• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 3,651 Views, 947 Comments

TiM: Best of Intentions, Worst of Results - Twidashforever

TiM #3: The cost of inactions is often higher then the cost of action, yet who pays the price? Sequel to The Truth in Meanings

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Pre-wedding Jitters

Author's Note:

Twilight is Magic read order

As always leave your comments below.

What did I do right?
What did I do Wrong?

thanks goes out to Skizee for help editing.
thanks goes out to Electrostatic for help with editing


Twilight woke up earlier than she expected. It was unusual for her to wake up before her wife, as she was far more of an night owl, as such she took the time to enjoy it. She loved Rainbow Dash more than she believed possible. With all the time that passed, and all the adventures the two went on, some good, others not so much. She thought that maybe, just maybe, the love they shared would start to fade. Never before was she so happy to be wrong. As far as Twilight was concerned, she could be wrong every day of her life from this point on, as long as this feeling continued.

Twilight admired the wing cocoon she wrapped herself up in each night. Rainbow’s golden wings were amazing; somehow, they kept her at just the ideal temperature, not too hot, not too cold. It was the most perfect feeling in the world. Briefly, she remembered the few days they tried to spend the night apart. Neither of them slept at all for two days. It was the third night that Rainbow broke into Canterlot Tower and snuck into her bed. Twilight rolled over and asked her what kept her for so long. Rainbow apologized profusely before Twilight told her she was only joking.

The next day Celestia chewed both their heads off for Rainbow leaving her diplomatic mission early. Twilight merely replied that if she did not want Rainbow to leave early she should have sent them both. That left Celestia speechless and caused her to refuse to talk to the pair for a whole week. True, the mission was important. Twilight’s research was important too, something that if she left would have set them back months. Then again, none of that matched the importance of going to sleep next to the mare you love. Celestia would just have to consider that in her next round of planning.

The golden wings themselves defied all attempts Twilight made to study them. From what little she could peg down they seemed to grow and shrink with Rainbow’s will. Responding to her subconscious thought, allowing them to reach a wingspan of over seventy hooves when she wanted to show off. To as little as six when she needed to fly around the house. They were truly an impressive display of raw magic. They weighed nothing, not even appearing as a blip on Twilight's most sensitive scales. Yet there was no substance that Twilight knew of that could cut them. The magic of their creation was truly that of Gods. Not just any God at that; but the one that resided in Twilight Sparkle, Gaia: The God of Life and Magic.

Gaia, now there was a bundle of trouble Twilight did not know how to answer. On one hoof, she hated Gaia, which was the equivalent of hating herself if she believed Eros. The power inside her nearly caused the end of all life as she knew it; it nearly cost her everything. Well not quite everything, there was a few things she owed to it, including the one she now held in her arms. The mare of her dreams, Rainbow Dash. That was not the only blessing Twilight owed to Gaia; due to that power, or at least in part from that power, Twilight and Rainbow have three beautiful foals. As such, Twilight counted Gaia as a positive thing, even with all the bad; the good were miracles she loved with all her heart.

The first two were in direct relation to what occurred: Dayspring Gleam and Aurora Flash. Little Dayspring was the jewel of Twilight’s eye. The purple-coat colt with the rainbow mane and square academic cap cutie mark never failed to earn the respect of anypony who heard his speeches. He succeeded at becoming headmaster of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Recently elected to headmaster, he was the youngest to date. Using his natural talents for organization he achieved the impossible. In three months their graduation rate increased from seventy-three percent to eighty-nine percent. He recomputed the cost/enrollment calculation and doubled attendance almost overnight. The quality of the graduates was on track to improve fifty percent the first year alone. Celestia herself has awarded him over a dozen accommodations for excellence.

Little Aurora Flash, the firecracker, the cutest filly born in a hundred years (literally, Twilight has the poll numbers to prove it). Aurora became the most drop dead gorgeous mare to shine on the cover of any magazine. She has the subtlest curves in her dark blue coat, distinctive purple, blue, orange mane, and forty-karat diamond cutie mark. She truly was Twilight’s diamond in the rough. As a filly, Twilight was always worried that she would be in serious trouble when her cuteness finally faded. She should not have even bothered worrying; Aurora was the bell of the ball. With a single bat of her eyelashes, she could swoon her way out of any situation.

She was also the most highly sought after model in all of Equestria. Not a day would go by that she did not get at least a dozen requests. Although, even with all the fame she would always put family first, her favorite pastime was modeling for the many dresses her Aunt Rarity would make for her. Ponies lucky enough to own first print pictures of her can sell them for hundreds of bits, increasing in value exponentially the older they get. The rarest picture of her, the one of her as a green and pink filly last sold for over ten million bits alone. Twilight and Rainbow have a princess’s fortune worth of pictures in their house. Not that they would ever sell any of those pictures; somethings are too precious to give up, even for all the bits in Equestria.

The only flaw Aurora admits to never being able to turn into a virtue is her cookie addiction, although Rainbow and Twilight would disagree with that statement, to them it just brought back memories of her as a little filly, and that was a virtue in its own right.

The last of Twilight’s miracles was Shimmering Night, a light purple alicorn with a rainbow mane. Her cutie mark consisted of a dragon and a griffon holding up a golden crown, and unlike anypony before her, she was born with it. She was special in every sense of the word. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all came to verify this little filly’s birth. Never before has an alicorn been born. Each one came into their ascension through other means. Everything about this filly was special, from a pregnancy that mathematically should not have occurred. The easiest birth ever recorded (much to the chagrin of Rainbow, whose labor was ANYTHING but easy). To her record graduation speed and insane growth rate. At just twenty she was already taller than Twilight, now the only pony that could match her in size was Celestia. After Twilight had turned it down, the princesses were grooming Shimmering Night from birth to take her spot as one of the rulers of Equestria due to the uniqueness of her birth. Sadly, it was something she utterly did not care for. The only thing that held that mare’s attention was her soon to be husband: Bright Dawn.

Bright Dawn was everything Twilight loved in Rainbow, save in colt form and waiting to marry her daughter. Needless to say, he was one of the few ponies Twilight did not like. Bright Dawn was brash, arrogant, and impulsive. Yet, he somehow made Shimmering Night happy. As such, Twilight could forgive everything else. Now Rainbow, that was another story altogether. She told the young midnight blue pegasus that if he ever wanted to marry her daughter he would have to beat Rainbow in a race. After seventy-six attempts, Twilight admired his dedication. The races were not even close. He trained every day for four years straight, even becoming the second pony in this generation to do a sonic rainboom.

After that Twilight assumed Rainbow would let him win. She did not; she followed his sonic rainboom with six of her own. That event earned her a visit from Celestia for breaking the restraining order that prevented her from exceeding three sonic rainbooms in Equestria's airspace. Rainbow calmly pointed out that by the time of her fourth rainboom she was in fact, not in Equestria's airspace. When Twilight explained why it occurred, Celestia told Rainbow not to ever go easy on him. It would be another four years before Bright Dawn would win, with a little help from Shimmering Night.

When Night and Dawn came to Twilight with their plan, she balked at the idea. It was ridiculous, crazy, and a little suicidal. It took months of convincing, they only managed to get her help by saying they would do it with or without her. That would definitely result in suicide, as such; Twilight was left with no choice but to help. Bound by a pinkie promise, she could not even worn Rainbow of what was coming.

When the day of the race came, Dawn had a four-second head start, the only concession Rainbow gave the poor colt was that every hundred races he lost she would give him a handicap of one second. Twilight did the math, with an average of fifty losses a year he would be three hundred and sixty three before it would be a close race. Assuming she actually knew Rainbow’s top speed, something even Twilight was unsure of.

Half of Ponyville was out for the race. Several years earlier, the Mayor installed a huge clock that displayed the start and stop time and Rainbow’s handicap timer. Twilight reflected that she never saw the stop timer get into the ten digits. The race never lasted that long. This time would be slightly different; this time Rainbow would actually lose the race.

As the start time began, Dawn took off at full speed, creating his first sonic rainboom after one second in flight. Twilight was impressed, the colt was crazy, but not stupid, he knew what was coming. As Rainbow’s handicap timer clicked two seconds left, Night dropped their trump card.


The normal ruckus of the crowd ceased all at once, poor Rainbow froze mid-air, and spent the next ten seconds just staring at Night. Fifteen seconds after, it finally clicked on just who was responsible for causing that pregnancy.

Rainbow broke through seven of Twilight’s strongest shields trying to kill that colt. As the eighth shield failed, she let out a wing swipe that sent magic energy at the speed of light in his direction. Again, Twilight was impressed at the colt’s reflexes. Against all odds, the colt pulled up, causing the energy swipe to miss any vital spots and Dawn managed to get away with only the loss of his tail.

By then, Night flew up and blocked Rainbow from any further attempts of Dawn's life. She explained to Rainbow that it was a prank and she was not pregnant. By the time Rainbow calmed down the damage was done; Bright Dawn already won the race.

Rainbow wanted to be mad; she wanted to vent her frustration out on somepony. The problem was she has no idea who. Twilight was simply too sexy to take it out on. She always had a soft spot for her kids, and Bright Dawn would soon be joining the family. So she settled for an around the world flight instead.

Twelve hours later when she got back, Rainbow calmly sat the two down and explained that while she did lose, and would honor the agreement. They would not marry for a year. For two reasons: One; that way she could get used to the idea of it happening and when the marriage was finally here she could enjoy it. Two; as revenge for that prank.

Night and Dawn both looked at Twilight, pleading for her to talk some sense into Rainbow. She merely shook her head. Twilight’s part in this extended to only keeping Rainbow from killing Dawn. She would not try to overrule Rainbow’s decision. As such, the wedding date was set for one year from that date, otherwise known as tomorrow.


Twilight slowly ran her hoof through Rainbow’s mane; the rough feel of it sent shivers through Twilight’s body. She loved every inch of Rainbow, Twilight knew Rainbow’s body better than she knew her own, every curve, every muscle, every hair on it. The fact that neither of them seemed to age helped too. Over the years she spent hours just running her hooves through Rainbow’s coat. Every new scar Twilight would categorize and file away. Only the sexy ones would Rainbow keep and Twilight had final say on that. The only part of Rainbow that hurt to look at was the tip of her ear. A timberwolf tore it off forty years ago. Despite Twilight’s every attempt, she was unable to grow it back. It seemed some scars stay forever.

Her musings caused Rainbow to wake up. She looked at Twilight with her normal lustful glare. “Morning, sexy…”

“Morning, stank breath.”

Rainbow let out a huge yawn right into Twilight's face. Causing the alicorn to gag and try to roll over, only to discover that the wings tightened around her. She was not going anywhere.

“You know you love it.”

“Rainbow, that breath could serve as an ignition source.”

“So… I could breathe fire?”

Twilight laughed, ‘Don’t ever change Rainbow.’ She thought to herself. “I tell you what, you let me go and I will get the shower started.”

“Really?” Rainbow perked up at that one.

“Provided, you brush your teeth first.”

“Well, if you're going to twist my hoof about it.”

Twilight reach forward and kissed her wife on the lips. Rainbow soon reciprocated the motion two more times before letting Twilight leave. As she got up and made her way to the shower, Twilight looked back at the sexiest mare in Equestria lying on her bed.

“And Rainbow?”

“Yes Twi?”

“Don’t keep me waiting…”


Briefly, Rainbow lay back in bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering for the millionth time just how she got so lucky. When she rolled over to get up, Rainbow glanced at the calendar and saw what the true cause of it was. ‘Ah, that’s Twi's game.’ The wedding was tomorrow; Twilight was trying to distract her from it as long as possible. Rainbow forced the year’s delay. She needed time to adjust to the fact the youngest of her foals was getting married. A year was far too short; she did not believe any amount of time would be appropriate for that adjustment. Yet, it was here, there was nothing more she could do about it, after all, a promise is a promise, and Rainbow Dash always keeps her promises, even if they might break her heart doing so.

They tried having more foals, Celestia knows they tried; physically they were both two healthy, normal mares. Normal being a relative term in this case. Nothing physical was stopping them. However, whatever magic cause it to happened, not once but twice, seemed spent. After years of trying, they both agreed simply to be happy with what they had. It hurt, but they had each other and three bouncing little kids to take care of. Time heals all wounds, right? Not really, that gap was still there in Rainbow’s heart.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Twilight turning on the shower, so what if it was a distraction, she would play her part and enjoy what she could get when she could get it. She would make Twilight pay for it, but in the fun way. First things first, she needed to find her toothbrush for both before and after the shower.


Shimmering Night was downstairs cooking breakfast, doing her absolute best to not pay attention to the noises coming from the upstair bathroom. Needless to say, her best simply was not good enough. Try not to think about the color pink and that is all you can think about. Try not to think about numbers and you're soon counting to a hundred. Try not to think about your mom screaming her head off in sexual bliss and…

After the seventh waffle she dropped on the floor due to a well-placed scream, Night was starting to regret her decision to come over and make them breakfast. It was the nice thing to do, and she did need to talk to Twilight about a few last minute preparations for the weddings, but hearing this was a little more than she could take. Just when she reached her breaking point, the shower stopped. She quickly cleaned up waffle seven and started on eight. Knowing them, she had only a few more minutes to get breakfast ready, more than enough time for an alicorn, now that she could concentrate that is.

Rainbow playfully chased her wife down the steps until she noticed the smell coming from the kitchen. Twilight smelled it at the same time. She turned to Rainbow with a blush on her face; there were only four ponies that could enter their home without Twilight noticing. Celestia and Luna both have royal duties in Canterlot. Dayspring was dealing with an expansion of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. That just left Night.

“Do you think she heard us?”

“Twi, I think the entire town heard us.”

“No, I have a soundproof spell on the outside of the house. It has been there since the neighbors complained about that one time….”

With that memory back in her head, suddenly Rainbow was not that hungry anymore. She wanted to grab Twilight and take her back upstairs, ravishing the purple alicorn to an inch of her life, just as she did on that day.

Unfortunately, Twilight noticed the grin forming on Rainbow’s face and cut off that thought with an ‘are you serious’ look. Rainbow just shrugged. “Well, whatever she heard we cannot just stay up here forever. Let’s go find out.”

The two made their way into the kitchen to find Shimmering Night sitting at the table waiting for them.

“Hello honey, what brings you by today?” Rainbow asked.

“Well I am getting married tomorrow.”

“She knows that dear, how long have you been waiting for us?” Twilight replied with a slight nervousness in her voice that Rainbow immediately recognized.

“Oh, I just got here a few minutes ago.”

Twilight seemed to relax at that comment; meanwhile a quick glance in the trashcan told Rainbow all she needed to know about the lie that was. She would not call Night out on it though, if it helped Twilight relax, then she could live with the little white lie. Rainbow merely tore off a few paper towels and pretended to wipe something off, throwing the wad in the trashcan to cover up all the ruined waffles.

Breakfast passed smoothly between the three, despite her best attempts, Night could not help but give Twilight a few awkward glances. ‘I had no idea mom’s voice could get that high…’ She started talking before her thoughts went too far down that track.

“So mom, about the wedding.”

Rainbow shrugged as the two got into the girl talk. She may love these mares, but that did not mean she loved wedding planning. Rainbow would do her part for it, once Twilight had all the last minute details worked out and abbreviated exactly what Rainbow was to do for her daughter. As such, Rainbow simply started cleaning the plates and walked upstairs to make the bed.

Twilight loved planning things like this; she was always in her element when she could organize things for others. “What about it?”

“Well, I know we were going to go with a blue theme, but… I was hoping we could switch to red.”

“Red? Why?”

“It’s Dawn’s favorite color.”

“Well, this explains the breakfast at least… and you're just letting me know this now because…”

"Well, I was worried about the flower arrangement, then the seating chart. The dance music came up next, I know Rainbow wanted to pick the DJ but he was just dreadful. Then we had ‘The Pie’ incident, then the-"

“Ok, ok I get it, red huh… I should be able to make that work; of course, you have to go explain to Rarity why she has to change all the dresses.

“Thanks mom, you’re the best!”

“Oh don’t think me yet, she will not be happy with yet another last minute alteration to those dresses.”

Night shrugged before turning to leave. On the way out the door, she decided to have a little fun with her mom.

“Oh and mom, I know you and Celestia are good friends and all, but I don’t think she would appreciate you using her name like that.”

Twilight’s eyes grew the size of dinner plates. Her face turned beat red as the full implications of that comment dawned on her.

“Well, I'll see you later! Ok, bye!” With that Shimmering Night left her parents. She was on her way to her Aunt Rarity and Uncle Spike to give them the (good) news about the changes for the dresses.

Rainbow walked down stairs to find her wife frozen in the kitchen, she had to check twice to make sure Twilight was still breathing. “She told you huh? I always knew that kid had a vicious streak in her.”

Still no movement came from the alicorn.

‘Well, I only know of one way to snap her out of it.’ Grabbing her wife, Rainbow pulled her on top and locked lips with Twilight. It took a few seconds but before long Twilight was returning the favor.

“You with me, egghead?”


“So, what did the little troublemaker want?”

“Hey that’s your daughter you’re talking about.”

“Yeah I know, that’s why I said it, what did she want THIS time?”

“She wants the theme changed to red.”

“Ah, I liked it blue.”

“Me too.”

“Red huh? Rarity is going to be pissed.”

“Yep, that’s why I told Night she had to tell Rarity.”

“How long do you think we have?”

“Until Rarity comes over screaming bloody murder, I would say about a minute.”


“C'mon you cannot still be in the mood.”

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not.”

“That's different, you started it, I can’t help how sexy you are, Stupid sexy Dash.”

“Stupid sexy Twilight.”

True to Twilight’s calculations, one minute later their impromptu make out session was soon interrupted by a very pissed off white mare, one who has to change an entire town’s worth of suits for a next day wedding.

“Your daughter… she wants… I cannot… what the… what are you going to do?”

Rainbow wanted to laugh. Not one of the sentences Rarity tried getting out came out correctly. Hell, not one of them was complete.

“You want to calm down there, Rarity?”

“Calm down!!! Calm down!!! I AM CALM!!!”

Spike walked through the door, standing by his wife’s side. “She is, you should have seen her after Shimmering Night left.”

“I can bet.” Rainbow whispered to Twilight.

“I know she can be a lot Rarity, but can't you just create new ones with your magic?”

Rarity just glared at Rainbow with an ‘are you serious’ look on her face.

“Rainbow Dash, darling, let me ask you a question. Do you fly at full speed when you race?”

“No.” Dash replied, unsure where this line of questioning would lead.

“Why not? Would it not guarantee you would win?”

“Of course it would, but I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it… Oh.”

“There you go. I may be getting on in years but this is still the thing I love to do the most. What would be the point of continuing if I just zapped everything I thought of into existence?”

“I didn't think about that…”

“I know dear, but maybe next time you could take your thoughts and put them…” Rarity was unable to finish that sentence before Spike covered her muzzle with his hoof.

“What my wife is trying to say is, this is what she enjoys and using her magic would ruin that enjoyment for her.”

“We apologize Rarity, it's her big day though. Lets get through the next two days and then it will all be behind us. I tell you what, when Aurora gets in, I will have her spend the next day at your shop with you. How does that sound?”

Rarity’s mood did a sudden one eighty, “Well Twilight, if it's not too much trouble of course I would love to have that mare over. Oh, look at the time. I better get started on those changes. C'mon Spike, lets go.”

Spike just grunted and left with his wife. He's seen Twilight at work too many times to not know Rarity just got played. Twilight just sat back and watched the huge pony go, Spike grew massive over the years. His pony form was twice that of Big Mac's when he was in his prime. His dragon form was no longer allowed in the city limits.

Rainbow smirked at her wife. “Masterfully played Twi, good thing she did not know Aurora wanted to spend the day with her anyway.”

“Hey, I never said she didn’t. C'mon we got some work to do.”

“Ah, what now?”

“Now we have to paint the town red.”