• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 2,522 Views, 29 Comments

My Little Plushie: Friendship is Fluffy - enigmaMystere

Fluttershy is sucked into another universe, but she isn't quite herself...

  • ...

Chapter 3

Soon enough, he was at the door to his dorm room, the name “Allen” written on a piece of paper (in a sloppy manner) and pinned onto the corkboard on the door. Under it, written in a curly, fanciful manner, was the name “Selena”. He opened the door and gently placed the yellow pegasus plushie on his bed before moving to get his laptop.

He returned with the device in hand but paused, staring at the toy in surprise. He quickly tossed his laptop onto his bed and picked up the pegasus, smiling like a child at Christmas. “Oh my Celestia, it’s a Fluttershy plushie!” He gently cuddled it, beaming. “I can’t believe it!”

He pulled away, bringing it up to his face, examining it closely. “Wow, whoever made this has a great eye for detail!” He sat on his bed, carefully placing it on his lap. “They captured Fluttershy’s adorableness perfectly!” He paused, thinking out loud to himself. “...is that even a word?”

He shrugged, dismissing the thought. He opened up his laptop and turned it on while stroking the plushie’s mane gently. “Maybe I could show you some episodes of my favorite shows!” He chuckled to himself, typing in his password.

First Person (Screw it, she’s a pony, so I say Pony when it’s her) POV

I watched in confusion as this creature spoke at me. How could I even understand him? At least, I assume it’s a male. He was covered up too much for me to be able to tell.

I heard every word he said, though I was trying hard not to blush as he called me adorable. I was flattered, but I was also worried what he would do if he found out I was alive. Wait...how did he know my name? This was starting to get a little too confusing for me, though, thankfully, he did finally put me back down.

I watched as he messed with the device on the bed in front of me. I didn’t think whatever that was could be very interesting. Since he was behind me, I could look around his room...but wouldn’t that be...rude?


My eyes widened in surprise, hearing my own voice come out of the thing in front of me. I watched as the screen went black before pulling up a drawing of...well, it looked kind of like me, if I was the same species as the creature behind me.

“Just let me finish a lab report real quick, and then we can watch some shows. Okay, ‘Shy?” He pet my head, and I could almost feel his smile.


I couldn’t believe I just said that! I froze just before he picked me up, trying to keep myself from blinking as he looked into my eyes. He was...chuckling?

“Heh, I have a pretty active imagination! I could’ve sworn you had just talked!”

I let out a small sigh of relief, thankfully too quiet for him to hear. He set me back down on his lap, stroking my mane as he started to press buttons with one hoof...or, whatever that is.

I found my eyes slowly closing, starting to drift off from the soothing sensation of his hoof or whatever it is on my head. I’m sure I don’t snore, but I didn’t plan on falling asleep while he was still awake. I focused on a nearby wall, trying to find something to keep me awake.

I was honestly very shocked to see...well, a picture of me. It looked like it was taken when I was giving Angel an apple, but that wasn’t what surprised me. On it, written in a slow, careful script, were the words, “Fluttershy is a beautiful, more so than even Rarity. Not just because of how she looks, but also because of her caring heart and selfless soul.” The carefulness with which it was written was entirely unlike the paper on his door, but it was unmistakably the same handwriting. So that means...

I quickly tore my gaze away from it, trying to fight the blush growing on my cheeks. I couldn’t help but wonder how I, as a plush toy, was able to blush. Didn’t that require blood, or something?

I was thrown from that thought process as a diagram caught my eye. It seemed to be a dog, but it showed its skeletal structure. Looking around, I found that half of this room was covered with those posters. The other half had what looked to be designs for clothes, for whatever these creatures were.

It looked like the room was divided in half. One half, the half with the pictures and diagrams, was quite orderly. The other half, with the clothing designs, almost looked like Discord, himself, was living there, it was so messy. I involuntarily shuddered at the thought of that big dumb meanie.

Thankfully, the creature behind me didn’t notice. He was too busy with his...what is that, anyways? Some kind of window, or maybe a new form of typewriter? I quickly realized I was acting like Twilight, overanalyzing things.

I looked at the screen, reading a few of the words: “This reason is why humans should not decide the fate of the animal kingdom. The balance of nature is too precious for us to use even more land for ourselves.”

I hoped to Celestia he didn’t notice I was crying. That sentence was just too touching.

Suddenly, he stopped typing. I wondered why, but the answer quickly came when he moved me to the side and rushed over to what looked to be a bathroom. At least, that’s what I think it is, having just gotten a quick peek at the inside when he went through it.

As soon as it was closed, I stretched out my legs. It honestly was kind of painful to be standing still like that for so long. I hopped down from the bed, wondering what the person that shared this room with him was like.

Little did I know I was about to get my answer.