyalty, after all. Lead the way, Spike."

As they both walked to the bedroom door. Rainbow Dash turned to Spike and said, "Thanks again for setting me straight. I can't believe I let a bunch of made up stories get the best of me."

"No problem, but we should really get going. I'm five minutes late as it is."

"Okay, but what are we doing again? I don't think you said. Are we helping twilight or something?" Rainbow asked thinking she probably should have asked what she's helping with before hoof.

"No, I promised Pinkie Pie I'd help her bake cupcakes," Spike said as he opened the bedroom door.

Rainbow Dash froze up after hearing that. "P-P-Pinkie asked you to bake with her?" Rainbow Dash asked with a shaky voice, which Spike took notice of.

"Yeah. Why, does that bother you or something?" Spike asked as he turned back around to look at Dash, who looked scared, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

"No, no that doesn't bother me, w-why would that bother me?"

Spike walked up to her and put a comforting claw on her shoulder. "Dash, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Spike asked in concern.

Rainbow Dash went under the cloud covers in the blink of an eye so that nothing but her eyes could be seen.

"Nothing's wrong. I just feel under the weather is all. Eeyup, that's it, I'm sick." She coughed several times to make her point. "See?" Dash said, giving the worst fake cough ever.

Spike walked to the bottom edge of the cloud bed, giving her concerned and confused look at the same time.

"Okay Rainbow, what's wrong with you? One moment you're fine, and the next you act like this. I mean all I said was we're going to Pinkie's to bake cu—" Spike's face then turned serious. "You read Cupcakes, didn't you?"

Rainbows head shot out of the covers as she shouted, "I DON'T WANT TO BE BAKED GOODS!" Then she went back under.

Spike just rolled his eyes and gave her an 'are you kidding me?' sigh. Then he turned around and went for the bedroom door.

"I'll see you when I get back, okay Dash? And don't worry, there isn't even anything sharp enough the cut through my scales."

Spike left the cloud house, while rainbow dash cowered under the covers.

"If spike goes missing you're the first one I'm coming for, Pinkie." Rainbow let out a annoyed moan as she went deeper under her cloud covers.

"Stupid fanfics."

Author's Note:

Written by R-J-michaelis.

This one's a little heavily layered with headcanon, but I hope you guys enjoy it all the same.

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