• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 1,792 Views, 116 Comments

Scooter Tracks in My Life - Pyrus Nightwrite

A new Colt in town meets Scootaloo and they become instant friends. but as things unfold, more seems to be there than the two once believed...

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Royal consoling

AN: sorry this took me so long. writer's block plus getting sick plus AP finals prep is slowing me down. i had a fever in the middle of the week, and i'm behind in homework as it is. but as anyone who knows me can probably say, i enjoy writing far more than i enjoy homework, so i made this. i'll bet you're all tired of my rambling now, so here, have a new chapter.

Pyrus Nightwrite’s brain was sore from questions and possible answers, analyses of the past few hours, and mind-melting feelings, which bounced and stormed frustratingly though his head and buzzed and spun until he finally just gave up and turned his brain off. Turning his brain off in a snap like that had never been easy for him, however, and it simply started overtime again. Amidst all the chaos and conflicting problems, he mentally shouted out. WHY CAN’T I JUST SHUT MYSELF UP!? In response, his brain cleared up a bit. Thankfully, he jumped to the question that now stood alone. What he saw almost made him ragequit his whole brain.
Why did she snap at me like that?
“GAHH! I’M NOT GETTING ANYWHERE!” Pyrus halted in the middle of the road and yelled, and then immediately quieted down as his brain caught up to his temper and reminded him that some ponies were trying to sleep. The pony screaming at him from her window saying those same words helped that process along a bit.
Ever since he had walked away, he had been pondering this question. The maelstrom of thoughts had spawned from that one simple question. What did I say? It seems like she’s either trying to hide something from me… or she is trying to hide from me.
Either way, something was being hidden. That much was apparent.
Mumbling to himself, he began walking again. As he walked, he felt the familiar tickle of a dark, sparkling cloud of mist sliding around his body.
He stopped again. He knew it was best he did. Not many ponies went out at night, and even fewer did it frequently. It was only natural that Luna made friends with the ones that did. As Luna began to materialize in front of him, he made his way to the ground in a friendly bow. With his knees bent and one hoof in the air and the knee of that hoof on the ground, he silently bowed low for the princess.
“Oh, what a simply wonderful night!”
“Princess Luna, it’s you.”
“Why, of course it’s me. Who else do you know can travel around as a cloud of stardust?”
“Well, when you put it that way…”
Pyrus rose from his bow, and looked his princess in the eyes. They had a sparkle of happiness and just the slightest touch of mischief in them. A wide grin covered her face, and her mane flowed with a little extra sparkle tonight.
“Princess, you snuck out of your royal duties again, didn’t you?”
“Of course. How else do I get to come out and play? It’s almost like... like…” Luna’s body coursed. She looked up at the night sky, and the large white disk hanging in the stars. Said sparkle faded, and was replaced with the beginnings of a tear.
“Loneliness got the better of you again?”
“Yes. I am filled with such loneliness. It burdens my heart to be alone again. I have only just gotten back and I already find my night unappreciated again.”
Pyrus recognized this. It was time for him to play emotion doctor again.
“I appreciate your night. I find it very… relaxing. And refreshing. Like… a cool glass of lemonade after a long day.”
Luna sighed loudly. “That makes one…”
“Luna… there are certainly more ponies in the night…”
“They all want to get away… none of them are out on their own, just to be out there. Nopony likes my night.”
Pyrus paused. Not for dramatic effect, he had to think of something to say. If only it was as simple as saying ‘cheer up, we need you.’ Ya’know… that actually didn’t sound too bad…
“Hey, cheer up. We all need you. We need you and the night. It’s not like nopony likes it. Everypony likes it!” He looked deep into Luna’s eyes, which were beginning to tear up. “Everypony.”
Luna turned her face away, and softly spoke. “You have no proof…”
“Hey, have you ever tried sleeping during the day? Wait, bad choice of words. Do you know anypony who sleeps through the day? Maybe one or two? Because it’s really hard. Too bright, too loud, the sun is out. If it weren’t for your night, ponies wouldn’t get any sleep. They love it, they just don’t know it.” Wow… do I really mean that...? Why yes, of course I do!
Luna’s stance shifted, and she got slightly taller. Her eyes brightened, and her frown she was wearing was replaced with a wide grin.
“I…I guess I never thought about it that way…
Pyrus smiled back. “Now, are you ready to go back to that throne?”
“Yes, I do believe I am now fit for the rest of night.”
“Good. You had better get back; we can hang out tomorrow night, and you do realize there isn’t much night left to govern tonight…”
Donning on her “Princess of the Night” face, she rose into the air. “Yes, Pyrus, we must get back as soon as possible!”
Pyrus heard himself sigh. “You said ‘we’ again.”
“Why yes, we did. What will thou do about it?” With that, she transformed into stardust again, and drifted away to Canterlot, ready to rule over what was left of the night.
Pyrus chuckled to himself, remembering the night that he met Luna. if it weren’t for her… I might not have made it where I am today. I’ll bet she feels the same way…. He briefly reflected on their nights they spent talking and laughing.
Now, back to thinking. Pyrus sighed (again!) and began down the road (again!) with nothing left but to ponder what had occurred that night. Let’s see… I meet Scootaloo… she and I play tag… I give her my poem… she takes off and won’t let me walk her home… hmm…. I wonder if she-
Pyrus fell to his haunches and massaged his suddenly aching forehead, grumbling something that sounded like “who put that house there…”
Resolving that he must have been thinking too hard, Pyrus made the critical decision to shut up and walk. Pushing the question aside for later, he plodded down the trail, and then turned up the concrete path to his door. Pushing it open and walking inside, he tiptoed (tip-hoofed?) across the room.
Walking through the house quietly, he began the journey down to his room. Before making it even out of the second room, he heard his Mom snoring. Over his left shoulder sat a brown colored unicorn with a greasy yellow mane. Sitting next to her was an unmarked bottle, containing the booze that had presumably knocked her unconscious. The small TV flickered casting Mom in a peculiar flashing light.
Home, sweet home…
Silently, he snuck into the next room, then down the stairs, through the basement, and down the ladder into his room. Using magic to light a small candle, he closed the hatch to his room. The rope ladder rattled slightly, and then fell silent. Slipping into the covers, he watched the glowing flame from the candle he had placed on the table beside his bed.
He closed his eyes, slowed his breathing, and then he too fell silent, fast asleep.