• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 1,941 Views, 39 Comments

Fighting against their code - the ninja king

Spike is trapped in a crazy research facility controlled by even crazier A.I.s. He is also is trying to get out, but with the crazy A.I.s will be impossible

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A fragment of Spike's shattered past and a companion (edit)

Spike walked out of the elevator to see a long room with a ball of energy bouncing against the walls and ceiling. He turned to his left to see a cube with a gem shaped object in the center of it. Then a clinker opened, and the cube dropped from it.

"Spike," Fluttershy said. "The gem cube will help you throughout this test." Spike grabbed the cube, using it as a shield as he walked down the hall. Luckily, the energy ball wasn't able to pass through the cube he was using as a shield. When he got to the end of the hall, he saw a second room that had a drop for its entrance. Spike dropped down into the room, and saw three doors with orange dots next to each door.

"The three rooms will contain tests that you will need to pass for the door to open," Rainbow Dash explained.

Spike didn’t know what each room had in store for him, which was only a little bit worrisome. So Spike grabbed the gem cube and went to the room to his left. When Spike turned the corner he saw that was an energy ball bouncing off the wall and a door in the middle of the room. Spike also saw a button elevated up on a platform.

Spike walked over and placed the cube on the platform. When the door opened, the energy ball bounded back and hit the wall again. Spike groaned when he saw a second door with another button. He walked over to the button and the door opened to reveal an energy catcher. The ball went in and Spike stepped off the button .

Spike grabbed the cube. Once he had the cube, Spike exited room and passed through the doorway in front of him. When he turned the corner, he saw a cannon aimed at a closed door. Next to the cannon was one of the big buttons. Spike also noted that on the other end was another button with platforms, forming a path to the final button.

"Sugar cube, you need to shoot a ball into the empty room," Applejack said. "The cannon is the only way to shoot a ball into the room." When Spike put the cube on the button next the cannon, he heard the ticking of a clock counting down. Spike jumped on each platform while hearing the ticking getting progressively faster. Spike climbed onto the final platform when the ticking was fast enough that Spike wondered why the cannon had not fired yet. Spike quickly pressed the button, and luckily the door opened just as the timer stopped. The cannon fired, and the ball entered the room through the door.

Unfortunately, the door had the same ticking sound, but it was much faster than the cannon's. It closed just as Spike had started to jump back to the cannon. Spike grabbed the gem cube and went into the third room.
But when he was walking down the third hallway, he saw that there was a little hole in the wall. When Spike looked through it, he saw that there was some concrete on the other side. So he shot an orange portal into the room, but he didn't see a concrete in his room. He only saw white walls that made up the wall. But, on a whim, Spike shot a blue portal on the white wall. Spike smiled when he saw through the blue portal.

Once inside the room, he saw more scribblings of the phrase 'The party is a... ' line. But he saw more scribblings that were much smaller around pictures of ponies and dragons with their faces replaced with the same cube that he is using. As he walked through the room, he saw a doodle of a camera and the words 'They're watching.'

'Holy crap! Whoever wrote this is crazy,' Spike thought.

Spike walked out of the room and back into the hallway. Spike grabbed the cube before he entered last test chamber. He saw the chamber was completely white and had a big red button in the center of the room. Spike put the gem cube on the button, and watched as one of the walls tilted up. He shot a blue portal at the now angled wall, and an orange beneath him. Spike went through the blue portal and plummeted towards ground. Before he could hit the ground, he shot a blue portal, so he could be propelled out of the orange portal. But there wasn't a platform to land on, instead there was a second angled wall.

Quickly Spike shot a blue portal at the new wall, and an orange one at the ground as he fell. When he fell through the orange portal he slingshotted out of the blue portal fast. Luckily, there was a platform for Spike to land on.
When he landed on the platform, he saw that it was another white room, but it was much smaller; and he could see there was a small platform with a small button on the wall. Spike shot an orange portal on the ceiling above the platform and a blue one right in front of him. Spike stepped into the blue portal, and landed on the platform. Spike walked over the button, pressing it quickly .The ding was so loud that it echoed throughout the chamber. Spike jumped from the platform to the bottom floor.

He walked to the main chamber with the gem cube. The door that had previously been closed was now open. Spike went into the newly opened room. Inside the room was a closed door, a closed cylinder, and a button behind a piece of glass.
"Spike, the gem cube can't come with you," Twilight said. "You need to put the cube into the furnace." Spike put the cube on the closed cylinder, walked over to the button and pressed it. When he pressed it the cylinder opened and the gem cube fell down into the furnace. "Wow, the was surprisingly fast. Most others took longer to come to a decision." The closed door opened, inviting Spike to enter.

"Spike, when you become a scientist, bring your kid to 'Bring Your Kid to Work Day'!" Pinkie Pie exalted. Spike started to ponder a bit on what Pinkie had said because it sounded so familiar. Then, as a part of his memory returned, he gained a sense of weightlessness, and he sailed into space.

A younger Spike in a blue tank top and red shorts was in a car. Next to him was a food battery. A woman with bubble gum pink hair with a white lab coat was driving the car.

"Mom, when are we going to get to Aperture Science?" he whined.

"Soon, Spike. Soon," she said.

"Mom, is this going to be like when I went to Black Mesa?"

"No, son, it’s not going to be like that at all."

"Good, because I didn't like lying to aunty Luna."
When the flashback ended, the elevator doors opened, and Spike was faced with his next challenge.

Author's Note:

edits done by DurpyMuffin7 and OrangishPurple