• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 1,585 Views, 28 Comments

To Grant A Wish - Eathlome

Two beings, each hurt and alone, manage to find each other, and regain some of what they have lost.

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To Grant a Wish:


In a dark cluster of trees in the Everfree Forest, one could hear crying.

"Why? Why does this always happen? Am I truly that disgusting? Do I truly deserve this?"

The sobbing continues, stopping only for small gasps of air.

""I thought we were friends, that we could be together..."

Thoughts swirled around the creature's head.

"It has been like this ever since I first help another...I granted her wish and was punished for it. Is it so wrong for me to help? All she wanted was knowlage, all I got in return was banishment."

The creature's thoughts drifted back to the beginning last betrayal.

I could see a young creature crying. It looked like a dark blue horse, with wings and a horn.

"Why are you crying, young one?

The horse looked around,

"Who's there? What do you want?"

"I am ..."

I trailed off, not knowing what I truly was.

"I am a helper. Do you want me to help you?"

The young horse nodded, sniffling.


"Well then, young one, can you tell me your name?

"I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria."

"Well Luna, why are you so sad?"

"All of my subject, my little ponies, they fear and hate my night, but they revel and rejoice in my sister's day. I just wish that they would enjoy the beauty of my night."

"I will help you Luna, but you must promise me one thing..."

"What is it?"

"Please, don't leave me behind."

"I promise, but will you at least tell me your name."

"Well Luna, you can call me Wish"

Wish smiled, remembering these happier times, things had been so nice, so comfortable. Everything had gone well until that day...

"They still fear the night, I have no choice." Luna ranted, pacing in her bedroom.

"Please Luna, tell me what you have planned"

"If I can't convince my subjects to enjoy the night, I will have to force them. I will keep it night forever, an eternal night. Will you help me, Wish?

"Of course, I would do anything for you, but to do this we would need to combine our powers, I cannot affect the physical world much, unless I have a host.

Luna thought for a moment, then reached a decision.

"I will be your host."

"Are you sure? Being my host comes at a high cost. You will undergo much pain, and your body will transform, it will not be pretty."

"I have decided, please, I embrace you."

The stars dimmed as the Night Princess and I melded together, and when it was done a new figure stood.

'We shall be called Nightmare Moon."

"You monster, what have you done to Luna?"

We watched as Celestia stared at us, fear in her eyes and aggression in her stance. We decided to tell her the truth.

"Luna is no more, we are Nightmare Moon, and the night will last forever!"

With this proclamation Celestia lunged at us, tears streaming down her face. Her horn glowed brighter then the sun she controlled, and she sent us flying back. We were confused, why would she attack us, had something affected her? Was she being controlled? We had no choice but to fight back. I poured all my strength into this, I could not allow Luna's wish to fail, but it was not enough. Celestia called out to the six artifacts she had brought with her, pulling their power out and directing it at us. All went white, and when we could see again, all around was a desolate grey landscape. And for one thousand years we cried, we wondered, we planned, and we remembered.

"...the Element of Magic."

The attack came again, but this time it was different. When the lights struck I could feel myself being torn away from Luna. I had to protect her, I poured all my strength into shielding her, all one thousand years of stored energy. I hoped that she would be alright, then I was no longer a part of her.

The six ponies were their, along with Celestia. I was shocked at the things that were being said. We had betrayed her? She had attacked us first! I looked to Luna, the only one who could see me. I pleaded to her, to remember her promise. Then I watched as she turned away, and left me alone once again.

"Do I truly diverse this? All I do is help. I grant wishes, I have granted millions, but will my wish ever be granted? Will I ever have a..."

Apex was a strange sight to see. He was just over eight feet tall, and completely dressed in black. His jacket was black, with its hood pulled up. He was wearing black leather gloves and boots, with black jeans. To complete his outfit was a black kerchief, covering his nose and mouth, and a pair of sunglasses. It was the middle of summer.

'Bet I look strange, " he thought, " Then again, at least they aren't running away screaming, so I guess that the disguise works.'

Apex chuckled to himself, and looked at the species he used to be a part of. 'Humans, rulers of Earth, the most powerful species on the planet,' Apex chuckled again, 'Yet they are more like a virus than anything else.'

Apex glanced into an alley as he passed it, only to stop. There were a couple of men mugging a couple. Apex grunted in disgust. 'They think that they are predators, feeding on the week, but they are only parasites.'

Apex walked into the alley, one of the muggers turned to look at him.

"Ohh, looks like we got a hero. Get the hell out of here before I fuck you up."

Apex merely watched him.

"Alright you asked for it." The mugger raised his crowbar, and took a swing, before collapsing to the ground in pain letting out a terrified scream. He looked at where his arm was, Apex was calmly holding it, before he threw it aside. The mugger blacked out as he saw his arm land several feet away/

The other muggers saw what had happened, and lunged at Apex, intent on getting revenge. It was a bloodbath, and in a matter of seconds only one mugger was alive. He pulled out his gun and started shooting. Apex barely noticed the bullets. He glanced down and said, his voice very gravely and deep,

"Damn, you ruined my shirt." then he lunged at the remaining mugger and tore him in half.

The couple looked on in horror at this blood soaked figure, and then screamed out,

"Monster!" Before fleeing.

Apex grunted to himself, 'No good deed goes unpunished.' Apex thought back to the last time he had spoken to a human, it had been ten years since his last real conversation. Memories washed over him.

Alex looked back to his parents, they were both working very hard. Alex's father was a biologist, and his mother was one of the top researchers in gene therapy. His father glanced over and waved, Alex waved back. Only ten years old and Alex had already decided that he would follow in his parents footsteps when he grew up. The project that they were working on was that using a retrovirus, one could edit someone on a genetic level, this would lead to cures to many diseases and genetic defects, when it was finished no one would have to worry about Alzheimer's, or hypertension, or infertility ever again. Alex ran out of the room at the sound of a ding, going to grab the freshest samples for his parents. Alex was so glad that they trusted him enough to let him help with the resea...

A loud boom interrupted Alex's thoughts, he quickly ran back to his parents to see them desperately typing, Alex's mother ran up to him and handed him a syringe,

"Alex, this is the result of all our research. Take it and run, don't stop running no matter what, and don't let it fall into the wrong hands." she kissed Alex on the forehead and whispered, "I love you."

Alex was running, glancing back he could see thick black smoke rising from the lab, as well as five armed men chasing after him. It was only a mater of time before they had cornered him. Alex glanced at them, he couldn't let them have the retrovirus, he just couldn't. Alex had no other choice, he drove the syringe into he arm, and injected it.

'I can't fight them, they'll kill me. I'm not strong enough, I need to be stronger, I need to be a better hunter, a better predator, the ultimate predator.'

Alex screamed as the retrovirus began to alter him. His bones extended, adding a few feet to his height, and hardened, becoming stronger and lighter then titanium, his nails grew pointed, turning into razor sharp claws, and his skin started to peel, revealing black scales underneath. Glancing up Alex grinned, his teeth now pointed, and he looked at the mercenaries, his eyes becoming incredibly acute, along with his other senses. One of the mercenaries opened fire. Alex looked down at his chest, seeing the bullets ricochet off. Then he lunged. His teeth tore into the throat of the closest one, blood spurting out, before Alex threw the body at another one. Everyone there had begun to fire, but these shots were as useless as the first ones. Alex slowly stalked his prey, before shredding them apart. The last survivor glanced at him and said, "Monster."

"Well I'd rather be a monster, then a human." Alex said before killing him.

Alex looked around at the blood filled battle field, he looked at his new body then grinned.

'Humans always thought that they were on the top of the food chain, I guess that they were wrong, I truly am the Apex Predator.'

Over then next few years Apex, as he had taken to calling himself, began to learn more about his new body. He was now a carnivore, when he tried to eat an apple he nearly threw up. He was far faster and stronger then before, with an almost unlimited endurance. Another thing he discovered was that his scaled were not just for armor, they could also be used for camouflage. Around then was when Apex realized that his mind was being affected as well. Complex problems made sense to him, and he could easily predict what another would do, his mind was constantly growing, becoming stronger and faster, along side his body.

Reality flooded back to him as Apex heard the sound of police sirens, he quickly left using back alleys, and climbing buildings to escape. Within a few minutes he was halfway across the city. Apex thought back to the couples reaction. 'I wish that there was someone out there, someone who accepted me, someone who didn't want me around as a tame monster, someone who wanted me, because of me. Someone I could call a friend.'

When two hearts cry out for each other, yet without knowing, fate will bend, and worlds will meet. And if one is brave enough to grasp this opportunity, then miracles can happen.

Hello all, I had this idea stuck in my head for a few days and decided to get it down.
Hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

Please comment and criticize. If you don't like it tell me why.

Thanks for reading.