• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 3,485 Views, 105 Comments

Dead Heart - Leila Drake

Now Priest is stuck in Equestria, an Undead in the midst of colorful ponies. And then there are rumors of a ghost...

  • ...

Level 14 - Sharing a Nightmare

Princess Luna woke up to the gentle nudge of her sister.

"Awaken, my dear sister, it is time for you to raise the moon."

"Thank you kindly. Ugh, this day's sleep was not my best. I feel as if a rock had been tucked under my mattress."

Princess Celestia smiled softly. "I'm sorry to hear that. I could -"

"I will raise the moon", said Luna. "I know that you mean well but this is my area of expertise."

The white alicorn nodded gently. "There is no doubt. Your recent nights have been especially beautiful. I was asked by several ponies to tell you they were most impressed."

Luna's eyes lit up as she left her bed. "They were? How pleasant to hear this at the dusk of night. It certainly motivates me to fulfill my duty with joy in my heart. 'Tis true that I have put even more effort into it these days before the celebration. I want our subjects to enjoy my night, not fear it."

She bent down and levitated her mattress off the bed with her magic. "There must be something there", she insisted. "There you are! Why! Isn't that a pea? How did it get here?"

"I think it goes back to your day party with your friends some days ago. The pea must have dried up over the week", assumed Celestia.

Luna removed the pea from the bed and levitated it out the window. "Out with you, foul destroyer of sleep!" She giggled and threw a glance at Celestia. "Let us go."

Her sister hugged her, grinning as well, and both of them made their way to the balcony.

- - -

After raising the moon and decorating the night sky with shimmering stars Luna went to her night chambers. They were close to her bedchamber, filled with countless books sitting on countless wooden shelves. She was very proud of her private library. Not even Twilight Sparkle was aware of its existence.

Princess Luna loved stories. The night was the time of stories and secrets, mysteries would suddenly become clear in the moonlight. It was different to the day, a magical time in the very sense of the word.

She walked along the shelves, casually looking at the backs of her beloved books. The moonlight fell onto her treasures, the only source of light was just enough to read the titles. Tonight she would not read. It was time to dreamwalk.

Luna could not dreamwalk every single night for it was a tiring experience that consumed much of her mental energy. Dreams were fickle; you had to treat them with the utmost care and love in order to keep the dreamer from harm.

She sat down on the huge pillow in the middle of her library. It was an immensely old cushion, made of dark blue silk with a golden hem and intricate silver thread embroidery depicting the night sky. Luna was deeply thankful to Celestia that she had it restored and preserved for her. It was her most valuable possession.

As she stretched and tried to relax her body, she wondered what dreams the night would bring to her. Many nightmares had recurring themes, such as the fear of failing at a test, being rejected or the ever-present running away theme. Luna often split up her consciousness to handle the dreams of her subjects. It was very rare that a single dream required her undivided attention.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, allowing herself to calm her mind. The image of her library faded away as she closed her eyes and began weaving the complicated spell.

- - -

Luna can feel her mind touching others, slowly reaching out. One by one, the small flames of billions of souls come alight, covering the dreamscape with blue fire. Distance is different than in the waking world; somepony who is hundreds of miles away in the waking world would feel very close while somepony from Canterlot can be at the dreamscape's horizon. It depends on the intensity of the dream and the connection of the dreamer's soul to other ponies.

Luna is about to reach for a couple of foals' dreams when a certain glow catches her attention. Two flames are burning especially strong this night.

She draws closer and merges her own flame with them, feeling the tugging sensation as she touches the foreign souls.

What she sees makes her gasp with surprise. If somepony had been in the library, they would probably have heard it. The sound faintly reverberates in her mind, distracting her for a moment.

The problem with entering a dream is that it is not immediately certain who is the dreamer. Some ponies can be so close that their dreams will overlap. It usually happenes with unicorns but there are exceptions. As Luna manifests as a faint shade in the background of the dreams, she notices that the settings are identical. Both dreams take place in Ponyville, the small hometown of Twilight Sparkle's friends.

How curious...

The town looks stranger that its waking counterpart, having more houses that shift and change shapes as she turns her head. Luna ignores it; it is very common in dreams.

The actors on the stage are of much more importance. The streets are filled with ponies, they walk around laughing and talking. Fillies and colts run around, playing children's games.

A feeling of agitation touches Luna's mind. Something is going to go wrong soon.

The images shift; the marketplace becomes visible, dominated by Rarity's boutique (isn't it further away in the waking world?) and the post office. More and more young ponies join the crowd while the adult ponies fade away one by one. They cheer and dance around a green mare with a dark purple mane, an earth pony that lacks a Cutie Mark.

Mara Dust.

The pony stares at the fillies and colts that are dancing around her. They all have Cutie Marks, except for a group of four filles. Luna recognizes them all; two of them are younger sisters of the Element Bearers. They wear brilliant red and golden capes, decorated with a yellow pony shape on a blue background.

Hi Mara, come join us.

I can't join you, I'm an adult.

But you are nice.

And you don't have a Cutie Mark, just like us.

Don't mock me. Go away. Mara stomps her hoof. I am not looking for my Cutie Mark anymore. I have a job, I have a coltfriend. I don't need a Cutie Mark. Go away.

Luna shakes her head, still hiding in the shadows. She has seen variations of this dream before. So far nothing new is happening.

- - -

At the same time, she notices a new shape in the other dream. It is tall, fuzzy and unfocused, floating around Ponyville, watching the ponies as they gawk back at it.

They shouldn't see me. Why are they aware of me?

Right, I am taller than them. I am not like them.

The ponies move closer, closing a circle around the shade.

Why are you still here?

I - I live here.

No, you don't. You are no pony. You are dead.

Luna frowns. What is going on? This doesn't feel like the usual "I'm different' dream. Something is off here.

- - -

Go away before I hurt you.

Luna's ears perk up.

Mara starts to shake violently, steam rising from the ground around them.

The fillies shrink, cowering before her.

She's crazy! She's dangerous!

Another voice booms through the village. I told you so. You will never find a place. You are a disappointment!

The steam balls together into a giant shape, whirling and hissing, and turns into a translucent pegasus. Its mane is floating in a breeze that Luna does not feel, its features remaining slightly fuzzy as it hovers above Mara.

Mara screams and tries to run away - but her hooves are stuck; the ground has turned into dark, icky mud. She wiggles around, desperately trying to remove her legs from the puddle.

The fillies are gone now, replaced by a grey pegasus with golden eyes and a yellow mane.

The steam pegasus grows even taller, enveloping the new pony which Luna recognizes as Ditzy Doo, taking her off the ground.

Leave her alone!, screams Mara.

- - -

I know I'm dead, says the shape.

Then leave us. You will kill us. You will infect us.

No! I'm staying! Shut up!

Make us. We are stronger. You didn't even see us until now. You are nothing compared to us.

The ponies merge into fog, rising in front of the shape that suddenly comes into focus.

A giant ghost hovers in front of Jonathan Baker. Luna faintly remembers that he thinks of himself as 'Priest'. The ghost is the same species as him, with features that remind Luna of a pegasus. It is winged, her hair flowing in a nonexistent breeze. The human stands firmly in a fighting stance, raising his hands as if trying to cast a spell - but nothing happens.

Come on!

He waves his hands again, mumbling. The words are too faint for Luna to understand.

What he seems to desire does not happen; instead, his body is engulfed in flames and his arms and legs start crumbling away. His skin breaks and shrivels, his teeth start to fall out. Luna gasps again with surprise, causing the dreamscape to shake and both dreams to go fuzzy for a second.

- - -

Now is the time for her to act. Luna forces herself deeper into the dreams, carefully taking shape in the background as herself.

These dreams seem different in some aspects but it is obvious to Luna that they are linked, with the ghost as the connection.

It makes sense that the human would see the ghost differently; a lifetime among his own kind makes him imagine the intelligent ponies as similar to himself.

Luna gently nudges both dreams, causing a wave of magic to ripple through them.

- - -

The ghost pegasus looms above Mara, laughing at her with an echoing cackle.

Then its expression freezes. It frowns as a strong wind blows across the dreamscape. It is not cold but a nice and warm breeze, slow but unstoppable. The ghost fades away, leaving Mara and Ditzy alone in the abandoned town square.

- - -

Jonathan/Priest is lying on the ground, unable to move. His eyes are fixed on the giant spirit that floats above him.

You cannot protect them. You are dead. Watch me as I kill them.

Leave my friends alone!

He shakes, trying to get up, but his limbs are gone. Jonathan/Priest slowly sinks into the ground.

Suddenly a breeze rushes through the ghost, dispersing it like dust. It is gone within seconds.

Jonathan/Priest stops sinking into the firm patch of dirt. He tries to wiggle his torso out but he has no chance. He is stuck.

A dark blue alicorn approaches him. Her mane and tail, as blue as the night sky and just as regal, flow in a magical breeze. She is wearing dark metal regalia and her expression is serious yet friendly.

Jonathan/Priest recognizes her as the cause of the wind that has blown away the ghost.

Princess Luna!

That is me. Do you know why I am here?

In Ponyville? How should I know?

Why are you on the ground? Here, let me help you up.

Princess Luna extends her hoof and Jonathan/Priest reaches for it. She pulls it back, assisting him as he rises to his feet.

Thanks. That was a close one.

She nods. I am the Princess of the Night. Though it is my duty to watch over the dreams of my subjects, I have never seen the dream of a human, much less a dream of one that is undead.

I can't hide anything from you here, can I?


Jonathan sighs deeply and realizes that his body is completely restored. He pats his chest and limbs as if to make sure everything is back in its place.

Thank the Light!

Indeed. I see that you are afraid of being unable to protect someone. Whom do you wish to protect? Why are you afraid?

- - -

Because I couldn't do anything. Derpy is hurt because of me. If I had been faster, braver...

Do not blame yourself for the actions of another pony, Mara.

But I'm the one who can see her! And I failed you.

Luna tilts her head. Fail me? I do not think so.

Then how could this happen?

The scene changes. Mara is standing in Sugarcube Corner. She is facing Jonathan.

- - -

I will never fit in, says Jonathan. I'm of a different kind after all.

Luna frowns. Yes, you are different.

I can't help him, I don't even have the one thing that marks every adult member of society. I can't teach him anything. Why did you assign me for this?

Yes, you don't have a Cutie Mark. Yet I put my trust in you.

Jonathan and Mara look at her, then at each other. Mara shakes her head.

Am I really dreaming?, asks Jonathan.

How is this possible?, demands Mara.

You are both asleep, explains Luna. Your dreams are linked because you are somehow connected.

You mean... we're dreaming about the same thing?, asks Jonathan.

The ghost... you're afraid of it, too, states Mara.

Jonathan looks at the ground. I guess. I... feel defenseless. The Light won't answer me anymore.

They frown at each other. Jonathan pulls a corner of his mouth to the side, as if to say, 'What could I do anyway?'.

A smile creeps onto Mara's face. You know what? Let's keep an eye out for this thing. And when it comes, we'll defeat it together. Two heads are better than one, right?

...I suppose... our chances are higher that way.

- - -

Luna retreats from the dreams, letting them dissolve naturally as the dreamers return to the waking world. They will awaken soon, then turn around and fall asleep again to forget the dream in the morning.

- - -

She opened her eyes and massaged her temples. What a bothersome night. It seemed that her enthusiasm had been premature.

Had her help been enough? Hopefully she had not damaged their minds by her intrusion. She knew she was only allowed to do so much; the rest was up to the dreamers.

The Princess of the Night sighed and closed her eyes, diving into the dreamscape once more.

Author's Note:

I'm still not entirely happy with this chapter. Dream logic, ugh. :P