• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 1,793 Views, 116 Comments

Scooter Tracks in My Life - Pyrus Nightwrite

A new Colt in town meets Scootaloo and they become instant friends. but as things unfold, more seems to be there than the two once believed...

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Apples? What Apples?

AN: Well, it's been what now, two months? This chapter needed to be made. I still don't like it, but if i simply don't release anything, i have a feeling that it would drive you guys as crazy as it drives me to not release, so... yeah. Here it is. Go read it.

They say freedom comes with a cost. This was painfully true for Pyrus the next Monday morning. While he was free from the boring interior of the hospital, he was not free from the school he was forced to attend. And while he was free from the hospital bed, he was also free from the painkillers.

Holy Gates of Tartarus this hurts! Okay, Pyrus, you have to walk now. Just take it one step at a time. It’s just out the door, and I can rest. Slowly, wincing with each step, the injured unicorn limped towards the door that led to the playground and picnic tables where lunch was consumed. In his saddlebag jostled his lunch, a dandelion and tulip sandwich with a side of lemonade (which he had bought from a few fillies selling it on his way to the school despite knowing he didn’t have much money left), and a small cookie.

On his leg, he wore a white bandage, covered with signatures. Mr. Lettergrade had insisted the class sign his bandage, much to the embarrassment of Pyrus, even though it was a bandage and not a cast. He had trouble thinking in Algebra, more than he usually had, and had generally had a bummer morning. But this was lunch time, a time to… well, he didn’t think he had much to look forward to there either. Pyrus sighed as he inched through the hallway.

Eventually, he made his way through the doorway. Having been slowed down by both the unwillingness to move in general and his injury, the tables were all mostly full. Pyrus squinted and scanned for a place that was relatively empty, where he could sit and try to eat his lunch without being disturbed. He was just noting how there didn’t seem to be any when he say a trio of fillies waving at him. Oh yeah. I forgot I have friends. How in Equestria did I forget that?

More or less filled with a bit more energy Pyrus made dragged himself a little faster.

“So this has been a really good season, and I’m s’posed to go and try to find some ponies who are willing to help out with the Applebuckin’” Applebloom said as Pyrus arrived and sat down gingerly.

“How can one season be better than another? I mean, apple trees don’t suddenly sprout up, do they?” Scootaloo asked.

“You don’t remember the ZapApples?” Sweetie Bell answered, to the amusement of Applebloom.

“Anyway, my point is I want y’all to help me!” Applebloom said with finality.

“Um… help with what? The ‘Applebucking’ or the looking for ponies for ‘Applebucking’ part? Also, could somepony care to explain to me what the hay applebucking is? I think I may have missed that part.” Scootaloo jumped at Pyrus’s voice next to her. She had not heard him sit down next to her.

“Woah! H-hi Pyrus. What brings you here today?”

“If I remember right, you three did…”

“Oh… Yeah. Right. Well, welcome to… here then.”

Applebloom gave a sideways glance to her stuttering friend, who simply motioned for Applebloom to continue.

Applebloom locked away a question she meant to ask the pegasus, and began launching into an explanation on the magic of the seasons, and how applebucking was a part of the Apple family tradition. She went into great detail about how, even if modern technology could do it in half the time with slivers of the energy, the traditional way always seemed to make the apples taste better. She offered a spare apple slice to Pyrus as proof. When he agreed, ‘Bloom continued, telling about how last year’s crop, while it had proven too much for her big sister to handle by herself, was a smaller crop than this year’s. By the end, Pyrus was wondering if he was really still in class.

“So really, I want you to help me with the bucking itself. Applejack said I’m big enough this year to help out, and she thinks that y’all might be able to help us.”

Scootaloo immediately jumped at the opportunity, saying things like ‘I have nothing better to do’ and ‘I’d love to hang out.’ Sweetie Bell took a little longer to think, but eventually agreed.

“Well, I’d love to help… but I don’t think I’ll be able to buck anything.” Pyrus said as he looked at his back leg. Scootaloo shrunk a little in her seat.

“Hmm… that could be a problem… well, we wouldn’t be doing It till next weekend. If you’re not any better by then, I’ll ask Applejack if there’s anything you can do. Pleeease come help?” Applebloom pleaded, complete with a face that would stop a charging Ursa. Unprepared for the begging battle, Pyrus sighed and nodded that he would do whatever he could.

“Yay! So, next Friday, we’ll all meet at the clubhouse after school. Agreed?” Applebloom said with finality.

“Agreed,” everypony else chanted.

The next Friday, Pyrus found himself feeling a lot better. He healed very quickly, and while his leg was still a little sore, he could walk with ease, trot without hesitation, canter for almost as far as he used to be able to, and even sprint short distances. Doc was amazed at this healing, also muttering something about how he wished he was young again.

Tuesday had gone a little better than Monday had, but still ranked low in the terms of luck. Wednesday saw a purple guest speaker talking about the Natural Magics, specifically the elements of harmony, which had brightened Pyrus’s day considerably. Thursday he took a test on magic, resulting in an expected low grade on everything but fire magic, which he aced. The entire week, he had spent his lunch hours with the Crusaders, getting to know each of them fairly well. He played and hung out with them after school every day but Wednesday, where he had gone home to study for the upcoming test.

The nights he did his usual business, walking around, writing a bit, and getting lost in fond memories of the good days in Canterlot. The days when he played with his long lost friend, the days he would never forget.

Finally, Friday arrived. Pyrus packed his saddlebags, climbed the ladder out of his room, snuck upstairs, and opened the door to leave. His blood ran with ice when he heard the too-familiar voice of his hung-over mother.

“Where the buck are you going? And why the buck are you packing so much food? Planning on running away again? Or maybe you’re trying to starve me so you can have all the cider for yourself.”

Pyrus dug the tip of his hoof into the hardwood floor and closed his eyes in an attempt to calm himself. It didn’t work. “While both of those are good ideas, I don’t think I’ll be doing either today. I am simply packing dinner along with me, I’ll probably be out late tonight.”

“Yeah, and I’m an alicorn. Fine. Go ahead, run away, see if I care. They’ll just drag your sorry flank back here and put a lock on your door, just like they did last time. I’ll bet they’ll even use the hoofcuffs and throw you in jail for a few days. No paper there. Nope, nothing to write on but the cold, hard walls surrounding you. What do you think about that?”

Pyrus didn’t think it sounded good. He fought to control his anger, and turned as calmly as he could out the door without finishing the conversation. He knew she would forget it even happened, or at least be too drunk to remember it by the time he got home.

Outside the door, Pyrus casually plucked a wrinkled dead leaf from a tree and concentrated his energies. He focused his anger into the leaf and let loose a small fire spell that consumed the leaf in a matter of seconds.

Continuing on his march to school, Pyrus thought about what he was about to take part in. through even further explanation from Applebloom, Pyrus’s job was one of the more simple ones. He would assist Big Macintosh in the cart pulling and collection of the apples, from the orchard where Applejack, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, and Applebloom herself were bucking them from the trees. They all agreed this would be the better role to play for Pyrus, with his injured leg. While it may have healed up almost in full, the ‘almost’ part was enough to make Applejack refuse to allow Pyrus to kick the solid apple wood. Applebloom told me that her sister told her that even if I was a little weak I could pull the apple carts. I think she may have meant weak in my leg, not generally a weak pony like me… still, I’m gonna try my best. ‘A for Effort” right?

Pyrus sighed. Worry always got the better of him in these situations.


“Um… no, Pyrus, the inner magic necessary to perform a conjuration spell is not apples. Maybe next time you won’t fall asleep during an oral exam.”

“Sorry Mr. Lettergrade. It won’t happen again.”

“I should hope not.”

Aw, haybiscuit I fell asleep again! And of course I was dreaming about apples. Why wouldn’t I be dreaming of apples?

The schoolhouse buzzed with excitement as Pyrus clacked his way out of the building. A long weekend was coming up. With the Running of the Leaves next Monday, class was canceled so students could participate. Even if most of the ponies were only coming to watch, it was nonetheless a large town event.

Pyrus buzzed for a different reason. As the first formal hanging out with his new friends, Pyrus felt the excitement of company fill him. Even if it was working, he still was determined to have some fun with it. And the exercise would be good for his recovering leg, or so he was told.

“Well, youngins, let’s get goin’. You wouldn’t want to leave your sister waiting would ya, Applebloom?” A very old green pony with an apple pie cutie mark said as Pyrus joined the group.

“Wait granny! Sweetie Bell ain’t here yet! And I haven’t introduced ya to my new friend!” Pyrus found himself suddenly standing in front of the ancient pony. Having been put there by Bloom, he was momentarily confused, but quickly got a hold on himself. “Granny Smith, this is Pyrus Nightwrite. He’s a new pony here, just moved in from Canterlot!”

“Canterlot, eh? You sure he’s cut out fer this kind of work?” Granny Smith said as she shook the orange foal’s hoof. She examined him with what Pyrus could only guess was a knowing eye. She paused at his back leg’s bandage.

“Trust me, ma’am. I’m not from that part of Canterlot. I will do everything I can to help out as much as I can.” Pyrus said with fake confidence. It was a trick he learned trying to stand up to bullies in Canterlot. “Even with my… complication.”

It seemed to work. Granny said she would give him a shot. Scootaloo sighed a gentle relief. Pyrus’s ear twitched to the sound, but he decided to reserve his question for later. After a moment they were joined by a very distraught white filly who mumbled something about forgetting before apologizing for her tardiness. With a final nod from Applebloom, the group set off.

“Well I hope y’all are ready. We’re about to teach you about the art of Applebuckin’. Ain’t that right, Macintosh?”


“Well, then, where do we start? How bout the basics?”


A fairly long walk and a session of introductions later, the Apple family had begun their crash course on applebucking. While Applejack demonstrated the method to the girls, Big Macintosh motioned to Pyrus to follow him. As he departed, Scootaloo struggled to learn the surprisingly difficult art of bucking trees and getting apples.

“Any pony with a pulse can kick a tree and have some apples fall off. The trick is getting them to fall precisely into the baskets. It takes some practice, but ah’m sure you three will get it.”

Applebloom was going nuts. She bucked the tutoring tree several times, very quickly. Ranting about how her cutie mark had to have something to do with apples, she violently attacked the tree. Until an apple bonked her on the head.

“Ow! Now what was that for!?” she yelled at the tree. Sweetie Bell stifled a giggle, and Scootaloo laughed openly.

“Yer just not quite doing it right. It takes precision, and not necessarily all yer force, ‘Bloom. Here, let me show ya.”
Applejack said through giggle of her own. Explaining the finer points of the tree trunk and how they shook the branches in different ways, she gently continued het tutoring.

I wonder how Pyrus is doing… he seems confident, but I don’t know... he’s got to be as nervous as I am. At least about the apples. Come on Scoots, you don’t know if he feels that same thing you do, so just wait and watch. Besides, the only reason you’re nervous about being with him is BECAUSE of that feeling.

Pyrus found him intimidating. He was about four times bigger than he was, and had a voice just as much deeper. And yet, he spoke gently in a way that Pyrus found rather comforting. One thing was for sure though. There was a reason they called him ‘Big’ Macintosh.

“Y’all sure you can handle this, hayseed?” the deep bass asked as Pyrus fit himself to the cart that Mac had pulled out of the farm’s storage shed. “Ah don’t wanna see you hurtin’ yerself.”

“Yeah, I think I can take it. They’re just apples, right? How heavy can they be?” Pyrus said with certainty. His spirit was lightened when he found out how light the cart was.

“A lot heavier than you’d think, hayseed. Be sure ya don’t bite off more than you can chew.” Big Mac had taken to calling him hayseed. Pyrus didn’t mind the nickname. “Ah hurt mahself last year, and I couldn’t pull the carts. There’s no shame in stoppin’ rather than hurtin yerself even more.”

“Thanks, Mac. I’ll keep that in mind.” Pyrus appreciated his concern, but it was getting a little annoying having everypony underestimate him.

Applejack interrupted them with a clanging triangle and a beckoning “SOUP’S ON!” Pyrus pulled himself out of the cart and started walking to the house across the yard. His pace doubled as he caught scent of the aroma of fresh baked apple fritters, and he began to canter to the source of the smells. Big Mac followed leisurely, chuckling as Pyrus introduced the ground to his face via gravity.

Now what in the world of Equestrtia could be on Scootaloo’s mind? It doesn’t take a genius to see that she’s nervous… but why is she starring at Pyrus like that? Wait a minute… Oh, not you too Sweetie Bell… Something’s wrong here. I’ve gotta figure out what. Did I miss something at that hospital visit those two made?

Applebloom’s mind was made up. She was gonna ask the girls what was going on. After Pyrus had left.

Scootaloo’s mind was on something else. What’s he thinking about? He’s hungry, at the very least… Scootaloo laughed within her own mind. I wonder… what does he think of me? He’s told me some things I have a feeling he doesn’t share with everypony… also, why is it that every time I look at him my heart jumps like that!? It’s getting annoying… kinda… gahh so many questions! I’ll have to ask him later… if I can manage to find some time alone with him…

Scootaloo found herself staring on accident and continued eating. Food this good wasn’t something she usually got so she made the most of it.

Sweetie Bell was carefully watching Pyrus from the corner of her eye. The adult ponies were all too busy talking about the harvest, so Sweetie easily blocked out their voices.

Wow. He’s really recovering fast. No black eye… almost no bruises… he’s even walking around normally on that leg. Is he really gonna be pulling an apple cart? I hope so… and he can do magic, and he said he’s been able too for a while now! I can’t do any yet… he must be strong! I wonder… if we put rocks in the apple buckets he’ll have to work harder… Sweetie Bell! That’s mean! I’m sure you’ll be able to see enough already! Her thoughts swirled around and she began daydreaming about this strong, handsome pony effortlessly pulling a full apple cart. She nibbled tastelessly on her food as the colt in her dream waved with a grin.

Pyrus was thoroughly enjoying himself on the apple treats in front of him. They were delicious, and as he usually had to cook his own meals, the fact that they weren’t burnt, undercooked, or otherwise poorly prepared made them some of the best things he’d eaten in a while. The adult ponies talked over the feast. The sizeable meal was a harvest celebration, Big Mac had told him, and Pyrus liked the this kind of party. As they ate, Applejack grilled Big Mac with questions, questions about Pyrus. most were answered with a simple “Eeyup.” Pyrus admired this pony’s amazing ability to say so much with so few words. As the chewing slowed, and the pastries stopped getting passed, Applejack had just one more question, this one direct requiring less than a simple yes or no.

“Well, Big Macintosh,” Applejack said with finality, “what do you think of him? I know the girls can handle themselves, however… clumsily that handling will be. But what about Pyrus?”

Big Mac looked sideways at the orange foal next to him, and laughed a deep baritone. “Well, he’s a scrawny little fella, but he’s got spirit. Ah think he’ll do well.” Pyrus blushed a little.

“Well, it’s settled then! Everypony go and get a good night’s sleep, cause we’ve got some work to do tomorrow!” Applejack said slightly louder to gain the attention of everypny, breaking the girl’s respective trances.
Applebloom said her fair wells to her friends, and the three other young filed out the door and began the walk back to ponyville. Each had a hope for the next day. And what it may bring.