• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 335 Views, 12 Comments

The warrior of equestria - mrgamer90001

Johnathan vandetta, a high schooler from new york, has been training in sword play and chemestry and is sent to equestria to fight the worlds greatest evil

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open the portal and jump in

High school sucks. Everyday its either a boring as hell lecture or getting beaten to death by bullies. The only thing keeping me sane are my friends, Daniel (Dan) witch is 5'10 with brown hair and is good with a knife... trust me i know. Sarah witch is 5'7 and brunette and amazing with a pistol. Conner is 6'1 and a mix of brown and blond (like at the tip of his hair its blond then fades to brown in the back weird ) and is good at video games and the computer. Then there sebastion (bastion), he's a GIANT! reaching 7'4 easy with black hair and is basically our tech support guy but if he wanted to, he could toss you across a football field without breaking a sweat. Then me, Johnathan vandetta or JV or John either one works, I'm 6'3 and have dirty blond hair and i'm good with swordplay and not this fencing shit, if you hand me a long sword then i could make sushi out of someone.

Anyway i have no family so i live by myself in a one story house and i've kept a pretty good job teaching kids swordplay teach alchemy. But i had the day off so i went with Sarah and Conner back to there house (did i mention that there brother and sister?) We played some call of duty and battlefield (of course me and sarah lost to conner). I decided to stay at there house for the night since they don't really care that much. The next day at school was like i stepped into hell wrapped in a ball of chaos. I forgot that today was the monthly 'Theres no classes so hang out in the hall and do whatever the fuck you like' day so i immediately make a U-turn to the hall with no one in it. Bad fucking idea. Nathan, the school asshole, and his asshole minions came up to me and said "Well lookie here boys he made it to where no one can find out."

"Well look here guys he has more than 4 brain cells." i remarked feeling proud of my comment. Boy did i pay for it. Nathan struck me straight in the nose and started bleeding out.
"Feeling light- headed JV?"

"if you knew biology, then you know that a bleeding nose does not effect the level of blood in the brain."

still letting the blood rush down my face. One of his asshat friends gave him a knife, now they were in my territory. Being attacked by Dan many a times before i learned how to use a knife and dodge it. Nathan did a half- ass job slashing be with the pocket knife so i dodged it with ease.
"Oh come on, you're good with punching and insulting but not with a knife? what's wrong with you?" i taunted him. He threw the knife at my head and dodged it, then taking the knife from the ground and drove it into Nathan's stomach.
"Bitch suck it up and take it like a man." i told him then threw him off the knife into the ground letting the wound bleed out. I only let out one word to his friends

who knew they could run so fast. I took the knife as a victory trophy and started to listen to the Beatles. The end of the day rolled by and everyone went home. I tagged along side Sarah and Conner again and told them what happened.
"Dude you killed Nathan? You're my god!" Conner looked at me with envy in his eyes as i showed them the knife.
"Now if only you could make a portal to goto another universe that would be awesome." Sarah said with a grin on her face like a "do it now or i will hurt you" kind of grin.
"well let's see if i can." I concentrated all my force into the portal nabbing the first universe i saw and put a gateway somewhere in that universe. The portal opened up and showed up the picture of where i placed the gateway.
"Ladies first, Conner?"
Conner looked like he was gonna through a pencil into my eye then he stepped through the portal and vanished Sarah walked into the portal next and i hopped well jumped in ready to see a new universe to explore.

Author's Note:

hope you like this fanfiction this was more of a daily life thing for JV but i digress and with that goodbye

Mrgamer is OUT!