• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 2,523 Views, 29 Comments

My Little Plushie: Friendship is Fluffy - enigmaMystere

Fluttershy is sucked into another universe, but she isn't quite herself...

  • ...

Chapter 4

Third Person POV

A young woman slowly walked down the hall, sighing. Her uniform, a light yellow shirt with a pair of blue pants, was covered in the shed fur, hair and feathers of many animals. The pink butterflies that were the logo of the animal sanctuary she worked at were almost impossible to see.

“Stupid manager. I wish I didn’t have to work there.” She brushes a strand of her neon blue hair out of her eyes, grumbling quietly to herself as she unlocked the door to her dorm room. “Thinks he can make me feed the cheetahs, then lock me in as a ‘prank’. How stupid can you get!? I was almost mauled by that ferocious feline!”

The first thing she saw was a pegasus toy staring at her designs. If she didn’t know better, she would say that its eyes were moving. Oh my Luna...that thing just blinked! When the toy had its head turned away, she quietly moved to the doorway to the bedroom. She watched it for a few more moments before deciding to speak. “I take it you like them?”

The poor pony almost leaped out of her pelt, frozen in fear. She slowly turned to the towering human, eyes wide in panic. “...I...p-please don’t be mad at me...”

She laughed softly, shaking her head. “Why would I be? All you were doing was looking at my models. I’m just happy someone...er, somepony likes them!” She glanced at the bathroom door, annoyed. “Allen thinks I’m a fool for trying to be a fashionista.”

The plush toy looked up at her, smiling softly. “I think it’s great you’re following your dream.” She gently prodded a drawing on the floor with her hoof. “They actually remind me of my friend, Rarity...”

Her eyes widened in shock, staring straight at the plushie pegasus. “Wait, so you really are Fluttershy?” She carefully picked her up, placing her on her lap, an eyebrow slightly raised.

“...um, yes...” Fluttershy was definitely confused at this point. “...how do you know my name?”

She giggled, rubbing the back of her head. “I guess that’s a valid question. One sec...” She placed Fluttershy on her bed, grabbing the remote and turning on the LCD TV in front of the beds. “See, this is called a television. It allows us to watch cartoons, which are essentially moving drawings, and live-action shows, which aren’t really what we’re focusing on right now.”

At this point, she goes to the recordings, turning on an episode of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”. “This is how I know your name, Fluttershy.” She motioned to the screen as it faded in, showing Fluttershy sitting in the waiting area of the spa, reading a magazine. The door burst open, Rarity rushing inside.

“So sorry, Fluttershy!”

Needless to say, as the show continued, Fluttershy’s jaw dropped lower and lower. “...wha...bu...I...” She blinked, seeing Spike beckoning Twilight and Pinkie closer to him. “...oh, no...I really shouldn’t listen to...” Her jaw dropped as he told them his secret. “...Spike has a crush...on Rarity?”

The show eventually got to the part where Twilight was trying to help her. She started to tear up, sniffing softly. “...my life...is nothing more than...somepony’s entertainment?”

She groaned to herself, pausing on a picture of Fluttershy and Rarity in the middle of making a Pinkie Promise. She carefully strokes Fluttershy’s mane, wanting to reassure her. “Fluttershy, you are more than that. You have a life, a deep personality, and a truly kind heart. People don’t just watch it because it’s on. We watch it because we love you and your friends!”

Fluttershy glanced over at the picture of her on the other wall, blushing softly. “...you...love us?”

“Yes, we do. Some of your fans even strive to be like you!” After a thought went through her head, she walked over to Fluttershy, politely holding a hand out. “I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Selena Wayne.”

Fluttershy carefully placed her hoof in Selena’s hand, letting her shake it. “...it’s nice to meet you, Selena.”

Selena smiled, but, before she could say anything more, the bathroom door opened, revealing the human that rescued the pegasus.

“Selena, who are you talking to?”

First Pony POV

Oh, no! What is Selena going to do? I froze in fear, panicking.

Selena glanced at me, then at the other human. She smiled, picking me up. “Hello, Allen. I was just playing around with this cute Fluttershy toy. I wanted to see how well I could mimic her voice.” She motioned to a device on her desk, giggling. “I was thinking of making a silly little YouTube series. What do you think?”

Allen looked like he was thinking about this. Personally, I was wondering what that YouTube thing was.

After a few seconds, he grinned, nodding his head. “I’d watch it!” He held up his hoof, extending one of those odd appendages attached to it. “Go for it, Catwoman!”

Selena blushed, turning her head away in what I can only assume is embarrassment. “You promised you wouldn’t call me that!” She faced him, a sly look on her face. “You wouldn’t want your nickname to go online, would you?” She then said the most embarrassing thing I could ever imagine. It was all I could do to not laugh.

He growled, his eye twitching slightly. “I knew I would regret telling you my middle name...”

“So, do we have an agreement?” She held her hoof out, smiling at him.

He stared at it for the longest time before sighing and shaking it. “Yeah, yeah...” He climbed into his bed, grumbling to himself.

Selena gave me what I think is a sly wink before picking me up. Moving to her bed, she gently placed me on a pillow and rolled over, facing away from me. Sighing softly, I closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. As always, constructive criticism is welcome, as well as comments!

If you'd like to see anything in this story, please let me know!

Enigma out!~

Comments ( 15 )

Another good chapter. I really like this story! :pinkiehappy:

I see no reason as to why Allen shouldn't know about Fluttershy at this point, but if it keeps the story going like this then by all means, carry on. Allen should learn about Fluttershy sometime though, if you don't already have that planned out.

...this is good...

Here! Have a Muffin!

.... Or, you can have some personal time with my sadistic friend, ShadowWalking18. He would LOVE a new friend........:pinkiecrazy:...hehehe........

relax. :twilightsmile: more will be made; i'm just following a pattern right now with my stories.
i upload a new chapter in each of three, starting with My Little Lantern, then Equestriabent, and finally, My Little Plushie.
it should be up by next wednesday, since i still have to write more before it's finished. :twilightblush: no promises, of course...

yay, muffin! :derpytongue2:

This was confusing. How do the humans accept this truth so easily? Why as Fluttershy transported when a plushie spell went wrong? Why is Fluttershy so composed? Despite the logical inaccuracies, the story was, well, it happened. I didn't really like this, sorry, but it was well written so I won't mark it down.

*sigh* I miss this fic. I tracked (Now favorited, I guess) this for a reason! I like it a bunch, but I hate re-reading!

love this story continue please

Oh please make more chapters i am dying! :applecry: :fluttercry:


When will there be more? :unsuresweetie:

Moar! Longer chapters! Pweese? :scootangel:

You need to make more

I was thinking 'I'm not gonna post a comment on this chapter!' Then I realized I was typing my thoughts in the comment box. Great story so far.

lol like to see more soon:rainbowlaugh:

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