• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 3,964 Views, 58 Comments

Spike Is In This Story!! - Twinkletail

Spike has a nice day out with his friends, who refuse to have fun without him ever again.

  • ...


One day, Spike was sweeping the floor of the library. Everypony was thankful for him because he was a wonderful friend and everyone liked him. Nopony ever neglected him or anything of the sort.

While Spike was sweeping, Twilight came up behind him.

"Hi, Spike!" Twilight said cheerfully, happy to see the most important character in her life. "I was reading a book, but then I realized that I was doing something that didn't involve you, so I came to find you right away!"

"Oh?" Spike asked, tilting his head. "Um, well, that's fine, Twilight. Just because we're great friends doesn't mean we have to do everyth-"

"My life was empty for those moments I wasn't with you!" Twilight exclaimed. "What are you doing right now?"

"...Sweeping?" the bewildered dragon replied.

"Well, forget about it!" Twilight said, a manic smile on her face. "I'm going to have a picnic, and you're invited! We can't have the picnic without you, Spike! That would be horrible!"

"Uhh...oookay," Spike responded, raising a brow. "Thanks! I think?"

"Of course!" Twilight exclaimed. "We wouldn't want you thinking that we don't love you just because us ponies went and did something without you!"

"Oh, no, that's fine," Spike said, setting his broom down. "I understand that you're all adults and mares, and that just because I'm not involved in every single thing you do doesn't mean you don't love me. Sometimes it's nice to have a mares' day out, I assume!"

Spike smiled warmly at Twilight, expecting a compliment for his maturity, or at the very least a smile. What he saw instead was a look of abject horror.

"Are...you...kidding me?!" Twilight shouted. "If I leave you behind and go do things with my friends, that'll be awful! Anypony who sees us out doing something without you will naturally assume that we don't care about you and that we're some kind of pony supremacy brigade that's oppressing the dragonfolk!"

Spike stared at his friend. Clearly, she had gone insane. Before he could say anything else, Twilight had magically lifted him up and onto her back. Deciding that it wasn't really worth it to argue, he shrugged and resigned himself to his fate, taking another look at the little dust pile that he hadn't even been able to sweep up before Twilight whisked him away.

It wasn't long before Spike and Twilight arrived at the picnic site. Spike had nearly forgotten about Twilight's strange behavior; the ride had been so pleasant and the weather so warm that it took his mind off of everything that might have been attempting to bother him.

"Spike!" Applejack called out as she saw the two approach. "Thank goodness you're here! A picnic ain't complete without you!"

"Woo-hoo, Spike's here!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Now this party can really get going!"

"Oh, thank goodness," Fluttershy said. "I don't know what we could have done without you here, Spike."

"I made super-special cupcakes just for you!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing up to him and completely ignoring Twilight. "And nopony is allowed to have them but you!"

"Mmm, my sweet little Spiky-Wikey is here at last!" Rarity cooed. "Would you like to sit in my lap while we eat?"

Spike rubbed the back of his head with a claw, blushing a bit, and then a bit more at Rarity's offer. Never before could he remember a time where all of his friends had lavished this much attention upon him. Sure, they gave him plenty of attention normally, but this was much more than he was used to. Before he could think about it any further, he was whisked into Rarity's lap. He felt her wrap her forelegs around him, a cupcake surrounded in her magic floating towards his mouth. Anything else that might have happened while in Rarity's embrace was a complete blur.

Spike finally felt Rarity release him from her hold. His senses and conscious mind returned, much to his chagrin, and he looked up to see his friends all staring at him.

"You're awake!" Twilight said cheerfully. The others let out a happy cheer, including Rarity, who nuzzled the top of his head.

"Heh...yeah," Spike said. "I guess I kinda zoned out for a bit...did I miss anything important?"

"Not at all!" Twilight assured him. "We saw that you were a bit out of it, so we stopped talking. It would have been unfair if we said anything at all while you couldn't hear it, and the last thing we want to do is exclude you! So we all just sat here and looked at you until you woke up!"

"...What?" Spike asked, now very confused over his friends' behavior.

"Oh no!" Rainbow shouted. "You said something that he didn't hear!"

"But..." Twilight whimpered, her ears falling. "I didn't-"

"PONY SUPREMACIST!" Pinkie yelled.

"You're going to drive him to suicide with your uncaring behavior!" Applejack demanded.

"You are an awful pony!" Rarity said through clenched teeth.

"Get rid of her!" Fluttershy demanded, in a very un-Fluttershy manner. "Pony supremacist!"

Spike stared in horror, held back by Rarity's forelegs, as Applejack and Pinkie grabbed Twilight from either side. Rarity whipped a roll of lace trim out of her bag and quickly bound Twilight's legs. Twilight, through all of this, did not resist even the tiniest bit.

"I deserve all of this for shunning you, Spike!" Twilight cried.

"But you didn't-" Spike began to say, but Rainbow covered his mouth.

"It's okay," Fluttershy said sweetly. "Don't try to cover for her. That mean old pony supremacist won't bother you anymore."

Spike could only stare and tremble as Applejack and Pinkie lifted the bound Twilight up above their heads. Without even a moment of second-guessing themselves, the two hurled the terrible pony supremacist into the lake.

"I'm sorry I wronged you, Spike!" Twilight said before her head sank into the water. "I love you!"

Then she was gone.

Spike tried to scream, but Rainbow refused to uncover his mouth.

"You won't have to worry about her again, darling," Rarity cooed. Spike felt tears searing in his eyes, tears which were quickly dabbed away by Rarity's handkerchief.

"She was just getting in the way," Applejack explained. "Always going around and experiencing things without you around, excluding you from everything. We're better off without that mean old bigot."

Spike had had enough. He shoved Rainbow's hoof from his mouth.

"How could you?!" Spike shouted through tears. "She was our friend! I don't mind if she, or any of you, sometimes do things without me! I don't have to be everywhere you are! And now Twilight's...T-Twilight's..." The poor dragon broke down in tears, and the five ponies all moved in on him to comfort him.

"There, there," Fluttershy said in her most soothing voice. "We know she hurt you terribly. It seems like she'd even been brainwashing you, you poor little thing."

"But she's gone now!" Pinkie said happily. "Now you can be with the rest of us forever!"

"Wh-what?" Spike asked, a mix of confused and terrified. It was then that he caught sight of the object moving towards him. It looked like a glass display case, just big enough to fit...him.

"Now don't you fret none," Applejack said, restraining his claws. "This is for your own good. Everypony'll be-"

"EveryPONY?!" Rainbow shouted. Applejack gulped.

"I mean, everyBODY, including dragons..." Applejack said, "will be happier this way. Rainbow and the others nodded their approval.

Spike attempted to struggle, but the ponies' grip on him was far too strong. The display case opened, and he was forcibly shoved into it. As soon as his feet touched the bottom of the case, he felt a set of shackles burst from it and trap them. He tried to pull at the bindings, but Rarity's magic forced him to double over, and his hands met the same fate as his feet once they touched the bottom as well. He tried one last time to scream, but his screams were for naught once the soundproof display case was sealed shut. He shook violently to the left and right, hoping to find enough strength to break his shackles, but all his efforts did was make his bindings tighter and wear him out.

Al the while that he struggled, the five remaining ponies gazed upon him with reverence from outside the case.

"He's so amazing!" Pinkie said, giggling

"Such a great character in our lives," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"I can't get enough of him!" Applejack swooned.

"So...awesome!" Rainbow said with a cute little squeak.

"And I love him with all of my heart!" Rarity cried out, unable to contain herself any longer. The five pony friends all joined in a group hug, centered around Spike's display case.

"And now we'll never have to be without him again," Applejack said, beaming proudly. "We'll do everything with him, forever." The other four ponies nodded in agreement.

Spike heard none of this through his soundproof prison. Tears poured down his cheeks as he watched his friends' bodies press against the glass, their joy a horrifying contrast to his terror. He yelled out with all his might, but his efforts proved fruitless, the glass thick and tempered to prevent any sound from permeating. Everything started to go fuzzy for the baby dragon, his stress levels doing nothing positive for his oxygen supply.

The five ponies giggled as they watched Spike begin to fade. Rainbow gave Rarity a nudge, and Rarity nodded in return, lighting her horn up.

Spike had given up by this point, resigned to his fate. With Twilight gone and the rest of his friends having apparently gone insane, the only thing that could save him was his rapidly-diminishing oxygen supply. He thanked Celestia for release from this torment as he felt himself begin to black out, until a sudden rush of oxygen filled the chamber. He tried to refuse it, but survival instincts kicked in, and he took a deep breath of the life-saving oxygen. Fresh, warm tears began to trickle down his cheeks as he watched the silent, cheery forms outside his prison, knowing now that he would receive no respite from this torturous existence.

"Aww, he's crying tears of joy!" Pinkie giggled.

"Course he is," Applejack told her. "He must be overjoyed that he's gonna be able to be with us all the time. Ain't never gonna be a story without him again."

"Yay~" Fluttershy cheered quietly.

Comments ( 58 )

This is what I call tru justice :moustache: :facehoof:

Wow....just wow...

Silly, but fun. :moustache:

It looks like he's afraid because he see his name up in the title.

I... uum... It was a good.... Idea?

Not what I was expecting but... alright then?

I don't know if Spike was really included enough in this story. Maybe add a little more of him somewhere? You don't want to look like a pony supremacist.

Wow... This is like straight out of some dystopian work...

That is...

But well written.:twilightsmile::pinkiecrazy:

Creepy AND Crazy, but it does what the title say, oh well:scootangel:

Wait dark, well shit... WHAT?!?! I CAN'T SEE!

Missing the comedy tag.

Well, that was... A thing.

As mildly amusing as that was, (which I guess is a bit of a take that to what I surmise the author see as overreaction to Spike's lack of inclusion, in the show and/or the fandom), I'd be more favourably inclined if I didn't think that line of thinking does have something of a point, sometimes... Given that he doesn't appear to have a life or friends outside the Mane Six in canon (it is implied he did have them in Canterlot by some things in season one, but we haven't really seen him hanging out with anyone else if four seasons even in passing - and he does seem to get lumped in with pets awfully often...) and in the fandom he does tend to be ignored or dismiised fairly often.

...'Scuse me while I go edit my fic to contain more Spike...

Telaros #15 · Apr 4th, 2014 · · 2 ·

Looks familiar... can't quite recall what episode that purple lizard starred in though.

It's not an OC though, right? Just checking.

I guess I'll just read and find out.

Now that's a fine use of the dark tag.

*following publication of this story, all character tags were changed to Spike*

:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Honestly, this premise could have been any number of things. Comedy, sad, slice of life, etc. The dark take is unique.


That was ... weird. That's all I can use to describe it. :twilightoops: Why is it dark, though. Because Twilight is killed and then Spike is all sad and nobody notices? :rainbowderp:

4181113 i think you answered your own question there kid

Well.... I'm not saying it was bad, but WHAT THE HELL?!

Poor Spike. I'll never exclude you from my stories again!
All hail the Dragonborn!

Neat. I give you 3 mustach points dear writter :moustache::moustache::moustache:

He's a pony supremacist! Quick get my rope, we must get rid of him!

*Currently dying of laughter*

Okay Okay I GET IT....I'll never call Twilight a raicist again :ajbemused:

Okay, I've got a serious complaint about this story.

attempted to struggle, but the ponies' grip on him was far too strong. The display case opened, and he was forcibly shoved into it. As soon as his feet touched the bottom of the case, he felt a set of shackles burst from it and trap them. He tried to pull at the bindings, but Rarity's magic forced him to double over, and his hands met the same fate as his feet once they touched the bottom as well. He tried one last time to scream, but his screams were for naught once the soundproof display case was sealed shut. He shook violently to the left and right, hoping to find enough strength to break his shackles, but all his efforts did was make his bindings tighter and wear him out.
Al the while that he struggled, the five remaining ponies gazed upon him with reverence from outside the case.

"He's so amazing!" Pinkie said, giggling

"Such a great character in our lives," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"I can't get enough of him!" Applejack swooned.

"So...awesome!" Rainbow said with a cute little squeak.

"And I love him with all of my heart!" Rarity cried out, unable to contain herself any longer. The five pony friends all joined in a group hug, centered around

Do you see this? This is a direct excerpt from the story. It's also 214 words without the word "Spike" in them.

You say you have Spike in this story, but this quote only emphasizes how un-Spiked your story is. I'm not sure you understand how insulting this is to Spike.

My suggestion: Re-write the entire story to include more Spike. He deserves better treatment than you've given him.


I am shamed.

I apologize to everypony for my lack of proper attention to Spike. Immediately following this post, I will be punishing myself harshly.

Comment posted by spike-ify it deleted Jun 23rd, 2014

This is a great story
If you can think of a an idea for a sequel of do it

Well, I'm convinced. Clearly all of those suggestions that Spike is too frequently overlooked by writers are just so much hot air - I mean just look what would happen if we had listened to them!:facehoof:

You didn't use Spike's name in every sentence! SPIKE HATER! PONY SUPREMECIST!

...seriously though, I loved this. Was hoping someone would write something related to all the Spike "drama".


Wow, this story suddenly got a lot of attention. Well, now that it has, let me just quickly explain a thing.

Of course Spike shouldn't be overlooked. He is absolutely an important character. And yes, there are times where people don't include him when he probably should be included.

But at the same time, this doesn't mean that he should be in every story. There are some people who seem to think that if an author does not insert Spike into EVERYTHING, then the author is a horrible pony supremacist. I've had two or three of my stories get comments about how obviously I must hate Spike and want him to die because I didn't include him in a story. This bothered me, because I like to think I tend to give Spike a fair shot. One of my most popular stories is all about him, and in my stories where Twilight and Rarity are dating, I give him a fair amount of detail in how he's dealing with his sister/mother figure and his crush dating. But when I'm writing a story about Twilight being upset that Pinkie's Hearth's Warming gift to her wasn't as extravagant as the one she gave, I feel Spike doesn't HAVE to be there.

So I wrote this story one day after I read two stories in a row where one certain user attacked the authors for not including Spike when there was no point to including him. I won't say the user's name here (It was originally in the description as a shout-out until he (not-so) kindly requested that I remove it), but that kind of thing bugs the hell out of me.

On the positive side, a fun story came from it!

But I do understand your point. Neglecting of Spike does happen, and it shouldn't, but he doesn't have to be EVERYWHERE.

I'm glad you had fun writing it, but I gotta say reading it wasn't.

It's not a story - its an author tract. And there's not enough fiction here to hide the rant. Since the rant itself is a giant strawman argument...yeah, not a fun read.

Wow, this story suddenly got a lot of attention.

I know someone tossed this into Spike Fanfictions, that's what brought me here.


I'd be very interested to know how this is a straw man argument. Perhaps the use of the phrase "every story" is a bit of exaggeration, but the fact remains that I've seen plenty of times where writers have been attacked for not including Spike in their story. And to make things clear, I don't mean stories which clearly required Spike's presence, nor do I mean "simply asking for Spike to be included" when I say attacking. I mean stories in which Spike's presence would add absolutely nothing to the story, and I mean people accusing writers of being "pony supremacists," hating Spike, and wishing for him to die.

Seeing someone attack someone like that for not putting Spike in a little fluffy ship story between Twilight and Pinkie is ridiculous. Applejack is my favorite character. I don't go into Raridash stories and say "Why didn't you put Applejack in this story?! You are racist against earth ponies and clearly wish she was dead!" This is partially because I am a mostly-sensible human being, but also partially because I realize that not every character has to be everywhere. When I hang out with friends, I don't always hang out with every friend of mine at the same time. Yes, sometimes Spike gets left out a little more often, but if the character doesn't fit in the story, then I see no need to include them. This goes not only for Spike, but for any character. This doesn't make me a horrible pony supremacist. This makes me a person who doesn't waste their time writing in unnecessary characters.

Again, I will agree that Spike is an important character who deserves the spotlight sometimes, and that sometimes he doesn't get the respect he deserves. But that doesn't warrant the behavior that some of his fans express towards writers who don't include him as much as they believe he should be included. For this to have been a straw man argument, I would have had to misrepresent the other person's argument, but when the other person presents their argument with the amount of vitriol that this other user did/does, then I feel that the way the story rebuked it represented it rather well. If anything, the user that inspired me to write this story was using a straw man argument by taking the situation of a person just writing a story and misrepresenting that into them being terrible pony supremacists who want Spike to commit suicide.

And this has nothing to do with you not enjoying the story. That's fine! I can't expect everyone to like everything I write.

When it comes to Spike, the fandom has roughly four positions:

1) Spike is an awful character and shouldn't appear in any story—even if it revolves around Twilight or takes place in the library.
2) Spike is one interesting character among many. He appears in stories about as often as he should.
3) Spike is one interesting character among many. Unfortunately he's often overlooked in stories, even when he should appear.
4) Spike is an awesome character and should appear in every story—even if it revolves around FlutterDash or is set entirely at Sweet Apple Acres.

I think most of us can agree that positions one and four are extreme. And I understand the intent of your story is to mock number four. So then why do I say it's a strawman? Because of this:

Just because we're great friends doesn't mean we have to do everyth-"

"I understand that you're all adults and mares, and that just because I'm not involved in every single thing you do doesn't mean you don't love me.

Sure, they gave him plenty of attention normally,

You use author fiat to shoot down any suggestion that Spike is ever overlooked, left out, or mistreated. Further, you give it extra weight by having the words come directly from Spike. So— for the purposes of your story—anyone who objects to Spikes' treatment is objectively wrong. And they are equally wrong whether they espouse the moderate "Spike is too often overlooked" position or the extreme "Spike needs to be in everything" position.

Preemptively declaring your opponents arguments to be wrong and then writing a farce that shows what happens if you push their ideas to a ridiculous extreme? Looks like a strawman to me.

Why twilight

My mind was full of "WTF?" as I read this.

My view of Spike is teetering on the border of #1 (because of Sparity) and #2 (because he deserves some amount of attention).


but if the character doesn't fit in the story, then I see no need to include them.

Like half the mane six in "Princess Jerk Sparkle McButt"? From what I recall, only Twilight and Fluttershy served any purpose. AJ, Dash, and Rarity were probably necessary due to their history with Trixie, but Pinkie Pie didn't need to be there. She was unnecessary, yet hypocritically included. At least Spike would have added some extra conflict and perspective for Trixie.

Regardless of what you might have to say about that, it doesn't change that you ignore and perpetuate the problem by condoning the idea that Spike doesn't fit anywhere, that he has no place among his friends.

When I hang out with friends, I don't always hang out with every friend of mine at the same time.

The mane six frequently do...or don't, actually, because it's typically at Spike's expense. Stories like "Princess McButt" make me feel as though if I had friends like those ponies but never got to spend time with them, they wouldn't care. Your vision argues that it's perfectly okay for everyone Spike knows to be deeply involved in each other's lives while he's on the outside looking in, occasionally tagging along. That's what brings the frownies, not these Pinkielight fics of yours:

when I'm writing a story about Twilight being upset that Pinkie's Hearth's Warming gift to her wasn't as extravagant as the one she gave, I feel Spike doesn't HAVE to be there.

Agreed. I wouldn't attack a story like that unless "all" six ponies were celebrating the holiday without him.

Emprtybee is right: in this story, Spike is representative of you ignoring the core issue.

For this to have been a straw man argument, I would have had to misrepresent the other person's argument,

Well, ya kinda did.

There are some people who seem to think that if an author does not insert Spike into EVERYTHING, then the author is a horrible pony supremacist. I've had two or three of my stories get comments about how obviously I must hate Spike and want him to die because I didn't include him in a story.

I mean stories in which Spike's presence would add absolutely nothing to the story, and I mean people accusing writers of being "pony supremacists," hating Spike, and wishing for him to die.

taking the situation of a person just writing a story and misrepresenting that into them being terrible pony supremacists who want Spike to commit suicide.

See? That sure as shit never happened. But to be more precise:

Seeing someone attack someone like that for not putting Spike in a little fluffy ship story between Twilight and Pinkie is ridiculous. Applejack is my favorite character. I don't go into Raridash stories and say "Why didn't you put Applejack in this story?! You are racist against earth ponies and clearly wish she was dead!"

Nor do I. I comment on stories that include all fucking six of Spike's friends/family enjoying one another's company without him, and I've only ever used ridiculous phrases like "pony supremacist" in the form of bitter sarcasm. What is ridiculous is that you would take such a thing seriously (which you did, and have subsequently produced a straw man argument).

For the record, I've kindly convinced more people to include Spike in something than I've "viciously attacked" anyone.


There are some people who seem to think that if an author does not insert Spike into EVERYTHING, then the author is a horrible pony supremacist. I've had two or three of my stories get comments about how obviously I must hate Spike and want him to die because I didn't include him in a story.

I mean stories in which Spike's presence would add absolutely nothing to the story, and I mean people accusing writers of being "pony supremacists," hating Spike, and wishing for him to die.

taking the situation of a person just writing a story and misrepresenting that into them being terrible pony supremacists who want Spike to commit suicide.

See? That sure as shit never happened.

Taken verbatim from a comment on the Twilight/Pinkie story I spoke about:

This fic has a pretty undeniable pony-supremacy subtext. I'd wager Twilight receives a message the next morning telling her of Spike's suicide, since all of his friends have made it pretty clear, if indirectly, that they don't want him around anymore.

Because the girls were exchanging gifts. Yes, the line "the the ponies who mattered the most to her in the entire world" was used. Is this saying that Spike is unimportant to them? No. They were having dinner with each other. Spike may have been lying down, or spending time with other friends, or a multitude of things. Perhaps he might have chosen to abscond from the table when the girls decided to start being mushy with each other. I don't see the need to have to explain where he is in this case. What does it add to the story if I do? It's a story about an exchange of gifts between Twilight and Pinkie. One could also have asked, "Where's Apple Bloom/Big Mac/Granny Smith/Sweetie Belle/Scootaloo/many others?" If I did toss in a line about where he was, one could even ask, "Why should Spike get special consideration?" And then the next paragraph would be full of "Big Mac was off in the fields and Granny Smith was baking a pie and Twist was on fire" and tons of time would be wasted.

I'll reiterate a few points here:

1) I'm not trying to say that it's false that Spike is sometimes left out when he should be involved. I agree that it happens.
2) I'm not trying to say that you or Emptybee are attacking me in the manner that I brought up. I don't think you are, and I appreciate that for the most part, you're debating this intelligently instead of taking the low road.

There are only two things I'm trying to say here:

1) Spike doesn't need to be in every single story ever (And I know you specifically aren't trying to say he should be)
2) Even though you two are not saying this, there ARE people who make those types of claims. And those people are the reason this story was written.

SO, if this story was written in response to the people (well, specifically person, in this case) who reacted to my story and numerous other stories in this manner, then it is not misrepresenting anything. It's taking the exaggeration pointed at me and responding with exaggeration in kind. I feel it very much represents the barbs thrown at me and others by the person who inspired this story.

4639670 Sounds like bitter sarcasm to me.

I don't see the need to have to explain where he is in this case.

That's the problem.

What does it add to the story if I do?

It tells us why he isn't with "the ponies who matter the most to him in the entire world." On the same note, if I'm interpreting the premise here correctly, the other four ponies didn't need to be there. If it was just about Twilight and Pinkie, then you did indeed waste time and space on four superfluous characters who were just as unnecessary as Spike. I would downvote that crap, too.

One could also have asked, "Where's Apple Bloom/Big Mac/Granny Smith/Sweetie Belle/Scootaloo/many others?"

You mean the characters who aren't part of Twilight's circle of friends like Spike is? Characters who have friends and families to be with, which Spike does not? That's one of the arguments I'm really tired of. Covering Spike and neglecting the rest is not special treatment; he's the only one who has nowhere else to be, and no one else to be with. He's the only one whose whereabouts a reader can't assume.

I appreciate that you agree Spike is missed a little too often, and that you get my and Emptybee's arguments, but from the sound of it, this story was written because you mistook another user's exasperated sarcasm for actual "claims". To write a whole story because someone expressed frustration not only fails to solve the problem, but adds to the number of reasons to be frustrated. Right now, I wish I had enough time to write a fic about a brony who arrives in Equestria to hit Spike, but keeps screwing up and killing fan-favorite ponies in ugly and violent ways.

This was so twisted... is it bad that I started laughing by the time I finished reading? It was just so ridiculous that I couldn't help myself :twilightsheepish:

One day, Spike was sweeping the floor of the library. Everypony was thankful for him because he was a wonderful friend and everyone liked him. Nopony ever neglected him or anything of the sort.

Haha! Good one, man! Great joke!

... O-oh, that's how this story is? Uh... This might be super uncomfortable to read.

Actually I laughed all through it. Am I a terrible person?

I laughed through out the whole story. Not ashamed in the least.

"Course he is," Applejack told her. "He must be overjoyed that he's gonna be able to be with us all the time. Ain't never gonna be a story without him again."

Um....well, at least it ended on a semi-happy note. :unsuresweetie:

Most excellent.

Rod Serling reborn, A Twilight zone episode !:pinkiegasp::yay::twilightoops::raritystarry::moustache::ajsmug:

All he had to do is just "not hear" what the others said, forcing them to all kill themselves for being pony supremacists, or just burn all of the oxygen in the case with his fire breath.. Well, assuming they got fireproof glass, else he's just gonna send glass modern art to Princess Celestia.
(And then a bunch of molten bones. What? They were probably all changelings anyways.)

So...that's it? Was it a dream? If it wasn't a dream then Princess Celestia would banish them!

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