• Published 24th Mar 2014
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Pipsqueak - thisnameisironic

Pipsqueak and pirates. Nightmare is bad. Defeat Nightmare. Yay. Oh, and also there's a perverted old mouse that crosses dimensions to torment Pipsqueak's dreams.

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VII Part II - Shadows of the Past

Luna rushed into her elder sister's bedroom. Now that she was washed by the royal servants and donned in a fresh sleeping gown, she could finally sleep with Celestia and be safe from the monsters that watched her at night. The Gregory mouse couldn't possibly bother her now that the protective, reliable Princess of the Sun (a title given to Celestia quite recently with the appearance of her cutie mark) was sleeping with her.

This was not the first night Luna had to sleep with Celestia that month. It seemed every few nights the horror came back to torment her, and every few nights she wet the bed because of it. She saw it come out of her closet a numerous amount of times, retreating just as her parents arrived. They would ask if anything was wrong, and Luna would explain as understandably as she could for a little princess that had just begun learning her alphabet. However, she would just be reassured that she was just imagining it. The reassurance would only help until the next time the mouse came around, and it was frequent. She started having nightmares about him, about how they were similar. Even if her mother could read dreams, why did she have to be tormented so frequently by this thing?

"Thank you, Tia!" Luna said as she cuddled with her sister. Celestia smiled.

"You're welcome. Now go to sleep. We have tutoring in the morning."

Hugging her Ursa doll, Luna nodded to sleep. She hoped she could be safe here. She didn't want to make Tia crabby in the morning.

"There's only so much time before you become insane."

Luna shrieked, to her big sister's annoyance.

"Already?! Luna, how many times do I-"

Celestia stopped her words as she noticed the looming shadow coming from one corner of her room.

Odd, she thought. doesn't the moon usually shine down on that area?

Celestia felt Luna scuffle under her covers for protection, but the older sister was not so much scared as curious. The shadow took the form of a disgusting mouse who eerily smiled at her.

"Hello, Celestia."

"What do you want from my sister?!" she shouted. The rat only chuckled.

"Answer me under the order of the Queen!"

"Queen, you say?" he questioned. "As far as I'm aware, you're just old enough to escape childhood, yet adulthood is still far."

"Mom!" Celestia called. "Dad! Help!"

"Now that's not very nice, especially considering your future."

Celestia's vision became blurry. Her room faded to white, as she was put into an endless void of which there was no logic. There were three shadowy figures in the distance, walking away from her. Almost uncontrollably, she ran toward them for what seemed like an eternity. She was just barely getting any closer. She kept thinking that this had to have been a dream, but when would she wake up? She was exhausted until she finally caught up with the silhouettes, when she recognized their features. One turned toward her, a prince she recognized as Sombra. His thick, somewhat greasy, jet black hair glistened underneath his crown. He was the son of the king and queen of the Crystal Empire, who were good friends with her own parents. His illusion eerily smiled at Celestia, triggering a chill to be sent down her spine. He was exactly how she remembered him, but now his eyes seemed discorded, with a visible dark aura emanating from his eyes.

"Surely you remember Prince Sombra, don't you?"

Memories forcibly flooded into her thoughts. She remembered her enjoyment when they would take one of his bedsheets out of his armoire and slide down the spiral stairwell of one of the ornate towers. She reminisced on how he taught her how to fish in the Empire's park, and the hilarity when her first catch slapped her face with its tail. She remembered when they rode on Equestria's biggest Ferris wheel at each summer's Crystal Faire. There were so many memorable moments between the two children, and as they both got older, Celestia came to a realization.

She was in love with him, and according to her mother, it was mutual.

Why else was there an impatience inside her when it came to meeting him again? Why else did she feel her heart melt whenever he was even mentioned? Why else did she remember more highlights between her and Sombra than with her own sister? She felt stupid for not understanding before. She began experimenting. She spent more time writing letters to her crush, and he would always reply back. When she wasn't being tutored, she would seek time to take a train to the Crystal Empire and meet up with him. On late nights, they sneaked out of the castle to watch the stars or just wander around the luminescent buildings and decorations at the Crystal Plaza. The patterns gradually became more explicit. One night, they went to the castle's pool and courtyard, where they experienced their first look at their opposite sex's body without any formal wear to cover it. Celestia would giggle at how unnerved Sombra was finally examining her anatomy, even though he desired the idea originally. She giggled even more at his sheepish attitude when she asked for him to do the same.

Celestia now faced a completely different prince. This isn't the one she had known all this time.

"How gallant of him, accepting the sentient darkness surrounding his empire as his master. He also found a nice crystal that he was going to send you."

Sombra took a black jewel off from the ground in front of him and tossed it toward her. As it landed, almost on cue, giant rocks rose underneath Celestia, entrapping her legs. This couldn't be happening. This all had to be a dream, just another nightmare to get through life with.

"Would you like to learn more about your other adversaries in the near future?"

Suddenly, the illusion she was trapped in literally shattered around her. She came back into reality, lying on the floor. Next to her was a corpse reduced to ashes and blood. She looked toward the door to find her mother and father holding strange but colorful jewels in front of them - a crimson bolt, a cyan balloon, an orange apple, a bright pink butterfly, and an indigo rhombus in all. A sixth magenta jewel, Celestia realized, was the same that was placed into her mother's crown. The six-pointed star glimmered as if it shone a ray of light. She looked at her in awe.

"This nightmare is over, for all of us," she stated wearily. "The monster would be unwise to come back with the Elements of Harmony in our possession."

She looked at Celestia, with a look of assurance.

"Tomorrow," the queen stated. "you are having a special lesson. I believe you are old enough to learn what these are."

It has literally been ages since Luna had ever traversed through the Everfree Forest. Rather, it was more of like what became it. This was where the sisters used to live as children, but since has been overgrown with thorns and poisons unknown to a commoner. Naturally, since it has been so long, it was difficult to remember why they left in the first place. She reminisced on her tantrum that eventually sent her to the moon, and she knew something seemed off about her at the time. She wasn't herself, and though she was envious of her sister, she had never before raged so severely against her. It was a past memory she'd rather forget, but how after she spent one thousand years of her life on a truly solitary prison? It was lonely, and Celestia never made any communication. Why couldn't she? If she was to be imprisoned on the moon, would it be any trouble to send a care card? Didn't she know the difficulty she faced there? Did she even care?! And of course, how could she forget how she was left to keep warm in the cold expanse of space with nothing but her favorite childhood blanket?

Luna took a deep breath. She was beginning to let her emotions overpower her common sense. Last time she let that happen, she was sent there in the first place. After all, the moon wasn't entirely bad. As she was still young, she ventured through the lunar caverns carelessly, and even made a few friends. There were also some fascinating discoveries she made: creatures that appeared in her storybooks populated the moon. She made friends with a lunar mermaid about her age who helped her navigate the underground rivers. She first thought it was weird that her friend's underwater race in their kingdom swam without any form of clothing and didn't mind, which even at that point in time would have been taboo outside of specific private celebrations. She also met bat-Pegasus hybrids whose fearsome look was deceiving for their actual natures. One was more serious than the other, but was still protective of the group and kept them together during tough times. The other was fun-loving and quirky, and Luna admitted to herself of how she was smitten for him. She also met another princess - well, queen - like her at a Changeling hive and helped her defeat her traitorous vizier. The moon was filled with adventure, and it was completed thanks to her blanket-cape and a map.

The forest has since become overgrown...and dangerous. Unlike the rest of Equestria, nature operated on its own accords. Plant life grew and fertilized itself, trees reached toward the sky due to the lack of height limitations enforced in civilization, and storms blew in rain and snow without any anticipated warning. Animals, instead of being taken care of those with a relevant cutie mark, played natural selection, which Luna learned was normal in a much more ancient time. Luna only knew that this existed in the seas, as caretakers were primarily restricted to land. Unlike the sea, however, the carnage was visible. The sisters would occasionally pass carcasses along their path. Luna cringed at visible ribs of a manticore left half eaten as flies buzzed around its remains. Celestia, however, retained the nonschalant expression she had kept since they left Canterlot. If her sister, merciful as she was, was ignoring the hurt, then maybe this topic was more serious than Luna originally planned.

After coming to a point, they came across a chasm. On the other side, the ruins of the castle Luna recognized as their old home loomed in the distance. Memories rushed back to her of childhood memories. She remembered her first fish caught with Celestia's help, only for it to escape back into the stream behind the castle. Was it still there, or did it dry up? She and Celestia would both swim in handmade swimsuits, usually made of fabric from castle storage. Luna's was cute, with large seashells covering her undeveloped chest held by a string tied around her back. Despite the amateur handiwork, the bathing suit still fit snugly.

"We're here," Celestia said, breaking Luna's train of thought.

"This isn't anything how I remember it," Luna observed.

"No, it isn't," the sun princess explained. "because I made it this way after you were gone."

"Why? It was such a beautiful castle."

"It was, and it hurts me every time I come here. I used one of Starswirl's forbidden spells to make this place the way it is."

Silence passed as they walked through what would have been the courtyard. Trees that were once abundant in shades of green were now rotted, and the rough grass below them was brown and has appeared dead for a while.

"Why have you taken me here?" Luna questioned. "And why did you do this to our home?"

Celestia hesitated in her tracks. She stood frozen, as if she were a statue.

"Our home...had to be abandoned. When you were possessed by the spirit of Nightmare..."

Celestia shed a single tear at the horrifying memory.

"I had to flee after banishing you to the moon. Nightmare could have taken me as well."

Luna hugged her in reassurance. It was understandable that such an incidence had to happen. If both rulers of a diarchy fell to defeat, Equestria would be in grave chaos.

"You need not worry anymore, sister. I'm back to the way you knew me before."

Celestia smiled at the comment before they moved forward.

"Only Twilight and her friends have been able to find this relic of Equestria's past."

Celestia focused her magic on the chained portcullis in front of her. There were six locks on the corroding iron bars, which Luna recognized, were designed with the shape of the six respected Elements of Harmony. Though the Elements have since been reformed into the Tree of Harmony, Celestia still had power to emanate from them. Luna used to be able to control some of these elements as well, but she figured that power was taken away through her punishment. As the rusted locks were concentrated, a prismatic light was emitted from each lock, as the dark atmosphere was engulfed in a brief flash of light. The locks didn't fall, but instead the portcullis slowly opened to give access to the main hall. Stairs on either side in the middle of the room led upward to the balcony, where an open passage sat toward the top left. Memories flooded through her, as Luna recognized it as the royal library.

Without hesitation, Celestia moved toward the corridor while her sister followed. Luna noticed the new surroundings of her old home. Ivy spread along the walls like disease to where even in her midst it noticeably pulsed, almost like a beating heart. She looked toward two tapestries across the wall, separated by a broken stained glass window. Luna looked with sorrow, as she recognized the two figures that were portrayed - her parents. They've now been gone for more than a millennium, and now Luna was beginning to remember the depression through the family, how Celestia tried to calm her after they left. While Luna was beginning to become able to perform spells, she was still a young girl, and she didn't restrict her emotions from getting the best of her. So many hours were dedicated to crying and remorse, knowing that they wouldn't come back...

"I see you noticed the tapestries," Celestia called, as Luna snapped out of her memories and to two more tapestries. One was dark blue and torn, most logically hers. The one of her sister opposite of her own was almost how it had been when she had last seen it, though: bright white fabric with various red, orange, and yellow strips running across, as the center showed a luminescent sun, the only cutie mark whose power could control the sun's passing through day and night. The very same was what her sister was gifted with.

"Yes, Rarity stitched my old tapestry back together. It was very well done. How generous of her to do that."

Celestia and Luna exchanged smirks. With as stern as she often seemed, she still had a sense of humor that often went unnoticed to the public. Regaining her professionalism, she motioned Luna.

"It's time," she said, sending shivers down Luna's spine in anticipation.

They entered the library, which despite the occasional visits from the six current bearers of harmony, still retained an unused look. It looked much larger than how she remembered, which was surprising considering how small she used to be. There were four levels in all, with bookshelves covering each wall. While Luna stood in awe, Celestia flew to the third level and examined the binder of each book closely. Eventually, she found the book Luna was looking for.

Extended Glossary of Abnormal Creatures and Entities
997 F.R.

"Sister, your answer," the elder sister called. Luna's attention was caught almost instantaneously as she teleported to the third level. Luna's anticipation was killing her. All her years, she had a gross, terrifying mouse named Gregory stalk her childhood, and only now would she be able to find out what he...or it...really was. She almost took the book and risked ripping out the yellowed pages before Celestia took it back from her.

"Remember, Luna, these books span more than a millennium in age, from when our mother was present," she stated. "It's miraculous that they even hold up to this day."

Celestia carefully skimmed through the large textbook-sized encyclopedia of myths and monsters that have either died out or still exist to this day, with Luna peering over her shoulder. Luna recognized some sketches as monsters that she had either seen on their stroll here or some monsters that she helped Pipsqueak fight overseas (and to be fair, she played the role of some of those monsters, though not too harshly as to hurt the boys too badly). After glancing at various articles of hydras, nymphs, and sea serpents, Celestia flipped to a page that made Luna flinch and turn away.

"Do not fear him, Luna," Celestia assured. "The difference between your childhood and now is that you've faced many more terrifying things than him and braved through them."

With some hesitation, she looked back toward the image and instead of flinching this time, chuckled. Now that she saw him for what he was, she questioned why she was afraid of him in the first place. He was a dirty rat, yes, but his form was blocky and cartoon-like, like the toys she played with as a kid. Maybe the rat compensated for his lack of intimidating appearance with what he was able to perform. Intently, she read its description.

Gregory (Transcendent Dreamwalker)

Little is known about this creature, but it can be dated back to even before the birth of a unified Equestria. It's often seen and portrayed with tattered clothes and occasionally holding a lantern. It visits those who lack self-esteem or courage to feed on their souls. Until 996 F.R., when it had tormented royalty's Princess Luna, it had not been seen for several thousands of years, and only one has been identified. Its last recorded sighting was approximately 18000 B.F. when it was sighted after a tsunami hit the island chain of a civilization called Japan.

When encountering the creature, remember that everything that may happen at all is an illusion. His advantage is his ability to change the world to how he would like his victim to see it, usually playing on their phobias and doubts. Only the victim can see what goes on, while in reality it may seem that they are in a trance. He cannot physically hurt his victims, but he can mentally and emotionally break them, often leaving symptoms of insanity or post-traumatic stress disorder. It's suggested to immediately interrupt the vivid hallucinations before the victim loses hope and, therefore, their soul.

Luna read on, but many of the words were rubbed away and faded due to the crippling age of the tome. Overall, there wasn't much else she learned than what she already knew. She looked to her sister for any more information, only to be replied with a shrug.

"That was the only tome I knew that even referenced him," Celestia stated, much to Luna's chagrin.

"There has to be something else," Luna said aloud. "If we don't do something, Pip will be in grave danger!"

That couldn't have been the only record of him, she thought. There had to be more!

Celestia looked up and thought.

"Maybe," she suggested, Luna's eyes beaming. "Mother and Father might have written something about it. The creature did fall to the Elements, after all."

Noticing Luna's pleading, Celestia sighed.

"You made a promise, if I remember correctly, that you would sleep after we checked the castle."

"But Gregory!" was all Luna could muster, her weariness and anxiety visible to the solar princess. With another sigh, she focused her magic on Luna as she became increasingly tired. A simple sleep spell would put her to rest if nothing else. Even a goddess of dreams wasn't immune to drowsiness.

"Celestia..." Luna yawned. "What are you doing?"

"Rest well, sister," Celestia said as Luna fell to the floor, her breathing becoming light snoring. Even after all these years, she still looked adorable when she slept. She could remember Luna's star-splattered onesie that she fell in love with to sleep in. Maybe on the next Hearth's Warming Eve, she should get them both onesies to sleep in instead of the typical gown that she has had to sleep in for the past 600 years. Carrying her younger (and noticably smaller) sister in her arms, she teleported back to the castle to continue with the day's schedule.