• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 1,585 Views, 28 Comments

To Grant A Wish - Eathlome

Two beings, each hurt and alone, manage to find each other, and regain some of what they have lost.

  • ...

A Meeting of Two

To Grant a Wish:

A Meeting of Two

Wish's thoughts were centered on one thing.
Wish knew she couldn't get away from it. She had seen how fast it killed that manticore. Wish scrunched up her eyes and hoped it would be quick. Wish waited ... and waited ... and waited. Wish slowly opened her eyes, the thing had it's back turned to her, crouched down over the manticore corpse. She could hear ripping noises coming from it. Wish leaned a bit to see around it.
'So, it definitely a carnivore.'
Wish wasn't surprised, carnivores were rarely small, and often had claws. Wish had seen many carnivorous creatures before, but this one was different. In her entire existence Wish had never came across anything like this. Wish set about trying to figure out what this creature could be. The closest thing she could think of would be a dragon, at least physically, but it definitely wasn't that.
During her examination she found out something else that interested her. What she had first assumed to be some form of fur on the creature's legs, were actually some strange fabric. Clearly this creature was at least partially intelligent.
The creature suddenly stood up. Wish flinched. 'Just because it's intelligent, doesn't mean it wont eat you!.'
The creature turned around and started approaching her. Wish couldn't move, she was frozen in fear. The creature walked past her, and up to the brook.
'It knelt down and began washing it's hands clean of the manticore's blood. Wish watched it. 'I might have overreacted just a bit there. I guess it doesn't want to eat me.'
Wish slowly got up and wobbled forward, still not used to having a body, until it was right behind the strange creature. 'At least I have enough power for this.' Wish reached out her hoof and pressed it against the creature's leg.

Apex watched as the equine approached him, pretending not to notice.
'That's right, I'm not going to hurt you. Just come right up.'
Things were going better then he had hopped. Apex had figured that the creature would have ran by now, after his display. But it seemed it was as interested in him, as he was in it. Apex had purposely ignored it, hoping that it would decide that he wasn't a threat.
'Just a little bit closer now.'
The creature was right behind him now. It reached up one of it's hoofs and gently pressed against Apex's leg.
The equivalent of 1000 volts of electricity traveled up Apex's leg, and he leaped out of the water, and back into the foliage, landing awkwardly on the ground.
Apex glanced back at the small equine, "NO," he shouted. Hopping/dragging himself through the forest, while trying to regain feeling in his leg, Apex wound up where he had dropped his jacket on the ground.
'Alright, that was fun, now let's get back to where things make sense.'
Apex changed his visual spectrum, then froze. The alleyway was nowhere to be seen. Apex snapped. Hurling himself at the nearest tree, he began punching it, till it collapsed. He then turned his attention to the next tree. This continued for about twenty minutes. By the time Apex had worked out his irritation there was a huge clearing littered with fallen trees.
'Well, at least I have something to build a house with.'

Wish gasped as the language that this creature spoke flooded her mind. She grinned, her power still worked in this body. But even without the new found grasp of language she had, Wish would have been able to tell that the creature was in pain. Wish winced, she hoped that it wasn't hurt.
The creature leaped out of the water, back into the dense cover of the brush.
"Wait," Wish called, wanting to explain.
The creature sped away, leaving Wish in the clearing with the manticore's body. Wish thought for a moment, then decided to follow the strange creature. After taking a long drink, she set off, following the trail of broken branches and claw marks on the trees.
Wish followed the trail until she came to a wide clearing, full of smashed trees.
'What could have done this? The only thing I can think of would be a hydra, but it would have left a trail to show where it came from, and where it went.'
Wish looked around the clearing, trying to figure out which way the creature had gone. After a while Wish felt a strange sensation in her stomach.
'Oh, right. This body needs to eat,' Wish thought, before falling over.

Apex groaned as the strange electro-horse thing came into view. 'Why is it following me?' The creature looked around for a while, then promptly fell over. Apex slowly slid down from his place in one of the few remaining trees, and cautiously approached it. The creature remained laying down.
Apex carefully reached out a hand and nudged the creature, fully expecting to have another shock run up his arm.
When nothing happened Apex crouched down beside the creature. He started checking it's vitals. There was nothing wrong, Apex guessed. Continuing his examination, Apex felt around the creatures stomach. Apex groaned again, it was empty.
'I better get some food for this thing, so it won't starve to death on me. It may be my only contact with the general population.'
Apex picked up the tiny creature, and nestled it in the crook of his elbow. He glanced around, 'I guess that grass won't do, else it would probably have eaten some already. What else could this thing eat? Probably fruit, or some other plant matter, based on the teeth. I'm probably going to have to find wherever it came from, and see what they eat. But before that...'
Apex quickly grabbed the fallen trees and assembled a rough lean-to, 'It'll do for now,' before walking in the direction that the brook was, intent on finding some way to keep this creature alive, and getting some answers.

By the time the forest had started thinning, the moon had started to rise.
'How did this creature even get so far out in this forest? It would have taken it at least a few days, based on the speed it followed me at. Maybe it was banished from the society? Possibly a sacrifice?'
Apex shook away his thoughts as he came out of the forest. There was a large clearing, with many rows of apple trees.
'I guess that answers the what do these things eat question.'
Apex stealthily approached the apple fields. After making sure there was nothing in sight, he quickly grabbed several apples. Cradling the small creature in one arm and the apples in another, Apex quickly ran back to the forest. Once he was about fifteen minutes into the forest, he decided to set up a small camp. After collecting some timber, and finding some flint, Apex started up a fire to keep the creature warm.
Apex sighed and glanced down at his jeans, then took them off. After tearing the denim into strips he quickly tied up the creature so that it couldn't run away. Glancing at his last remaining bit of clothing Apex sighed again, 'Might as well get rid of these, not that they cover anything anyway.' Apex let out a chuckle as he remembered his shock upon discovering this. No mater the species males have almost always had the the same weak point, so the retrovirus had removed it. It had also pretty much eliminated ninety percent of waste products his body used to produce, specifically liquid waste, so the retrovirus had removed the primary way liquids left his body. After all it was a potential handhold for an enemy, and it didn't really serve a purpose anymore.
Looking down at the smooth scales, Apex gave another chuckle before settling in for a light sleep.

Hello all, sorry for the lack of updates. Stuff happens, yadda, yadda, excuses, excuses.

Ok, I have no real writing scheduled for this story, I just do it when the mood hits me. Just to let you all know.

Any criticism would be appreciated, and if you could point out any mistakes that are found, that would be great.

Thanks again.