• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 2,003 Views, 26 Comments

Welcome to my Life - Whiskers

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Chapter 4: The Welcome Party

Chapter 4: The Welcome Party

When Applejack learned that the Apple family was to prepare the food for the Summer Sun Celebration, she was so happy she jumped up and yelled for everypony to hear her excitement. On the flip side however, when Rainbow learned she was to clear the skies for the Princess, she groaned and slumped onto the warm, hard-packed dirt.

Laughing at her friend, Applejack picked her up and smiled.

“Don't be so down, Rainbow. Y'all are always welcome to come help me when ya finish.”

“But I was going to practice my flying some more today!”

“Whine all ya want, but if the Princess sees that you didn't keep the skies clear like she said, who knows what she'll do?”

“W-whaddaya mean?”

Chuckling, the orange mare shook her head.

“Ah'm just teasin' ya silly filly.”

“Silly filly huh? I'll show you silly filly when I clear those skies in ten seconds flat!”

“Oh yeah? Well how about ya prove it by clearin' the sky here first.”


Taking off, Rainbow flew as fast as she could to the outer edges of the farm, then circled the entire perimeter, herding all of the stray clouds into one big mess of evaporated water and dived through the center, getting soaked in the process. Laughing in exhilaration, the cyan pegasus landed by Applejack, she said smugly:

“Ten. Seconds. Fl-”

Applejack tackled the soaked mare to the hard, dusty earth beneath them.

“Hey! What gives!”

“Ah jus' felt like it.”

Rainbow looked up at Applejack, loving the feeling of being forced to submission by Applejack but hating it in the same moment. Looking into her eyes however, she felt a deep happiness as she saw the burning desire in Applejack's eyes. At least that's what it seemed like to the cyan pegasus anyway... It didn't last long enough for her however, because Applejack grinned and let Rainbow get up to shake off the wet dirt.

Applejack loved randomly tackling Rainbow because she just never learns to pay attention. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but Applejack was thinking that Rainbow might be enjoying it. She knew SHE was loving it anyways....

Both shaking their heads at the same time to clear the same thoughts, the mares just laughed it off as if it was just another friendly jab at the other. Suddenly remembering what her job was, Applejack gasped and ran off yelling:

“Ah still need to finish buckin' mah apples! Rainbow, go to town and clear the skies for the celebration!”

Shocked for a second, Rainbow took off towards town before remembering who she was: Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria. She didn't need to hurry, she could take as long as she wanted to get there and still have time to spare..... Until she remembered that she still wanted time to practice for the Wonderbolts as well.

Speeding off towards Ponyville, she reached town within minutes and was still going to fast to avoid a certain purple pony. After laying in a heap for a few seconds to catch her breath and organize her thoughts, Rainbow stood up and looked back at the new pony, realizing they had landed in a nice, big mud puddle.

“Hehehe.. Uh? 'Scuse me? Hahahe.”

Grumbling to herself quietly, the purple unicorn looked up at Rainbow seeming annoyed.

“Hahaha! Lemme help you.”

Flying away for a second, she came hurrying back with a waterlogged cloud. Positioning it over the unicorn, Rainbow proceeded to jump on it until all of the water had dumped onto the newcomer leaving her drenched, but mud free.

“Hehehe!! Oops! I guess I overdid it. Um.. Uh.. How about this?” Flying around the stranger in a tight, multicolored circle, Rainbow said, “My very own patented Rain Blow Dry! Nono, don't thank me, your quite welcome.”

Pausing to look at the result of her work, Rainbow noticed that the unicorns once-straight hair was now large and poofy, almost like Pinkie Pie's hair is usually styled. Busting up laughing, Rainbow fell on her back with tears streaming out of her eyes. A second later, the unicorns companion, a small purple and green dragon, did the same, laughing just as hard as her.

Sighing, the victim of the accident said, “Lemme guess. Your Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow immediately stopped laughing at the mention of her name.

“Theee one and only! Why? Ya heard of me?” At the last bit of her talking, Rainbow started hovering and got into the newcomers face. Cringing back a bit, the purple mare said:

“I Heard your supposed to be keeping the sky clear.” Taking a moment to sigh, She said, “I'm Twilight Sparkle, and the Princess sent me to check on the weather.”

From up on the cloud she used to drench Twilight, Rainbow seemed to be relaxing as she said:

Yeah yeah, that'll be a snap. I'll have it done in a jiffy, just as soon as I'm done practicing.”

“Practicing for what?”

Pointing at a poster on a nearby wall, she exclaimed:

“The Wonderbolts! They're gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow, and I'm gonna show 'em my stuff.”

“The Wonderbolts?” Twilight asked slyly.


“The most talented flyer's in aallll of Equestria?”

“That's them!”

“Pfft! Please, They'd never accept a pegasus who couldn't even keep the skies clear for one measly day!”

Sitting up on her cloud, Rainbow seemed annoyed as she gestured to the sky around her.

“HEY! I could clear the sky in ten seconds flat.”

“Prove it.”

Rearing back for a second, Rainbow took off and zoomed across the sky, kicking some clouds and flying straight through others. The entire time, Rainbow and her companion stared in open-mouthed awe as rainbow held her word.

Landing on the bridge right by where twilight was standing, she smugly said:

“What'd I say? Ten. Seconds. Flat. I'd never leave Ponyville hangin'. Haha! You should see the look on your face.” Twilights eyes were huge as her mouth seemed to have lost all muscle tension. “Haha! Your a laugh Twilight Sparkle! I can't wait to hang out some more!”

Doing a flip and flying off, Rainbow heard the small dragon say:

“Woowww... She's amazing!”

As Applejack was nearing the end of her chore of bucking apples, she noticed only one tree left. Running towards it eagerly, she yelled, “Yeehaw!” as she spun around and bucked the tree just hard enough to send all of the large, juicy apples down into the baskets below.

Standing there for a second looking pleased, Applejack heard a voice behind her.

“Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Spinning around and grabbing the newcomers hoof in both of her forehooves, she vigorously shook it up and down.

“Well howdy do miss Twilight! A pleasure to meet your acquaintance! I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do love makin' new friends.”

The assaulted mare seemed shocked that somepony would shake her like that as she blurted:

“Frie-e-e-ends?? Actually-y-y-y I uh..”

Letting go of Twilights hoof, Applejack stood back.

“So, What can Ah do ya for?” Applejack winked.

Seeing that Twilights leg was still shaking up and down of it's own accord due to Applejack's hoofshake, the little dragon grabbed her leg to stop it and chuckled as twilight glared at him. Clearing her throat, Twilight said:

“Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the summer Sun Celebration. And your in charge of the food?”

“We sure as sugar are! Would ya care to sample some?”

“Well, as long as it doesn't take TOO long.”

Rushing away, Applejack rang a metal triangle and yelled:


A small stampede of running ponies pushed Twilight and her dragon to a small outdoor table.


Applejack had popped up next to her.

“Why don't Ah introduce ya to the Apple family?”

“Ah hah, thanks, but I really need to hurry-”

Silenced by a plate shoved in her face, Twilight sat still and listened as Applejack said:

“This here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Galen, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Schooner, Apple Tart, Baked Apple, Apple Frioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp-”

Sucking in a huge lungful of air, Applejack continued on to her closer family.

“Big Macintosh, Applebloom aaaand!” Pausing to shove a green apple in Twilights mouth, Applejack pointed to a sleeping ancient green mare. “Granny. Smith. Up and at'm Granny Smith! We got guests.”

Granny Smith woke up and looked around mumbling about soup being on and a little more as she walked towards the huge pile of food that had stacked up on the table as applejack introduced her whole family. Applejack smiled over at Twilight and set a hoof on her shoulder.

“Well, I'd say your already part o' the family!”

Spitting out her apple seemingly disgusted at the thought, Twilight said:

“Ah haha.. Okay well! I can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way.”

She looked pleased with herself until Applebloom walked up to her with big watery eyes saying:

“Aren'tcha gonna stay for brunch?”

“Sorry.. But we have an awful lot to do.” Twilight heard a collective sound of disappointment from the Apple family.


Immediately, everypony cheered.

Later that evening, as Applejack was putting the finishing touches on her last apple Cupcake, Rainbow rushed into the room.

“Applejack! Didja hear? There's a new pony in town named Twilight Sparkle! Shes super funny, ad Pinkie is throwing her a surprise party.. and I was uhmm.. I was wondering if you wanted to go... like, with me.”

Blushing deeply, Rainbow looked away, trying to seem occupied cleaning but Applejack saw through it immediately. Trying to calm her racing heart, she said:

“Of course Ah'll go with you Sugar. Why wouldn't Ah?”

“Well, I dunno. Maybe you would think it's weird or something?”

“....No, it isn't wierd. Ah would have asked you to go with me as well Rainbow.”


“Yes'm. But it's well after noon, we had better hurry if we want to make it to Pinkies party early enough to surprise Twilight!”

“Hehaha! Yeah your right!”

Just on the outskirts of town, Rainbow stopped walking. Noticing a few seconds later, Applejack turned around to look at the pegasus.

“Rainbow.... Are you okay?”

“.....yeah. It's just.... I wanna tell you something AJ.”

“You can tell me anything Rainbow. You know that.”

“Yeah well.... okay. I think.. I think iluvyou...”

She could have given Fluttershy a run for her money at how her voice died at the last second but Applejack understood it completely, but couldn't believe her ears.

“uuh.. come agin?”

Rainbow took a deep breath and looked AJ straight in the eyes and repeated herself.

“i saaiiiiid, I think I love you.”

Rainbow blushed and went slightly quieter towards the end of her statement as she held the orange mares gaze.

Applejack, blushing deeply, smiled and took a step towards Rainbow.

Whispering in the cyan pony's ear, she said, “Ya know... Ah never thought this here day would come.”

Rainbow looked up into the deep green eyes and felt her heart start thumping harder than ever before. “W-what do ya mean AJ?”

“Ah think Ah've been in love with you for a long time, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow, having just confessed her one hearts desire (besides the obvious one of joining the Wonderbolts) and finding out the one pony she loved had the same feelings for her, jumped up into the air screaming, “OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!!!”

Applejack started chuckling at the sight as a tear slid down her orange cheek. Looking down at her hooves, she thought about what her family would say. Would they accept that the rainbow pony made her happy and welcome her into the family? Or would they call Applejack a fillyfooler and banish her from the Sweet Apple Acres?

After a few minutes flying in circles, triangles and squares in her excitement, Rainbow started to calm down enough to notice that Applejack didn't seem as happy as she was. Landing next to her, the cyan mare nuzzled the orange pony's neck.

“What's wrong Applejack? …..Aren't you happy?”

Realizing she was making Rainbow worry, she put her smile back on and laughed. It was a genuine laughter, not forced like Rainbow was expecting. Applejack was truly happy at this moment, and worrying about what her family would say would have to wait till later.

“It's nothing Sugarcube, Ah'm just curious about the future is all.”

Rainbow just stood there looking into the green eyes of her partner until Applejack waved a hoof in front of her face.

“Y'all alrigh' Rainbow?”

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Rainbow perked up and grinned at Applejack.

“Soo... Now what? Are we marefriend and marefriend? Are we just gonna keep it a secret, or tell the group? What would Twilight say? Or Fluttershy? Pinkie probably wouldn't care, but I know Rarity would, but OHMYGOSH what about your family?! What about Applebloom? Would they accept us, or-”

Applejack stuffed her hoof into the feathered pony's mouth to shut her up.

“CALM DOWN Rainbow... Y'ur actin' like Pinkie Pie now. No matter what, Ah know my feelings for you, and if your tellin' me the truth, you feel the exact same as me. No matter what happens...” Applejack paused to sigh. “No matter what happens... Ah'm ready to take the consequences as long as it means Ah could be with you.”

Unable to contain her happiness, Rainbow Dash grabbed Applejack in the closest hug she could muster as she whispered, “I swear on everything that I am, I will not let you down. I promise.”

After a few minutes of holding each other in the closest hug the two had yet to share, they let go of the mare of their hearts and walked side by side to the welcoming surprise party for the unicorn Twilight Sparkle.

If your heart is open to friendship, and anything it brings, you will find wonders appearing before your eyes. If you fall in love with your best friend, you may find that friend also in love with you. If you become a couple, make each other happy before anypony else. This concludes this story, but I hope to have all of my readers around still for the next one. Ideas anypony?

Comments ( 16 )

...is it just me or have I read that last part before?...like the last few paragraphs seem exactly like some other story I've read...I dunno, it's still good


hahaha that was the prologue of my story xD i copy and pasted it into chapter 4 cuz im a lazy pony and barely changed it. hope it worked out well... ^^

457279 makes sense. well done mate, as long as it's not stealing from another story it's perfectly fine

I was hoping for more. That really rustled my jimmies


there will be more haha just spread out into different fics.

457812 Oh that is good news than. my jimmies are unrustled now.

Loved it Whiskers! Can't wait for more fics!


I'm writing a bit in my spare time... probably go a bit faster if I had an idea or two (besides a fluttertwi fic) to go off of? could be any subject :) NOT CUPCAKES

Oh, geez, sorry for not replying sooner. :derpyderp1: I'm sure you've probably already started on something but I do like the idea of a Fluttertwi fic. Can't really think of anything else, I'm not very imaginative...


haha thats okay xD but i can't do a fluttertwi fic cuz i suck at writing either of the characters well :/ a friend of mine is a twilight FAN (in all caps haha) so she could do it easily but is too shy >.< if i can get her to do a lunatwi fic, would you (or anypony else) want a link to it?

I would....:twilightblush:
Also for being short this is good....I enjoyed it....


Sure I would!

EDIT: ...what is this number?...

Good story, and loved every chapter. :ajsmug::heart::rainbowlaugh: My only concern was your was used instead of you're. It's a pet peeve of mine but otherwise it was great! :twilightsmile: So, here's something for your benefit!

Huury write more please

THAT. WAS. SO CUTE!!!!,!!!!! AND.……… you should write more like some stuff that happens in the episodes and stuff like that.:ajsmug::rainbowlaugh::heart:

I havn't written anything since this story... I can give it a slightly decent jab though. Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it! :twilightblush::heart:

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