• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 1,046 Views, 65 Comments

Coming to terms - The Infinity Doctor

Side story to 'The Weeping Angel' collab with The Planyx. Human male sent to Equestria as a Time Lord.

  • ...


The little filly lay spread across the chairs in front of the console, still dozing peacefully in the comfort of my jacket.

You know what else? I don't feel that different, despite regeneration. I honestly don't feel that different...maybe I'm just a 'late bloomer'? That can't be right...but...my 'original' body...ugh...

Something isn't right, that's my point!

The filly shifted in her sleep, comfortable in her current state- or so I assumed.

I saw her awaken through the column, her sleepy little eyes and tired yawn almost forcing my hearts to give out from the sheer adorableness. She suddenly became aware of the jacket, as well as her surroundings.

"Hello" I said carefully.
Her ears perked up, and tried to make herself smaller in the jacket- appearing terrified as I sat down next to her.

"I'm not going to hurt you" I said.

My words did nothing to reassure her, as she remained silent, her huge eyes staring at me.

"Well...are you hungry?" I asked.
She slowly shook her head 'yes', still enveloped in my jacket.

"Right, anything specific you want?"

She shrugged as I stood up, and just as Idris popped into existence. She basically took on a R63 version of myself- she scooped up the filly, eliciting a shriek from the little pegasus.

"What are you doing?" I asked, failing to hide the smile on my face.
"I'm pwaying with the wittle fiwwy, yes I am, yes I am" she giggled, tickling one of the foal's wings with her hand.

"Um...which way is the kitchen?" I asked, blushing.

'I really need to know which rooms are where...'

"You're helpless without me" Idris smirked, rolling her eyes. She carried the foal under her arm as she walked out of the console room, myself following.

"Down that way is the library, coming up on our left is the Testing room-"

"What's it used for?"

"Testing, of course"

"Test what?"

"Alien tech, anything out of the ordinary you might find, that sort of thing"


"To the right here is the dressing room"
'Have to remember this one for later...'

"Hmmm...here we go! The kitchen is right here" she said, walking into one of the rooms.

The kitchen itself looked like any ordinary kitchen, white walls, a small island a little ways from the counter, and a table with a few chairs accompanying it.

"Neat" I said, or rather, was all I was capable of saying.
"Like it? I designed it myself"
I smiled a little as I took a loaf of bread from the cupboard, removing a jar of peanut butter as well. I set them on the island, then went to the fridge to fetch a jar of jelly.

I set to work making the sandwiches as Idris continued playing with the filly, and it was just occurring to me that I still didn't know her name. I placed the plate on the table in front of the filly, who was currently situated in Idris' lap. She dug into the sandwhich
with vigor, a groan of contentment eminating from her as she ate her meal.

"She's cute, isn't she?" Idris said, running her fingers through the filly's mane.
"Yeah...so...why hasn't she said anything?"
"Haven't you been able to tell?" she asked.
I shook my head.
"She's mute"


"How...how can you tell?"
"Here" she said, holding the filly up "see for yourself"
I took the filly in my arms, and lay the palms of my hands against her ears.

'Well...I don't know how...but she is, most certainly, mute'

The filly's eyes widened in surprise, the little bit of jam smeared on her face from the sandwich making her heart-stoppingly cute.

'I can hear you in my head' she said/thought, amazed 'I can feel you inside my mind'

"Some of the links between your brain and vocal chords are missing" I said, peering into her eyes. I released her, sitting down at the table as Idris looked on in amusement.

The three of of sat at the table, the only sounds coming from the rest of the Tardis outside.

"Well...um..." I started "I think we'll let you warm up a bit more...and we'll...send you home..."
"Awww, but why?" Idris moaned, picking up the filly "she soooooo adorable!"

Both of them were giving me the puppy-dog eyes, making me feel as if I were staring into the heart of darkness itself.

"Well, I didn't say she had to go right now" I said.

"Yeah...but do we have to send her back?"
"Yes" I responded simply.
"I think you know why"
"Please...enlighten me"

"It's just...I'm...there are thousands of hundreds of different species out there, right?"
"Go on"
"And...whatever we get pulled into next...I'm just...there are a lot of chances for something to go wrong, okay?"

I stood up and left the kitchen, leaving Idris and the filly alone. I walked through the halls of the Tardis, searching for the dressing room. My hooves resounded off the metal floor as I went, filling the hall with the noise.





I walked into the spacious room, spying dozens of suits and dresses lining the walls.

'Damn...there's a lot to choose from...' I thought, walking up the steps and to one of the racks.


I picked a purple dress shirt off of one of the racks, along with a green tie and a pair of black pants. I shucked off my pants, thankful that I was alone, and replaced them with the black pair. I left out the suspenders altogether, and replaced my old shirt with the purple one, and wrapped the tie around my neck. I quickly tied it, then glanced in the mirror.

'It's missing something...' I thought, adjusting my tie.

'Fedora maybe?'

I gave the hat a glance.


I finally settled on what I was wearing, and left the room. I got lost at least two times before I managed to find my way back to the kitchen, where Idris and the filly were still waiting.

"Well? How do I look?" I asked, doing a small spin.
"Nice" Idris whispered, looking me up and down "shhh, she fell asleep while you were gone"

I carefully picked the filly up, and Idris and I walked back to the control room, I set her down on her spot on the seats in front of the console. I turned to Idris, who was flicking at something on one of the panels.

"So..." I started, leaning on one of the panels "what now?"
"I don't know- you're the Time Lord here"

"No...no, I'm not a Time Lord..."
"Don't you even start with me" I snapped "Face it, I'm just a sad little human pretending to be something I'm not-"
"No Zero- don't you-"
"Don't you get it?! I'm not even half the hero the Doctor is! I haven't even done anything important!"

Idris' hand collided with my face, sending me into shock as I stumbled backwards.

"Don't you dare say that ever again! Do you hear me?!" she cried.
"No, you listen to me- you threw yourself on top of a bomb, are you telling me that's not important?"
"But it's-"
"Do you even know what that device could've done if you hadn't done that?"
"What?" I asked, somewhat fearful.
"It could've ruptured the Time Vortex, all of time would have literally shattered into pieces"

I sat there, contemplating what she said.

"You helped the Mane-iac and her sister get back together- the Mane-iac Zero"


She leaned down, cupping my face.

"You might not compare to the Doctor when it comes to saving worlds and galaxies- but you've got a good heart....er, two hearts, and a good head on your shoulders"


"Well...you just gonna sit there? Or do I have to come down there?"

I coughed as I stood up, staring her in the face.


"Hey, no problem" she grinned "now, as you were saying, where to next?"

'The age-old question...'

Author's Note:

Thanks for tuning in!

Please R&R! :pinkiehappy: