• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 3,741 Views, 52 Comments

Priority: Equestria (Mass Effect Crossover) - Dead_Account_0

Shepard's hunt for Cerberus takes him to Equestria. Will he gain some new allies?

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The Search

[A/N: A big thank you to pre-reader Tactical!Rainboom over on Ponychan for defusing this grammatical minefield.]

Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep; bleep; bleep, bleep, bleep, BLEEP! BLEEP!

“Commander, the radar is detecting electronic signatures in this system.” A synthetic, but clearly female voice announced from a seated figure in front of a large orange screen, which was floating in midair.

The bridge thrummed with the low hum of electronics and the distant whir of the engines. The artificially scrubbed air carried a very faint but very distinct sourness from the recycling process. Fluorescent white bulbs in the ceiling and floor cast the entire bridge in their clinical, white glare. Commander Shepard stood in the middle of the room directly behind the pilot chair. In the chair sat his helmsman, Jeff “Joker” Moreau, the most skilled pilot in the entire Systems Alliance.

“Thank god. Maybe scanning every planet in the entire cluster won’t be a total waste of time!” Joker span his chair around to face Shepard.

“I make the rules, Joker. If we don’t find where The Illusive Man is holed up, then we’ll never find the Catalyst,” Shepard returned confidently.

Joker sighed and span back around to the pilot console. His navy blue flight suit still somehow crisp and clean despite the days spent flying from planet to planet, as they searched for any trace of Cerberus. He cast another look back at Commander Shepard; the first human Spectre and hero of the Citadel.

Less than three years ago, Shepard had signed onto the crew, fresh from the esteemed N7 training course. Despite his military grunt background, he took extremely well to the Alliance officer suit he was wearing now. The dark blue and black suit, tastefully lined with gold thread, fit him like a glove. The elaborate medals on his chest, and the golden chevrons on his shoulder pads, announced to everyone that he was a big shot; and for good reason, right now he was the only hope left for the galaxy. Joker looked up to see the Commander’s bright blue eyes boring into his.

“I know I’m impressive, Joker, but can we tone down the googly eyes?” The Commander smirked as Joker snapped out of it.

“You wish, Shepard,” Joker said with a laugh, “but, if you must know, I was examining EDI,” Joker replied snarkily, then promptly span back around to his pilot console.

Shepard smiled to himself and leant back over EDI’s console. EDI’s robotic platform was running all manner of scans on the small blue rock in front of them. The platform’s humanoid shape was optimised for blending in with humans. Originally created by the corrupt organisation that Shepard was currently hunting down for infiltration purposes; it now saw use as an extension of the unshackled AI that inhabited the ship. EDI had adapted to it well, and had put it through its paces in the Quarian-Geth war for Rannoch. For all intents and purposes, she was metal woman. Her body was constructed of a silver coloured metal alloy with some areas constructed of a different, black alloy. An orange visor constantly coated her eyes.

“What do we know, EDI?” Shepard asked with a nod towards the screen.

“According to my databanks this entire system is off limits by order of the Citadel Council. This sector holds no mineral wealth and no habitable planets. However, no records exist for the planet that’s broadcasting the signal. We only managed to pick it up with the geth signal booster we obtained from Rannoch.” EDI continued to type into a keyboard made of light as she spoke.

The commander’s brow furrowed for a moment. “Can this signal pick us up?”

“Signal is unknown. I would recommend utilising the Normandy’s stealth systems in case of hostile security measures.”

The commander nodded. “Do it.”

Lights blinked all around the cockpit as the engines switched to stealth mode, rerouting the ships' heat emissions into the specially designed hull.

“Joker, can you take us closer to the planet?”

“Aye-aye commander,” Joker replied from his chair. In front of him was a reinforced polymer based window that provided a view into the dark abyss of space. The ship hurtled along at faster than light speeds. Up ahead, the distant blue planet slowly grew closer.

“EDI, are you sure there are no habitable planets in this system?” Shepard asked after a brief pause.

“According to the records, there are no habitable planets in this system,” EDI began.

“I don’t want to know what the records say; I want to know what you think,” Shepard interjected.

“Based on the data from our long-range scanners, it is highly probable that the planet would suit human colonisation.”

“Then why would the Council say otherwise?”

“Unknown. This planet does not exist on Council records. Perhaps the planet is a recent extra-solar capture?”

“I don’t know EDI. Still, it is suspicious.” The commander took a few steps back absentmindedly. With a measured exhalation he stepped forwards again and asked, “Is there any way to scan the planet without revealing our presence?”

“All scanners would be instantly detected. I did manage to extrapolate a rough location for the source of the signal. It would be possible to launch a probe to that location. The probe should be able to ascertain the signal’s source, and send us information via near undetectable tight-beam communications.”

“Are we in range?”

“We will be in range to dispense a probe in roughly fifteen minutes. I would recommend concealing the ship behind the planet’s moon as an extra precaution.”

“You hear that, Joker?”

“Yes, sir,” Joker grumbled in response.

“Keep me posted, EDI,” Shepard said with a nod as he turned to leave.

The commander walked out of the bridge and down the ramp to the galaxy map. Crewmen in Alliance uniforms tapped away at various consoles, managing all the processes required to keep the ship flying. Consoles lined the walls, spreading outwards in a circle until they encountered two semicircular doors. Shepard cast an upward glance at the holographic representation of the ship currently suspended in the middle of the room.

One of the crewmen, who was standing at the consoles that lined the projector, span around and snapped off a salute to the commander. “We’re reading green across the board, sir!”

The commander nodded his thanks. “Carry on, Ensign Copeland.” As he approached his private terminal on the rear of the projector, the ship was replaced with a representation of the galaxy. The swirling blue image was dotted with billions of stars, each their own solar system; a veritable cornucopia of planets. It was always a sobering thought: how insignificant the Normandy and her crew were, yet right now the entire galaxy rested on their shoulders.

“Is everything okay, Commander?” a woman from a nearby terminal said smoothly.

Shepard shook himself and looked up with a thin smile. “Everything’s okay, Samantha.”

“Is it really, Shepard? I know that tone. That’s the: I have problems but if I hide them and ignore them then they won’t be a problem tone,” Specialist Traynor said wryly.

Shepard had to smile at that. “Fine, you win, Sam.” His smile then instantly vanished again to be replaced with an empty stare. He leaned in and spoke with a hushed tone, “I know it wasn’t my fault that we were ambushed on Thessia, but that doesn’t change the fact that we were. Kai Leng bested us, and took our only hope against the Reapers. It just tears me up that he was able to defeat us so easily. This is the second time he has managed to get away unscathed.”

“Shepard. I know you’re not used to losing; fact is, you probably have one of the biggest win streaks in the galaxy, but sometimes people lose. Take you at chess for example, you haven’t managed to beat me yet,” The two of them couldn’t help but laugh at that. “It’s undisputable fact that no one can win forever,” she said sincerely, before breaking into another smile and adding, “Besides, now it’s one-to-one, which means you’re leading to an inevitable showdown. That’s when you can stick it to him and save the galaxy.”

“Thanks, Sam. You always know the right thing to say,” Shepard said with a smile of his own.

“I try. Say, You up for another game of virtual chess later?”

“Sure, I’ve been reading up on the extranet and I think I’ve got you figured out,” Shepard replied with a cocky smirk.

“We’ll see, Commander,” Samantha replied with a sly smile.

Shepard shook his head with another laugh as he walked up to the elevator behind them and pushed the hovering green touchpad. The door lifted open and Shepard entered, walking over to the bright orange console at the back. A simple display listed the five floors with the current floor in green.

Hmm… I could kill a few minutes in my quarters… or I could check on how Tali is settling into Engineering. Decisions, decisions. I need my team at one hundred percent, so engineering it is. With a nod to himself he pushed the button for floor four and the elevator’s doors slowly shut, then the elevator began its slow descent.


Celestia sat at the head of the alabaster table on a carved marble throne. Around the table were assembled the usual dignitaries from inside the country and out; the same mixture of stubborn old foals and ambitious new cutthroats. The cutthroats seemed to be steadily becoming a majority though. The same issues were being raised, and the same arguments were being carried out. Every month they had this meeting, and every month no progress actually happened. Today, however, Luna had awoken early to attend the meeting herself. Who knew what a fresh perspective could spin on things?

“I’m so bored, sis,” Luna whispered from beside Celestia. Celestia remained staring at the infighting ponies as they screamed at each other, backing up pointless accusations with even more inconsequential facts.

“We could boost the water supply to oat fields by 0.05%!” some ambitious administrator shouted to a chorus of nods from a few of his peers.

“The only thing worse than the aging aristocrats is these bumbling bureaucrats,” Celestia mumbled out of the corner of her mouth.

“I’m just saying that Fellhew Forest could see productivity increase by as much as 2% with a contract from Colt Throttle Smithies,” cried some fat old pony that Celestia somehow managed to remember was the mayor of Mareidian.

“Whilst naming a Mareidian company as the sole suppliers of tools on a government sponsored forest,” a young mare hissed in response.

“Is this all they do?” Luna whispered back, somehow making her voice audible over the din of raised voices.

“Wait! Did somepony say oat fields? We’ve had a bumper crop of oats! It’s vital we now focus on oranges!” Baron d’Orange suddenly piped up, his eyes afire.

“Will you shut up about your Celestia damn oranges?” one of the hotshots bellowed in response. The entire table went silent and turned to stare at him. As soon as he realised what he had said he leapt back and slowly turned his head to face the princess.

Celestia rose from her chair, her face impassive. She began to stride over to the offending pony; the only sound in the hall now was the echoing hoofsteps as Celestia approached the chair. The anonymous administrator attempted to sink into his chair and disappear. Celestia stopped directly in front of him and leaned in close. “You would use my name in vain?” she said flatly.

“I’m sorry, Princess. It won’t happen again,” he replied. Sweat poured down his face as his eyes underwent a merry dance from left to right.

“See that it doesn’t,” Celestia said coldly.

With a flash of her horn, Celestia teleported back into her chair. Everypony changed tone as dark rumours began to circulate as whispers.

“You’ve seen how much she’s changed lately?” one advisor whispered a little too audibly.

“I’m sure she’s just having a few off days,” an older pony snapped.

“I heard that she kicked Shieldwall from the guard yesterday for losing his helmet,” one of the door guards mumbled to the other.

“I’m sure she has her reasons. Frankly, Shieldwall was incompetent anyway,” the other guard replied.

“Uhh, Tia? Are you sure that was a good idea?” Luna piped up as the administrators fell back into arguments.

“Put on the tension, quicken procedures up a little.” Celestia lounged back in her chair as she stared down the crowd in front of her.

“Did you see their reactions?” Luna whispered. As soon as she’d finished she suddenly leapt to her hooves. “Sister, they fear you.”

“What? Why?” Celestia demanded as quietly as she could manage.

“You have been a bit... irritable as of late.”

“Do you know what day it is?”

“Does it matter?”

“Does it matter?” Celestia scoffed. “Does it matter! Yesterday was update day!”

Some of the assembled dignitaries began to quieten as they listened in to the arguing sisters.

“Look, Tia. I know it hurts, but it has been five years. We hadn’t seen her for even longer before that.”

“Don’t say it!” Celestia shouted back with a torrent of frenzied saliva.

“I’m not going to say it. I’m just stating the fact that we can’t do anything about it. Let’s just focus on the matter at hoof. We have a meeting to preside over.”

“All they ever do is fight!”

“That just proves that they need us to mediate!”

“They’d do a fine job mucking it up themselves.”

“This is a forum of free ideas! Anything that needs to be voiced can be voiced here and talked through into a workable solution.”

“In theory.”

“Fine. Then we'll do it my way!" Luna shouted as she rose to her hooves.

“Well what would you have us do, oh glorious Princess of the Night,” Celestia sneered back.

“Oh buck off Sunshine!”

“That’s it!” Celestia screamed as she rose to her hooves, only to realise that the entire assembly was staring at her with a mix of curiosity and fear. “My sister and I are going to take a short break. In the mean time, why don’t you see if you can process a few of these problems?” Celestia said sweetly before teleporting out of the hall and into her bedroom. Luna tried to back away from the blinding wall of light, but it encompassed her completely. The two ponies vanished from the meeting hall.

The assembly waited a few minutes in complete silence, before suddenly exploding with noise as everypony turned to their neighbour to gossip about the Princesses.


The elevator stopped with a shudder and the large door opened allowing Shepard to walk through.

“Commander Shepard! A word if you would.”

Shepard spun on his heels to see Diana Allers walking out of her room in port side storage. He cursed inwardly but maintained an amicable smile as she walked up to him.

“I’m doing a report on the fall of Thessia, but Liara doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. Would you mind being interviewed for a report?”

“Can we keep it short, Diana?”

“Of course, Commander. If you’d just follow me,” she said politely before leading Shepard into the storage room. She touched a floating green pad in front of the door and a circle on the pad whirled. With a quiet pssh, the door split into three different sections and pulled open.

A large cupboard sat on the opposite wall covered in assorted journalism paraphernalia: pictures, recording equipment and an omnitool. Half of the room was divided into a recording studio. White paint covered the walls and floors. Shepard could see a bed through the door on the other side of the room.

Diana whistled as she entered and a small camera droid floated up into the air. The small flat robot had a large camera mounted on its right side. It flew over to the reporter, before stopping in front of her. She motioned for Shepard to join her.

Shepard sighed inwardly as he strode over to the camera and stepped in front of it besides the reporter. He nodded to signify he was ready.

“This is Diana Allers, live onboard the SSV Normandy SR2. I’m here with the illustrious Commander Shepard who was recently on Thessia. Shepard, do you think Thessia has already fallen to the Reaper horde?”

“No planet has truly fallen yet, Diana. A planet is only fallen when every single soul in the galaxy has given up on it, and I haven’t yet. As soon as we liberate Earth from the Reaper horde, then we can start to focus on bringing other planets back to the fold: Thessia, Palaven, Khar’Shan. Now is a time for unity, now is a time to hold together, and push back the Reaper horde.”

“But don’t you worry that other races will only see humanity trying to liberate their own planet?”

“Other races need to understand that Earth is where this war is won or lost. Earth is where the Reapers are concentrating their forces. Earth is where Harbinger, the Reaper commander, is stationed. Once Earth is retaken, and the main Reaper fleet is destroyed, then the newly formed galactic fleet can take out the remaining resistance in Palaven and Thessia, before pushing on to retake Khar’shan. Every race needs to consolidate our forces in order for this to work, and we’re already seeing this happen. The Turian and Krogan operations on Palaven are a striking example of intergalactic cooperation. If we all stand together, then we will get through this.” Shepard paced as he spoke, his voice impassioned and strong.

“Very nice, Commander. Cut! You did great, Commander. You always manage to sound so inspiring.”

“Good, I just need to go see…” Shepard began but was suddenly cut off.

“Would Commander Shepard report to the bridge, please. That’s Commander Shepard to the bridge, thank you,” Joker called through the ship’s intercom system in his best shop manager impression.

“Joker,” Shepard said with a smirk as he turned to return to the elevator.

“Oh, and Commander?” Diana called from behind him.

“What is it?” Shepard tried to suppress the anger that audibly tinged his voice.

“Do I have permission to interview Garrus about the events on Thessia?” she continued unfazed.

“If he consents,” Shepard replied tersely before heading to the elevator. The door shut behind him.

Shepard hit the big “2” button to return to the Combat Information Centre. As the elevator began its rise, he leaned back against the wall and massaged his temple. Diana Allers is such a pain, but I need all the good press I can get. It is morale boosting, Shepard reasoned with a shrug.

The elevator suddenly stopped jarringly. Shepard brought up his omnitool and tried to bring up the display. The button was unresponsive. Suddenly the elevator was filled with a blinding white light.


Celestia appeared in Luna’s bedroom with a dazzling display of white light. A split second later, a very dazed Luna appeared in mid-air and fell to the floor. Celestia turned to her prone sister with tears in her eyes. “Luna! We're the only Alicornians left. We can’t keep fighting like this.”

Luna dragged herself to her hooves and shouted angrily, “Well I just can’t help it. If we had it your way, Equestria would still be in the dark ages!"

“I wouldn’t go that far. I've allowed technology that improves their quality of life.”

"But there's no progress! These are the same debates we were having five hundred years ago!"

“When we created the pony race, we agreed that they had to be controlled for their own safety!”

“Look around you! In thirty-five thousand years we’ve barely taken a step. Civilisation is stagnating!” Luna shouted wildly. She paced to and fro as she shouted in a desperate attempt to funnel her rage elsewhere.

“Remember the alternative, Luna,” Celestia said with a sad sigh.

“We can’t just restrict scientific advancement forever!”

“Why not? That was the original plan! You know it’s the only safe option.”

“But… it just isn’t right,” Luna tried to shout, but the fight was gone from her. Luna sat on her haunches and let out her own sad sigh. Tears began to well up, but she bit her lip in a vain attempt to suppress it. She flinched as she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Looking back Celestia’s warm magenta eyes met Luna’s colder cyan ones. Luna leaned forwards into a hug.

“You know that it’s for their own good. The cycle will repeat. The only way we can ensure their continued survival – our continued survival is to restrict technological progress,” Celestia said softly as she stroked Luna’s mane with her hoof.

“I know. It’s just… it’s not right.”

“We promised Faust that we’d keep our race alive.”

“Faust is dead,” Luna said coldly.

Celestia snapped back in response, pulling out of the hug and pushing Luna away. “Never say that, Luna! Faust is out there! I just…” Celestia began angrily when she suddenly froze.

Luna noticed the sudden pause and her eyes widened. “It isn’t?” she asked worriedly.

“I think it might be. Luna, head to the lunar facility and run a system wide scan. Something is probing our magical field,” Celestia announced in a monotone.

Luna shook her head in response. "As joint ruler of Equestria, I think that I have the right to negotiate with extraterrestrials once in a while. Why don't you man the guns for once?"

"You know what, Luna? Fine. I've had enough of you complaining that we never deal with aliens fairly. Maybe this will convince you of how detestable this cycle is." With that scathing comment, Celestia lit her horn with a flash and teleported away.

Luna closed her eyes and focused on her horn. In her mind’s eye, she could see the black backdrop of space illuminated by strings of light blue energy that spread out in all directions. With a push, she navigated the weaves of magical energy that surrounded the planet. Sure enough one of them was flashing a deep orange. With a frown, she soared along the magical line. In the distance she could make out something flying towards the planet, and cursed inwardly. Somehow the craft had passed the long-range sensors without setting them off. There was only one thing for it.

Her ethereal, magical form entered the ship through the bridge window with no trouble at all. Inside she saw the crew: bipedal, hairless apes. They looked familiar. When the alicornians had realised they faced extinction, they began to catalogue as many species and their genetic profiles as they could. Humans were one of the many species recorded. One of the pet species the Protheans had kept under wraps. Seeing that none of the humans could detect her, she soared through the ship. The ship reminded her a lot of the lunar research base. It was constructed of the same metals and holographic interfaces.

She entered the large door at the end to find it led to an elevator shaft. Below her the elevator appeared to be rising, inside stood a perfect target for a one-on-one discussion. She entered the large elevator through the roof and focused her magic. With a grunt she managed to create a time bubble around the elevator which she then entered. The human inside appeared to be fiddling with some kind of wrist-mounted computer. With another grunt of effort she transported her physical form into the elevator with a flash of bright, white light.