• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 3,741 Views, 52 Comments

Priority: Equestria (Mass Effect Crossover) - Dead_Account_0

Shepard's hunt for Cerberus takes him to Equestria. Will he gain some new allies?

  • ...

One Small Step

[A/N: Another big thank you to Humanist and Biohazard for prereading, and being there to bounce ideas off. Biohazard also gave me this vastly superior title. They are both awesome. A big thanks to pre-reader Tactical!Rainboom over on Ponychan too for helping iron out the remaining kinks.]

Shepard looked around at the faces of his assembled crewmen. Despite the inherent incredulity of what he had just announced, almost all of them seemed to accept it; almost all of them.

"What the hell, Commander? Are you saying that we just almost got blown up by unicorns? What have you been smoking! I know you’re loco, but this is a whole 'nother level!" James shouted at the top of his voice as he slammed a fist on the table.

"Shepard's right. Something has always been up in this system. Batarian slavers used to use this system to hide from Alliance retribution, but a number of them went missing and never resurfaced," Liara said as she fiddled with her omni-tool. The display popped open with an Alliance military report on the matter.

"So? Slavers going off the grid; is that really a big surprise?"

"Not on its own, no. This was not a lone incident, however. Two thousand years before that, krogan attempted to mine the planet Drevo. The operation suffered numerous setbacks, such as an inconsistent power supply and massive communication problems. Eventually the operation was deemed too costly and the planet was abandoned." Liara brought up another document signed by one Drakel; the apparent head of the short-lived Krogan mining company, Tenvum Rock Shatterers.

"So we have an unlucky group of Krogan and a few missing Batarians, and that means we should believe that unicorns are behind it? I ain't buying this, Loco," James shouted again.

Shepard cast his famous analytical gaze towards Vega. James's teeth were gritted together and beads of sweat were travelling down his forehead. He's starting to come around, but he'll need visual proof. "EDI, can you bring up surveillance footage from the main elevator."

EDI's omni-tool briefly flashed up, before she shook her head. "Negative, Commander. The camera appears to have been blanked. I detected no intrusion into the network before this "Cadence". She may have wiped the camera when you allowed her access to the systems."

"Cadence? That was the V.I. you mentioned briefly, right?" Tali spoke up in her thick Quarian accent.

"Yes; Cadence should still be inside the system."

"You didn't allow her access to the war room, did you?"

"The war room runs on a separate and more secure circuit. Without my word, EDI can't even access the main console."

"Hang on! I think we're getting off-track here. Am I the only sane person here? Shepard is talking about magical horses with wings and you all just believe it?" James shouted again. He looked around to see the accepting looks on everyone else's faces.

"Last time I didn't believe in the Commander, I almost helped Cerberus kill the Council," Kaidan said with a sad sigh.

"That was different! There is a big difference between Cerberus and unicorns," James bellowed once more. Shepard noted that he was getting more and more worked up.

Garrus sighed and turned to face James. "Has Shepard ever let you down?"

"What's that got to do with anything?" James asked incredulously.

"Has Shepard ever let you down?" Garrus repeated firmly.

James went through a vast array of facial expressions, before exhaling and saying, "No."

"Then why would he now?"

"But... friggin unicorns man!" James whined.

"I've seen things with Shepard that I still don't believe. We've fought Rachni, we've exterminated Protheans, we've saved entire worlds with nothing but words," Garrus said in a clearly heart-felt manner, before adding with one of his throaty laughs, "Basically, Shepard is a magnet for the weird."

"Thanks, Garrus," Shepard said with a brief chuckle.

"I mean look at all of us," Garrus said with another laugh. "Have you ever seen such a motley crew? We've got a Quarian admiral, a Turian vigilante, an L2 implanted Human biotic, the Shadow Broker, and an illegal A.I."

Shepard noted James's rage seemed to be boiling down. His breathing became more regular, although he still seemed to be shaking a little; however, that could just be an after-effect of his outburst.

The table suddenly lit up as the virtual display popped up with a familiar sight. "Cadence," Shepard said with a nod.

"I have analysed your data banks and selected three individuals to be given landing clearance: Lieutenant James Vega, Major Kaidan Alenko and Admiral Tali Zorah nar Rayya vas Normandy."

"I ain't going out there without the Commander!" James shouted, before realising how infantile that sounded and looking around embarrassedly.

"Princess Luna has vouched for your character, Shepard, despite evidence proving the contrary. The invitation has been extended to you as well.

"Hey, what about me and Liara?" Garrus asked.

"Liara has killed for profit and information as the Shadow Broker. You killed several notable criminals without trial. Both of which contradict directly with laws lain out by your Citadel Council. Celestia has requested that I not allow any criminals on board the station," the VI replied to the Turian, before turning back to Shepard. "I have been instructed to ask that all of you leave your weapons behind."

"Hang on! I'm not going out there without my guns!" James shouted, again.

"Vega's right. We can't chance leaving our weapons behind," Kaidan added.

"No weapons are permitted aboard the station."

"How about sidearms only? That's a compromise for everyone," Shepard said tactfully.

"This is not negotiable, Shepard."

"How can you expect us to trust you if you don't trust us? Trust is a two-way street," Shepard argued.

"This is not negotiable, Shepard," the VI repeated in exactly the same tone.

"Can't you contact your superiors? See if we can work this out?" Liara asked from behind the VI.

"This is not negotiab..." the VI began again.

"It is of no use arguing with a VI," EDI interjected.

Shepard breathed out hard. I've already thrown myself at their mercy when I ordered the ship into the hangar bay, but this is just a slap to the face. I need to set boundaries, but I can't push too hard. This is either the perfect trap or a unique opportunity. I can't risk myself needlessly, but maybe these people are just a peaceful race.

"Shepard, we need all of the allies we can get," Liara said softly.

Garrus looked at her as if she were crazy. "Shepard, you can't trust these... these... things you've only just met with your life!"

"Who knows what kind of technology they have? They could be the tipping point in this war. They may even know what the Catalyst is!" Liara replied, her pitch rising with excitement.

"That's your reasoning?" Garrus shouted as he turned to Liara and made as if to poke her in the chest but stopped halfway.

"This is ridiculous! They're more than likely to stab you in the back! Even if this is some undiscovered species, that doesn't mean you're safe. Remember the Yahg? They butchered their first contact party," Kaidan added.

"From what Shepard has said these could be a remnant of the last cycle! Imagine the technological bounty that they possess. It's entirely possible that they developed a way to hide from the Reapers!" Liara shouted as her eyes began to glow blue.

"We need ways to fight, not hide," Garrus sputtered.

Vega weighed back into the argument, "Yeah, what we need is a really big friggin' gun."

"Liara's right; this is the closest thing we have had to a lead since we set off," Tali said, joining in on the debate.

Shepard nodded to Tali and cleared his throat. All attention shifted to him as he spoke, "We've been wandering aimlessly around the galaxy for long enough. Every day we don't have the Catalyst, more and more people die. If this gives us even the slimmest chance of leading us to the Catalyst, then I am willing to do it."

"If you die, Shepard, then our shot at destroying the Reapers is gone. You're the only thing holding the fleets together," Kaidan said softly. "Face it, Commander, without you there is no war."

"The Reapers grow closer to the Crucible every day. I can't afford to pass up a chance like this," Shepard replied as he met Kaidan's stare. He then turned to the VI display. "We agree to your conditions, Cadence. We will be departing from the bottom of the craft."

"Excellent choice, Commander. You won't regret this. Princess Luna will be waiting to meet you there," Cadence replied, before her display vanished without a trace.

Shepard turned back to the crew and their conflicted expressions. With an authoritative tone, Shepard began, "Okay, team, this is just another mission. Liara, I want you to use your connections and see what you can track down."

"Of course, Shepard. I'll see if I can find any reference at all to Alicornians," Liara replied with a dutiful salute, before turning and leaving the room.

"Garrus, you've got the deck while I'm not here. Work with Traynor if you can; she's analysing the sensor data. See what you can find out."

"You can count on me, Shepard, but make sure to come back in one piece," Garrus replied with a nod, and walking out. "I'd hate to have to take out the Reapers by myself," he said as he passed through the door with a backwards wave.

"EDI, head back to the bridge, and keep Joker company. Keep an eye on Cadence, and see what you can learn from her," Shepard added as he turned to the metal chassis.

"Understood, Shepard," she replied as she too stood up and walked out.

"James, Kaidan, I think casual wear will suffice for this; don't bother suiting up. Okay, everybody needs to leave their weapons behind and make any necessary preparations. In ten minutes I want to see all three of you on deck five, and ready to go," Shepard said to a chorus of, "Yes, Sir!".


Luna reappeared in the weapon control room. The station was painted a clinical white; the ceilings, the floors, the walls; all where comprised of simple white tiles. This particular room was packed full of powered down workstations, all but one. In the corner of the room sat a white alicorn hunched over a computer with her horn plugged into an outlet. The air carried no scent whatsoever, and the room was well lit with a strong fluorescent glare.

"Celestia?" Luna called softly.

The white alicorn pulled her horn out of the slot and turned to face the dark blue alicorn. The expression on her face was calm and composed, but Luna could see the fire in her eyes.

"Luna. The internal defence grid has been set to automatic. It will react to any signs of violence with a verbal warning; If that goes ignored, then it’ll hit them with a strong dose of sedative," Celestia said; her voice seemed cold and detached.

"Thanks for letting them land, sis. I know it's hard, but we have to recognise the extent of our meddling," Luna said softly as she trotted towards the white alicorn.

"This isn't about that!" Celestia snapped, before regaining her composure. "This is about Faust. Even aliens should recognise her importance. Equestria has gone without its queen for too long."

"I'm sure the human vessel can assist with this matter," Luna said more confidently than she felt. "I appointed Cadence to act as a go-between," she added in a not so subtle topic change.

"With Cadence up here too, who's overseeing Equestria?"

Luna rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, "Uhh... I figured it was.. uh... Blueblood's chance to finally realise his potential."

"Blueblood?" Celestia shouted incredulously. "Ugh, the council is going to have a field day," she added with a groan.

"I thought you appointed him as your flesh and blood successor?"

"I appointed his great, great, great grandfather to the role. Stalwart was a brave knight and brilliant politician who commanded respect from the army and civilians alike. Blueblood is an incompetent foal who can't even control himself."

"I can't believe you, Tia! I thought that you were finally grooming somepony to take over when we can finally withdraw. We can run the entire planet from up here; we don't need to insert ourselves so intrusively into their culture!" Luna shouted in shock.

"Luna, let's focus on the problem at hoof. I don't want this to degenerate into another argument," Celestia replied with a sigh, as she put her hoof to her forehead.

"Fine," Luna spat. With a measured breath, she calmed herself a little and said, "Cadence should be combing their records now. There should be a few candidates who meet your standards."

"I doubt any of them could meet my standards; that's why I'm forcing them to be judged by their standards," Celestia said with a scoff.

"What is your problem?" Luna shouted angrily.

"Lun-" Celestia began, but Luna held up a hoof.

"Let me speak, big sister," Luna said sharply. She left a brief pause to make sure that Celestia would maintain the silence. When Celestia met her gaze, but kept her lips shut, Luna continued, "I know that the Protheans did as much damage to our empire as the Reapers did. I know that we were a lone island of peace awash in a sea of violence. I know that the last time we let aliens land they tried to steal our natural resources. But all of that is not reason enough to mistrust every alien. We cannot paint everybody we haven't met with the same brush. There are violent ponies, sure they're rare, but there's enough of them to warrant a guard. Other species have the same highs and lows in their societies."

"Just in very different ratios," Celestia muttered, before heaving a heavy sigh. "I suppose I should at least give them a chance." Luna nodded with unspoken thanks. "I'm heading to the command room; if we want to impress our new guests then bringing the station back up to full functionality will go a long way."

"Why not come greet them with me?"

"Luna, we have to treat them like dignitaries from a far-off land. Imagine them as dukes and duchesses from the Empire of Griffonia if you must," Celestia replied.

"So you're going to try and wow them?"

"Exactly. We need to maintain the pretence that we are more powerful than them or there's nothing to stop them from taking over the station an-"

"Celestia," Luna interjected sharply.

"I know, I know; they're not monsters. Initial appearances can give us the diplomatic edge though. If it comes to setting terms, then we'll need that edge."

Luna rolled her eyes, "Always the diplomat, eh, Tia?"

Celestia flashed her a real smile, before her horn flashed bright white and she disappeared without a trace. Luna stood with a stupid smile as she scanned the room to make sure it was clear. Once it was she threw up her forelegs in glee. "Yeah!" she shouted happily, before proceeding to leap across the room with a chorus of "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Once her glee subsided, she let out a happy sigh and lit up her horn with a dark blue aura. With a flash of blue, the room around her changed into the hangar bay. She began to trot towards the Normandy. Her hoofsteps echoed around the colossal structure that was designed to hold the entire research fleet, emphasising the emptiness that was the hangar bay, besides the Normandy of course. The majority of the fleet was called into action, though there were still a few damaged ships laying dormant in the repair bay. Despite this space station being constructed for research, it became a military outpost in the Reaper war, and as such, housed an extensive defence system, and fully functional repair facilities.

She stopped right in front of the Normandy. The floorspace beside her suddenly sparked as an alicorn materialised beside her. The alicorn was a gentle pink and was slightly translucent. "Cadence, I hope your mission went well," Luna said slightly melodically; a smile still on her lips.

"Three crew members were identified as having no previous criminal records. Shepard was not one of them," Cadence replied. Her voice sounded more organic in this form, but was still flat and emotionless.

"How bad was it?"

"He was directly responsible for the deaths of three hundred thousand Batarians when he destroyed the Alpha relay in the Bahak system," Cadence repeated in her neutral tone.

Luna reacted as if she'd had a bucket of cold water thrown at her. Her smile vanished and all pretence of joviality was replaced by a cold sense of dread. "W-w-what?" she stammered.

"He was detained by the Systems Alliance, but it seems the crime was officially pardoned by the Citadel Council due to his Spectre status."

"What?" Luna replied again in shock.

"The humans took him back to earth, but did not prosecute him. The intergalactic council, comprised of representatives of four different races, pardoned him on account that the actions successfully delayed the Reaper invasion. His status as a member of an elite, intergalactic black operations organisation: Special Tactics and Reconnaissance, who answer directly to the Citadel Council and try their utmost to maintain galactic stability through means both legal and illegal, may have helped."

Luna fell to her flank as her mouth flopped open and close loosely in a very good impression of a goldfish. That silver-tongued draconequus who I spoke to previously was a murderer, neigh, mass murderer.

The translucent pink alicorn continued her speech unperturbed, "Commander Shepard is hailed as a hero by almost all corners of the galaxy; even the highest ranking surviving Batarian naval officer, Ka'hairal Balak, reconciled with Shepard and acknowledged that the Reapers were the bigger threat."

"So... he's still... he made a choice. A very hard choice, but a necessary one?"

"According to existing evidence gathered by Commander Shepard and his team, this option had a very high statistical probability of ensuring a lower death count in the future."

"Still... that was... some choice. Three hundred thousand now, or many more later. It's a wonder he's still functioning," Luna said sadly.

"Recent health reports show that Shepard is physically sound, although underlying mental issues are beginning to wear on him, but he is not a danger to himself or anyone else."

"No wonder," Luna said with a sad sigh. "Cadence, could you do me a favour by not telling Celestia about any of this?"

"I could omit details at your executive decision. If pushed for an answer though, I am obligated to mention that you concealed this information."

Luna stomped a hoof irritatedly. "I suppose if that's the best you can do," Luna mumbled, before heaving another sigh. "I order you to conceal all information relating to the Alpha relay incident and Shepard's deteriorating mental health," she added in an authoritative, albeit weak, tone.

"It is done," Cadence replied with a nod.

"Make sure to extend him an invitation along with the other three candidates anyway. Ask that they don't bring weapons with them, or Celestia will freak out."

"Understood, Luna," the alicorn nodded, before her image scattered into photons, and the blue lit floor dimmed and went out.

I wonder if that was the right choice. Then again, if anypony can argue with Celestia, I think it might be Shepard; Luna thought to herself as she settled down on the cold tiles and waited. I just hope that I made the right choice.


Celestia opened her eyes to see the old command room. A large table coated in glass sat in the centre of the room. All the walls were lined with consoles while row upon row of consoles lay on separate desks lined across the room. The far wall, however, was a colossal screen, and sat at the bottom of it was only a single large console with a horn slot in the middle of it. The room was just as clean now as when it was in operation which left the room smelling of absolutely nothing. The frequently recycled air was completely odourless and tasteless. To finish the dreary and plain room were the fluorescent lights of cold white that were just slightly too dim.

Celestia trotted across the tiled floor towards the large console. Ducking her head, she inserted her horn into the machine and closed her eyes. Fans inside the machines suddenly started to spin as consoles booted up. A multitude of small screens began to light up along with the massive screen on the wall. The lights also brightened a little as if in competition.

"Welcome back, Network Administrator Celestia," the machine announced in a clearly computerised voice.

"Prometheus," she replied with a curt nod.

"What can I do for you today?" the voice crackled through antique speakers built into the sides.

"We have guests. I want you to activate diplomatic protocol Four-Two-Nine."

The screen flashed and a rush of voices suddenly assaulted Celestia's ears. Looking around, she saw ponies manning a majority of the stations and talking in loud, yet somehow hushed, voices. Their garble danced a thin line between being unintelligible and seeming familiar. The ponies came from all three different species as well as vast array of colours and cutie marks, although some were clones of the others; there were only fifty templates after all.

"Constructs are now active. Would you like to activate interior defence systems as well?"

"I've already set them from the weapon control room," Celestia said with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh my, how silly of me. I forgot to check their status beforehoof."

"I would like to activate one of my subroutines, however.

"Oh, would you? Am I not good enough?"

"I want to impress them Prometheus. No offence, but you were old-tech when you were installed."

"Oh, I see how it is. Fine." The robotic tone thrummed with undertones of anger.

"It would be a crime though, to not mention how reliable you are," Celestia said in an attempt to placate the machine.

"Well, when you put it that way. Activating Celestia subroutines." The screen switched off again.

Celestia's horn pulsed not once, but twice as the energy was absorbed by the machine.

The screen flickered back on with an image of Celestia's head in the corner. "I'll set up the appropriate tutorials. You can count on me, Celestia," the machine said in a still synthesised, but definitely more feminine, voice.


Shepard stood in his immaculate officer's uniform as he waited for the other two members of his landing party. James kept all his stuff down in the cargo bay, so came straight down to get ready. Throwing on a fresh white shirt emblazoned with the Systems Alliance logo hadn't taken long, but he was off in a corner arguing with Steve Cortez, the shuttle pilot. A low hum indicated the elevator was approaching and Shepard straightened up. The door pulled open to reveal Tali in her purple enviro-suit, and Kaidan in his crewman fatigues.

"Commander, Major Kaidan Alenko and Admiral Tali’zorah reporting for duty," Kaidan said with a crisp salute.

Shepard rolled his eyes. "I've told you a million times, Kaidan: there is no need to be so formal."

"Just trying to keep a sense of normalcy. I thought it was appropriate, given the circumstances," Kaidan replied with a grin.

Shepard laughed and shook his head. "Well, if you’re both ready? As soon as James is finished with Steve I'll lower the ramp."

"Ready as I'll ever be," Kaidan replied.

"I'm just trying to contain my excitement. It's not everyday we discover a brand new race," Tali said.

"I suppose so. I'll manage most of the talking, but don't be afraid to pitch in if you want to."

"I wouldn't know what to say," Tali replied truthfully.

"Just keep it honest, but also diplomatic. Don't go raving about anything too heavy, but don't be afraid to tell truths," Shepard advised.

"Got it; I'll keep that in mind." Tali nodded, and then motioned behind Shepard with a second nod.

"Hey, Commander? We all ready to go?" James asked from behind Shepard.

"We were just waiting on you," Shepard said as he turned around to face James face-to-face.

"Well I'm all finished up," James said as he wrung his hands.

"EDI!" Shepard called upwards.

"Commander, before you go, Joker has a message for you," EDI called over the intercom.

"Patch him through, EDI, then start lowering this ramp."

"Commander?" a familiar voice called through the intercom.

"Joker, what is it?" Shepard said, feigning annoyance.

"I was wondering if you could take some photos with your omni-tool. The boys back home won't believe that we saw unicorns."

"You know boys back home?" Shepard said with a laugh.

"Well... not exactly," Joker replied nervously.

Shepard's silence spoke volumes.

"Fine. It's for my little sister. I just know she'd love to find out we met real life unicorns," Joker said exhaustedly.

"If they agree to it, Joker. I'm not endangering this relationship for a few snapshots."

"I'm not asking you to. Just, y'know, if you get the chance. A clickety-click, right?"

"Fine, Joker. Now will you please let me leave?"

"Of course, Commander. I wouldn't dream of holding you up," Joker said innocently.

"Joker," Shepard replied flatly.

"Okay, I'm gone." With a quite beep, the intercom switched off. At the same time, the floor jumped and began to slowly lower.