• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 786 Views, 15 Comments

A Dream Met... - Jon bucker

Sometimes saying you’d do anything, means giving everything. How hard would you push yourself to keep a promise, and more importantly get back to the ones you love. This is the story that includes my life; this is the story of me in Equestria.

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Its Thursday night now another day has passed, I’m sleeping in my bed dreaming the same dream I’ve dreamt for months now.
The dream starts out with me standing in a void of darkness, but I can see myself like I was glowing.

“Hello...”I called out into the void.

“GREETINGS ELEMENT OF HONESTY... ARE YOU READY!” a load echoing voice came from the void.

“Ready... Ready for what?” I asked


“Make sure of what...?” I asked

There was a bright light that replaced the darkness which blinded me. And then I’d wake up.

I sat up in my bed and wiped the sleep from me eyes. “Why did the voice call me the element of honesty?”

I asked myself that same question every morning ever since the dream started. I knew compared to a lot of people I was a very truthful person.
I didn't like to lie actually lying was so unnatural to me that I was terrible at it. I've always told myself that even though a lie is sometimes easier to take then the truth that didn't make it right.
Although I’m not going to avoid this I have been vary dishonest at times, and I’m not proud of it, I can remember almost every time. That's why I’m in doubt with the voice saying that I’m some 'element of honesty' Besides that was applejacks job being the element of honesty, 'so what did it mean?'
I decided to stop thinking about it before I hurt my brain and started to get on with my daily routine. Get up out of bed, feed the cat, go upstairs feed the dog and eat breakfast.
I would have school but its summer break so I don't have to worry about that, even if it wasn't I’m home schooled so I wouldn't have to go far.
Then I asked my mom if she needed help with anything around the house. I don't mind helping my mom, my mom as well as a lot of family and friends, when they were around, depended on my.
Everyone I knew knows that if they ever needed anything that they could count on me, no matter what it was. Besides I like doing work, I find it hard to relax when I know there’s stuff that needs to be done. Also my mom is pretty old, I don't like to see her do a lot of work on her own, so I’m more than happy to help her with anything she needs.
She said there wasn't a lot to do today, just some cleaning and some stuff needed to be moved to the basement. it didn’t take long we finished around 12 o'clock. After I ate lunch I asked if she needed anything else, she said no.
She said I can go spend the rest of the day how I’d like and then she thanked me and went to go read one of her books.
I didn’t know what I was going to do, normally in my free time I’d play video games, watch my little pony, or go for a walk.
I would hang out with friends but to be honest I don't have any friends in my neighborhood, I don’t exactly live in the greatest place for making friends. A lot of people around here either do drugs or there just unpleasant to be around. Not to say I don’t have friends, I do they just live far away.
My two best friends live the farthest, they're actually my nephews. A lot of people say that it didn’t count because were family, but we tell them that that has nothing to do with it, all being family had done for us is given us the chance to meet and a friendship as strong as ares can never be broken.
It’s never easy always being alone, but I try to not let the loneliness get to me, but it can be hard sometimes. Always being alone, never having anyone to talk to or just to be with when I really need it. I can't even remember the last time I got a meaningful hug.
My little pony has helped fill that empty and deep sense of alone, but I know it will only work for so long.
I sighed in frustration, coming up with nothing on what to do for the rest of the day. I walked to the living room window and looked outside.
It seemed like a nice day out, with only a few clouds in the sky and a nice breeze blowing through the few trees on the block, so I decided to go for a walk.
As I was leaving, my mom asked where I was going. I told her I was going to my normal spot in the forest. She said ok but be careful and be home in time for dinner. I nodded and left.

The only thing I didn’t like about my walks to the forest was the scenery before I got there. The cracked streets and sidewalks, all the grass, plants, and homes were all faded of their original color, and you can practically smell the pollution in the air.
I guess that’s why I’ve always wanted to live in the countryside.
The clean air. The wildlife. The woods and the fields and the farms were there always work and stuff to do. We use to have a house in the country, when I was very young but... we couldn’t afford to stay so we had to move to the city. It was forced. And thanks to me being so young I don't remember any of it.
Maybe that’s why I like Applejack and the rest of the Apple Family more than the others. They live in the countryside on a farm, they work and love doing it, and their always caring for others no matter what, there just ponies I can relate to I guess. If I could have a life style like that I'd be in heaven, but I can only dream.

Anyway, I made it to the forest.

I entered the forest and went down the short muddy hill covered with vines and dead-fall and came to my normal grassy path, their were trees and bushes left and right and on opening above the path to let the sunlight in. I continued walking until reached a cut of path that lead deeper into the woods.
As the path ended I came to a clearing where a very large tree stood. Whenever it would rain I would stay under that tree, no matter how bad some storms were that tree could always hold back the rain and keep me dry. As I walked past the tree I taped it on its side like an old friend would and kept walking.
Behind the tree was a fallen one with bushes entangled with vines. There was an opening that led threw to the other side. As I was going through the bush, trying not to get caught on some vines.
Once I made it through alright it opened up to the place where I normally come to relax. It was a shallow rocky river with a fallen tree beside it that’s been stripped of its bark so it was smooth and rather soft to sit on.
I went up to the tree and climbed up to one of the higher branches and sat down in my normal spot overlooking the scenery.
I’d sit there hours on end, just listening to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, the sound of all the wildlife, and the water flowing through the rocks in the river. Dreaming that I was actually in the countryside, but a sound normally stopped my fantasizing.
You could hear, and you could also see if you stood up on the branch, a high-way across the river and through a bit more forest, but I normally tried to ignore that. I went there to get away from the sound of cars and the city, but with the high-way right there it was hard.
I’d go there whenever I was stressed or had a lot on my mind, or sometimes simply to take a nap and just get away from it all. Since there was nothing really on my mind next to the dream I’ve been having, I decided to take a nap.
I laid back on the branch that I was sitting on, got myself comfortable and let the sounds around me put me to sleep.

I never had the dream when I was napping, the dream would only happen at night when I was sleeping in my bed. I didn’t know why the dream only happened at night but for some reason it just felt right. more natural.
When I woke up I checked my watch to see what the time was, it was just about dinner time. so I got down from the tree branch, stretched and started walking home.

Once I got home I did what my mom asked and washed up in the bathroom, also getting my dad up from his after work nap and my older sister down from her room upstairs. Once we were all set we started eating. We were never really talkative awhile eating dinner, the food was alright but since we're kind of pour it normally lacked flavor, but hey it was good food, and I'm grateful that we have it.
After dinner I cleaned up the food and started doing the dishes as normal by myself. Once that was done I asked if she wanted my help with anything else.
She said that I did enough for the day and thanked me again and continued to talk with my dad about their day.
With no work to be done I decided to play video games with my online friends until it was time for bed. My friends that lived far away, I don’t see them that often and it wasn’t easy, but being with my online friends brought some comfort to me.
Have to admit, if it weren't for those amazing friends I’ve made on Xbox live I probably would have gone insane by now. But it’s still the same thing, whenever I leave this house I’m by myself. I’m not really close to my parents or my sister, not that I don’t want to, they’re just always doing what they want or have to do, so in the end I’m normally the one that gets forgotten. But I’ve learned to live with that, though it still isn’t easy.
Once I got off the game I brushed my teeth and said goodnight to my mom and dad and my older sister and went to bed.

So that’s my every day routine. Minus on Sundays we went to church but other than that, that’s it. And with another day behind me I went to sleep.

The dream went on again, but this time something felt different.

“Hello...” I called out into the void.

“GREETINGS ELEMENT OF HONESTY... ARE YOU READY!” a load echoing voice came from the void.

“Ready... Ready for what?” I asked


“Make sure of what?” I asked


There was a bright light that shined orange that replaced the darkness and blinded me.
The vary second I woke up I shot up in my bed. My mind was a race of questions and confusion. What happened? Why did the dream change? What did it mean by...?
I sat there for a good fifteen-minutes thinking about the dream and why it might have changed, but despite my efforts I couldn't come up with anything, so I decided to get on with the day.
I got out of bed fed the cat went upstairs fed the dog and eat breakfast. Then I asked my mom if she needed help with anything. But strangely she said no.
She said that there was still stuff to do but she wanted to take the day off for a change and she advised me to do the same, her words were “Too much of one thing isn’t good for you”
This shocked me and left me not knowing what to do, I still had a whole day of free time, time I didn't know how to spend ; it was only 10 A.M.
But for some reason something was pushing me to go for the walk, but I didn’t know why. I went to the closest window and looked outside to see what the weather was like. It wasn’t nearly as nice as it was yesterday but for some reason I still felt like I should go for a walk.
I told my mom that I was going to my normal spot. She said ok but to be careful, I told her I would and gave her a hug and left.
Once I got to the forest I went down the muddy hill, followed the grass path, took the cut off path, passed the big tree, went through the bushes, and made it to my spot. There was nothing different from normal; it was the same as always.
I could hear the sounds of the forest, the water flowing through the rocks, and the high-way was busy as always, but still it felt like I was supposed to be there and I didn’t know why.
I climbed up to my spot on the tree branch and started thinking. I was constantly pondering on why I was even there and what the voice had said in the dream.
I didn’t mind being there but it felt necessary.
I sighed in frustration and was drawing a blank. I thought about taking a nap to help clear my mind, so I did just that and fell asleep.

I mumbled as I woke up from my nap, I sat up on the branch and rubbed my eyes and started looking around. I could tell something was off because I knew that I didn’t wake up on my own. I knew that because when I wake up on my own from a nap I feel refreshed. But I didn’t this time, so I knew that something had to of woken me up.
I tried listening to see if I could hear anything but I heard nothing, actually it pretty peaceful. I shrugged to myself and laid back to fall back asleep, but then I realize 'Somethings missing...'
I sat back up on the branch and listened, I couldn’t hear the high-way.
I got up and stood on the branch, being very careful not to lose my balance and fall; I looked at the high-way to see if there was a traffic jam or something, what I saw left me speechless. For the first time ever their wasn't a single car on the highway, it looked abandoned.
'What’s going on? Where are all the cars?' I stood there looking through the trees in disbelief. But then i noticed something out of the ordinary. Besides the empty highway of course.
There was some sort of, concrete looking thing in a clearing across the river that stuck out from everything else around it; I couldn’t make out what it was though, there were too many trees and plant life in the way.
I looked down and checked my watch to see what time it was, dinnertime wasn’t for while so... I thought why not, I could go for a little adventure. And with that I jumped down from the branch, stretched and took of my shoes and crossed the river.
Once I made to the other side of the river I put my shoes back on and started walking though the bushes.
As I was just about to enter the clearing I tripped over a root that was sticking out of the ground and fell over. I grunted annoyingly at it and got up and dusted myself off, when looked up I was speechless. I couldn’t... believe what was in front of me.
It was the pedestal with the Elements of Harmony on it from; my little pony friendship in magic episode. 1 part 2, it looked identical, but that was one of the things that through me off, because it looked out of place.
I started rubbing my eyes thinking that I wasn’t seeing things right, or that I’ve gone crazy, but every time I looked back up the image stayed the same.
'There’s no way... that this... could be here.' as I stood there, looking at pedestal with the Elements of harmony in complete shock, I noticed that the elements were in their stone orb form and there was only five of them.
I didn’t think much of it though, the sixth element was magic, which didn’t exist in my world, but that still didn’t explain why the other five were.
After I somewhat regained myself I started walking closer to the pedestal cautiously, then stopped in my tracks. As I took those couple steps, one of the elements let off a faint glow. I straightened my eyes trying to see what color it was glowing through the sunlight.
It was orange, but didn’t that represent honesty?
I started walking closer to the glowing element with every step I took, the glow got brighter and brighter. I got to the point where I could have reached up and grabbed it but the glow got so intense that I had to shield my eyes.
I stood under the orange glowing element, their was more then just confusion; should I pick it up? What will happen if I do? I can’t just leave them here.
I didn’t know what would happen if I touched the element, or why they were here in the first place. I was still trying to cope how something like this could be possible. Was it my dream that lead me to this?

“Well...” I looked away from the elements and at the grass in deep thought. "they are the Elements of Harmony, nothing really bad should happen right? But...” I trailed off “No, this could be my only chance to figure out what my dream means, and I’m not going to pass up this opportunity...” I said to myself

I looked back up at the glowing element. “Here goes nothing...” I said hesitantly. I reached up and grabbed the element; there was a bright orange light that beamed in every direction, blinding me, and making me pass out.