• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 8,132 Views, 67 Comments

Out in Ponyville - Shatterpath

What lies beyond friendship? A confession starts a whole new chapter for Applejack and Twilight!

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Chapter 5
++ Applejack ++

I don’t sleep well; haunted by the pleasure of Twilight’s company and the showdown I know I have to face today with my family. A childish part of me wishes that my folks had already headed back south to Bridleham, so that I could break the news to my siblings first. No such luck.

Then I feel bad, because I adore my folks. Because of that, I’m terrified that this revelation is going to cause problems.

And putting it off is not going to help.

After breakfast, I manage to avoid Mama once more and I’m back at my familiar task of cleanup, the cows chatting among themselves as we work. Sometimes, my life bleeds together, a ceaseless cycle with little variation. Well, until Twilight walked into my life. I can’t help the soft smile that plays around my mouth, stifling it in fear my brother will see it.

As though summoned by my mixed feelings, Pa walks in. He’s still a handsome stallion, even older now and with that pronounced limp. His shock of dry grass mane, tail and bushy sideburns are still as thick as any adolescent’s and his apple green coat looks good for its healthy rest in Bridleham’s more humid climate.

“Kids,” he greets us.

“Pa,” we acknowledge but continue our work.

“Applejack, yer mama was askin’ after you.”

To anyone else, that would sound like a passing comment. But not my Pa. He doesn’t give orders in the traditional sense of the word; but an Apple foal learns to listen to every word he says or he’ll swat a rump to get you moving. Nodding obediently, I quickly finish the sweeping of the stall I’m working on and head for the door.

“Thanks, Pa.”

Pale blue eyes watch me go, heavy on my hide. Yep, he really can make me feel like a baby filly all over again. Sigh. My silver lining for the upcoming confrontation is; at least I get to tell Mama first.

Humming sweetly to herself, my mother is hard at work with the apple peeling machine. A pile of multicolored peels waits in the ancient old wooden bucket to be taken to the cows and pigs. She giggles when I sneak over, chest and chin on the floor boards, to steal a peel from the pile and slurp it up, just as I have done since I started eating solid food. Right on cue, her tail swats me across the rump.

“You animal, behave,” she admonishes fondly and I grin around my chewing. I’ve been filching this treat my whole life and the familiarity of the interaction soothes me.

The quiet of the cool day settles over us, a comfortable quiet broken only by the winter birds and the squeak of the peeler.

“You’ve got somethin’ on your mind, Sugar,” Mama finally prompts, her voice characteristically soft. Her accent is different than Pa’s, and we kids are a mix of both.

This is it then. Take a deep breath, Applejack, and get it over with. Even with the internal pep talk, it takes long moments to loosen my tongue. “Mama, you always wanted me to find someone nice.”

“I do.” Her tone is studiously neutral, but her eyes, the summer green shade I share, are watching me closely now.

“Well… I have. But I dunno that you’re gonna be happy about it.”

There’s a long pause, like seeing lightning on the horizon and waiting for the grumble of thunder. “Well, alrighty then. Why won’t I be happy for you?”

“It’s new, and ah have no idea where it will go, but I know ah’ve been fascinated since the moment ah laid eyes on… her.”

Pink brows draw together in confusion and I sit quietly and wait for questions or condemnation. Now that I’m here, I feel strangely peaceful, like what will happen now is out of my hooves.

“Her,” Mama repeats back slowly and her gaze on me sharpens. This is her ‘look right through you’ look. “What exactly do you mean by that?”

“Ah’m in love with a friend of mine. And, no, ah haven’t even told her yet that ah love her. Yer the first ta hear it.”

My familial accent is thick, more so than usual, but I ignore the stress indicator. Mama’s expression would be almost funny in a different context. “I don’t understand.”

“Ah know. It ain’t like ah’ve ever given ya reason to wonder ‘bout me.”

The sharpening of her gaze again makes me question whether that statement is true, but I ignore it. “Someone ah know?”

“No, ma’am.”

Once more, her expression crumbles into bafflement, before clearing again. “That new friend of yours; the unicorn from Canterlot. Ah can’t remember her name.”

“Twilight Sparkle. Yes, ma’am.”

Without consciously realizing that I’m even doing it, I’ve ensured all the apples are in the water bucket smelling of lemons to keep them from browning. With that done, I lean down to slide the yoke over my neck.

“Let me run these into the kitchen and we can take a walk.”

There is nothing my Mama can’t solve with a good, long walk amid the apple trees. She always says she fell in love with Pa and the trees both. Setting the apple bucket out of the way, I grab my warm scarf and Mama’s shawl, trotting out to drape it over her back and withers.

The air is damp as the sun warms the recently snowy ground, but there is a smell in the breeze that warns of true winter coming. Silence walks with us for a very long time, nearly to the edge of the massive orchards. There’s a large stump that has cradled many a tired rump that Mama curls up on. Not caring about the lingering wet, I sit in the grass.

“Mama, ah know this is strange, but it ain’t new. Ah’ve always felt like this. Just, why should ah upset everybody before? There was no one for me and my feelin’s were locked away. Then Twilight walked into my life and turned it upside-down. And Rarity, of all ponies, prodded me into bein’ honest and Twilight actually said yes. It was amazing.”

“How long?”

“Just a couple dates now.” The look of relief on her face worries me. “Mama this ain’t some filly fad. “

Relief fades again and I feel bad for how confused and conflicted I’m making her feel. Really, no matter how many times I looked at this confession, there really is no easier way.

“You are absolutely certain, Applejack?”

“Yes, Mama, as sure as the apples on my flank and my ties to this land and the Element of Honesty that ah earned.”

Even as a filly, I was pretty much a good pony. Oh, I got dirty constantly and bothered Macintosh to distraction and filched apple treats when I could, but it was little stuff like that. Honesty has been a part of me my entire life, long before the battle with Nightmare Moon. No one knows that better than my mother, and she searches my eyes for reassurance of my sincerity once more.

“This… this is goin’ to take some gettin’ used to, Sugar.”

What a relief to hear her call me that adored pet name. “Ah know. And Pa’s gonna have kittens when ah tell him.”

It’s disheartening that Mama only nods, not contradicting me. As resigned as I may be to this situation, I can’t help but wish it were easier.

“Is she nice, your Twilight?”

The question is a mix of tentative and curious. “Yes. She’s also brilliant and clever and can be really funny. And the Princess says she’s the most powerful unicorn magic she’s ever seen. Ah mean, she stopped Nightmare Moon!”

“Is that it then? The reasons why you like her?”

“No. Some of it ah ain’t got words for. This relationship is new and old crushes were just that, crushes. Ah’d never told no filly before her. Coulda knocked me over with a feather when she took me up on my offer. You’ll like her if you give her a chance. She’s real different than me, but that’s one of the things I think will give us a chance.”

Thoughtful quiet settles again and I force patience. Ironically, Rainbow Dash streaks through the sky overhead, looking as though she’s hunting clouds. Several other pegasi give chase and the speed may be a game as much as work.

“Ah almost would have suspected that one, given this news,” Mama muses and I fight down annoyance. Really, her too?

“No, ah’m a little too competitive with that one. And ah’d rather an equal than a brat. Not that I don’t like Dash, ‘cause I do.”

“Opposites can attract.”

“Yeah, true, but mah opposites with Twilight work better.”

For whatever reason, that seems to galvanize Mama, who stands and shakes herself out. She strides to me, looking down where I remain in the grass, her eyes soft. “You’re gonna have some problems, my sweet Applejack. Ah would never want that for you. But ah love you from now ‘til eternity, no matter what. Never fear that.”

The knot of tightness in my chest, the worry that somehow this would change her feelings for me, dissolves into relieved tears. Feeling very much like a vulnerable foal, I raise my nose to accept her maternal nuzzle before leaning my head on her warm chest.

“That was hard on you, Sugar.”

All I can do is nod, eyes closed against slow tears. My throat hurts too much to speak. As she always has, Mama knows me well and just gives me some time to ride out the emotional storm. In fact, she soothes me further by nosing at my mane, almost as though grooming me. All of this soothes me immensely.

In time, calm descends and I can regain my feet, once more my mother’s equal. For another long moment we stand, forehead to forehead. “Yer the best, Mama, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now,” her voice is brisk now, as she straightens up and nudges me to follow her. “Let’s see if we can’t concoct an errand to get you and Apple Bloom off the farm for the day. Ah’ll talk with your father and your brother.”

"But ah..."

"Just give me a chance at him, Sugar. That stubborn old goat can rant at me, then speak more calmly with you later."

“Well, ah s'ppose. Just feels a mite cowardly ta me.”

Mama smiles almost smugly, warming me. "Applejack, sugar, there ain't one sane pony in Equestria foolish enough to think you a coward."

Further warmed by the praise, nonetheless part of me wants to argue, to fight my own battles, but I do see her point. If Pa feels the need to rant like a crazy pony before he thinks things out, Mama wants to spare me that. Though it chafes me, I will take her lead on this and take care of my little sister. Who I also have to explain all of this to.

I knew this was going to be hard, but it is getting extreme.

By the time we return to the house, Mama has drummed up an entire day’s worth of work for me, much of which Apple Bloom can help with once she’s done at school. I know Pinkie Pie won’t have a problem mixing in a Cutie Mark Crusaders sleepover with her party and the youngins can sleep in a bit before returning to school tomorrow. If I have to, I can ask to borrow the quiet of the library to let them sleep.

Saddlebags full of errands, I trot towards town, looking lingeringly at the barn where my father and brother still work. I really hope they won’t get too weird about this. We’re a close knit clan and I rely on that.

Luckily for me, Mama found all matter of little things that had to get done, things she herself could have managed with ease, but keep me nicely busy until the school bell peels out through town. Quickly wrapping up my business, I gallop over to intercept my sister.

“Well howdy there, Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“Hi Applejack!”

As usual, Scootaloo is neutral, but Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are happy to see me. All three fillies give me their attention and I smile. “Pinkie Pie is throwin’ a ‘welcome winter’ bash t’night. Scootaloo, go ask yer folks if you can come along and you tell them that we know it’s a school night and we’ll be sure you get enough sleep. Sweetie Belle, yer sister’s gonna be there, so yer probably okay, but check anyhow. And Apple Bloom, yer good, ‘cause this was Mama’s idea in the first place.”

With a happy chorus, the girls race off and I find myself, unsurprisingly, drawn to the nearby library. Memories of Twilight’s sweet kiss leave me frozen for a long moment, lost in thought. A weight suddenly landing on my back makes me prance around in shock, craning my neck to see Spike perched there.

“Spike! Y’all startled me.”

Normally, a pony’s back is an intimate zone reserved for loved ones, but I don’t mind him there. The little face is serious and I pay attention.

“You better take good care of her.”

Oh, so he’s been told then. It’s easy to smile authentically, some of my feelings for his best pal showing through.

“Ah will absolutely do my best, you have mah word. Would you like ta join me in trackin’ down the Cutie Mark Crusaders? I think they’ll end up at Rarity’s place.”

He goes from pleased to skeptical to happy with childlike abandon. Crouching, I grin sassily.

“Better hang on then, pardner. I’m a mite faster than Twilight!”

With a squeak of surprise, Spike grabs my mane as I take off at full speed. No, I’m no flier or wielder of magic, but few ponies are as fleet a foot as this earth pony! Laughing and cheering me on, Spike hangs on like a stubborn burr as I whip around corners and ponydestrians, enjoying the wind in my face.

We cover much of Ponyville in a wandering route before I slow to a high-stepping prance to cool my muscles. Spike giggles weakly and drapes himself over my haunches, draconian spines digging lightly into my hide.

“That was great! I knew you were fast, but that was awesome. Wee…”

Pleased with the run and delighting my young pal, I snort and toss my head, feeling frisky.

“Sorry I jumped on you like that. I should have asked first,” Spike apologizes and slides to the ground. Grinning, I give him a friendly nudge.

“S’okay, Spike. Yer her family, and family makes us all act a mite crazy. You feel free ta jump on me whenever you feel the urge.”

He likes that, nodding almost shyly. Such a cute little guy. Slyly, I press close, cheek to cheek.

“Now, give a pony a hand?”


“’Pears ah’ve gotten all muddy again and Rarity’ll have mah skin if I go in there like this.”

Spike wields the hose accurately, cleaning off the mud from my legs and belly, jumping away when I violently shake the water from my coat. “Hey!”

“Sorry, ‘bout that!”

We just miss the near-blur that is the hyperactive Crusaders, and enter the Carousel Boutique right behind them. Rarity looks baffled at the wall of words the three girls send at her in an incoherent barrage. My sharp whistle silences the tumult.

“One at a time, fillies.”

Sweetie Belle rattles off her request, telling her sister that mother said it’s okay if Rarity keeps an eye on her. Sighing wearily, Rarity agrees and winces as the Crusaders cheer deafeningly. My body blocks their retreat and I stare them down to some semblance of calm.

“Now, ah’ve got yer overnight stuff in my bags, Apple Bloom. The rest of y’all get yours and head over to Sugar Cube Corner to see if Pinkie Pie needs any help. Alright?”

“Okay, Applejack!” They chorus and I allow them to race past.

“The little monsters,” Rarity sighs tolerantly and I smile at her.

“Y’know, ah haven’t told ya thank you for givin’ me the prod to ‘fess up to Twilight.”

At my words, Rarity looks pleased. “Marvelous! So it worked then?”

Yes, I’m blushing, and fiercely by the feel of it.

“Yes,” Spike chimes in with mock boyish disgust and we laugh warmly together.