• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 8,141 Views, 67 Comments

Out in Ponyville - Shatterpath

What lies beyond friendship? A confession starts a whole new chapter for Applejack and Twilight!

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Chapter 6
++ Rarity ++

I have deliberately avoided entering Sugar Cube Corner and can only hope that the uncanny Pinkie Pie does not yet pick up on my presence. So Spike and I loiter at the edge of the patio where tables and chairs would be in nicer weather. He stayed with me after Applejack left to join Twilight for dinner, helping out in his usual manner. We’re waiting for the new couple as we want a show of solidarity with them. Just in case one of our circle of friends reacts badly to the revelations to come.

Applejack told me all about it earlier, chattering on and on, astonishing me with the river of words. Who knew she had such eloquence in her? She’d even allowed me to do a mild makeover while she unburdened and I thoroughly cleaned up that lovely flaxen mane and got a serious groom on the orange hide. Spike assisted uncomplainingly, which I always appreciate in a helper.

When our friends approach from the direction of the library, I admit they are a lovely couple. Love suits them, putting a bounce in their step and a happy arch in their necks. Luckily for them, few ponies are about on a chilly night like this, or they might walk right into one as they have eyes only for each other. Despite his boyish complaints, Spike sighs dreamily and I grin down at him. It’s good that he approves, as much a part of Twilight’s life as he is.

“Hey pardners,” Applejack greets us.

“Hi Rarity, Spike,” Twilight chimes in. “Would you like to join us?”

With a little cheer, Spike jumps up, not on to Twilight’s back, but Applejack’s. The bigger mare snorts playfully and does a little mock bucking bronco dance that makes him laugh and laugh. “Next rodeo, pardner, ah’m makin’ you part of the act!”

“Really? Cool!”

Like that, we wade into the colorful fray that is a Pinkie Pie party. We are, of course, accosted immediately by our host, ecstatic to see us. “Hi, guys, welcome!”

There is more than our small circle of friends tonight and I can see Applejack and Twilight blanch a little. So I nudge my fellow unicorn and give her a long look that reassures her while Spike hugs his new best pal in the universe. We succeed in getting them to relax and act like themselves again.

As the festivities progress, I can only wonder how no one else sees it. Really, they are so obvious. The closeness, the tender touches, the two of them lost in their own little world. Dash makes a couple of attempts to get a rise out of her usual favorite sparring partner, but gives up with a puzzled look when Applejack simply fails to rise to the bait. Even when they mingle with others, I can sense the pull between them.

As always, it is a marvelous party. “Really, Pinkie Pie, I don’t know how you do it,” I compliment while wiping a napkin over Sweetie Belle’s sleeping face. Really, did Scootaloo need to rub that cupcake icing from nose to horn? The mischievous pegasus filly has fallen asleep in the rafters above, though Dash has assured everypony that she’s quite safe there.

Apple Bloom and her sister left some time ago. Oh not for good, Applejack assured us of that; they just needed to talk. Twilight keeps looking longingly at the door, clearly wanting to be a part of the discussion happening somewhere in the night. We’re curled up on the piles of pillows strewn about for the slumber party, waiting for the Apple girls.

When they do come back, Apple Bloom makes a beeline for me, curling up her solid little body between me, Belle and the pillows. Her expression is disoriented, thoughtful and a little sad, just like her sister’s

“Kin ah stay here, Rarity?” she asks timidly and I have to lower my head to hear her. “Ah just need to think.”

“Sweet child,” I murmur softly and give her drooping ears a nuzzle, “you stay here as long as you like.”

I manage not to startle too badly at a weight suddenly thumping onto my back, smiling as the barely conscious Scootaloo oozes across my shoulders to melt into the Crusader pony puddle.

“Awww,” Twilight coos as Applejack walks over and curls up near the puddle. Twilight stretches her neck out to rub foreheads with her, murmuring something I cannot hear. Only I notice Apple Bloom watching, her sleepy eyes at half mast.

“Sleep, child,” I tell her and give her a little maternal kiss on her forelock. “Tomorrow everything will make more sense.”

“Ya promise?”

“I promise. And if it doesn’t, I will always be here to talk to.”

“Applejack said that. Thanks… Rare…”

Then the last of the little fillies sleeps and I can relax. Little will wake them now and they can be moved once my forelegs start to fall asleep under their weight.

“What’s up with Apple Bloom?” Dash asks from her sudden hover over my head. “Everypony is acting so weird tonight.”

“Not weird,” Twilight chimes up, her face determined and uncertain. “It's just, we have something to tell all of you and Apple Bloom needed to hear it before everypony else.”

That gets the attention of Fluttershy and the ever hyper Pinkie. Soon, we are a group of six again, the cleanup forgotten for now.

“A couple days ago, ah asked Twilight out,” Applejack blurts it out with no fanfare. “And we’re goin’ steady now. Ah know it’s a little strange, findin’ out this kinda thing about yer friends, but we’re tryin’ out bein’ more than friends.”

There’s a moment of surprised silence, before Pinkie’s eyes round and she exclaims, “You can do that?”

“Yes, Pinkie,” Twilight says with a note of humor and nervousness in her voice. “I was a little surprised by the offer when Applejack first asked.” Her sweet, shy smile makes Applejack blush. “But once I thought it over, how could I resist?”

Dash’s expression is most telling, something like horrified disappointment quickly smothered beneath her usual brash façade. Very telling indeed.

“So you guys are like mare-lovers now?”

The somewhat insulting slang term makes everyone wince, even Fluttershy who has yet to add her opinion to this revelation. Applejack’s ears flick flat in anger for a long moment until she makes a conscious effort to calm herself. “Dash, ya don’ hafta like it, but ah’d appreciate if you were at least polite. ‘Specially with youngins in earshot.”

“Sure, AJ, sorry about that. You too Twilight,” the pegasus apologizes meekly and lands to stare quizzically at the friends who have so suddenly changed in her eyes.

“Are you sure about this?” Fluttershy asks softly, prompting the young couple to sit up and face the questions.

“Yes, completely sure,” Twilight’s voice is strong and assured, now that the initial hurdle has been jumped. “We knew we had to tell all of you because secrets can ruin friendships and this is too important not to share.” We all nod in sync, encouraging Twilight to continue. “We can only hope that this relationship won’t change our larger friendship.”

“That said,” Applejack chimes in, “we also understand that our bein’ together will take some gettin’ used to.”

“You knew already,” Dash accuses and I realize that she’s speaking to me.

“Yes. I’m the one that told Applejack to quit dragging her hooves and just ask Twilight out already.”

“And thank Celestia she did, too,” Applejack says adamantly.

“I agree,” Twilight giggles and tucks her head into the soft spot behind Applejack’s jaw. It’s sweetly intimate and Pinkie is immediately thrilled, practically jumping all over them. The two pegasi are still conflicted, that much is obvious, but I can only hope that they will come around sooner rather than later. Trapped as I am by the weight of the girls, I can only observe as Twilight goes and speaks with Fluttershy while Applejack goes to Dash. The sulky Dash is reluctant, but doesn’t shun the chummy leg thrown over her shoulders. Fluttershy just seems confused, but listens avidly to Twilight while Pinkie bounces around in chaotic happiness.

It has been a strange few days, relationship dynamics shifting wildly in unexpected directions. For the sake of these friends I adore, I hope that the Apple family learns to accept this newcomer in their midst. Twilight is well worth the effort. When Applejack gets dragged off to Canterlot to meet the ponies important to Twilight, I hope they can see past the sometimes rough edges of the farm pony to the warm, wonderful heart beneath.

Once I’m sure that my sister and the other girls are deeply asleep, I wiggle free and shake feeling back into my hooves and knees. After some bracing punch I go to Applejack, who looks melancholy. “Give Rainbow Dash some time, Applejack. She’s had a crush on you for so long that I do believe you took the wind out of her wings.”

Startled, Applejack stares at me and stammers, “Wait, what?”

“Oh, don’t be dense. I don’t believe it’s serious, but she’s still feeling stung. Just give her some time and in the meantime, take care of your girl.”

We both look over as Fluttershy throws both forelegs around Twilight in a choking hug and they giggle together. Pinkie squeezes them both and waggles her eyebrows suggestively at our shy pal until they all crack up.

“Fer somepony that was new to bein’ social, she’s gotten good at it,” Applejack notes and I nod.

“We’ve all been good influences on her and one another.”

“Yep. Thanks again, Rarity.”

While Applejack goes to the others, I find Dash staring out a window to the chilly night beyond, her chin resting on crossed forelegs. “Interesting night,” I comment softly as I sit beside her. Some time passes in a stillness not common to the energetic Dash.

“Did I lose an opportunity?”

“No one can answer that question, Dash. Will you be alright?”

“Yeah, I guess so. They do seem happy, don’t they?”

We turn together to watch Twilight and Applejack seated, flank to flank, their tails intertwined as they watch Pinkie in her usual antics. Fluttershy sits close by, with hooves tucked up like an indolent cat while Spike dances about with Pinkie. With a determined glint in her eye, Dash squares her jaw and flashes off to buzz Pinkie like a giant bee, amping up the silliness all the more. That leaves me to happily join my friends, sitting beside Twilight to cheer on the antics.

The first hurdles for the happy couple have been jumped. With the strength of their strong hearts they stand a good chance of happiness and with good friends, we will help them as we can.