• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 3,842 Views, 16 Comments

Nightmare Moon Returns - Deathsia

Nightmare Moon is back....WITH A VENGEANCE! Will the mane six survive it?

  • ...

Ponies and Equestria's past revealed!


Applejack opened her eyes wearily looking dazed as she looked around. As she looked around she saw Pinkie Pie,Rarity,Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy in chains. On the ground looking at her. “Where in tarnation are we?” Applejack asked still dazed as her eyes began to focus. As she looked around what happened suddenly shot back to her.


“Possibly, but I reckon we think about it later.” Applejack replied looking up at the sky.

“Why?” Twilight replied with a confused look.

“oh!oh! I know! It's that wave of dark armored Pegasus ponies right?!” Pinkie pie blurted out hoping up and down.

At this everypony looked up and saw the force of dark armored ponies flying strait for them.

“Oh...this won't end well...” Twilight remarked with her flattened.

The Pegasus ponies landed on the ground and stood but not attacking.

“What do you ponies want?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“I reckon they want a flank kickin like we gave their friends in Twilight's house...” Applejack said taking a stance.

“Don't be so daft. If we wanted to kill you...” A familiar sounding voice came from behind the flank of colts and fillies that parted as the voice grew closer until a blue pony came into view whom all the ponies knew. “You would be dead already.” The blue pony said with a grin.

“Trixie?!” Twilight exclaimed stunned.

“That's General Trixie to you Twilight.” Trixie replied her grin growing wider if possible. “After you made a laughing stock out of me in Ponyville I was contacted by none other than Nightmare Moon herself. She offered me a deal I couldn't refuse.” Trixie said clearly not finished but pausing as if she was waiting for this new set of information to set into the pony's brains. In exchange for serving her when she made her move on that ass of a pony whom you all know as Princess Celestia she granted me magical powers that surpass even you Twilight. But when she offered me the position as head General of her armies...” Trixie trailed off and began to laugh for a few moments. “That was the offer I couldn't refuse.

“Lame!” Rainbow Dash blurted out suddenly.

“What was that?!” Trixie exclaimed angrily with her right eye twitching slightly as she spoke.

“I said that's lame! What you've got is nothing more than borrowed power! Twilight's magic however is all hers. Which makes her way more awesome than you'll ever be!” Rainbow Dash said giving a prideful glance at Twilight then looked back at Trixie with a disappointed look.

“How....dare you!” Trixie exclaimed looking completely pissed off. “You dare to insult the great and powerful General Trixie?!” Trixie shouted placing a hove on her chest as she spoke. “Beat their flanks but don't kill them. Her highness doesn't need to know the exact circumstances of their capture after all....” Trixie said at which point the forces of dark armored ponies charged past Trixie at them. The ponies were overwhelmed quickly with the exception of Applejack and Rainbow Dash whom were giving it all they had.

“Come, get some!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew through the skies as several Pegasus ponies followed her having a hard time keeping up.

Meanwhile on the ground Applejack was bucking pony after pony who drew close to her. “Is that all y'all hooligans got? Y'all are nothing but a bunch of pushovers!” Applejack shouted as her hooves connected with a dark armored pony's skull knocking the helm off as it went flying and skidded to a halt several feet away.

Meanwhile in the sky Rainbow Dash was making a round about to attack. “Time to pull off that stunt I pulled off before!” Rainbow Dash said as she picked up tremendous speed charging strait for the Pegasus ponies. Just before she reached them she gave a huge burst of speed causing a sonic rainboom to appear behind her she speed forward literally catapulting any Pegasus pony unlucky enough to be directly in her flight path to the ground leaving small creators where they lay.(Picture charged home run bat hit from Super Smash Brothers Brawl)

“Enough of this!” Trixie shouted as her horn glowed brightly causing a wave of magic to echo from it.

The moment this magic hit Rainbow Dash she suddenly lost speed and began to plummet towards the ground unconscious.

Applejack looked up to see Rainbow Dash falling from the sky and gasped.“Whoa nelly! I got ya Rainbow!” Applejack shouted bucking a dark armored pony,made a mad dash towards where Rainbow Dash was plummeting, jumped into the air, made a mid air twist with her back now facing the ground, caught Rainbow Dash midair, hit the ground crying out in pain as she hit it, and lost consciousness shortly after due to the impact.


By the time she recalled everything her eyes had regained their focus and she was able to see her surroundings perfectly now. The room she was in resembled a dungeon cell with black stone floors and walls surrounding them. As Applejack looked to her right she saw a steel barred door that looked rusted and old but still sturdy.

“Thank goodness you're awake Applejack. This floor is so dirty my hooves and fur coat are becoming simply grotesque just laying here.” Rarity said noticing Applejack was awake.

“Can't y'all just use your magic to break these chains on us?” Applejack replied as she looked down to see her hooves were looked in steel cuffs which were chained together.

“I would but for some reason I can't use my magic in this room.” Rarity replied.

Applejack looked from Rarity to Rainbow Dash who's wings were in cuffs and chained together along with her hooves. “You alright there Rainbow. Y'all gave me quite the scare falling out of the sky like that.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Yeah. I'm fine. I don't know what happened though. I was doing great and suddenly I just fell asleep it seemed like.” Rainbow Dash replied then slammed a hove on the stone floor. “I bet it was that bitch Trixie.” Rainbow Dash said then looked at Rarity wondering why she hadn't cut her off as she usually did.

“What? Frankly I agree with you completely Rainbow. She is a bitch.” Rarity said with a prissy tone causing Rainbow Dash's and Applejack's jaws to drop.

Applejack then turned to Fluttershy who was in similar bindings as Rainbow Dash. “How you holdin up there Fluttershy?” Applejack asked in a concerned tone.

Fluttershy however didn't respond she simply huddled herself in her corner of the dungeon shaking with a terrified wide-eyed look on her face. “Not here....not here....” She repeated in a whisper to herself over and over.

“She's been like that since I woke up...” Pinkie Pie's voice come from the other side of the cell to Applejack's left sounding nothing at all like her usual cherry self.

“Where is Twilight?” Applejack asked looking around the cell for Twilight but saw no sign of her.

“We don't know. Goodness. I hope she's alright...” Rarity replied looking out of the cell.

Meanwhile deep within the castle walls of Canterlot Castle unknown to the Ponies Twilight was hung from the wall by chains from each of her hooves and a strange device on her horn...

Twilight opened her eyes wearily and looked at her surroundings and realized immediately this was Princess Celetsia's throne room however it had a twister and dark makeover done to it.

“So...you're awake. Good.” Nightmare Moon's voice came from the other side of the room. (Play Angel of Darkness now)

Twilight tried to use her magic to free herself from the moment Nightmare Moon suddenly appeared in view in a swirling dark cloud but suddenly felt a sharp pain on her head and stopped.

“Like it? It was an invention from the war. It's called the magic inhibitor. It was used for unicorn's such as yourself who had been captured alive. As long as that device stays on your horn any magic you try to perform will result in a extremely painful and sharp surge of electricity thus preventing you from casting any spells.” Nightmare Moon explained.

“Where are my friends?!” Twilight exclaimed looking pissed off.

“Oh they are safe for the moment...” Nightmare Moon replied turning around from Twilight and took a few steps before stopping. “How long they remain that way depends on you however...” Nightmare Moon said not turning around to face her as she spoke.

“What do you mean?” Twilight replied with a part curious part concerned tone.

“Well...” Nightmare Moon replied trailing off then turned to her. “Hmm...you still don't remember do you?” Nightmare Moon said and took a few steps towards her.

“Remember what? That you deceived us all with your little innocent act after we kicked you're flank?!” Twilight replied her anger once again rising.

“Not that. Oh well. It'll all come back in time. But i'm still surprised you haven't figured out the more obvious reasoning behind me keeping you here instead of in that dirty cell.” Nightmare Moon replied.

“Oh yes. I soo prefer hanging from a wall by chains to laying on a stone floor.” Twilight replied sarcastically. Moments later Nightmare Moon's horn glowed and Twilight's chains disappeared causing her to fall to the floor.

“Better?” Nightmare Moon said after a few moments as Twilight regained herself.

“Much better...” Twilight replied and charged forward at Nightmare Moon only to hit an invisible wall causing her to fall back on her rump dazed from the impact.

“I'm not stupid, Twilight Moon Sparkle” Nightmare Moon replied in a tone that struck Twilight as odd. But was more so odd was the fact that even though she never heard of herself having a middle name it sounded familiar somehow.

“Why does that name sound familiar to me? And how does she know of it?” Twilight asked aloud by mistake.

“I should know of your full name. After all...” Nightmare Moon trailed off turning her back to her again and taking a few steps before turning to face her sideways and turned her head to face her. “I'm the one who gave you that name.” Nightmare Moon said after a few moments with a cruel smile.

Twilight's eyes opened wide and gave a gasp before shaking her head. “You're full of shit! I know who gave me my name! My mother and farther-” “Those ponies weren't you're real mother and father...” Nightmare moon stated simply cutting off Twilight.

Twilight's eyes once again widened in shock and horror at these words. No matter how much she tried...she couldn't dismiss the fact that everything Nightmare Moon was saying sounded true. Despite this however she shook her head once again her anger now nearing it's brink. “You-you-You're lying! My parents raised me since I was a small filly!” Twilight shouted stuttering her words as anger and fear of the thought that what Nightmare Moon was saying was true.

“If you know so much, then tell me! Who?! Who is my real mother and father?!” Twilight shouted immediately regretting she even asked such a question moments after she asked it yet for some reason even she couldn't explain. She wanted to KNOW the truth.

“You're father was my right hoofed general. And as for you mother....” Nightmare Moon trailed off as she noticed Twilight who even though she was standing her ground was trembling fiercely from her hooves to her ears. “Well. It should be obvious by now.” Nightmare Moon said after a few moments.

At these set of words Twilight lost all sense of reality as her eyes widened as far as they could go and her pupils seemed to shrink to their smallest size as she continued trembling. Everything she knew... her parents, her life...had it all been a lie? Is everything she has ever known nothing but lies?

“It-it-it-it-it ca-ca-ca-can't be-be-be tru-tru-true...” Twilight sputtered out stuttering every single word she spoke as she trailed off.

“Oh it's very true my daughter....I am your mother...” Nightmare moon said with a malicious grin.

“It-it-it's n-n-n-not pos-pos-pos-posible!” Twilight nearly screamed holding her head with her front hooves now with her chin on the floor of the throne room.

Meanwhile back in the dungeon cell the ponies were trying to form a plan of escape...

“Nope. That won't work either. Not enough legroom room to kick.” Applejack replied to Rainbow Dash's idea to kick down the steel door.

“This is simply unacceptable! We've been through fifty ideas already and nothing?!” Rarity said looking positively pissed now.

“As much as i'd hate to admit it. We're stuck here unless Twilight comes to our rescue.” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments.

“I reckon you're right. As depressin as it sounds. We're as stuck as a mouse who fell into a puddle of molasses.” Applejack said agreeing with Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie's head shot up. “Sweetie belle?” Pinkie said suddenly causing Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity to look in all directions but see nothing then look to her.

“I think you might me losin it there sugarcube.” Applejack said after a few moments.

“Don't ask me how. But...it's like I can feel Sweetie Belle near by.” Pinkie replied looking at the steel barred door.

Moments later Sweetie Belle's head popped out from the right side of the door frame. “Sweetie Belle!” Pinkie Pie cried out joyfully causing every pony to look at the steel barred door and gasp.
“Sweetie Belle? How in tarnation did you find us?!” Applejack asked in shock.

“I don't know...all I know is that I had a feeling that I knew Pinkie Pie was somewhere and the closer I got to her the stronger the feeling grew until I popped my head in here and saw you guys.” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Oh Sweetie Belle i'm so glad your safe!” Rarity exclaimed with tears of joy in her eyes.

“More importantly. She's a unicorn! Which means she can use her magic to get out of here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a smile.

“But...i've never tried to use my magic before.” Sweetie belle replied.

At this Rainbow Dash's excitement turned back into dismay and let out a sigh. “Just great....” Rainbow Dash said with a dismal expression on her face.

“It sure as heck can't hurt to give it a shot can it?” Applejack said with a smile trying to sound positive.

“I could try to unlock the door?” Sweetie belle replied with a smile.

“Yeah! That's the spirit!” Pinkie Pie replied with a smile then turned to Fluttershy.

“Hey Fluttershy, come on! Cheer up! Sweetie belle is here to save us!” Pinkie Pie said with a smile however Fluttershy continued to repeat the same thing over and over not even making any motion to show Pinkie Pie she had heard a words she said.

Sweetie belle began to concentrate all her might in order to make her horn glow and make the door unlock.

“Come on Sweetie Belle like this!” Pinkie pie shouted making the same pose as Sweetie Belle.
(Play the music video or song Bring me to life now)

Much to everyone's shock as Sweetie Belle's horn began to glow a small twinkle began to sparkle on Pinkie Pie's forehead. The more Sweetie Belle's horn glowed the sparkle on Pinkie Pie's forehead grew brighter and brighter. Pinkie Pie no longer looked as she she was acting and more like she was concentrating as hard as Sweetie Belle was.

“What in tarnation is going on?! Why in the hay is Pinkie Pie's forehead glowing like that?” Applejack asked wide-eyed.

“I haven't the slightest.” Rarity replied.

“It's glowing the same spot as a unicorn's horn would be...” Rainbow Dash said trailing off looking in shock.

In the next moment both Pinkie Pie's and Sweetie Belle's eyes both opened simultaneously glowing brightly. As if they were acting as one they both gave a cry at the same time and the door suddenly swung open with a loud clang as it hit the dungeon wall.


The colt in the lab coat then proceeded to walk to a cabinet,took out a oddly shaped device and placed it on the filly's horn. “I'm sorry. But this must be done.” The colt in the lab coat said as he pressed the button on the oddly shaped device.

The mare's eyes shot open as the device activated and let out a ear piercing pained scream as the device glowed brightly.

“What in the-?” The colt in the lab coat said unable to believe what he was seeing.

The Pink mare began to glow brightly until the light became blinding. The Pink mare's horn began to disappear but as it did so something else began to take shape beside her. With each centimeter of her horn that disappeared the more this other glowing light began to take shape.

By the time her horn had finally disappeared the other form had taken the shape of a small filly with a small horn. At this moment both Pinkie Pie and the smaller form were screaming out in unison. As the light began to fade their screaming stopped and the device fell from Pinkie Pie's head to the ground with a clattering sound looking completely fried.

This small filly had a pure white coat with purple hair that had a streak of dark pink in it and a pearl white horn on it's forehead.

“What the hell did you do to me?!” The filly exclaimed then looked up at Pinkie Pie.

“Wowie! That was a rush! What happened to me?!” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle and her normally flat hair suddenly poofed out into a frizzy and poofy appearance.

“Astounding....her magic was so great that it split her into two parts of herself. One of which shows the more serious and level minded side...” The colt in the lab coat said trailing off looking at the small filly then looked at Pinkie Pie. “And the side of her who is clearly random and loves to have fun...” The colt in the lab coat said after a few moments.

“You split me in half?!” The filly exclaimed looking turning to look at the Colt in the lab coat.

“Wait, huh? I don't know what you talking about. Hehe!” Pinkie Pie said looking at the smaller filly and giggled.

“But apparently the smaller one knows who she is while the other one doesn't have a clue.” The colt in the lab coat replied looking awed but still serious.

“I'm going to make you pay for this!” The smaller filly exclaimed and began to concentrate to cast a spell with her horn but found she couldn't. “What the-? Why can't i-?” The filly said with shocked expression.

“heh...i have a theory for ya Sweetie Belle. Oh, there we go! We'll call you Sweetie Belle!” The colt in the lab coat said with smile.

“My name is Selena Pie!” The filly replied.
“Oh? Well then this is an honor to meet the daughter of the most noted ponies in all of Equestia. But more so back to why you can't use magic. My theory is since I split you in two both you and your other half must concentrate as one. But considering this pony probably has no idea who she is and would probably rather play with pink strawberry pies rather than do something as hard as that is...oh I have it! We'll call this one Pinkie Pie!” The colt in the lab coat said overjoyed with his idea of naming both ponies.

Pinkie Pie snorted and laughed. “I like that name!” Pinkie Pie replied with a smile.

“Why did you do this to me?!” Selena shouted in a demanding tone.

“Well to be frank. It was simply supposed to remove you're horn. But I guess you magic was far too strong even for such a device so in order to preserve itself it gave itself a form. Which was you.” The colt in the lab coat said walking over to a switch.

“What is that switch for?” Selena asked curiously.

“Oh this? This is to give Princess Celestia the signal to cast her spell to make us all forget this war ever happened and rewrite our memories up to this point after all preparations to store our real history have been made. She wanted our history to be preserved for some reason in one way or another. So I stored it in the most unlikely of places to be discovered.” The colt said pointing to an image of a library in Ponyville.

Selena looked over to her right and saw a purple pony laying in a corner surrounded by a magical light. “Wait...who's that?” Selena asked curious pointing to the purple pony with a magical sparkle for a cutie mark on her flank.

“Oh her? That would be the daughter of Nightmare Moon. Her magic is so powerful even she can't control it. The Princess is trying to form a way to help keep her magic in check. Something to do with a purple dragon being some sort of magic absorber or something like that. Now let us embrace an era of peace and prosperity!” The colt replied and flipped the switch.


At this moment Sweetie Belle's eyes and Pinkie Pie's eyes both returned to normal simultaneously.

“Holy crap!” Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle shouted at the same time.

“Hold your horses thar. What's the big deal? Besides you and Pinkie Pie over here going all magical on us.” Applejack said looking at Sweetie Belle.

“Pinkie Pie....did you see what I saw?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“Uh-huh....have you been having those dreams too?” Pinkie Pie replied.

“yeah....” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Would someone please explain to me what the heck is going on here?!” Rainbow Dash's voice erupted suddenly causing everypony to look at her.
“I would like one too...” Rarity chimed in looking positively both worried and shocked.

“Well...it's kind of hard to explain.” Sweetie belle said.

“Me and Sweetie Belle are both one and the same Pony...” Pinkie Pie said in a serious tone much unlike her.

“That simply can not be possible! I remember the day you were born!” Rarity exclaimed.

“It was all a lie....” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Our memories were fudged by Princess Celestia in order to make the world forget the war ever happened and to keep us separated.” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“What?!” Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash exclaimed nearly simultaneously.

“What war?!” Rainbow Dash asked looking completely confused.

“I think the key to finding out the truth is in the library back in Ponyville the details are still fuzzy.” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Yeah....still fuzzy...” Pinkie Pie replied trailing off.

“For now lets get out of here, Pinkie Pie, You ready?” Sweetie Belle asked looking at Pinkie pie who nodded. The two of them once again began to concentrate simultaneously and in the next moment both Sweetie Belle's horn and Pinkie Pie's forward glowed and sparkled and in the next all the chains and cuffs holding the ponies suddenly disappeared.

“All right! Now lets go kick Nightmare Moons flank back to the moon!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed but just before she could dash out Pinkie Pie bit onto her tail preventing her from flying off.

“Not...yet...we have to get our real memories back first!” Pinkie Pie said through gritted teeth holding her bite on Rainbow Dash's tail until she stopped trying to fly off.

“But we don't know where Twilight is.” Fluttershy's voice came from the corner of the room.

“Fluttershy! You're back to normal!” Pinkie Pie said with a smile and hugged Fluttershy.

“Yes, well. I'm ever so sorry I flipped out like that. I don't cope well with my wings being held against my will. I don't know why...” Fluttershy said with a embarrassed smile.

“I think we do....but me and Pinkie Pie have to do something first” Sweetie Belle said after a moment replying to Fluttershy's comment.

Pinkie Pie stopped hugging Fluttershy and looked at Sweetie Belle.

“Were going to have to become one again... aren't we?” Pinkie Pie said with a frown.

“Yeah...” Sweetie Belle replied at which moment Rarity scooped up Sweetie Belle and hugged her tightly.

“You-You can't! I don't want to lose you Sweetie Belle!” Rarity exclaimed tears flooding from her eyes as she held her.

“You won't lose me sis. Me and Pinkie Pie may become one again but we won't lose our memories of what happened over the years. And it's the only way we can truly stand a chance against Nightmare Moon. Separated we're vulnerable. If one of us dies the magic we have will be lost forever. We can't let Nightmare Moon realize this or she would exploit it. Besides the way we are going to do this will keep our consciousness separate.” Sweetie Belle replied with a smile and hopped out of Rarity arms much to her dismay.

“That way if we ever need to split again we can at will.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

“So let me get this strait. Y'all are gonna combine your bodies and memories into one so you can use magic but keep them separate?” Applejack said trying to make sense of this.

“It's a bit more complicated than that. Don't worry me and Pinkie Pie are two halves of a master magic user. We both know what we are doing don't we?” Sweetie Belle said with a smile looking at Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah..but I have a condition.” Pinkie Pie said after a moment.

“Don't worry. You form will the dominate one. Besides your form is my original form anyways minus the frizzy hair and plus it's stronger than this one.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

“Okey, Dokey! Pinkie Pie replied with a smile.

Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle locked their front Hooves together and began to concentrate all the while Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked on nervously along with the others.

Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle began to glow brightly until they both became surrounded by a blinding bright light. At this moment a surge of magic erupted a crossed the room causing Applejack to flinch and grab Rainbow Dash's hoof with her left hoof.

The two blinding lights slowly began to merge into one blinding light which grew more brightly than the last two and the ponies had to cover their eyes from it. With one final surge of magic that sent a shock wave through the room the blinding light began to fade revealing Pinkie Pie except a few things were different about her as the light faded.

The most obvious was the white horn on her forehead. The second was the fact her hair was not frizzed out at all, grew in length, and had a bright white streak through her hair. The last and final thing that everypony noticed was her facial expression as she slowly opened her eyes was not that of the normally goofy and giggly they all knew but a more serious one that still held those features however.

When the light finally completely faded she gave a soft sigh. “Wowie! What a rush!” Pinkie Pie suddenly blurted out however her voice had also changed it seemed to be a cross between Sweetie Belle's and Pinkie Pie's but it seemed as if Pinkie Pie's voice was a little more dominate than Sweetie Belle's even though you could hear her tone in Pinkie Pie's voice.
“Sweetie Belle?” Rarity said feebly at which point Pinkie pie looked at her. “Yep. I'm here! I told you it was gonna be easy!” Pinkie Pie replied.

“This is going to take some getting used to...” Rarity replied putting a hoof on her forehead.

Pinkie Pie began to stretch and flex her legs. “Wowie. Your not the only one who's gonna have to get used to this. It's been quite awhile since I had my original form back.” Pinkie Pie replied.

“So what should we call y'all now?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Either name will do. My old name for this form is pretty much useless now that we share the same body.” Pinkie Pie replied with a smile.

It was at this Point Applejack realized she was holding Rainbow Dash's Hoof and suddenly yanked away with a deep blush while Rainbow Dash sported the same blush unknown to everypony else.

“So you two can separate at will?” Rarity said asked curiously.

At this Pinkie Pie glowed brightly for a moment and Sweetie Belle appeared next to her while Pinkie Pie regained her old appearance. “Yep! And what's more is we can split and join on the flick of a dime now, but we have to be close to each other in order to join. And well we also can't use magic as well like this either.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile, ran over to Rarity, and gave her a hug. “See sis? I told you that you wouldn't lose me!” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

“Thanks goodness...” Rarity said overjoyed as a silent tear streaked down her left cheek.

“What the hell is that ruckus down there?” A voice boomed from within the hall.

“Uh-oh!” Sweetie Belle said, jumped out of Rarity's arms and over to Pinkie Pie and in a Flash of light returned their combined form. “Now you're gonna see why I call myself a master spell caster.” Pinkie Pie said with a smirk.

“Hey, look at this! The door is open!” Another voice shouted which all the Ponies knew who's voice that was.

Trixie suddenly appeared in the doorway to the cell and looked completely stupefied for a few moments before she shook her head.

“How the hell did you get loose?! These cell walls are made of magic absorbing material. And who the hell is this?” Trixie exclaimed looking at Pinkie Pie.

“Oh come on silly. You don't recognize me?” Pinkie Pie said with a smile and a giggle.

“Pinkie Pie? That's impossible! You're not a unicorn!” Trixie replied with a look of disbelief.

“Oh I always have been. I just kept it hidden till now. Now if you could let us through that would be super duper great!” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle to follow it up.

“Sorry. But I can't allow that.” Trixie replied resuming her usual sneer and cocky smile. And her horn began to glow.

Pinkie Pie let out a sigh. “No choice then.” Pinkie Pie said closing her eyes the flashed them open with at which point a pink glow appeared along with a shock wave of magic that erupted from her blasting Trixie and the other guards that followed her into the wall and through it.

“Wow. Pinkie Pie. What the hell?!” Rainbow Dash blurted out shocked at her display of raw magical power that she didn't even have to concentrate to cast.

“I told you I was a master spell caster didn't I? Now lets get Twilight before we loose her.” Pinkie Pie said looking at the ceiling with a concerned expression on her face.

“Lose her? What'cha y'all talkin about?” Applejack asked with a worried look and tone to match it as everyone followed Pinkie Pie.

“I just hope i'm not too late...” Pinkie Pie thought to herself as they rushed up the stairs of the castle.

Meanwhile during the exact time this was happening Twilight was still trembling like crazy as Nightmare Moon explained things.

“Long ago me and you aunt Celestia warred for control of all of Equestia.” Nightmare Moon explained making sure to put an emphasis on the term “aunt” as she said it.

“I was pregnant with you when the war began so I could not take part yet but once you were born I sent you to two trusted ponies whom had severed me well in the past. However I would not see you again afterwords as Celestia sealed me away within the moon as well as my memories of you and the war using those damned elements of harmony which were your friends might I add. The only thing I knew was that I had been betrayed by my sister and I wanted revenge.” Nightmare Moon said pacing back forth waiting for all of this to reach Twilight then continued.

“It was you who broke the spell that sealed my memories...” Nightmare Moon said trailing off at which point Twilight stopped trembling and looked up.

“M-m-me?” Twilight replied her voice breaking as she spoke.

“Yes. It was your magic that broke Celestia's spell over me. Shortly after that my memories began to return to me...however at the time you saw me...only the ones of the good times I had with my sister were fresh in my mind. So you see. It wasn't an act. But the longer I remained at my sister's side the more my memories returned and soon I realized that my sister was simply trying to act as if the war never happened. But I wouldn't allow it!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

“I wasn't about to let the thousands of loyal subjects I lost because of her be for nothing! So I waited for the right time and it was her turn to be sealed within the moon but I didn't use the elements of harmony to do it. My magic was simply that much greater than hers. She required help to seal me away but I did not need any for I am superior to her.” Nightmare Moon said with a prideful glance.
(play Angel of Darkness now)

Twilight suddenly blurted out laughing much to Nightmare Moons annoyance. “What a load of shit! You're not superior to her....” Twilight said as she began to float up. “You're just another bitch with an ego trip. And were both going to die here.....mother!” Twilight exclaimed putting an emphasis on the word “mother” as the device around her horn literally began to fizzle and turned to scrap metal and twilight was surrounded by a aura of dark magic as she began to float up into the air.

“Where the hell do you think you got that power from? Me! And if you think you can kill me you've got another thing coming! So come my daughter! It's time for you're long over due spanking!” Nightmare Moon said as dark magic began to surround her as well.

At this exact moment Pinkie Pie,Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash came running into the room.

“Whoa nelly! She's going ballistic again!” Applejack exclaimed.

“No..it's worse than that....she's in full control this time.” Pinkie pie said looking at the two as the dark magic surrounding them surged and spouted mini-charges of magical energy.

“How's that bad?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It means she's embraced her darky dark nature and is planning on killing herself and Nightmare Moon in one big boomy boom of a explosion. I've gotta stop her before she goes all explody!” Pinkie Pie shouted charging forward.

“You killed Spike! He was like a brother!” Twilight's voice boomed filled with rage.

“He was holding you back!” Nightmare Moon's voice boomed back.

At this remark Twilight let out a raging scream as the dark magic around her began to fissure in different places much to everypony's horror including Nightmare Moon who had finally realized what she was about to do. “You can't! If you keep that up you'll destroy Canterlot and everypony in it!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed in a panicked tone.

However Twilight wasn't listening as she continued to scream at the top of her lungs as the fissures around her grew deeper and more fierce.

Suddenly the dark aura of magic that surrounded Twilight was surrounded by a pink aura of magic which caused Nightmare Moon's glance to jolt in the direction of where it was coming from. “You! Don't interfere!” Nightmare Moon's voice boomed.

“Do you want me to save you're daughter's life or not?!” Pinkie Pie shouted concentrating with all her might to calm the dark magic that surrounded Twilight which continued to fissure fiercely.

This statement earned shocked gasps from everypony. “Wait a cotton pickin minuet! Nightmare Moon is Twilight's mama?!” Applejack exclaimed in both shock and confusion.

“Less talky, more concentratey!” Pinkie Pie replied concentrating with all her might to calm the magic around Twilight.

Everypony including Nightmare Moon simply watched in suspense as Pinkie Pie's horn glowed brightly with sparks of magic flying from her horn as she concentrated with all her might.

For awhile it seemed as if she wasn't making any progress at all but soon it became noticeable that she was in fact making progress to calm the magic around Twilight as she suddenly stopped screaming and looked down at Pinkie Pie and the others though her eyes still glowed darkly her facial expression changed from one of rage to calm yet fearful expression.

The dark magic around Twilight and the glow in her eyes began to fade simultaneously as she slowly began to float to the ground.

Once on the ground Pinkie Pie stopped concentrating her magic around Twilight. “Quick everypony get close to me!” Pinkie Pie shouted at which point Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy ran over to Pinkie Pie and with a flash of magic all six ponies disappeared from the room.

Trixie then stepped from behind the shadows looking bruised but fine. “why did you let them go?” She asked as Nightmare Moon's hooves touched the ground and the magic around her dissipate.

“What makes you think I let them go?” Nightmare Moon asked flashing a glare at Trixie who didn't flinch.

“You had plenty of time when Twilight's hooves hit the ground to cast a spell on them.” Trixie said with a grin.

“So you were watching the entire time then? Hmph! That pink pony saved my daughter. It was the least I could do...Besides now that I have all of Equestia under my hoof, they won't get far. And Trixie...” Nightmare Moon replied taking a few steps away.

Suddenly Trixie found herself lifted in the air and slammed against the wall. “Don't let me catch you spying on me from the shadows ever again...are we clear?” Nightmare Moon said calmly.

“Crystal, your highness.” Trixie said in a pained tone.

“Good. Make preparations to send out the troops again. And this time kill all of them except Twilight.” Nightmare Moon said still not looking at Trixie and disappearing in a swirl of dark clouds.

At this point the magic holding Trixie against the wall disappeared and she fell to the ground. “This kingdom won't be under you're rule for much longer Luna......” Trixie said lifting her head with a great deal of effort due to being in a weakened state.

Meanwhile a few miles just short of Ponyville Twilight and the others appeared in a flash of pink magic.

Twilight stood up wearily and shook her head only to get nearly dog-piled by everypony.

“You had us worried sick about y'all!” Applejack said she hugged her.

“Don't you pull a lame stunt like that ever again!” Rainbow Dash chimed in hugging her as well.

“Are you okay? I was ever so worried about you.” Fluttershy said with a smile tears swelling in her eyes.

“Goodness darling! Don't ever do that again! You had me so worried about you I think I’ve got split ends in my mane!” Rarity exclaimed hugging her also.

“I don't like it when you're all darky and spooky like that! Don't do that ever again!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed hugging her as well.

“Sorry I worried you guys to death but if you don't stop you're going to hug me to death!” Twilight exclaimed with a smile at which point everypony stopped hugging her and sat on her rump.

Twilight let out a long sigh and looked at all her friends with a smile on her face. “Thanks guys...if you hadn't stopped me I would have done something I would not lived to regret.” Twilight said after a few moments.

“Thank Pinkie Pie! Her magic is what calmed that freaky magic around you.” Rarity replied at which point Twilight turned to look at Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie Pie, a unicorn? Since when?!” Twilight asked shocked and slack-jawed at the sight of Pinkie Pie's horn and her different looks.

At this Pinkie Pie stood up, took a few steps back and turned to face everypony. “It should make it easier if I explain like this.” Pinkie Pie said and with a flash of light Sweetie Belle stood next to Pinkie Pie and Pinkie Pie had her old appearance back once again.

“Sweetie Belle?! What the heck?!” Twilight exclaimed feeling more confused now more than ever.

Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle began to take turns explaining how they became separate and how they were joined back into one form and by the time they were finished explaining Twilight looked as if she was simply in face of shock seemingly frozen in place.

“I think we broke her. Hehe!” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle earning a laugh from Sweetie Belle.

“Wow...this is going to take some getting used to...” Twilight said after a few moments putting a hoof on her forehead.

“That's what Rarity said!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed hopping around Twilight.

“Well. I reckon it's time we get that book and get our real memories back. What y'all think?” Applejack said after a few moments of silence.

“Agreed.” Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie said simultaneously.

With that the ponies began to head into Ponyville unaware of the dangers that await them...