• Published 24th Mar 2014
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Pipsqueak - thisnameisironic

Pipsqueak and pirates. Nightmare is bad. Defeat Nightmare. Yay. Oh, and also there's a perverted old mouse that crosses dimensions to torment Pipsqueak's dreams.

  • ...

IV - Insomnia

Dinky couldn't sleep, even with the sounds of a calm ocean audible from the open window above her. She was told by Luna as she came in that the bedroom often reflects the dreams and wishes of the designated pirate; she thought she wanted to be a pirate this whole time. Oddly enough, however, among some pirate decor were furniture that seemed to hold an heir of royalty, often coral pink with seashells engraved along the sides. Was she distraught? Why is this room telling her that being a pirate wasn't what she was dreaming? Sometimes she dreamt of being a mermaid rather than a pirate, playing with other young mermaids under the sea. Perhaps her dream was much simpler: not so much to be a pirate, but just to live around the beauty of the sea.

Her room wasn't as bad as she'd thought it be. She had her own bath and shower in the corner (probably because of her gender) walled save one door-like opening, so she would at least have privacy instead of having to bathe with other boys. Luna still said she would bathe her in Pip's bath every now and then, and should get used to spending her life with boys; the latter was the last thing she wanted to hear, but it didn't affect her greatly compared to what was in front of her now. She was a pirate, and she could live the dream...too bad she couldn't do that in her current state.

Dinky crawled out of her bed and slipped herself onto the floor. Instead of her underwear, she now had new clothes to match the pirate attire, including a hooded pajama onesie that somehow kept her the perfect temperature for sleeping (it even included a cute little horn on the top of the hood). In this case, it kept her warm, since she could be shivering from the sea breeze entering the room instead. She sneaked over to the door and tiptoed into the hallway. She was hoping none of the other pirates were awake. Was there a curfew on this ship? If so, that would probably be the biggest irony of all time; sailing under the night and even serving under the Moon Princess, but still having to be in bed before nine. She was about to take a step forward when a door opened, a shadow rushing into the room across in a near blur. A whispered voice could be heard from said room. She quickly made it past the open door, trying to avoid detection. She quietly opened the door to the deck and shut it quickly.

Now that she was outside, she walked toward the side railing. Ignoring the salt hitting her face (it would take a while to get used to that), she stood on deck and listened to the ambiance. Waves crashed against the boat, gently swaying like a cradle. A calm wind brushed through her hair, sending a chill down her spine. The moon was full, and although Luna escaped Nightmare years ago, the familiar unicorn head still shone as a reminder that you were always watched by the Princess of the Night. Dinky could sometimes feel that Luna was talking to her indirectly, but it could very well have been the wind playing tricks on her. She laid down by the mast. The atmosphere was so soothing. She could fall asleep here if she decided to...

"Dinky? What are you doing out here?"

Her captain's voice woke her up immediately.


Pipsqueak was interrupted from his dream session when he was shook awake.

"Captain Pipsqueak!"

He turned to his opposite side to see Featherweight with a desperate look.

Pipsqueak moaned. "Is there a sea monster outside? Because if not-"

"I gotta pee!" Featherweight blurted.

Pipsqueak just stared.

"So why are you telling me?" he asked. "Just go."

"You said you would help me learn how to pee standing up, remember?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Come on! I don't think I can hold it much longer!"

With a sigh, Pipsqueak forced himself out of bed and onto the hard wood floor. I wake up before saving a fair maiden in a dragon-guarded tower for this? He led the small boy to the bucket in the bathroom and instructed him as Featherweight tried to replicate.

"You know, you need to learn how to do this on your own." Pip said as he decided to fill the bucket with his own share of waste. "It's not a big deal if you make a mess. You simply learn from your mistakes and adapt."

"But I look up to you," Featherweight whined.

"Yeah," the captain responded. "but being a pirate means you have to take responsibility. You need to learn to take care of yourself in case something bad happens."

Featherweight looked in confusion. "Like what?"

Pip thought carefully. Which situation could he use that wouldn't end up with Featherweight scaring himself into wetting the bed? Would Featherweight get captured by Griffon rogues and have to survive in a jail without any clothing (Luna told him Griffons did this during the 180s C.R.) while waiting for his crew to save him? What about if the ship crashes and the pirates are separated from the impact? He figured changing the topic would be an easier solution.

"Welp, I'm done," he stated, pulling up his pajama pants.

"Wait!" Featherweight shouted. "I still-"

"You had a nightmare, didn't you?"

Featherweight looked toward him with eyes widened before conceding defeat. Pipsqueak, however, reassured him.

"Everyone has those," Pip spoke. "I still have those today. Ask Luna."

Featherweight looked in wonder.

"You do?" he asked, directing his attention from urinating to Pip.

"Look where you're aiming, Featherweight!" the captain blurted, and in response Featherweight noticed his remaining tinkle dripping onto his own bare foot.

"I'm sorry..." he replied.

"You better wash that off unless you want your feet to smell bad in the morning. As pirates, we already get that problem when exploring."

"Yes sir," Featherweight agreed, as he pulled up his pajamas and went to the low basin to wash it off.

"Now, get back to sleep. We have a long day of sailing tomorrow."

Pipsqueak left the bathroom and was about to go back into his chambers until he noticed a silouette in the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw the new girl pirate. What was her name...Dinky? Yeah, that was her name. She seemed...out of it. Obviously, she couldn't sleep, but should he just bother her while she relaxes in the wind? Even with those pajamas, the weather was still pretty cold on the ocean blue. Lunar pirates received magic-enhanced clothing because of the usual weather like this, but even a princess's magic had its limits.

Now is your chance.

Pip looked around. He could have sworn he heard the Princess, but she was nowhere to be found. Perhaps she was using telepathy like she always does when she's too busy to see him yet still has something important for him to note.

Chance for what?

A chance at love.

I told you already! I don't like her that way!

Love starts as a friendship. When bonds grow, sometimes love will blossom.

Shut up!

She looks cute in that onesie.


Otherwise, it almost looks like she's wearing nothing at all...


...nothing at all...


...nothing at all!

"Dinky, what are you doing out here?" Pip called to her, trying to bottle his anger from Luna's pestering.

Dinky didn't know what to say. Was she in trouble for being out here this late at night? Was there actually a curfew for night pirates? Either way, her cover was busted. However, Pip didn't seem mad, so maybe she was safe. Instead of making some pea-brained lie, she decided to tell the truth.

"I couldn't sleep," she said simply.

"Something bothering you?" he asked.

There was an awkward silence before her answer.

"I miss Port Canter," she replied, Pip understanding her troubles.

"Miss your friends and family?" he asked.


It was clear she didn't want to talk about it. Pip looked for another topic to spring on.

"Aren't you cold out here?" he asked. "The seas usually make night time colder than usual."

Dinky shrugged. "What's there to complain about? My pajamas cover my whole body."

Pip couldn't disagree. She was the only one that had such, resulting in slight jealousy. It must be so warm and cozy in a onesie; cotton covering your entire body, blocking out the salty breeze of Equestrian waters, and even some having a patch on each side of the waist that tears off or opens to make using the bathroom easier and warmer. Rumble adapted to the cold (probably because pegasi could tolerate weather conditions more) and sleeps in his underwear, wearing his prized Wonderbolt t-shirt. Featherweight, though he's toilet-trained, still has a weak bladder and, as a pegasus like Rumble, has to wear light clothing. Even Pipsqueak, Captain of the Lunar Mare and adopted child of the Night, was left to bed with a white tank and the only long pair of pajama leggings. How come girls always got special privileges though?

"Well," Pip said. "look at you. You have full body pajamas and even though I'm the Captain, I'm still stuck with a tank to sleep in."

Dinky giggled. "Too bad for you. I'm a pony now," she said as she playfully shook the attached tail on her rear.

Them hindquarters, young Pipsqueak.


Luna chuckled through her telepathy.

"Well, you could always try and get back to sleep," he advised. "Sometimes reading a book helps too."

Dinky smirked at him and raised a brow. Pip screwed up.

"N-N-Not like I read, anyway!" he retaliated, but it was too late.

"Oh, sure," she replied sarcastically. "I believe you."

"I really don't!" he shouted.

"So if I, say, sneak into your room in the middle of the night," she questioned. "and find a bookshelf by your bed, you still wouldn't read?"

"You've already been in my room! I have nothing to hide!"

"Okay, I see," she said. "Anyway, I need to get back to bed."

"You can sleep with me if you want," he said before putting his hands to his mouth. What the hell did he just say?! Did Luna possess him and take over his speech? Could Luna even do that? He was about to slap his own cheek when Dinky replied after quite a curious look.

"No, I'm fine. But thank you anyway."

Pip sighed in relief. That was one danger avoided, and because of Luna's pestering, he could predict several more.

She was walking past him back to the cabin hold when she suddenly turned around and kissed him on the nose. His reaction should have been, UGH! She kissed me! I need first aid! I need to wash this off ASAP! Instead, he said nothing and felt his face become warmer than his slumber wear was keeping him. Oddly, he didn't feel embarrassed, or even the instance of retreating, but just stood there, frozen as a pole. He didn't know what to say...no, he wasn't able to say anything.

"Thanks for being here," Dinky said before Pip was left as the only one on deck. Despite the wind blowing against him, he still felt the warmness of her kiss, sweet and tender as it was.

Pipsqueak was running as hard as he could. He didn't know what he was running from, but his surroundings didn't give many good vibes. He was in a crumbling city, and the sky was orange with the hues of a burning flame. Destruction could be seen from all angles, ranging from burning houses to falling ashes from the sky. As he was running, a child...Featherweight?...and a mother were crying at the sight of a father being crushed by a giant boulder. He wanted to stop, but his legs wouldn't let him.

Our house hasn't been crushed yet! All I have to do is turn on this corner...

The house had fallen in on itself, but Pip only ran faster toward the wreckage. He could see his mother, half-crushed by the weight of the ruins, not making any attempt to escape. He had to help her; it was the only logical idea.


He shouted, but she didn't respond.


Again she didn't respond. Pip tried to lift the beams off from her, but they wouldn't budge. He could feel his arms giving out, but we wasn't leaving without his mother. She was the only parent he had.

Come on, Pipsqueak! You need get Mom out before-

His thoughts were interrupted by the ground trembling. Something large was coming, he could tell, but nonetheless he forced himself to continue trying to lift the heavy beams. Before he knew it, there was a shadow beneath him; not just his own, but a much larger one. He turned his attention out of fear, looked up, and saw the ugliest monster he could ever have imagined. It was a grotesque body, of which it looked like its skin was ripped off. It was entirely naked from head to toe, but its eyes -- its grimacing, intimidating yellowed eyes -- were staring right at him.

"Pipsqueak!" his mother shouted. "Run as far from here as you can!"

"I'll fight the monster myself! I can-"

He searched for his trusty sword but found it had disappeared from his waist. Now he stood frozen. Knowing that his mother would be killed, he might as well go with her. Suddenly, a royal guard picked him up from behind and carried Pip on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here, boy?" he shouted. "You can't help your mother!"

"Let me go!" Pip screamed. "My mom will-"

He stopped in mid-sentence as he turned back toward her mother being picked up by the monster. He struggled, but the guard's hold was too tight.


The atrocity looked at its next meal.

This isn't possible!

It looked on with pleasure as his mother's back was snapped.

Luna! Wake me from this dream!

He tried to scream at the top of his lungs but nothing came out.

Luna! Please, I'm begging you!

The monster brought her closer to its opened mouth.


The titan was about to bite down on her when he heard a voice in his head, dark and ominous.

How could you? You abandoned your own mother! My friend, you truly are a terrible person.

Pipsqueak was in tears. He couldn't comprehend what was going on.

Tsk tsk tsk. Now, now, don't you worry about it. When it comes down to it, everybody loves themself above all.

The monster bit into his mother, as Pipsqueak screamed.


The truth hurts, doesn't it?