• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 3,843 Views, 16 Comments

Nightmare Moon Returns - Deathsia

Nightmare Moon is back....WITH A VENGEANCE! Will the mane six survive it?

  • ...

Memories of a life long forgotten part 2


Meanwhile back inside of Fluttershy's house the ponies were talking about how they are going to get to the library once Applejack recovered.

“Well thanks to the Applebloom fake in Applejack's illusion we know who's behind this...” Twilight said in a matter of fact tone.

“That bitch Trixie.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed hitting the floor with a hoof. “When I get my hooves on that bitch, I’m gonna drag her flank strait into the stratosphere and drop her from there! But I’m not gonna stop there! I'm gonna snap her damned horn off,break her legs, and then after all that just before she hits the ground I’m gonna sonic rainbow her flank into outer space!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed grinding her hooves into the floor then looked at everyone who was now staring at her with scared looks.

“What?! She hurt my girlfriend! And Celestia help her if AJ dies!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed hitting her hoof on the floor again.

“What in the world could be worse than what you just described?” Twilight asked scared to find out.

“How does a sharp metal spike up her rump and vagina while being rooted to the ground by said metal spikes sound?” Rainbow Dash said a few moments later with a evil grin causing all the ponies to wince and give pained expressions.

“My gosh...you have one heck of a cruel mind Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said after a few moments.

“Heh...i can be twenty percent crueler....” Rainbow Dash said trailing off.

“Ohhh-kaay! Change of topic please!” Sweetie Belle chimed in a uneasy tone.

“yes, I couldn't agree more...” Rarity said agreeing with Sweetie Belle.

“Well as I was saying before Rainbow's colorful wording of what she's going to do to Trixie...” Twilight said trailing off. “We know Trixie is behind this and she's become much more powerful than the last time we saw her. So the question is, what is she exactly capable of?” Twilight asked the group.

“I'd venture a guess at she's a class A-plus magic user. So that means she capable of just about anything minus class-S spells.” Sweetie Belle said earning confused looks from the ponies including Twilight.

“Honestly...what do they teach you ponies these days....” Sweetie Belle said in a annoyed tone and took a deep breath. “Okay. There are six classes of magic unicorns can use. Class-F is beginner magic, such as flipping a page of a story book or lifting an object up with their magic. Class-D branches into more advanced spells such as creating objects out of thin air altering one's appearance and such. Class-C ranges in magic such as long range spell casting such as a crossed town. And changing the forms of multiple creatures to look and sound differently. Class-B involves very advanced magic. Such as creating large scale illusions like the ones we were in except Class-B illusions don't use ones memories to project them. Class-A however does. This branch of magic entails magic synchronization among many other advanced spells. Class-S is the highest rank any unicorn can use. But very few master Class-S spells. In fact only two unicorns in Equestia's history have mastered them. They detail things such as altering realty as we know it, manipulating our memories, and of course long distance spell casting that can reach all over Equestia.” Sweetie Belle said taking breaths between sentences and finally ending her explanation.

“So..what does that make me?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well up until the recent events that transpired you were a Class-C unicorn. But now I'd rank you as a Class-B.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

“What about me?” Rarity asked curiously.

“You? eh....you're a class-D unicorn.” Sweetie Belle said earning a snicker from Rainbow Dash and an appalled look from Rarity.

“I'm going to go out on a hoof and guess that Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon are the two unicorns who mastered Class-S spells.” Twilight said after a few moments.

“Exactly.” Sweetie Belle replied.

Suddenly the floor began to shake violently under the ponies much to their shock. “What's going on?!” Twilight exclaimed looking around frantically.

“I have no clue but it's become obvious this cottage is no longer safe! Lets make like air-force ponies and get the right flank out of here!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in reply.

“But we can't move Applejack. It might worsen her condition if we move her before she fully recovers!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a panicked yet whispering tone.

“I'll stay with Applejack, you girls check out who the hell is making the floor shake like this!” Rainbow Dash said zipping to Applejack's side.

“Alright, If it looks like the cottage is going to give way you pick her up and get the hell out of here!” Twilight replied at which point the ponies ran outside of the cottage.

“Holy candy-crackers! Look at that Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed pointing up.

“It's.....it's....” Rarity said trailing off looking horrified.

“It's a Ursa-major!” Twilight exclaimed finishing Rarity's sentence for her.

“Is it real or another tricky trick?!” Pinkie Pie asked looking up at the huge bear as it took another step towards the cottage shaking the ground with each step it took.

“It's real alright...and pissed off.” Sweetie Belle said answering Pinkie Pie's question.

“We can't kill it. It's just a wild animal!” Fluttershy exclaimed looking scared.

“Yeah, well that won't stop it from killing us!” Twilight exclaimed as the Ursa-major took yet another step closer to the cottage.

“Any ideas?!” Rarity asked in a panicked tone.

Meanwhile inside the cottage Rainbow Dash stood by Applejack not moving an inch looking for the slightest hint of the cottage giving way.

“What does a pony have to do to get some cotton pickin sleep around here...” Applejack said in a weak tone.

“Applejack! You're okay! I was so worried about you!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed giving her a hug and kissing her forehead then on her mouth then gave her another hug.

“Lighten up thar Dashy...I’m still hurtin all over here.” Applejack replied with a wince but smiled non-the-less.

“Oh I’m sorry!” Rainbow Dash replied then placed a hoof on her cheek. “I thought I was gonna lose you...” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments with tears in her eyes.

“This pony ain't goin to kick the bucket anytime soon.” Applejack replied with a smile however the sudden shaking on the floor caught her attention. “What the hay is goin on here?” Applejack asked looking around.

“No time to explain, can you walk?” Rainbow Dash asked backing away slightly to give Applejack room to stand.

“I reckon I can give it a shot.” Applejack replied and began to stand up. It took her a few tries but she was able to finally stand on all fours with a wince.

“Lets get out of here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed putting her head under Applejack's right leg and began to help her walk out the door.

Meanwhile outside the Ursa-major was now directly behind the cottage.

“It's going to destroy the cottage and Rainbow Dash and Applejack are still inside!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

A mere second after Sweetie Belle's panicked statement the Ursa-major lifted it's massive body up so it was on it's hind legs and threw it's body at the cottage.

“Nooo!!!” Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs as the Ursa-major’s front paws collided with the cottage.

At the exact moment the Ursa-major's body hit the cottage a rainbow streak could be seen jetting from the door to the cottage just as the cottage gave way and collapsed. Moments later Rainbow Dash could be seen carrying Applejack and landing safely a short distance behind them.

“Thank Celestia you two are okay!” Twilight exclaimed running to them.

“I reckon that was mighty close. If Dashy hadn't noticed the ceiling start to cave in when she did we would have been a rainbow and apple pancakes right about now.” Applejack said with a smile.

A roar from behind them however shattered their happiness somewhat as the Ursa-major grew even more closer to them as it stepped over the cottage and towards them.

“I got this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and took to the skies, flew up a great distance, stopped, and flew strait back at the Ursa-major with a huge burst of speed causing a sonic rainboom to burst out behind her.

“Go Rainbow!” Pinkie Pie shouted with a cheer.

“You got this one darnlin!” Applejack shouted but regretted immediately afterward due to her injuries causing a sharp pain in her side as she shouted. “Hayseed. This injury is gonna put me out for a least a few days.” Applejack thought to herself.

“I'll prove to everyone I can do this on my own!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she sped forward getting close to the Ursa-major now however just as she drew within range to strike she was suddenly struck to the side and hit to the ground digging up dirt as she skid along due to her extreme speed for several feet until she skidded to a halt.

“What the hell hit me?” Rainbow Dash thought to herself and looked up to see yet another Ursa-major step beside the other one out of nowhere.

“That wasn't there before!” Rarity exclaimed both confused and scared by the sudden appearance of yet another Ursa-major.

“Trixie most likely summoned another one. She's probably watching this fight unfold right now.” Sweetie Belle said looking around.

“Hey! That's not fair!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a upset tone.

“Did she play fair before when was showing off a while ago?” Sweetie Belle asked her in a annoyed tone.
“Umm...I don't know. Did she? Maybe she was playing fair but it looked unfair..or maybe....she was being unfair while playing fairly?” Pinkie Pie replied with a thoughtful look earning a facehoof from Sweetie Belle.

“How you could be my other half.....only Celestia knows....” Sweetie Belle replied with a extremely pained expression on her face while holding her right hoof on her forehead as she groaned in annoyance.

Fluttershy witnessed what happened to rainbow Dash then looked back to the Ursa-major. She then flew up to the Ursa-majors and stopped just short of them. “Now you listen here! You can't just-AHH!” Fluttershy began to say only to get whacked to the ground with a cry out pain as she hit the ground.

“Talking to them won't work Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed standing back up and took the skies once again. “Don't worry guys! I'll take care of them!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and began to charge at them again.

“Wait! Lets work together and form a plan!” Twilight exclaimed however Rainbow Dash wasn't listening as she charged at them only to get whacked to the ground again. “Damn these overgrown fleabags are kicking my flank!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she stood back up wearily.

Meanwhile Fluttershy was simply standing on the ground wondering what she could do. “I'm not strong enough to fight them...and I can't talk to them. What can I do?” Fluttershy said aloud in her whispering voice unheard by the other ponies.

“This is getting stupid! Rainbow Dash keeps getting pummeled and Fluttershy can't seem to figure out what to say to them to get them to calm down.” Twilight said as the Ursa-majors grew even closer.

Rainbow Dash stood up once again and looked at Ursa-majors as they grew closer to the other ponies but more importantly at least to her was the fact they were growing closer to Applejack who couldn't run let alone barely walk. “I have to protect Applejack but....every time I try to go at them I get knocked to the ground. How the heck am I supposed to be able to take them on?” Rainbow Dash thought to herself then looked at Fluttershy who was still unable to figure out what to do.

At the moment she looked at Fluttershy Zecora's words came flooding into her head...


“Rainbow Dash, You must learn to swallow your pride. Otherwise you will watch you friends die when they needed you at their side.” Zecora said and turned to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, you must learn to be confident in your own abilities. Otherwise you're friends will suffer from your disability.” Zecora said and turned to Pinkie Pie.


“I can't do this alone....” Rainbow Dash said to herself quietly then looked at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy! I need you're help!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed causing Fluttershy to look in her direction.

“But...what can I do?” Fluttershy replied in a feeble tone.
“Fluttershy, next to me you're the second best flier in all of Equestia!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed genuinely.

“Oh no. There are much better fliers out there than me.” Fluttershy replied taking a small cowering stance.

“Damn it Fluttershy! You're just as fast as me! I've seen you when you put your heart into flying! You fly just as fast as me, no even faster than me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed swallowing her pride for the first time ever.

“You're just saying that...” Fluttershy replied even though Rainbow Dash could tell she was flattered.

“I mean it! You're the best flier in all of Equestia! Even better than me! When you fly, you fly with your heart! I only fly to show off...” Rainbow Dash said trailing off with a slight ping of guilt in her chest as she realized what she said was completely true.

“Dashy.....” Applejack said in an awed tone knowing this wasn't easy for her to do.

The Ursa-majors took another step becoming even more closer to the ponies. “Isn't there any kind of spell we can cast to calm them?!” Twilight exclaimed in a questioning tone to Sweetie Belle.

“Nope. A Ursa-minor maybe but an Ursa-major is immune to all kinds of magic.” Sweetie Belle replied.

“That's what makes you a better flier than I’ll ever be!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed after what seemed like a dramatic pause by Rainbow Dash.

“You really mean that? Fluttershy replied with a smile.

“Yeah....Now will you help me kick some Ursa-major flank?” Rainbow Dash said as she walked over to Fluttershy extending a hoof. (play Angel of Darkness now)

“I guess I could give it a try.” Fluttershy replied with a smile.

“Don't try. Lets do this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a wide grin.

“Okay!” Fluttershy replied and the both of them took off to the skies at great speeds.

“Wow. Rainbow wasn't just bluffing. Fluttershy really can fly just as fast as she can!” Twilight exclaimed looked shocked but excited.

“Alright! Now you think you can keep up with my sonic rainboom?” Rainbow Dash asked with a grin.

“Can YOU keep up with me?” Fluttershy retorted with a wide smile looking very confident.

“Oh, cocky! Ha-ha! I like it! Show me what you got Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a smile and took a sudden dive with blinding speed followed closely by Fluttershy.

“Holy Apple pies on a stick! Is Fluttershy doin what I think she's doin?!” Applejack exclaimed astonished at Fluttershy's blinding speed.

“She going at the same speed as Rainbow Dash. At this rate they will break the sound barrier at the same time!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a smile.

“Here we go! You ready?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed getting ready to put on a burst of speed.

“Yes!” Fluttershy replied with a nod.

“The lets do it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and gave a huge burst of speed while Fluttershy did the same.

“If they break the sound barrier at the same time....” Twilight trailed off.

“Their combined power will result in a breaking of the sound barrier we have never seen before.” Sweetie Belle said finishing Twilight's statement for her.

“Almost....there....” Rainbow dash said as she drew closer and closer.

“I...can't keep up!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she began to loose speed.

“Yes, you can! Now lets do this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed successfully reenforcing Fluttershy's confidence again as she picked up speed again.

Moments later a extremely loud and powerful explosion occurred as both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy broke the sound barrier simultaneously resulting in a ripple of rainbows and to everypony's astonishment a ripple of butterflies.

Fluttery and Rainbow Dash began to circle each other in a mid air swirling motion. Causing the stream of Rainbow and Butterflies to intertwine each other as they sped down towards the Ursa-majors.

“This....is.....awesome!!!” Fluttershy exclaimed in voice much unlike her whispering voice and more like how she sounded when Rainbow Dash created her second ever sonic rainboom at the best flier competition as she looked behind herself and back to Rainbow Dash who was smiling back.

“I know how much you don't like hurting animals but we have no choice! Do you understand Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash shouted as they drew closer and closer to the Ursa-majors.

“Yes! These animals need get a spanking!” Fluttershy replied with a determination look.

“Alright! When I give the signal we break off okay?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed at which Fluttershy nodded as the Ursa-majors became so close that mere seconds later they would make contact.

“Now!!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed at which point Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash broke off in opposite directions however what happened next not even Rainbow Dash knew would happen.

Upon breaking off a huge explosion occurred between them resulting in a ripple of Rainbows layered in Butterflies that literally catapulted both Ursa-majors in opposite directions at such blinding speeds they were out of sight so fast it looked as if they were standing there one moment and in the next disappeared without a trace.

“Whoa.....”Was all Rainbow Dash could say as she watched this explosion and ripple occur.

Meanwhile all the ponies on the ground were at a loss of words,jaw dropped, eyes widened, and the only thing that anypony could hear if they were standing next to one was a faint and repeated “ah,ah,ah,ah...” Sound that came from their mouths.

A few minuets later both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash came to a landing beside each other and saw this sight for themselves. An uneasy yet funny silence occurred between them until everypony suddenly began cheering for them.

“That was amazing!” Twilight exclaimed as she ran over to them.

“My, that was simply astonishing. I had no idea you two could do such a thing!” Rarity exclaimed as she walked up behind Twilight.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy could only just sit and let the other ponies hug and shower them with praise with the exception of Applejack who was laying a short distance away smiling. “Hey, girls let me through. I gotta go to my girl over there.” Rainbow Dash said with a giggle and made a path to Applejack.

“Did you see that? That was so cool!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she walked over to Applejack.

“I saw it alright. And let me tell ya. You swallowin your pride like that was cooler than any danged sonic rainboom I ever saw.” Applejack said with a smile.

Meanwhile Fluttershy was still getting praised and nearly suffocated by the dog pile known as her friends.

“Wow, I had no idea you could fly like that Fluttershy!” Twilight exclaimed.

“That sonic boom you pulled was the coolest ever!” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“Actually. I was thinking of calling it my Flutterboom....” Fluttershy said beaming with pride until she slumped down into her usual shy pose. “If that's okay...i mean.” Fluttershy said after a few moments in her natural whispering voice.

“Of course it is, you silly filly!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed ruffling up Fluttershy's hair.

Meanwhile a few miles outside of Ponyville....

“Well...that was certainly a surprise...I never expected Fluttershy to be able to fly as fast as Rainbow Dash. And the connection between Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle. Ha! That explains a lot! So they are two parts of the same pony. While in their unique forms they are powerless. But together.....they form a formidable force. Hmm....” Trixie said putting a hoof on her chin in thought. “At this rate my bishops will be over come in no time flat...time to accelerate my plans....” Trixie said and turned to the solider ponies.

“You're in charge of things while I’m gone. No one enters the camp except me. Got it?” Trixie said at which point the solider pony nodded.

“It's time to see what this mysterious book is about in Twilight's house...” Trixie said with a sneer and disappeared in a flash of magic.

Meanwhile the seven ponies were making their way to Twilight's house with Rainbow Dash helping Applejack along. “Okay girls we're almost there. Just around this block and we'll see my house just down the street. Be ready for anything.” Twilight said getting nods from the others.

The ponies took a turn and began to walk looking around themselves for any possible attacker who may try to get drop on them.

“This is mighty odd. You'd think Trixie would have sicked somethin on us by now.” Applejack said looking around with a sense of unease.

“I know. It's just plain creepy.” Twilight replied as they drew closer and closer to Twilight's house.

A faint laughing however as they were at Twilight's door put them on guard as they opened it to see Trixie laughing hysterically. “I can't believe it...it was under my hooves all along. Hahaha!” Trixie said in a hysterical tone.

“Trixie!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed and suddenly found herself lifted into the air along with Pinkie Pie and slammed against opposite walls of the room.

“I think it's safer if you two remain apart...” Trixie said dropping a book she was holding up with her magic.

“Damn it! She knows about our connection!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a strained tone.

“Well that sucks!” Pinkie Pie replied in the same strained tone.

“Ha-ha! You don't know the half of it! I was going to wait here to kill you all but upon reading this little book right here. I'm in a good mood. I mean a REALLY good mood. So good in fact, I'm going to spare you're pathetic lives...” Trixie said trailing off putting a extreme emphasis on the word “really” as she said it. “For now at least...I’ve got a kingdom to claim!” Trixie exclaimed followed by a maniacal laughter as she disappeared in a whirl of dark clouds at which point Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle fell to the ground.

“What the hell did she mean by that?” Rainbow Dash asked looking confused as hell.

“I don't know. But we should thank our lucky stars we're alive right right now.” Sweetie Belle said as she walked back up to the others as did Pinkie Pie.

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked curiously.

“The magical power I sensed from her was nothing like I sensed before. Greater than Nightmare Moon's even.” Sweetie Belle said in a matter of fact tone.

“She going to go and overthrow Nightmare Moon I reckon.” Applejack said after a few moments.

At this Twilight immediately began to rush out the door. “Where the hay are you goin Twilight?” Applejack asked curious causing Twilight to stop in her tracks.

“She's going after Nightmare Moon.” Twilight replied.

“So? Why is that your problem?” Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly.

“She's my mother. That's why! I can't just sit back and let Trixie kill her. No matter what she's done. You guys get your memories back. I'm going to go and help Nightmare Moon.” Twilight replied, ran out the door and disappeared in a burst of magic.

“We can't just let her go alone. We have to help her!” Rarity exclaimed only for Sweetie Belle to block her path.

“We have to get our real memories back first. We'll only get in her way like this.” Sweetie Belle said in a calm tone.

“I reckon Sweetie Belle has a point.” Applejack said at which point Rarity gave a defeated sigh.

“So how you think it works?” Rainbow Dash asked putting a hoof on the book. In the next moment she let out a gasp as memories she never knew of began pouring into her head....


“Commander Dash, are your forces ready to head out?” Celestia asked as she stood in front of Rainbow Dash who was wearing a golden armor with rainbow streaks on each side of her flank.

“Yes, but I have to ask. What is the point of this war? Why can't you and your sister just talk things out?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“I have tried to reason with my sister. She refuses to listen...” Celestia replied with a saddened look.

“Very well. I'll contact Sargent Fluttershy and we'll head out in five minuets.” Rainbow Dash replied,bowed, and walked out of Celestia's throne room.

Rainbow Dash flew to the hanger where everypony was gathered ready to take off and landing beside Fluttershy. “Looks like it's official.” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments.

“It's okay. You tried.” Fluttershy said in her natural whispering tone then turned to face the rows of Pegasus ponies standing by. “Alright! Listen up! You all are the best of the best! That's what being a Wonderbolt means!” Fluttershy exclaimed shouting at the top of her lungs as she spoke. “I'm not going to lie to you. Many of you won't return alive. But if you should die....you will die knowing you gave your life in the name of a bright future for all the ponies of Equestia! “ Fluttershy exclaimed in her same shouting voice resulting in an uproar of cheers.

“Alright! Wonderbolts......Let's move out!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and took a position to take off as hanger door began to open.
“I hope Applejack is okay.” Rainbow Dash said in a voice only Fluttershy could hear.

“Oh, Rainbow. Don't you worry about her. She'll be fine.” Fluttershy replied with a smile and shortly after Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took off at blinding speeds followed by hundreds of Pegasus ponies.


These and more memories Rainbow Dash recalled with a stunned look on her face before she finally removed her hoof from on top of the book.

“What happened Rainbow?” Rarity asked curiously.

“I remember....i was a commander of Princess Celestia's air-force called the Wonderbolts. Fluttershy was there too. She was my rank hoofed Sargent...” Rainbow Dash replied after a few moments.

“Really? Wow. I was a Sargent!” Fluttershy said with a smile in a thrilled voice walking up to next to Rainbow Dash putting her hoof on the book accidentally and let out a gasp....


“Oh my! Goodness me! This is intense!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she dodged a dark armored pony, impaled it in the back with her hind hooves, and flew up next to Rainbow Dash.

“This is a war Fluttershy! What do you expect it to be? Cute little squirrels fighting over a acorn?” Rainbow Dash retorted as she flew along side of her.

Suddenly a chain shot out and wrapped Fluttershy's wings together causing her to go into dive. Fluttershy let out a high pitched scream of terror as she tried to free her wings but they wouldn't budge from the binds that held her wings together as the plummeted towards the ground.

“I'm coming Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed abandoning her position in a mad dive to save her friend.

“Come on.......” Rainbow Dash exclaimed trying her best to catch up her speed increasing dramatically as she sped to Fluttershy.

Meanwhile Fluttershy's eyes were flooding tears that flew up behind her as she plummeted seeing the ground growing more and more dangerously close with each second that passed.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash could be seen flying right next to her and began to work on the chains that bound her wings. “Rainbow Dash? What are you doing?! You've abandoned your post! You could be court-marshaled for this!” Fluttershy exclaimed completely forgetting she was plummeting to her doom at the moment.

“Screw my rank! You're more important than that!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in reply and finally managed to break the chains around Fluttershy's wings allowing her to lift up mere feet away from the ground along side of Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly a huge explosion could be heard above them causing both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash took look above them and gasp in horror at the sight that beheld them. (play Sadness and Sorrow now)

A burst of dark magic could be see exploding above them that morphed into multiple sharp objects that impaled both the Wonderbolts and dark armored Pegasus ponies alike.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash could only look on in horror as they watched their comrades fall from the sky blood streaming upwards from their bodies as they fell tot he ground with a sickening thud.

“No....Soarin....Spitfire....” Rainbow Dash said trailing off as she saw two of her closest friends fall past them from a short distance away. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened and her pupils shrunk to their smallest size possible as she watched them hit the ground dead. “Noooooo!” Rainbow Dash screamed at the top of her lungs and looked up tears streaming from her eyes and saw Nightmare Moon.

“I'm going to kill you!” Rainbow Dash screamed in a high pitched raged voice as she suddenly took off at breakneck speed at Nightmare Moon.


Fluttershy then looked at Rainbow Dash tears in her eyes. She knew if she recalled that event so did Rainbow Dash. She then put a hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder only for her to jerk away.

“I'm fine!” Rainbow Dash said even though her voice cracked as she spoke.

“What in tarnation is wrong with you two?” Applejack asked in a confused tone.

“They both started behaving like this after they touched the book on the floor.” Sweetie Belle said in a matter of fact tone. “Simply touching the book must have restored their memories.” Sweetie Belle said after a few moments.

“And judging by their looks they weren't very pleasant ones....” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“Our entire platoon was....” Fluttershy said trailing off.

“Killed! They were killed by Nightmare moon!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed finishing Fluttershy's sentence for her in a hurt and angry tone.

“I also found out why I flipped out when my wings were restrained. It all has to do with my fall from such a great height from the war. It traumatized me...” Fluttershy said after a few moments.

“Even with your memories redone she couldn't get rid of them completely I reckon.” Applejack said simply in reply to this. “I reckon it's my turn now.” Applejack said after a few moments.

Meanwhile while these events were unfolding Twilight had appeared in Canterlot hoping she wasn't too late to warn Nightmare Moon while Nightmare moon fought Trixie. (play Otherworld now)

“Where did you get such magical power from?!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed standing on one side of the throne room while Trixie stood on the other.

“You're such a fool Luna! You thought you could go on without me finding out the truth?!” Trixie replied and shot a beam of dark magic that Nightmare Moon countered with her own.

“It can't be.....” Nightmare Moon said trailing off as her eyes widened in shock.

“Oh it is! You stole a great deal of my magic from me just before you got knocked up with that mule of a daughter and put a spell on me to seal my memories away! Then you proceeded to take my place as the supposed Nightmare Moon just before the end of the war! And now...” Trixie said trailing off her eyes began to glow darkly. “I'm going to take that power back!” Trixie exclaimed overpowering Luna and enveloping her in a dark orb of magic.

Luna let out a high pitched scream of pain and agony as she felt her magic being absorbed by the orb at which point Twilight ran in and saw this.

“Mother!” Twilight exclaimed and as if on impulse her eyes flashed with a purple magic and her horn shot a beam at the orb shattering it. However it seemed as if it was too late as Luna returned to her form as a small filly and the orb of magic that was shattered turned into a puff of dark smoke that floated over to Trixie and began to circle her as she laughed manically.

“Twilight.....run...” Luna said in a weakened tone as Twilight ran to her side and looked on as Trixie's form changed as the dark magic swirled around her and dissipated revealing the form that Luna had.

“Well isn't this a cheerful family reunion.....” Trixie said with a cackle as she stared at Twilight who was standing directly in from of her mother in an effort to protect her.

“What did you do to her Trixie?!” Twilight exclaimed in a demanding tone.

“I simply took back what was mine. You're dear mommy was a fraud. I the great and powerful Trixie and the real Nightmare Moon!” Trixie exclaimed and began to laugh manically.

“What do you mean?!” Twilight exclaimed looking confused.

“Luna stole my magic when I wasn't looking in an attempt to end the war. However she wasn't aware that my dark magic had a will of it's own which consumed her! And what's even better is that dear old Princess Celestia still thinks it was her sister who started the war!” Trixie exclaimed with a cackle.
(play Dogs of war now)

“So...my mother wasn't the real pony who started this war....it was you! And you made yourself look like her in order to deceive all of Equestia into following you and Celestia into thinking it was her sister!” Twilight exclaimed as rage began to fill her.

“Exactly....Luna is far to gentle to do the work that must be done...” Trixie said as her eyes began to glow darkly. “Pity...if you had stayed away you would have lived a while longer. But I guess killing two birds with one stone works just as well...” Trixie said and shot a beam of dark magic at Luna and Twilight only for it to hit a magical wall that Twilight has summoned.

“Oh come on...you're joking....you joking right?” Trixie said in a sarcastic stone with a hint of annoyance in it. “You honestly think you can stop my great power?” Trixie said upping the strength of her spell.

“Don't....underestimate.......” Twilight said trailing off as her eyes began to glow darkly. “Me!” Twilight exclaimed as a surge of dark magic erupted from her entire being repelling Trixie's spell and would have hit her if she had not teleported to another part of the throne room when she did.

Trixie gave an aggravated sigh. “I forgot that Luna gave birth to you when she had my magic for a moment. But that's a mistake I won't make again.” Trixie said with a sneer.

“Twilight...run...leave me...” Luna said weakly.

“Shut the hell up and let me protect you!” Twilight exclaimed her eyes still glowing darkly as she looked at Trixie who was preparing to cast a spell.

“Interesting....you've managed to obtain control over the dark magic within you...to a certain degree of course.” Trixie remarked taking note of Twilight's change in personalty. “But your resisting it's dark influence....give in and then your true power will be unlocked and you can join me at my side as we rule Equestia!” Trixie said with a malicious grin.

“No! I refuse to give in to the darkness in my heart! I will never join you!” Twilight exclaimed shaking her head quickly after she said this upon which her eyes returned to normal.

“You're....such a disappointment Twilight. All that power yet no will to use it.” Trixie said with a sneer.

“Teh! I don't need dark magic to kick you're flank to the moon and back! However I got bigger priorities at the moment!” Twilight exclaimed with a grin stepped next to her mother and they both disappeared in a flash of magic.

“Damn it! No!” Trixie shouted as she shot a beam of dark magic that hit the floor where Luna and Twilight once were mere milliseconds after they disappeared. “No matter.....I have my original form back now. And Equestia is mine!” Trixie exclaimed after a few moments followed by a maniacal laugh.

Meanwhile Applejack was seeing memories of her life that she had long forgotten...


“Alright Y'all. Get ready! They should be showin thar ugly cotton pickin heads any moment now.” Applejack exclaimed.

“Colonel Applejack. I need a word with you.” A pink colored filly said walking up.

“The enemy is fixin to be on us at any moment. My ponies need me. Can't it wait Selena?” Applejack replied annoyed as Selena walked up next to her.

“Applejack my tolerance for your lack of formalities withstanding. If you continue to not address me by my rank properly in front of our fellow soldiers, I will put you under a spell that will make you think you're a four year old filly.” Selena said with a smirk.

“You can't be serious.” Applejack retorted in a shocked tone.

“I'll even have Applebloom braid your hair...” Selena said with a grin.

“Alright, Alright. I get the cotton pickin hint, Brigadier General Pie. So what you need to talk to me about?” Applejack replied after a few moments followed by a sigh.

“Lets talk about it elsewhere.” Selena said looking around and faced a pony who's flank brandished party hats.” Commander Pie. You're in command until Colonel Applejack or myself return.” Selena said with a smile.

“Don't worry. We have this.” Commander Pie replied at which point Selena looked away and walked over to Applejack.

“”Fight bravely.....father...” Selena said quietly to herself, walked over to Applejack, and then both disappeared in a flash of magic.

Moments later Selena and Applejack appeared empty field at which point Selena put a barrier of pink magic around them. “We can't be too careful.” Selena said after getting a inquiring look from Applejack.

“Now what's so cotton pickin urgent you had to take me away from my post Selena.” Applejack asked curiously.

“Princess Celestia has assigned me an important mission. We need to gather the elements of harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon.” Selena said after a moment making sure they were completely alone.

“That old mare's tale? They don't exist!” Applejack replied in an annoyed tone.

“Wrong. They do exist. You're the element of honesty.” Selena replied causing Applejack's jaw to drop.

“What about the others?” Applejack asked curiously.

“We aren't completely sure as of yet. But we think Sargent Fluttershy and Commander Dash may two others.” Selena replied.

“So if these confounded elements exist why in the hay haven't you figured out who they are yet?” Applejack replied curiously.

“It's not as simple as just looking at a pony Applejack. If we choose wrongly it could result in the complete and utter defeat of Celestia.” Selena replied with a sigh.

“Wait...you mean we are losin this here war? And these dang gummed elements of harmony are the Princess's ace in the hole?” Applejack asked in a disbelieving tone.

“Sadly, yes. We have no choice. Nightmare Moon is far too powerful and with each passing day her influence reaches even farther a crossed Equestia. At this rate in a mere few years Nightmare Moon will have all of Equestia under her hooves.” Selena said with a saddened look.


“Whoa nelly! That was one heck of a rush thar.” Applejack said they looked to Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie. “So you're real name is Selena eh?” Applejack said causing to Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie to be taken by her her sudden knowledge of her real name.

“If you know our real name then I must have worked with you at some point during the war. I think we should go next.” Sweetie Belle said and in a flash of light revealed their combined form.

Pinkie Pie then placed a hoof on the book and her forgotten memories began to pour in with her and Applejack's meeting among others....


“I refuse to let this happen!” Selena shouted as she looked around at Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack.

“We've accepted this. Why in the hay can't you Selena?” Applejack said looking at Selena with a saddened look.

“All the lives lost, our friends and family we lost, do you honestly want to forget them and make their sacrifices in vain?!” Selena shouted looking at them all.

“I'd rather live a life of bliss then continue to have nightmares of seeing Soarin and Spitfire's deaths Selena...” Rainbow Dash replied with a saddened look.

“I agree...” Fluttershy chimed in with an equal saddened expression in her natural whispering tone.

“I lost my mother and father! But you don't see me wanting to forget they ever existed!” Selena replied and then gave a aggravated sigh. “Fine! If you won't do anything to stop this, than I will!” Selena exclaimed and ran out of the local research facility in Canterlot.

“Brigadier General Pie. What are you doing he-ahh!” A solider said as she was blasted to the side with a burst of of magic emitting from Selena as she ran by them into the local Canterlot magical research facility.

“Please don't force us to-AH!” Another solider said only to get blasted to the side as well.

“I won't....let....their sacrifices...be in...VAIN!” Selena thought to herself dramatically as she ran into the upper floors of the facility.

“Red alert! Red alert! Brigadier General Pie has begun an assault on the Canterlot Magical research facility! All forces are given complete and full permission to use any methods necessary to subdue her!” The speaks blared as Selena ran through the halls of the facility.

Selena made a right turn and began to make a turn towards the stairs when a suddenly blast of magic stopped her in her tracks. “ Brigadier General Pie. You here by ordered to cease and desist any and all attacks on this facility! “ A red colt said which brandished a hat with five stars on it in a circle.

“Five star general Joseph? Here?!” Selena thought to herself in a shocked tone as Joseph and twenty other solider ponies lined up behind him.

“If you're here. I know I’m in the right place!” Selena exclaimed as a eruption of pink magic erupted from her.

“You've always been hard headed Selena. Please stop this before you make the situation for yourself worse. At this rate your facing a Court-marshal and a dishonorable discharge don't make it any worse!” Joseph exclaimed.

“What's the point?! If those lab mules up there flip that switch I won't even know of my rank anyways! So I’ve got nothing to lose!” Selena exclaimed firing a wave of magic at Joseph and the rest of the solider ponies.

The wave of magic however was stopped dead in it's tracks and dispelled upon reaching Joseph. “Have you forgotten? I'm a Class A-Plus unicorn. You can't get rid of me that easily.” Joseph said narrowing his eyes as he flung his hat off his head revealing a horn.

“I didn't forget....but so am I.” Selena said taking a defensive stance.

“It was your stubborn attitude that made you lose your chance to obtain this rank Selena. And it's also your stubborn attitude that will cost you you're life is you persist!” Joseph exclaimed as red magic erupted from under him.

“You always underestimated me Joseph....” Selena said trailing off as pink magic continued to erupt from under her.

“Really now?” Joseph said with a skeptical look.

“I suppose it's now or never....” Selena thought to herself and let out a raging scream causing the pink magic to began to surround her as she began to float up.

“What in Celestia's name.....?” Joseph said in a shocked tone trailing off.

“I've always held back for fear of harming those around me but now...” Selena's voice boomed as she spoke trailing off as the magic around her began to spit and sputter sparks of magic. “All bets are off!!!!!” Selena shouted her voice still booming as she spoke and moments later launched a beam of magic directly from the magic that surrounded her so it was roughly five feet high and three feet wide which was the same size as the orb of magic that surrounded her.

The entire building shook as she launched her attack however Joseph managed to stop it with his own magic but he was barely staving it off as his hooves dug into the floor as they skidded a few inches every few seconds.

“I won't let the lives lost, the people who gave their lives in the name of Equestia, or the actions of all those who fought to protect this land disappear without a trace!” Selena's voice boomed.

“It...can't...be! She's got the magical power of a Class-S unicorn!” Joseph thought to himself dramatically as his soldiers ran for their lives frantically. “Why couldn't I sense this in her before?!” Joseph said aloud without meaning to.

“I always hid my true magical power Joseph. I suppressed it for the safety of those around me. But now..i have no reason to hold back anymore!” Selena exclaimed pushing Joseph back a foot suddenly with a burst of magical power.

Joseph was now pressed against the wall which soon gave way behind him revealing a sheer drop of fifty feet behind him. “At this rate she's going to push me over the edge and to my death!” Joseph though to himself dramatically as fear began to overwhelm him.

As if without warning a blast of purple magic erupted in between them cutting off Selena's beam of magic and saving Joseph from falling over the edge.

“What the-?” Selena thought to herself coming to her senses when a young small filly appeared floating up. “Joseph! Oh my gosh! What was I about to do?!” Selena exclaimed as she used her magic to teleport him to her side.

“You lost control Selena. But we have more important matters to attend to. Who is this young filly?” Joseph asked looking at the purple filly who brandished a cutie mark of a magical sparkle on her flank surrounded by a purple magic.

“I don't know. I've never seen her before!” Selena exclaimed confused. However in the next moment they both knew this filly was not friendly as she shot a beam of dark magic at them which they both jumped out of the way barely dodging.

“Where....is....my...mommy?!” The young filly shrieked and shot yet another beam of dark magic at them.

“This brand of magic....it's like Nightmare Moon's!” Selena exclaimed as she dodged another shot of magic from the filly.

“I don't know how she has magic similar to Nightmare Moon's but it's clear she is not in control of her actions!” Joseph exclaimed as he dodged a shot of magic himself.

“We can't possibly counter magical power of this magnitude!” Selena exclaimed as she used just about all her power to dispel a single shot of magic from the filly as it came at her.

Just then as if someone hit the off switch on the filly she fainted mid-air but did not fall as the magic around her disappeared. Moments later Princess Celestia appeared behind her and set her down gently on the floor.

“Princess! How can you possibly even consider such a thing! Erasing our memories?! How can you do such a thing?!” Selena asked walking up to Celestia.

“I'm sorry Selena....” Celestia said in a saddened tone and used her magic to knock her out....


“Heh...Wowie. I was a loose cannon when I found out what Celestia was about to do.” Pinkie Pie said taking a hoof on the book and in a flash of magic Sweetie Belle appeared by her side.

“You're turn Rarity.” Sweetie Belle said after a few moments.

Rarity however didn't move an inch. “No. I won't. I can't.” Rarity said in a scared voice.

“Rarity....if you don't you won't be able to do anything against Nightmare Moon or Trixie for that matter.” Sweetie Belle said in a matter of fact tone.

“I simply can't.... i'm....” Rarity said trailing off. “I'm scared to death of what my real past may be....i don't want to know...maybe Celestia had the right idea with making us forget the memories.” Rarity said after a few moments.

“Rarity...” Sweetie Belle said in a saddened tone knowing it was memories of her and fear of learning that she may have been nothing but a lie is what was truly keeping her from touching the book.

“Rarity...no matter what may happen, no matter what you see in your memories, I will ALWAYS be your little sister.” Sweetie Belle said giving Rarity a tight and loving hug. “Now come on. We need you to do this. Otherwise we can't defeat Nightmare Moon.” Sweetie Belle said after a few moments.

“O-okay...” Rarity replied with a sigh though fear could still be heard in her voice.

Rarity began to walk towards the book taking one baby step at a time until she was in front of the book. She then turned to look at Sweetie Belle who was smiling back at her, took a deep breath, and placed a single hoof on the book...


“But sis!” A young white filly with pure light blue hair protested.

“No buts, Diamond! You are to stay here with you're aunt and uncle in mareon county.” Rarity replied as she began to make her way for the door.

“But,but,but I want to go with you!” Diamond protested tears in her eyes.

Rarity looked at her younger sister, sighed, and knelt down beside her placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Listen, it's not like I want to leave my little sister behind, but this is the safest place for you. I have a job to do and Princess Celestia is counting on me to play my part. I would be putting you in danger if I took you with me.” Rarity said in the most compassionate way she could.

“You'll come back right?” Diamond replied tears still in her eyes.

“Of course I will.” Rarity replied with a smile and began to stand up.

“If i'm in trouble. You'll come to my rescue right? Promise me you will.” Diamond said grabbing her by the tail before she could walk out the door.

“I Promise Diamond. I would never let anything happen to you.” Rarity replied genuinely.

Three months later......

“I have managed to arrange a meeting with the mayors of Fillidephia and Ponistone county with you.” Rarity said with a bow in front of Princess Celestia.

“Very good. You diplomatic skills have always been a great asset to us.” Celestia replied with a smile.

“If I may your highness...” Rarity said after a moment waiting for approval to continue which she got.

“My skills in magic are just as good as any Class-B unicorn. Why am I here doing this instead of fighting for the freedom of Equestia?” Rarity asked curiously.

“My dear Rarity. While I have no doubt in your skills when it comes to magic. Because of your upbringing I feel you would not be able to handle the traumatic experiences that come with combat. And you do have a younger sister to come back to don't you?” Celestia replied with a smile.

“Yes. But I am worried. I have not received a letter from her since last week and she always sent me one every week like clockwork.” Rarity replied.

“Perhaps the postal ponies ran into trouble. This is a war after all Rarity. As much as i'd like to see it end. I'm not sure it will for some time...now would you be so kind as to direct me to our guests?” Celestia replied at which point Rarity bowed and lead her to the Mayors.

Rarity stood outside as Celestia entered and closed the door however it stood ajar only slightly unknown to anyone in the room.

“I know you want our help Princess but many other towns and cities have already been destroyed from taking your side. What protection can you guarantee us?” The mayor of Fillidephia said as Celestia sat down in her seat.

“We understand your concern. And we are increasing our efforts to protect those who have provided us with aid.” Celestia replied calmly.

“And what of Mareon county?! The town announced it allegiance to you and it's being invaded as we speak!” The Mayor of Ponistone replied.

Upon hearing this Rarity shoved the doors open looking panicked and ran over to the mayor. “What did you say?! Which town?!” Rarity exclaimed shaking the Mayor of Ponistone.

“Gracious me. I said Mareon county.” The mayor replied at which point Rarity's eyes widened and the feelings of worry and fear for her sister,aunt, and uncle's life began to overpower her senses.

Rarity then looked at Celestia for a few moments then ran out the door and leaving it wide open and disappeared in a flash of magic before Celestia could stop her.(Play Sadness and Sorrow now)

Rarity appeared moments later in Mareon county to see it in shambles. Street signs lay scattered about as if they have been ripped from the ground and thrown around.

The homes and businesses along the streets as she walked down it were in shambles only resembling a shadow of what they were. The streets were so quiet it was unsettling. No sounds of hooves moving about. Not even a faint cry for help. It was as if a mute button had been pressed that stretched a crossed the entire town.

Rarity continued to walk down the streets looking about horrified and unable to speak. That is until her aunt and uncles home came into view. Rarity's heart began to race as she began to make a mad dash for the house. Her hooves echoed through out the quiet town as she ran as fast as her hooves would carry her.

Once there, she opened the door slowly with her magic which fell of it's hinges and to the ground startling her. Slowly she stepped inside terrified of what she might discover but that didn't stop her.

The floor creaked and seemed to crack under her hooves with each step she took sometimes her hoof would even fall into the floor where the wood gave way under her weight but she continued to press on.

Rarity took a step forward through the battered home and opened to the door to her sister's bedroom.
(play My Immortal now)

Rarity's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach, her eyes widened, tears flooded her eyes, and feeling as if she was frozen in time overwhelmed her as she stared at the scene that beheld her. Diamond lay on the floor legs sprawled out with deep cuts all over her battered body. It wasn't until she saw a leg move weakly she rushed to her little sister's side lifted her up and held her in her hooves.

“R-rarity?” Diamond said weakly her voice raspy and weak as she spoke.

“Yes, it's me Diamond. Oh god. I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you...” Rarity said between sobs.

“Y-you came.....just like you promised...” Diamond said between labored breaths with a weak smile however moments later her breathing began to slow.

“Diamond? Little sis? Stay with me! Stay with me now! Don't you die on me!” Rarity exclaimed as Diamond's eyes slowly closed and her head became limp.

Rarity hugged her sister tightly and began to sob loudly as she held her sister.”Oh please no! Don't leave me! NOOO!” Rarity exclaimed between sobs as she rocked her sister back and forth still hugging her tightly. “Somepony help! Somepony help me!” Rarity shouted at the top of her lungs still rocking her sister back and forth.

Memories of the times they had together began to pour into her head in flashes before her eyes as she held her...


“Oh come on! Give it back!” Diamond exclaimed annoyed.

“Nope. Not until you let me braid your hair.” Rarity replied with a grin.

Diamond then began to chase her through the yard and even though she was upset the both of them could not help but laugh as Diamond chased her.


“What's wrong Diamond?” rarity asked in a concerned tone as she walked into her sisters room to see her crying.

“nopony wants to play with me. I'm ugly.” Diamond replied between sniffs.

“No you're not...come here little sis.” Rarity said with a smile as she took her into her arms and held her.

“You're the most beautiful mare in all of Equestia. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.” Rarity said with a smile genuinely.

“Y-you mean it?” Diamond replied sniffing still but she had stopped crying at hearing this.

“Of course.” Rarity replied.

“Thanks big sis. I'm so glad you're here.” Diamond replied.


Rarity rushed as fast as she could upon hearing her sister's terrified scream and found her hanging from the ledge of a steep cliff. She immediately used her magic to lift her up and set her beside her on safe ground. “Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!” Rarity asked in a concerned panicked tone.

“I'm fine. Thank you sis. I don't want to think of what happened if you weren't here to protect me what would have happened.” Diamond replied finally able to stand on all fours.

“I'll always be here to protect you. That's what being a big sister is. To protect their little sister.” Rarity said with a smile.


Rarity continued hold her sister as she put her head against hers. Unable to say anything more as she rocked her she soon set her down softly on the ground before throwing her body over her back. She then carried her sister's body over to the local graveyard and began to dig a hole in the ground with her bare hooves refusing to use magic. Rarity continued to sob loudly as she did this looking at her sister's body then back to the grave she was digging she would do this for another thirty minuets until she dug a hole deep enough to bury her. She then walked over to her sister, lifted her up and held her body as silent tears continued to fall from her eyes but she was no longer crying out as she rocked her back and forth for a little while longer.

“I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Diamond...I'm so sorry....” Rarity said trailing off as her voice cracked and broke as she spoke. She then lifted her up using magic, slowly lowered her into the grave and lay her body down gently into the grave and began to kick the dirt back into the hole. “It's all my fault....i should have taken her with me....if I did....”


“She would still be alive....” Rarity said aloud finishing the sentence from her memories.

“Rarity?” Sweetie Belle said softly looking at her older sister concerned.

At this she turned and looked at Sweetie Belle and gasped. She resembled her younger sister who was killed down to the letter with the exception of her hair. But even so her voice...and her personalty down to the letter reminded her of her sister. Without warning Rarity ran over to Sweetie Belle and hugged her tightly.

“Now I understand....” Rarity said in a soft tone tears flooding from her eyes as she spoke.

“Understand what?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“It's nothing....it's nothing at all.” Rarity replied with a smile feeling for the first time in her life both before she lost her memories and when she got them back just now she had her little sister back. “Just remind me to thank Celestia from the bottom of my heart for you coming into my life.” Rarity said as she stopped hugging her for a moment, put a hoof under her chin as she spoke, then hugged her again.

“Though i'll never forgive myself for losing you once...but i won't ever let you get hurt ever again...” Rarity thought to herself as she hugged Sweetie Belle.

As Rarity hugged Sweetie Belle Twilight suddenly appeared in the room with Luna at her side only for all the ponies to look at Luna with resentful and loathing looks.

“Move out of the Way Twilight. I don't care if she's you mom or not i'm going to pound you skull into the ground!” Rainbow Dash said rage clearly in her voice as she spoke.

“But it wasn't her!” Twilight exclaimed earning confused looks from everypony except Rainbow Dash who didn't look phased.

“What are you talking about Twilight? Of course it was her!” Rarity exclaimed.

“No! It wasn't! If everypony would just calm down and let me explain!” Twilight exclaimed giving a stern glance at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash let out an aggravated sigh and then looked at Twilight. “Fine. I'll listen. But only because you're my friend Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments and reluctantly turned around and say down a few feet away next to Applejack.

Twilight then began to tell the ponies exactly what Trixie said and what she witnessed with her own eyes. “And that's how I know it wasn't her! It was Trixie who started the war! She knew that my mother was jealous of her but she didn't let that jealously consume her.” Twilight said finishing her explanation.

“But why in the heck didn't she try to explain this when she broke free of the moon then? Tell me that!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed clearly not convinced.

“Because at that time I was not myself. Over the course of one thousand years within the moon allowed Trixie's dark magic to consume me.” Luna spoke up from behind Twilight finally able to stand on her hooves. “I was left with only emotions of anger and jealous towards my sister while I was imprisoned within the moon. Once I was able to free myself I was no longer myself but a mere shadow.” Luna said taking a few weak steps over the the window and looked out towards the moon.

“But when we kicked your flank with the elements of harmony a second time. Wasn't Twi's magic that broke the danged spell on you that made you forget everything?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Yes, but even as my memories came back to me. Trixie's dark magic began to consume me once again. You may have defeated me but her magic endured. It soon took complete control over me again. I fought it at first but only at first. It's dark influence was too strong to resist for long.” Luna said as she turned to face the seven ponies.

“If you really didn't mean to do all this then bring Princess Celestia back!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed at this.

“I can't. When Trixie took her magic back she took away my power to release my sister.” Luna replied getting a scoff from Rainbow Dash.

“It's the truth! Why won't you believe her?” Twilight said looking at Rainbow Dash with an annoyed expression.

“Don't get me wrong Twilight. It's not that her story doesn't fit into place with all this. But I’m not fully convinced.” Rainbow Dash said to Twilight standing up then looked at Luna.

“Lets get one thing strait Luna. I don't trust you. You want my trust then you have you to earn it. And if I so much as catch you even thinking of pulling a fast one on us.” Rainbow Dash said trailing off and raised a hoof to Luna. “You won't need to worry about Trixie because I’ll send you back to the moon the old fashioned way without magic!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed at which point Applejack stood up next to her and placed a hoof on hers.

“She gets the point Dashy. Lighten up a little would ya?” Applejack said rubbing her cheek up against Rainbow Dash's affectionately.

“I know it's not much but I am able to communicate with my sister. I don't know how much I can do in this weakened state but I will do my best.” Luna said and began to concentrate and a few moments later a small purple mist began to float from her horn and swirl in an oval shape until a small mirror appeared within it. Moment later Celestia's face appeared looked very pissed off.

“Come to gloat at me more about your victory little sister?” Celestia said in an annoyed voice and gasped. “You aren't Luna. Your those ponies from before.” Celestia said after a few moments shocked.

It was at this point Twilight walked in front of the mirror so Celestia could see her clearly. “My star pupil. It is nice to see you again but how were you able to contact me?” Celestia said after a few moments with a smile.

“Drop the act Celetsia. We remember everything.” Sweetie Belle said taking a step up beside Twilight.
Celestia was taken back by this statement but only for a moment and let out a sigh moments later. “I never meant for that to happen to you Selena.” Celestia said after a few moments.

“Never mind about that. What's got my mane in a knot is why you did this in the first place. Why did you do it?” Sweetie Belle said looking at Celestia with a expression that was full of anger.

“I did what I thought was best for Equestia.” Celestia replied.

“And yet here we are. In the same state yet again. More lives have been lost. I thought you were the wisest of us all Celestia but I guess even you have flaws. The phrase those who do not learn from their past are doomed to repeat it ring a bell any?” Sweetie Belle said in the same angry tone.

“I think she gets the point Sweetie Belle!” Twilight exclaimed in an annoyed tone then looked at Celestia.

“One question I have is why didn't you tell me about my mother?” Twilight asked curiously.

“What do you mean?” Celestia replied looking confused.

It was Twilight's turn to get upset now.” Cut the crap Auntie! I know the truth!” Twilight exclaimed much to Celestia's shock.

“She knows everything my dear sister.” Luna said coming into view now.

Celestia's expression turned into a glare upon seeing her sister. “What kind of magic is this?! Are you messing me with me Luna?!” Celestia exclaimed looking outraged now.

“It's no magic my dear sister. They are all really here right now and they found the book you used to seal away their memories in. We also have something to clear up.” Luna said and began to explain what really happened to her sister.

At this Celestia gave a deep sigh. “I suppose there's no avoiding it now since you all know the truth. However I do not fully believe you Luna. You will have to prove that to me. Release me from this prison.” Celestia said at which point Luna gave a sigh.

“She can't. The magic she was using wasn't hers and it was taken back by Trixie.” Twilight said at this point defending her mother.

“Then you will have to prove your innocence to me little sister. Aid Twilight and her friends in defeating Trixie. Only then will your innocence be proven to me.” Celestia said looking at Luna now.

“I would have even without you asking me to sister. Equestia must be freed from Trixie's hooves.” Luna replied.

“Then we are in agreement.” Celestia said with a stern glace which softened as she looked at the others.

“I am sorry that you all had to go through this. But you must understand. I had a grave choice to make. If everypony had remembered what happened in the war. Those still loyal to Nightmare Moon may have tried to create a war anew. ” Celestia said lowering her head. “But I guess that wasn't the right choice either.” Celestia said and gave a deep sigh.

The image of Celestia began to flicker slightly after this. “I can't hold the connection much longer. I'm still too weak...” Luna said after a few moments in a strained tone as beads of sweat could be seen running down her face as she spoke now.

“We haven't much time so I’ll skip to the point. The elements of harmony are within you all. You must find them within each and everyone of you. Once you have them. You will have to-” Celetsia's face began to flicker even more so now and her voice became distorted as she spoke.

“Damn it! Not now!” Luna exclaimed in a strained voice before falling to her knees at which point the mirror disappeared.

“That was mighty convenient...just when Celestia was about to tell us how to use our here powers to defeat Trixie the mirror goes poof.” Applejack said giving Luna an inquiring look.

“What happened?” Twilight asked looking at Luna.

“What little magic I had left ran out. It will be a while before I can contact her again.” Luna said between labored breaths.

“I don't believe that for a second.” Rainbow Dash said with a glare.

“LAY THE HELL OFF HER!” Twilight's voice boomed as her anger rose to it's breaking point in mere seconds and in the next she shook her head. “Sorry guys. I lost control there.” Twilight said after a few moments realizing she was getting apprehensive looks from everypony.

“It will became even harder to control over time. Spike was the only thing keeping that dark magic of yours in check and without him it's began to consume you as it did me.” Luna said able to stand up now but with great difficulty.

“What in tarnation can we do to stop it from comsumin her?” Applejack asked looking at Luna as all the other ponies were now.

Luna looked to everypony and took a deep breath. “ I don't want to get everypony's hopes up, but there is a lake deep within Everfree forest. It is said to contain the most pure of water. So pure that anypony who drinks it would be purified of any darkness within their heart.” Luna said after a few moments.

“Is this some kind of tricky trick?” Pinkie Pie asked giving Luna a stern glance.

“I don't think so. I also have heard about that lake. But nopony's ever seen it.” Sweetie Belle said much to everypony's shock.

“If you can not trust my words. Then trust in fact I would never do anything to purposely put my daughter in harm's way.” Luna said after a few moments.

“I reckon we have no choice in the matter. But i'm still not up to snuff.” Applejack said bringing the fact she was still injured back to everypony's mind.

“We'll have to wait a few days to Applejack to recover before heading out to the Everfree forest.” Rainbow Dash said to which all the ponies nodded in agreement.

“It will also give time for my mother to recover.” Twilight said looking at Luna with a smile.

“I don't know if that's such a good idea but I guess we really have no choice in the matter do we?” Rarity replied with an annoyed look.(Play My Daughter's Eyes now)

Luna then stepped out of Twilight's house and walked a short distance away from the house only to find Twilight close behind her.

“They don't trust me as far as they could throw me. Not that I could blame them. I did some terrible things to them.” Luna said with a sigh to Twilight.

“But you didn't do anything to them in the war and when you came back you weren't in control of yourself then.” Twilight said at hearing this.

“Yes but still...i can't help but feel guilt for all the things I’ve done. If only was was stronger...i could have fought the dark magic within me more.” Luna replied with a sigh.

“Stop beating yourself up!” Twilight exclaimed looking at Luna sternly.

“But-” “No buts! The past is in the past! Think of what you can do now! If you dwell in the past you'll never be able to overcome it.” Twilight said cutting her mother off.

“I suppose your right....but what can I do? All you're friends hate me.” Luna said after a few moments.

“You'll think of something.” Twilight said with a smile and gave Luna a loving hug.

“So much time lost....but at least I can be with you from now on...” Luna said with a smile even though tears were in her eyes now.

“I love you mom.” Twilight said tears in her eyes now as well still hugging her.

“I love you too Twilight.” Luna replied as they shared a long hug.

“I'll never let the darkness within you take you as it did me..i swear it!” Luna thought to herself as she hugged her daughter.

The moon hung high over the ponies as they sat and waited for Applejack and Luna to recover not knowing what dangers that await them in Everfree forest...