• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 787 Views, 15 Comments

A Dream Met... - Jon bucker

Sometimes saying you’d do anything, means giving everything. How hard would you push yourself to keep a promise, and more importantly get back to the ones you love. This is the story that includes my life; this is the story of me in Equestria.

  • ...

Final Day, And Its Memories:

My last morning had finally come to pass, the sun started rising in the sky replacing the dark of night with the light of day. And we all started getting up.
I didn’t wake up this time with a filly jumping on my stomach; I woke up on my own. I sat up off the edge of my bed and started thinking, thoughts and feelings on me leaving started resurfacing. I looked over to my left at the hat and they all disappeared.
I reached over and lifted it off my head board and looked at it, feelings of appreciation and accomplishment filled my heart; I smiled. I placed it on my head and pulled it up to the tip of my hairline and felt the lasses go down the back of my neck. I stood up and looked out the window across the room starring fate right in its eyes but it didn’t faze me. I already knew what had to be done.
I looked over to the staircase and started making my way over. I stopped at the top of the staircase and looked back to my former room; I smiled weakly and shut off the light. As I made my down the hallway I didn’t rush and paced myself. Taking in every detail and sliding my hand along the walls, feeling every crack between the boards and nail hole’s as I did so.
When I got down to the main level I slowed down at the bottom of the stairs and looked over all the pitchers one last time, then made my way towards the kitchen. Everyone was in there, even Big macintosh was sitting at table; Applebloom was the first to notice me. “Hey Jonathan.” she cheered with a mouth full of food. It was nice seeing that cheeky look back on fer face.

“There you are, good thing yer up. We were just bout ready ta send applebloom up after ya.” Granny said jokingly

“Morning Jonathan, how do ya feel?” applejack asked

I smiled to all of them and knew the right way to reply to that. “At peace...” I said cheerfully

Applejack smiled. “Good ta hear..." she started as she slipped the food in the skillet. “Now since we don’t have ta be at the library till ten o’clock, and seein how it’s only seven now and there’s no work to be done around the farm, we can just relax.” she said

That sounded nice. “Yeah... I’d like that.” I said

“Then eat up.” applejack said cheerfully as she passed me a plate of food.

The plate had eggs and toast on it, almost joked around and asked where’s the bacon but thankfully I stopped myself, that could have been bad. I don’t know how I would explain that to them.
I pulled out my chair beside bloom; she was already eating her breakfast. I pulled my chair back in and sat the plate down on the table and grabbed a fork that was on the plate and started eating. Granny, bloom and big mac never questioned about me wearing the hat, I guess applejack had already gone over it with them and she spoke for all of them, true or not they didn't protest, so that said how they felt.

I had caught up to bloom and we finished eating around the same time, I got up and grabbed both our plates and started caring them over to the sink, but I did so with my left arm and shocked applebloom. “Jonathan yer shoulder, its healed!” she said pointing to it.

I got to the other side of the table and placed them in the left side of the sink and turned to her, patting my shoulder a couple times with the palm of my hand. “Yep that stuff zecora put on it, she said that it would heal it around six to ten o’clock judging on how I treated it, so it all healed over last night.” I explained

Applejack seemed a bit shocked herself. “Ah can’t believe yer wound healed that quickly, that’s amazing. We should really thank zecora fer that.” she said

“Definitely.” I agreed

After breakfast was done with I started helping applejack with the cleanup, she actually put her pride aside and let me help, so it didn’t take that long. After the clean up was done me applejack and bloom were about to head outside, I had put my shoes on and we were just about to leave, but granny stopped me along side big mac cause she wanted to say goodbye first.
“Hooold yer horses there sonny, ya can’t leave without sayin proper goodbyes...” granny stated. I stopped and turned to her, she continued. “Ah’m gonna miss ya sonny, it was good have ‘in ya here. Take care of yerself jonathan.” she said warmfully

I chuckled and smiled warmly at her. “Thank you for having me, all never forget the love and hospitality you all showed me, I could never ask for a better second family. Thank you for that...” I said

She smiled warmly back and nodded. “Yer welcome... goodbye sonny.” she said

“Goodbye granny...” I said to her, kneeling down to give her a quick hug.

I stood up and looked over to big macintosh, I was about to but surprisingly he started first. “You risked yer life fer two of our own; you treat and respected us despite our obvious differences, not ta mention ya love doin work here. And now that yer finally settled ya have ta leave. But before ya go, know that we’ll always consider you apart of this here apple family.” he said smiling warmly

I was surprised that he actually spoke to me, and what he said to. And I know he wouldn’t have said it unless he truly meant it. And the thought of being able to call myself an Apple gave me more warm feelings then I could count. I smiled back and nodded. “I will, take care big macintosh...” I said to him

He nodded. “Take care Jon.” He said

Then we waved one last time to them and walked out the front door and off the porch. I breathed in the nice morning air, it was a beautiful day. “So Jon, what do ya want ta do? relax under an apple tree, take another tore around the farm, yer call.” Applejack asked cheerfully

I was a bit surprised that she was going to let me chose. Though those were good suggestions, but there was something special I wanted to do, not just for me, but for them. I looked down at applebloom with a smile; I took the hat of my head and slapped it on hers and scooped her up and placed her on my shoulders.
She giggled and I waited for her to get herself comfortable before continuing. When she was good, I looked back to applejack. “I have a better idea, fallow me.” I said with a cheerfully grid and started walked towards the path that led out of sweet apple acres. Applejack as confused but followed me and we started walking.

A lot of the conversations were about applejack and bloom, who wouldn’t stop asking where I was taking them. but I didn’t tell them, I wanted it to be a surprise.
I kept a good nice and slow pace as we walked, I didn’t rush; I wanted to take some time to really admire my surroundings and being with them, though they were a bit more focused on where I was leading them, it was still nice.
When we got to the end of the path I turned right and started walking in that direction, applejack and bloom still had no clue where I was leading them but they realized at this point I wasn’t spilling the beans and that stopped asking. This was my only real time I was going to get to spend with them, just me and applejack and bloom, no one else. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t rush, I wasn’t trying to delay the inevitable, I just wanted to spend my last couple of hours with them, and I knew the best spot to do that.

I had taken them to the top of the hill with the stray apple tree on top that I climbed when I first came out of the Everfree Forest on my first day in Equestria. I let bloom off my shoulders and took the hat back and placed it on my head. Applejack and bloom were taken back by the sight, much like I was when I first saw the view. “Were here, so what do you guys think?” I asked cheerfully

Applebloom was the first to get out words. “Ah can see everything from up here. Our house, Ponyville and Cloudsdale, I can even see Canterlot way out there on the mountain side.” she said with her jaw slightly dropped.

Then applejack manages to get something out. “Jonathan, how did ya’ll come ta know bout this place? it’s beautiful.” she said starring down to the valley below in amazement, her and bloom both shared that similar look.

I was happy to see that they liked it. I walked over to the apple tree and sat down, leaning against it. My hat curved up the tree as I put my head back. “When I first came to Equestria and got out of the forest, I climbed this hill to get a better look around and was surprised at the sight...” I said

Applejack shook her head. “Surprised is right, ah’ve never seen a sight of equestria better than this. It really makes ya appreciate the little things.” she said

After getting a good look around, applejack and bloom turned around and walked over and sat down on either side of me under the tree, and we all rested before the spectacular view. What made it even better, the sun was on the horizon, and was just clearing the mountains, it was beautiful. and I was glad I could share that with them and could all experience that same feeling. The tips on of mountain were a golden yellow from the sun that stretched up over them. The light that made it danced around the valley and sparkled in the morning due. And the shadows awaited for their sun.
It felt good just sitting under the tree with applejack and bloom, letting the hours of the day pass and watching the sun slowly make its way into the sky, and the shadows below slowly disappearing. If there was a better way to spend the last of my time with them I couldn’t think of it. But all good things have to come to an end.

Applejack kicked herself up and off the tree to all fours and looked back to me and bloom. “Jonathan, ah think ah speak fer me and bloom when ah say, thank ya fer showin us this, we appreciate it. But we should probably get movein on our way over ta twilights place. The suns startin ta get pretty up there and if we leave now then we’ll get there early, which is best for the Princess anyway.” she suggested

I really didn’t want to get up; I wish we could have just sat there all day together Intel dinnertime. But I knew why we couldn’t, and I understood that, but that didn’t mean I have to like it. “Your right...” I said as I pushed myself up and off the tree to me feet. “And your welcome, I’m glad you two like it up here. Juts promise me you won’t remember the pony that showed you this... but the person?”

Applejack smiled and nodded. “We promise, right bloom?” she said looking over to our little sister

“Right!” Bloom said aload as she got up from her spot.

I looked to booth of them and smiled, I knew that they would never forget this spot or me, but it was nice hearing it from them just to clarify. “Come on, let’s get a goin.” applejack said. she turned and started walking down the hill.

Me and bloom were about to follow, but I wanted to offer her one more thing that I could only give now. I looked down to the filly. “What do ya say bloom, you want one last ride?” I asked her

She seemed a bit disappointed when I said that, I guess she still doesn’t really like the fact that I have to leave. But she smiled weakly and nodded. “Yeah...” she said

I bent down and picked her up and placed the filly on my shoulders, I didn’t bother taking off my hat this time but she didn’t seem to mind. Her tail went down my back as she adjusted herself to get comfortable; once she was we started walking. Even though she wasn’t that far ahead, applejack had waited for us at the bottom of the hill. When bloom and I got down we all started walking as a group.
It stayed silent as we were walking, there was like a weird atmosphere that prevented us from talking. It wasn’t that didn’t want to talk, but we knew if we started talking then we would have started sharing feelings on me leavening which would have made it harder, so we just didn’t talk all together.
We didn’t take the long way around we cut right across the field. We started coming up to the pound, as we were passing by I looked over at it, memories from when me and bloom went swimming that one day started going through my mind, it brought a small smile to my face. Reminding me of what I gained, but also what I was leaving behind.
I could tell bloom was doing the same thing, for when we were walking by I felt her weight shift to the direction of the pound.
That was one of the things that was helping me stay strong, even though I was leaving I would still have my memories, nothing would ever change that. And if my memories ever started to fade I’d have the hat to remind me. I still had the timberwolf necklace that reminded me of that night, but the hat just sort of tied everything together, which helped a lot.
Once we got to ponyville and as we were walking to twilights place, we had met up with Pinkie pie who’d had just left Sugarcube Corner. She was a bit thrown off by the hat but her fast pace mind quickly moved on to the next thing, and she came and bounced alongside us. I'll never quit understand how that, no matter how upsetting or depressing a moment can be Pinkie can always stay happy. That mare’s one of a kind, that's for certain.

As we approached twilights house, Princess Celestia and Twilight and everyone else could be seen standing off to the right of the library, everyone was there exempt us.

I grabbed bloom off my shoulder and sat her down next to me; then we all walked up to the Princess and bowed before her. Then she spoke. “It’s so wonderful to see you all again, and your early. Thank you, to all of you. I appreciate that.”

We looked at her and smiled and then stood up, I guess that was a good call by applejack. Twilight walked over to the princess’s right side and they others on hers. “And Jonathan, you’re looking much better then you did yesterday. How do you feel?” twilight asked

I grabbed my left shoulder and started moving it, proving that it wasn’t in any sort of pain anymore. “A bit tired but I'll manage.” I said cheerfully

After I said that, I noticed that they were all starring at the hat I was whirring, Rainbow dash was the first to question it. “Hey jonathan, not that it doesn’t look good on you or anything, but what’s with that hat?” she asked

The others seem curious about that as well; I guess applejack never told or showed them the hat before, it made me feel even better knowing that she entrusted it to me. I chuckled and smiled slightly and glanced over at applejack. “Let’s just say I got it from a friend...” I said, clearly leaving much out.

Applejack chuckled lightly as well, the others were still confused and knew that they were being left out of something but they didn’t ask, but rarity seemed more concerned than anything. “Darling, are you saying you’re going to wear that atrocity to fashion all the time?” she asked

I was a bit offended by that but I wasn’t mad at her, she apparently didn’t know anything about the hat or where it came from so I couldn’t be mad. But I still played along and acted concerned. “Well, when you put like that...” I then smiled teasingly. “Yes, yes I am.” Applejack as well as the others started chuckling, rarity didn’t seem too amused but left it at that. I guess she finally realized that I wasn’t ever going to care about fashion or anything like that what so ever, that was the funny part.

But I knew we couldn’t keep denying the fact on why we’re even there, no matter how much I want to. So I thought I’d start the conversation that I really didn’t want to hear. “So... were you able to figure out the spell, Twilight?” I asked looking to her

“Um, yes... after looking over the spell that Princess Celestia gave me, I was able to splice a couple other spells with it that will also work with the element of harmony. But i order for the spell to work we need to go to the spot where you first arrived...” she said

I knew what that meant but something seemed off, while twilight was explaining she seemed worried or concerned, like she was hiding or wasn’t telling everything. But I didn’t want to ask and just raise more questions and put her in the spot so I tried to ignore it.

“So are you saying we have to go all the way to the center of the Everfree?” Rainbow dash huffed

“Actually...” Princess Celestia stepped forward. “That’s exactly what she’s saying. In order for the spell to work correctly, we need to go to the exact point to which he entered this would. The spell will not work otherwise.” She explained

“That’s why it’s good that you all got here early; because now we can leave right away.” Twilight added. Then looked over to me specifically. “Are you ready to go Jonathan?” she asked

I started thinking, there were still so many things I wanted to do and things I wanted to see, not to mention I didn’t want to go, but I didn’t want to drag it out. But one thing did come to mind. “Actually... there is one thing I wouldn’t mind seeing before I go, that might benefit everyone.” I said

Twilight smiled. “Sure, what is it?” she asked

I took that as a green light and looked over to Rainbow dash who was hovering over the group. “Hey dash, do ya think you can send me out with a sonic rainboom?” I asked cheerfully

Her magenta eyes instantly flared with excitement and determination. “You bet I can, check this out!” she cheered as she took to the sky, Twilights and Celestia didn’t make an effort to stop her so I guess they were fine with the request.

She started climbing to an incredible height, to the point she just looked like a speck in the sky. Then when she got high enough she turned around and started rocketing towards the ground. As she gained speed she took her formation and a mack cone started forming around her.
Tingles and shivers of excitement started going down my back, watching this unfold before my vary eyes. Then the mack cone sharpened and she BURST through the sound barrier, visible light spectrum shattered. And along with the giant ring of colors she made a magnificent rainbow over ponyville... it was incredible.
Some ooh’s and ahh’s and some gasps could be heard not only from us but also from all the town folks. As I starred up at the sparkling rainbow in awe a thought crossed my mind. If this world exists then I wonder if sonic’s world does as well, if sonic and dash ever get the chance to meant, that would be a race to remember. I would have to be there for that one.

After she did a fly by Rainbow flew back over to us and hovered in her original spot. “How didga like that!” she asked hyped up.

“Best Rainboom ever! Thanks dash, that was awesome!” I cheered, I raised my fist up to her and she flew over and bumped it and we all started laughing just from a good moment.

Princess Celestia even shared some of the laughter, but as it calmed down I could tell she wanted to get things rolling, and I was right. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way we should get going. It’s a long and dangerous walk to my old castle, so we should leave immediately.” she said

We all agreed, but Twilight stepped forward and asked a question. “Before we go Princess, do you mind if I go inside and look over the spell one last time, and grab the things we need?”

“By all means my student...” Celestia said with a nod

Twilight nodded back and turned around and walked to the front door of the library. Once she had gone inside Applebloom walked away from my side and over to applejack, I had good feeling what she was going to ask. “Can ah come applejack?” bloom asked her

Applejack shook her head. “Sorry bloom no... Ya’ll heard the Princess. It’s too dangerous out there, especially fer fillies. Do ya remember what happened last time you were out there? Ya’ll almost became timberwolf chow... go home and wait fer me there, all come back soon as this is all over...” applejack said in a stern yet calm voice

I knew applejack was just trying to look out for bloom and keep her safe, but I kind of wish she should have come. Bloom looked to the ground then over to me, I smiled at her and got to me knees and held out my arms, she walked over and jumped into my chest and hugged me, and I hugged her back.
I wanted to hold her close and never let her go; emotions started rising, I knew this would be my only chance to say what I wanted to say to her. “Applebloom I-“ I was just about to start speaking but she started struggling out of the embrace so I let go, she jumped out and looked at me.

“Goodbye jonathan...” She said in a surprisingly somewhat of a normal tone, then she turned around and started walking home.

I was speechless and confused, I was expecting bloom to be sad or upset or Something?! but she was walking away like nothing had ever happened. I didn’t know if she had finally accepted the fact that I had to leave or she was just in some sort of denial. But that really hurt...
I looked over slowly to applejack and the others who seemed just as shocked as I was, but like me she had no answers. I stood up and all we could do was watch her walk away and wonder.

“Ok everyone, I just looked over the spell and I have it memorized. Shall we get going?” twilight asked as she came out of the house while she was tightening a strap on a saddle bag she was wearing, completely oblivious about what had just took place.

“Yes lets... would you mind leading the way.” Princess Celestia asked her

“I’d love to Princess...” She paused and looked overt to us. “Come on everyone, let’s get moving.” she said

They others looked away and started to follow her, I stood there completely heartbroken and motionless, applejack had to come up beside me and nudge me. I looked to her and nodded and started to follow as well.
And with that we started following her, as we were walking I looked back to where I had saw bloom, but she was gone out of sight. It hurt me not being able to say proper goodbyes to her, but I couldn’t just go off and chase after her, which I wanted to so badly. but the way she walked away it was like she didn’t want or need me anymore, which hurt me the most. But I couldn’t change that so I continued walking.
Once we got to the forests edge we stopped and twilight pulled a map out of her saddle bag, she said she knew an alternate route that would get us there quicker, which was good but then I remembered what me and applejack were talking about that morning. I asked if we could stop at zecora’s hut so I could thank her again for everything she did for me. Twilight checked with Celestia and they said that would be fine, so that would be are first stop. Then we interred the Everfree frost.