• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 3,485 Views, 105 Comments

Dead Heart - Leila Drake

Now Priest is stuck in Equestria, an Undead in the midst of colorful ponies. And then there are rumors of a ghost...

  • ...

Level 16 - Consequences of Grass Consumption

"Aaand done." Twilight happily checked off the last item on her list.

She looked around the library, content with the decoration. Bat shaped streamers and ballons hung from the ceiling and shelves. They had covered the table with a dark purple tablecloth and put some carved pumpkin lanterns into corners - in a safe distance from the books, of course. The kitchen was filled with food and drinks and a gigantic bowl of sweets stood on the counter. Everything was ready for the celebration.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Rarity, you really have an eye for those things."

"Why thank you, it wasn't a bother at all. It's a pity Pinkie Pie is still working at the Corner."

Twilight smiled and put away the list. "I think she's taking care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "She is? Well, that certainly explains why Sweetie Belle was so energetic this morning. Pinkie Pie is extraordinarily good with children, don't you think?"

"Definitely", agreed the alicorn. "So, are you ready to dress up for the night?"

Rarity winked. "You know me! I better go home to prepare - but this was fun. Make sure to ask Priest to join us when he and Spike return, if you would be so kind."

"I will", smiled Twilight.

"See you later, my dear!"

"Bye, Rarity." They hugged and the white unicorn left the library with a spring in her step, humming to herself.

- - -

Time Turner waited patiently at the counter of Ponyville Hospital. Visiting hours were just beginning and as soon as the nurse approached him, he asked her about his wife.

"She's almost completely recovered", she told the reliefed stallion, "but we recommend that she refrain from flying for two weeks."

"Did you tell her?"

"Yes, and I contacted her insurance. They said they are covering for the accident since it was a magical explosion."

Turner nodded. "I see. Thank you very much."

The nurse nodded and smiled, then pushed the door of Ditzy's room open. She left as soon as Turner entered.

"Hi!", said Ditzy. She was standing next to the bed with some kind of supportive bandage wrapped around her barrel. With her wings loosely folded around it and her flicking tail she looked more relaxed than hurt.

He cantered over to her and hugged her carefully. "How are you doing?"

She smiled and flicked a strand of mane out of her face. "Not too bad really. The side still hurts sometimes but I'm off medication. They said I can go home today!"

"Aw, Bubbles, I'm glad you are better!" Relief spread on his face.

She nuzzled his cheek affectionately and grinned. "I wouldn't want to miss Nightmare Night, would I? Did Mara get a nice costume for Dinky?"

"Errr, it's a bit creepy", admitted Turner.

Ditzy laughed. "Come on, Timey-Wimey, you know that it's part of the fun. If she wants a creepy costume, why not?"

"Yeah, why not?", he mumbled to himself.

"By the way, Twilight invited us over tonight. I think Mara's coming, too." He held up a scroll that had a broken seal, decorated with a six-pointed star.

"That sounds great! Do you think it's okay if we bring the Cutie Mark Crusaders? I wouldn't like it if Dinky had to spend the evening without her daddy."

"Or her mommy. That's the plan, actually. Applejack and the others got similar letters, says this one. I met Button's parents on the way here and they agreed he could come over with the Crusaders. I don't know for sure about the others yet."

"Well, we all know how thorough our new princess can be", laughed Ditzy. "Do you have a costume yet?"

"I'm just gonna wear a hat. If Spike and I watch over the Crusaders tonight as planned, I need a crusader-proof outfit. Though I had considered a hazmat suit for some time."

"Good point", snickered Ditzy. "Ow." She smiled awkwardly, resisting the urge to rub her side. "I guess I really need to take it easy for a while."

- - -

Ding ding, went the doorbell of Sugarcube Corner, instantly drowned by the deafening cheer of six ponies, the oldest of them with such a high pitch in her voice that it made Priest wince.

"Just a teensy second, fillies and colt, I'll be back, there's somepony at the doooooor."

Pinkie Pie bounced out of the kitchen to greet Priest and Spike. "Hiya!"

Oh, that voice was Pinkie's. I should have known.

"Hey... Pinkie Pie."

"Hi, how are the Crusaders doing?", asked Spike as they entered the kitchen together.

"See for yourself!"

Spike saw.

The kitchen was a mess; every surface covered with dough and occasionally milk. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were trying hard to wipe the floor clean with cloths as big as themselves, interrupting their efforts when Priest and Spike entered. Dinky sat in front of the oven, watching the cupcakes while Button was at a counter putting away some clean dishes, counting quietly as he stacked them.

The dragon grinned and waved at them. "Hey, Crusaders."

"Spike! Didya come to help us clean up?"


Pinkie Pie snatched the broom and cloths from the girls. "No, silly, I can do the rest. But thanks for helping! This is a lot more work than some ponies think and I am happy you had fun making the cupcakes but now that Spike is here I think it's time for you to get ready for Nightmare Night and put on your costumes, oh, I'm so excited, this Nightmare Night is going to be great!"

"Yay!", cheered Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"But what about the cupcakes?", wondered Applebloom.

"Pinkie, I think they're done!", announced Dinky, pointing at the oven.

"Really? Let's have a look, come on!" Pinkie dashed over to the oven and opened it, peering inside. "Oooh, looking good, looking reeeal good!"

Priest noticed a small blush on Spike's cheeks.

Pinkie drew a large fresh towel from her mane and used it to cover her hooves as she removed the tray from the oven. The sweet smell of delicious pumpkin muffins intensified, filling the entire Corner.

Some excited "Aaah"s and "Ooooh"s went through the kitchen.

Button looked up and flinched as he noticed Priest. "What – I mean, who's that?", he stammered.

Priest raised a hand. "Hi."

Sweetie Belle nudged him, "That's Priest. He's a human. And he's a friend." She gave Priest a wide smile.

"Oh. Uh, hi, Priest." He still wasn't moving, frozen with fear as it seemed, his pupils as tiny as pinpricks.

Priest decided to ignore it.

Dinky approached him and smiled. "Are you the one that saved my mommy?"

"Well, technically, I just-"

"Yes, he is", said Spike, stepping on Priest's foot.

"Spike!", warned Priest.

"What? It's true, you don't know what would have happened to that wing it it weren't for you and Pinkie Pie. Twilight helped, too!"

Dinky's eyes teared up. "Anyway", she sniffed, "thanks. Mom's allowed to come home today."

Spike smiled at her, patting her shoulder. "Don't worry, your mom is going to be all right in no time."

"I hope so", mumbled Dinky.

Pinkie Pie reached with her tongue for a freshly baked cupcake and devoured it. "Hmmm, they are perfect! Wanny try some, too? They're still hot!"

That made the smiles return immediately. Eyerybody, including Priest, dashed to the tray and snatched a cupcake.

"So did you ha' lunth yed?", asked Pinkie through her second cupcake.

Spike nodded and sat down on a relatively clean chair. "Sure, we went to the Hayburger and had the Special Lunch Menu with extra gems for me."

"Ooh, the one with the flower salad?"

Priest started and dropped his cupcake. It rolled under a chair. "Did you say 'Hay-Burger'?"

"Yeah, didn't I mention it when we went?"

"Hey, Priest, you're looking a little funny, and not the ha-ha funny, are you sure you're okay?", asked Pinkie.

The human stared at her, squinting his eyes and swaying a little.


Pinkie's features blurred together; the corners of Priest's sight were starting to get fuzzy and grey.

"Where's the bathroom?", he slurred.

"Oh my gosh, was he that pale last time?", whispered Scootaloo to Applebloom.

"Er, no, ah don't think so..."

"Second floor, first door on the left -", said Pinkie.

Priest bolted upstairs, leaving the confused ponies behind. Spike hesitated for a moment, then ran after him.

- - -

Pinkie Pie's smile was getting suspiciously wide. "Sooo, Nightmare Night! Let's dress up!" She stuffed about half of the cupcakes into a basket, filling it to the top. "Here, take these, I'll bring the rest when we meet at the library, 'kay?"

"Right", said Dinky slowly. "Is... is Priest going to be okay?"

"Well, I'm sure it's nothing serious!", offered Pinkie reassuringly. "Maybe he just ate something bad, I'll look after him right away!"

"Uh-huh." Doubt was etched into Button's and Applebloom's face.

Sweetie Belle shrugged. "When Pinkie says it's going to be okay..."

"...then it is going to be okay", finished Scootaloo. "Come on, guys, we really gotta go."

- - -

Pinkie knocked at the bathroom door. "Everything all right in there?"

"Well, what do you think?", came a muffled snarl from inside.

Her ears splayed back.

A dry gagging sound followed, then a desperate gasp. "Fuck", mumbled a deep voice, obviously Priest.

"Watch the language, please, Spike's a baby dragon", said Pinkie in a friendly singsong voice, her cheek at the door.


The door opened and Spike emerged, closing it quickly. "This is going to take a while. I think he ate too much grass. Looks like humans can't digest it as well as ponies."

"Uh-oh", said Pinkie. "Can I do anything to help?"

"Well, I gotta catch up with the crusaders and help them dress up so if you could look after him..."

"You can count on Pinkie Responsibility Pie!"

"Thanks." Spike hurried downstairs, waving at Pinkie as he left.

"I'm not a kid", stated Priest shakily through the door, followed by some splashing sounds that made Pinkie flinch.

"Of course not! But I can't leave you here! The fun of Nightmare Night is not worth leaving a friend alone when he's sick", she declared, planting her behind on the carpet in front of the door.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

Pinkie heard the rushing of water, then the quiet voice of Priest saying, "...thanks, Pinkie."

Author's Note:

Yikes, huh.

No, it's not an allergy.