• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 1,046 Views, 65 Comments

Coming to terms - The Infinity Doctor

Side story to 'The Weeping Angel' collab with The Planyx. Human male sent to Equestria as a Time Lord.

  • ...


Everything in the Tardis fell silent as I passed through the Time Vortex, back into Equestria. The column reactivated as I went to the doors, I opened them and stepped out, finding myself yet again in a hospital setting.

'A hospital...why's it always a hospital?'

I stared down at the single occupant, a light blue earth pony mare with a frizzy white mane.

'Ah, Screwloose, I must be in Ponyville' I deduced.

Screwloose barked, gaining my attention.

"What is it?" I asked.
I'm not going to treat her like a dog, she's a pony, she just thinks she's a dog.
"I said- don't you hear them?"

'Wait a minute...that just came across as perfect english...guess the Time Lords really do understand every language...'

"Hear who?" I asked.
"Finally!" she cheered "Somepony who understands!"
I smiled a little, and knelt down.
"Hear who?" I asked again.
"The statues- don't you hear their songs?"
"Songs?" I asked.
"You know...the pretty music they make"
"What music?"
"You have to listen for it- the statues that move, they sing"
"They sing?"
"Oh yes, they sing, they laugh, they cry, all the things ponies do"
"Do you hear them often?"
"Yes, I hear them through my window, every night" she said, pointing to the barred window of the room above.

'I can only assume she's talking about Weeping Angels'

"How do you know they move?"
"They visit, quite often, the small ones can fit through, they stay for a few hours, then they leave"
"I see, what do they talk to you about?"
Her face went blank, then returned to a smile.
"Sorry, what?"
'That was weird...'
"Nothing- so where do they all go?"
"I don't know, they never tell me"
"But they told me to give a message"
I cocked an eyebrow.
"What is it?" I asked.
"The biped angel says 'Thank you'"
"She's here? In Ponyville?"
"No...they say she never stays in one spot for too long"
'Well that's disappointing...'
"Alright, thank you" I said, standing up.
"Oh, one more thing" she said, ears perking up.
"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you scratch behind my ears? It's been driving me nuts"

Author's Note:

Short interlude before we begin the next chapter, hope you liked it.
Please R&R if you feel like it!
Thank you!